Showing posts with label Nit Wit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nit Wit. Show all posts

Monday 2 September 2024

Big Birthday Number 12

 I had an image in mind for this card but decided this one worked better and then I could use the other one next year lol. I am finding it hard to believe that this young lady is 18, she is such a sweet, kind and chatty person, I love spending time with her.

I went with the shaped card again, I was going to go with eclipse but thought nope shaped is what is needed. I do love my cricut for these, I can make them so quickly and they are so effective too.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Twice as nice

Another revisited design and I really enjoyed making them both. I love Mo Manning images she captures the look of kids so well, I have been using her images since 2009 and I am amazed by how timeless they are. Think I might even use this design for next years cards too. Plus this is a printed paper pack and I definitely need to use it up.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Big Birthday Number 9

An elegant shaped card this time, I was originally going to add a tamagotchi to this card but thought I can do that for next year and make this one a bit more sophisticated. 

A strange thing did happen whilst colouring this image though, you might be able to tell from the top of the dress but my copic was dry, I was chatting with my friend Jane and she said I needed to weigh the copic before refilling as I was creating more issues by not fully refilling them each time, she watched a youtube video entitled "death by drips" and it was explained fully in there. I decided to try it and omg it is like having new copics again, they are so different and the blended like butter so guess who is weighing all her copics now lol.

Friday 26 April 2024

Magnificent Seven are Three

I remade a card from over ten years ago and this might be the magnificent Seven boys design for this year. I updated it a little bit but it’s still the same but different lol. I have been struggling with crafting for a while so I am trying to recreate old designs as I’m hoping that kick starts my mojo cos I have too much stuff to give it up .

Friday 15 September 2023

Magnificent 7 are 2 version 4

 The last of the magnificent 7 cards for this year…. now what am I going to do next year lol.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Little Girl First Birthday

Last year there were only two babies born amongst my family and friends and within a week of each other too. This year it is looking like there won’t be any at all!! 

I used a lot and I mean a lot of crystal glaze on the balloons and they are super shiny in real life.

Friday 18 November 2022

Apple Anyone?

Of course when I showed the matching one of these the other day you didn't think she was a one off did you....don't be daft lol. If I have a few littles turning the same age and they don't know/see each other then why reinvent the wheel lol, plus I do think these images are super cute

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Slumber anyone?

When I made this card back in early 2022 I was obsessed with this sketch and I am sure you saw lots of examples using it. Of course that obsession was replaced with another and probably by now at least three more lol

Obsessions seems to occupy both my mind and my card making especially since the pandemic started, not sure why making multiples using either a sketch, stencil or image has quelled the deamons but it has/does so long may they continue.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

I scream for Ice Cream

The final 70th card for this year and the only one that wasn't posted across the pond lol. 

I knew what images I wanted to use on this card when I bought them so of course i struggled to find the set once the card needed to be made lol.

I am really enjoying making the number cards on my cricut, I find them oddly satisfying and I can't see a reason to stop anytime soon lol.

The final thing to say is to wish all my friends who have celebrated big birthdays this year a very happy day and I hope there was lots of cake lol. 

Friday 26 August 2022

Different 1st birthday boys

So this should have been published last year and I only realised it hadn’t when I went looking on my blog for this image. As my blog is my visual reference point I thought I will publish the cards so I can find them again lol.

Both of these boys have older brothers and I used the usual first birthday image for their cards so I went with a different one but still by Mo, she has so many to choose from and this one is only $1. Such an absolute bargain.


Image: Baby with Wagon from Digital Pencil

Dies: Blueprints 1 and 13. square stax and notched border die all MFT, scalloped square from Craftstash brand

Card: real red from Stamping Up

Paper: Toy Box from Nit Wit

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Driving by again

I made this card in another paper design and I’m not sure which I prefer, of course I will be recreating for the magnificent sevens birthday next year so I can try lots of different colour schemes lol.

Image: Leon from Wee Stamps

Dies: Blueprints 1 and 13 and notched border die all MFT

Card: real red from Stamping Up

Paper: Toy Box from Nit Wit

Saturday 20 August 2022

Driving by

I am just about to make the 3rd birthday card for this young man when I realised I hadn’t shown his 2nd birthday one lol.

Another tried and tested design and again one I will recreate as I love this image. Sometimes an image is just too perfect and this is that image lol.


Image: Leon from Wee Stamps

Wednesday 17 August 2022

1st birthday boy version 2

The final version, this year at least, I am thinking of next year already lol.

I do love this image and it’s a good job as I’ve used it so many times now, thank heavens for digis as you scan resize them,

Sunday 14 August 2022

1st birthday boys version 1

Another tried and tested design, I had meant to pop the names on each one but I think I was so busy congratulating myself on being ahead of the game I forgot lol, oh well there is always next year.

I created a few of this design but changed the hair colour to reflect the little ones, expect to see the other versions soon.

Thursday 11 August 2022

1st birthday girls

I can’t believe I am about to start making next years 1st birthday cards and I haven’t shown this years yet.

Lockdown seemed to have a huge effect on the number of babies born and this year eclipsed 2013 (the year the big six arrived) and between family and friends we welcomed 7 new little ones to love on. I think I might refer to them collectively as the magnificent seven. Of course now I have Yul Bryner stuck in my head lol.

So of course I went with a tried and tested design and I am already thinking about next years card design lol.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Mother's Day 2022

Another style of card I’m enjoying is using my cricut to cut multiple layers, they recently introduced the ability on the iPad and I’m obsessed. Expect to see more of this style lol. 

My only criticism is the original letters needed to be closer together and stretched lol. Also I had to make the envelope and that took longer than the card lol.

My mum loved it though and that’s what matters most.    

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Dino Boy

Now what do you do when the image you are using for the two year old boys was already used for the big brothers card well you go a completely different way thats what lol.

I enjoyed colouring this dragon/dino boy to look like a welsh dragon even though he isn't welsh lol.


Image: Dino Boy from Digistamp Boutique (no longer trading)

Dies: Blueprints 1 and 13 and notched border die all MFT

Card: real red from Stamping Up

Paper: Toy Box from Nit Wit

Saturday 27 November 2021

Good ship lollipop

Oh my I made this card so long ago I have forgotten what I used but I do know it’s a Mo Manning digi and the little one thought it was her as it had her curly hair. I do love that about these images there is so much variety that you can always find one that looks like the recipient.

Probably why I own so many of them lol. 

Tuesday 7 September 2021

The Year of First Birthdays Version 4

This image is only a dollar from Mo Manning and what a bargain and it’s totally adorable too. I think it’s my favourite of the 1st birthday boy cards, not sure if it’s the image or the papers or the combo of the two that appeals to me so much.

I kind of followed the sketch I always use even if the image is different, this might be my new favourite design for next years cards but I am not going to try making them yet lol.


Image: Baby with Wagon Mo's Digital Pemcil

Paper: Toy box from Nit Wit

Card: real red from Stampin Up

Dies: circle and stitched circles, basic stitched edges borders all MFT and XXL stitched square from Crealies

Saturday 4 September 2021

The Year of First Birthdays Version 3

My usual style of 1st birthday card and using my usual image too. I had to make a lot of boy 1st birthday cards this year and next year is going to be the same. The boys have overtaken the girls for the first time in years.

As this little one is the first baby and my cousins first grandchild I could go with my tried and tested design but the next one I had to change up a little.


Image: Kai is one from Mo's Digital Pencil

Dies: mft basic edges borders, circle and stitched circle stax all MFT and XXL stitched squares from Crealies.

Card: Orange zest from Papertrey Ink

Paper: Party Animal from Nit Wit