Showing posts with label Sue Wilson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sue Wilson. Show all posts

Thursday 15 December 2022

Paper-pieced Christmas Version 2

You didn't expect yesterdays card to be the only version I made did you lol. Whilst chatting with friends and showing them the die they noticed the packaging had the words cut in red, black and white and it was stunning. I of course wanted to use the kraft card bases I had left over so I thought why not ivory, cranberry and pine as a combo and it worked amazingly, also I got two for the price of one lol.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Paper-pieced Christmas

Can you believe I bought this die in the Country View Crafts advent sale in 2021 and cut all the pieces in January and only just assembled and made the cards. Of course in that time I have lost all the little inner bits but I still like it without them and the recipients aren't cardmakers so hopefully won't realise anything is missing. 

Its such a large image I really didn't add anything else to it.