Showing posts with label Beverages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverages. Show all posts

April 26, 2018

Hibiscus Lemonade Recipe / Sembaruthi Lemonade with Sabja Seeds

Feel that lemon juice is too boring and want to prepare something colorful?
Hibiscus lemonade is a great choice which was suggested by my friend Sushma. I used to have hibiscus based milk during my childhood. My father used to bring hibiscus flower and my mother used to create hibiscus milk (Recipe HERE) as alternative to branded milk drinks.

Recipe Cuisine : Indian | Recipe Category: Beverage
Preparation Time: 2 mins  | Cooking Time : 10 mins |  Serves: 6
Red Hibiscus Flower
2 cups
¼ - ½ cup
Lemon Juice
As Required ( 2 tsp for 1 cup)
Sabja Seeds
As Required ( 1 tsp for 1 cup)

1.  Separate the petals from the flower. [Don’t use the stem and pollen]
2. Add water in a bowl, bring to boil.
3. Add Sugar and wait still the sugar dissolves completely. Stir the mixture occasionally.
4. Add the hibiscus petals and mix them well. Close the lid of the pan and keep the flame in medium flame.
5. Allow it to boil for 3-4 mins. Allow it to cool down completely.
6. Strain the hibiscus sugar water using the strainer.
7. Store this hibiscus syrup in a clean air tight bottle and keep it in the refrigerator for later use.

How to make Hibiscus Lemonade?
8. Add 2-3 ice cubes, ¾ cup water and ¼ cup syrup in a glass.
9. Add 2-3 tsp of lemon juice with the above syrup mixture (from 8) and mix them well.
   Yummy and healthy Hibiscus Lemonade is ready to serve.
How to make Hibiscus Lemonade with Sabja Seeds?

10. Soak 1 tsp of sabja seed with ¼ cup of water for 15 mins.
11. Add this soaked sabja seeds with soaked water with the hisbiscus lemonade (from 9). Mix them well and serve.

1. Use 5 petals red hibiscus flower only.
2. Use brown sugar or palm jaggery instead of sugar.
3. Store this syrup in a refrigerator for 15 days.

April 21, 2018

Elachi Shrikhand Recipe | Summer Recipes

 Having a sudden guest to your house in this summer and don’t know what to serve instead of tea or coffee. Shrikhand is a great cool alternative which can be prepared in minutes. All you have to do is to have hung curd prepared in advance. You can keep giving this cool and healthy thirst squasher to your kids and family instead of chemical based cool drinks.

Recipe Cuisine : Indian | Recipe Category: Dessert
Preparation Time: 5 mins  |  Serves: 2-3
Thick Curd / Yogurt
2 cups
½ cup or required
Cardamom Powder
¼ tsp
To Serve:

Chopped Badam
1 tsp per serve

Hung Curd:
1. Take a wide bowl and keep juice strainer over the bowl.
2. Pour the curd over the strainer.
3. Close the strainer with plate.  
4. Now keep this bowl with the strainer in a refrigerator for 5-6 hrs or overnight.
5. Now you can get a thick cheese like curd.
How to make Shrikhand?
6. In a bowl, add thick curd (from 5), sugar and cardamom powder. Mix them well with whish or ladle.
7. Serve one scoop of this curd and top it with chopped nuts.

     Yummy and delicious dessert is ready to serve.

1. You can use any dry fruits for topping.
2. You can use powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar.
3. Adjust the sugar level according to your taste.

April 17, 2018

Thai Iced Coffee Recipe | Recipes Around the World

Coffee for us is always hot degree coffee. Eventhough cold coffee is very famous in Restaurants, for some reason we don’t try it cold. Thai Iced Coffee is easy to make recipe and the taste is more like Madurai Jigirthanda. I strongly insist not to miss this in this summer.  

Click HERE to view more SUMMER Recipes

Recipe Cuisine : International / Thailand | Recipe Category: Beverages
Preparation Time: 10 mins  | Cooking Time: 5 mins | Yields: 3 cups
Coffee Syrup (Decoction)
½ cup
Condensed Milk (Recipe HERE)
¼ cup
¼ cup
Ice Cubes
As required
Fresh Cream
¼ cup

1. In a bowl, add ¼ cup of coffee syrup, condensed milk and milk. Mix them well with ladle.
2. Bring them to boil. Immediately switch off the flame. Allow it to cool down completely. Then refrigerate it for 2 hours.
3. Keep the remaining coffee decoction in a refrigerator for 2 hours.
4.  Add few ice cubes in a tall glass. Then add 1 tbsp of coffee syrup (from 3) and ½ cup of the coffee mixture (from 2). Finally add 2 tbsp of fresh cream on the top. Don’t mix them. Serve as it is.
      Wow yummy and delicious Thai Iced Coffee is ready to sip.

1. I have used Amul fresh cream for this recipe.

Homemade Condensed Milk Video Recipe:

April 4, 2018

Batido de Papaya ( Colombian Papaya Smoothie)

Papaya smoothie is a very healthy summer drink. Unfortunately it is not tasty enough for some people especially kids of all ages. Colombians have made a solution for this. They add vanilla essence to dilute the flavor of papaya. A definite try out for you this hot summer season.

Click HERE to view more Summer Recipes.

Recipe Cuisine : International / Colombia| Recipe Category: Smoothie
Preparation Time: 10 mins | Serves : 1

Papaya pieces
1/2 cup
Boiled cold milk
1 cup
3-4 tbsp
Vanilla essence
½ tsp
Cardamom Powder
A pinch
Ice Cubes
1 cup

1. Peel the skin of the papaya and remove the seeds from it. Then cut it into small cubes. Now take ½ cup of papaya cubes for this recipe.
2. Grind papaya, sugar and ice cubes into fine paste.
3. Then add milk, essence and cardamom powder. Grind them well and strain using the juice strainer. 
     Yummy papaya milkshake is ready.

1. Add milk only when you are about to serve, otherwise it will become after short period of time.

March 27, 2018

Yogurt and Fruit Parfait Recipe | International Recipes

Parfait is a French style layered dessert. We have to use different fruits and creams for creating different layers. In this recipe, I used fruits and yogurt for creating the layers. Parfait is always very attractive and kids gonna love it. Parfait is the nice way to make kids have even fruits they don’t like. Just put them in a intermediate layer.

Recipe Cuisine : International / France | Recipe Category: Dessert
Preparation Time: 10 mins  |  Serves: 2

Thick Curd / Yogurt
½ cup
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
Chopped Fruits (mango, banana, papaya, etc.,)
¼ cup
Chopped Badam
1 tsp

1. Add curd, honey and sugar in a bowl. Mix them well and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
2. Remove the skin of the fruits and chop them into small pieces.
3. Take a long glass jar, first add 2 tbsp curd and then add 2 tbsp fruits.
4. Again add curd and fruits.
5. Again add curd and fruits.
6. Finally sprinkle chopped badam and serves it immediately.

1. Fruits are your choice.
2. Add 2 tbsp of honey instead of sugar and vice versa.

March 26, 2018

Afghan’s Sharbat-E-Rayhan / Basil Seed Shrub

Basil seeds are very healthy as it has lot of fiber, pottasium, magnesium, etc., which helps in weight loss, diabetic, blood control.

This Afghan recipe sharbat is the simplest with basil seeds. Afghans just add rose essence along with basil seeds to sugar water for this recipe. Takes mins to make but the taste lingers for hours together.

Click HERE to view 50+ Summer Recipes.

Recipe Cuisine : International / Afghan | Recipe Category: Beverage
Preparation Time: 15 mins | Yields: 3 cups

Sabja Seeds / Basil Seeds
1 tsp
Warm Water
½ cup
¼ cup
Cold Water
2 cups
Rose Essence or Rosemilk Essence
1 tsp
Ice Cubes
As required

1. Soak the basil seeds in warm water for 10-15 mins or the seeds become double in its size and become translucent.
2. Meanwhile, Add sugar, cold water and essence in a bowl. Mix them well till the sugar dissolves completely.
3. Add soaked basil seeds with the above mixture. Mix them well.
4. Pour this mixture in tall glasses and add few ice cubes.
     Quick, easy and delicious Afghan’s Sharbat-E-Rayhan is ready to serve.

1. Adjust the sugar level according to your taste.
2. Add brown sugar or honey instead of white sugar.
3. Rose essence is enough, but rosemilk essence gives attractive color to the shrub.

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