Showing posts with label Juices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Juices. Show all posts

March 26, 2018

Afghan’s Sharbat-E-Rayhan / Basil Seed Shrub

Basil seeds are very healthy as it has lot of fiber, pottasium, magnesium, etc., which helps in weight loss, diabetic, blood control.

This Afghan recipe sharbat is the simplest with basil seeds. Afghans just add rose essence along with basil seeds to sugar water for this recipe. Takes mins to make but the taste lingers for hours together.

Click HERE to view 50+ Summer Recipes.

Recipe Cuisine : International / Afghan | Recipe Category: Beverage
Preparation Time: 15 mins | Yields: 3 cups

Sabja Seeds / Basil Seeds
1 tsp
Warm Water
½ cup
¼ cup
Cold Water
2 cups
Rose Essence or Rosemilk Essence
1 tsp
Ice Cubes
As required

1. Soak the basil seeds in warm water for 10-15 mins or the seeds become double in its size and become translucent.
2. Meanwhile, Add sugar, cold water and essence in a bowl. Mix them well till the sugar dissolves completely.
3. Add soaked basil seeds with the above mixture. Mix them well.
4. Pour this mixture in tall glasses and add few ice cubes.
     Quick, easy and delicious Afghan’s Sharbat-E-Rayhan is ready to serve.

1. Adjust the sugar level according to your taste.
2. Add brown sugar or honey instead of white sugar.
3. Rose essence is enough, but rosemilk essence gives attractive color to the shrub.

March 24, 2018

Panakam Recipe for Rama Navami | Panagam Recipe

Usually we prepare Panakm juice for Rama Navami. Even though it is lemon juice with jaggery, it is surprising that we don’t prepare it on normal occasions. My suggestion is that you should make this drink as a regular from this summer as it has dry ginger powder for spiciness and makes panakm as very refreshing drink.

Recipe Cuisine : South Indian | Recipe Category: Beverage
Preparation Time: 10 mins | Yields: 2 ½ cups

Grated Jaggery
½ cup (1 cup = 240 ml)
Dry Ginger Powder / Sukku Powder
½ tsp
Cardamom Powder
½ tsp
Lemon Juice
1 tbsp
2 cups or required
For Garnish:

Basil Leaves (optional)
As Required

1. Powder or grate the jaggery using the grater.
2. Mix this grated jaggery with water and mix them well till the jaggery dissolves completely.
3. Strain the above jaggery juice using the strainer.
4. Now add the dry ginger powder, cardamom powder and lemon juice with the jaggery juice. Mix them well.
5. Serve as it is or chill and serve. Before serve sprinkle the basil leaves over the top of the juice.

1. Adjust the jaggery level according to your taste.
2. Color of the panakm depends on the color of the jaggery.

March 14, 2018

Cantaloupe Agua Fresca (Muskmelon Lemonade)

Cantaloupe Agua Fresca is yet another Mexican muskmelon recipe to try this season. This is nothing but muskmelon lemonade. Found it to be very good.

Related Links:

Recipe Cuisine : International / Mexico | Recipe Category: Beverages / Juice
Preparation Time: 10 | Yields: 3 cups | Source: chowhound

Cantaloupe (muskmelon) pieces
1 cup
3 tbsp
Lemon Juice
1 tbsp
2 cups
Finely chopped muskmelon
¼ cup
Ice Cubes

1. Remove the skin and seeds of the muskmelon. Then Chop them into small chunks. Take one cup from this chopped muskmelon.
2. Then chop the musk melon into small pieces for garnishing.
3. Grind the muskmelon with 1 cup of water into fine paste.
4. Strain the juice with juice strainer.
5. Add remaining water, sugar and lemon juice. Mix them well.
6. Pour the juice in a glass, add 2 ice cubes in each glass and finely chopped muskmelon.
Server it immediately and enjoy this summer.

1. Adjust the sugar level according to your taste.
2. Adjust the water level according to the juice consistency.
3. Ice cubes are optional.

March 13, 2018

Horchata-de-Melon / Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) Seeds Drink

We search for different food items having Omega 3 fatty acids and proteins. Muskmelon seeds which is available in plenty during  summer also have Omega-3, proteins and some mineral minerals also. In Mexico, people collect Muskmelon seeds and create juices from it.
I tried it and it was really tasty as well. Don’t let this summer go without trying this juice.

Related Links:

Recipe Cuisine : International / Mexico | Recipe Category: Beverage
Preparation Time: 10 mins  | Yields: 4 cups | Source: Saveur
Cantaloupe / Muskmelon Seeds
½ cup (from 1 melon)
2-3 tbsp
Vanilla Essence
¼ tsp
¼ tsp
3 cups

1. Grind the melon seeds into fine paste using 1 cup of water.
2. Strain the juice with juice strainer. Some un-grind seeds left on the strainer.
3. Again grain the un-grind seeds with 2 cups of water.
4. Again strain the juice with the juice strainer.
5. Add salt, honey and vanilla essence with the juice. Mix them well.
6. Add ice cubes and serve it immediately.

1. Add sugar instead of honey.
2. Adjust the honey level according to your taste.
3. Essence is optional.

February 21, 2018

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon Honey Juice Recipe

This muskmelon (Cantaloupe) honey juice is not only healthy but also tasty juice. Muskmelons are rich Beta Carotene and low in calories Don’t miss to make this juice in this season.

Click HERE to view more Juice Recipes.

Recipe Cuisine : International | Recipe Category: Baking
Preparation Time: 10 mins  | Cooking Time: 10 mins | Yields: 20 cookies

Muskmelon (small size)
1 tbsp
As required                         
Ice Cubes (optional)

1.  Cut the musk melon into two halves.
2. Remove the seeds using the spoon.
3. Cut the musk melon into small strips.
4. Remove the skin of the musk melon using the knife.
5. Cut the melon into small cubes.
6. Add the melon and ice cubes in a blender. Blend them into smooth paste.
7. Add required water and blend again for 10 secs.
8. Strain the juice with juice strainer.
9. Add honey, mix them well and serve.

1. Add sugar instead of honey.
2. Ice cubes are optional. You can serve at room temperature.
3. Adjust the water level according to the juice consistency.

January 11, 2018

Fig and Strawberry Juice | Fig Recipes | Juice Recipes

This is fig and strawberry season. This combination of Fig and Strawberry is a big hit in my home and will be also be a big hit in yours too. Also, fig is very good for increasing hemoglobin.

Related Link:
4. FCP Juice 

Recipe: Cuisine | Recipe Category: Beverages
Preparation Time: 10 mins  |  Yields: 2 cups

Fresh Fig Fruit
4 nos
1 tbsp
As required

1. Remove the skin of the figs and cut them into small chunks.
2. Wash and cut the strawberries into small pieces.
3. Blend the chopped figs, strawberries, water and honey in a blender till the fruits grind into smooth paste.
4. Strain the juice using the juice strainer and serve it chill or at room temperature.

1. Adjust the honey level according to your taste.
2. You can use sugar instead of honey.

April 10, 2017

Iced Lemon Tea

Beat the heat with this healthy and tasty Iced Lemon Tea. Easy to make within 6 mins. Don’t miss it.

Click here to view Summer Recipes.

Recipe Cuisine : International | Recipe Category: Beverages
Preparation Time: 10 mins  | Cooking Time: 10 mins | Yields: 2 cups

Tea Powder
1 tsp
2 cup
1 tbsp
Lemon Juice
1 tbsp
Ice Cubes
As required

1. Add water in a vessel, bring it into boil.
2. When it starts boiling, add tea powder and keep the flame at simmer.
3. Allow it to boil for 2-3 mins. Then switch off the flame and leave it for a min.
4. Then strain the tea using the tea strainer.
5. Add sugar and lemon juice with the tea extract. Mix them well.
6. Add ice cubes and serve it chill.
        Delicious and coooollllll Iced Lemon Tea is ready within 6 mins.


1. Adjust the sugar level according to your taste.
2. Add Honey instead of sugar.

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