Showing posts with label Aberdeen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aberdeen. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Goodbye, I miss You All

MY FEW MONTHS STAY has finally come to an end.  Going to miss this cooling time there, simething entirely different from my normal life in Malaysia.  I get to mix with the youngsters from other countries, learning their culture and they following our malaysian lingual talking with "lah" at the end of the sentences.  So much fun and laughter... I am missing them now...
Night before we departed, we had dinner together and I was surprised with some gifts from them....
Goodbye gifts and a card signed by many of them..
I am so touched! 
Early next morning we went to the airport..
And soon, it was time to leave for another country....
Our lunch at the London airport..
Bye aberdeen!! 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Footdee, The Hidden Gem In Aberdeen

THE DAY BEFORE LEAVING "GRANITE CITY, my friend took me to Footdee or Fittie.  So nice of her to take me, even my son had never been there before.  This place is actually very near to the beach, one of Aberdeen's hidden gems although it sits there in plain sight overlooking the sea.  My friend called it Fisherman Village, a small area filled with quaint cottages and brightly coloured sheds.  Thanks to my friend, I managed to stroll along with her and took these photographs before leaving Aberdeen....
Rows of cute little cottages.... from the 1800s...
Did I see lines of clothing out for drying? 
Reminds me of my own village houses in Malaysia....
Walking along...
 Cute little cottages....
Interested buyers around?
And the two ladies having "fun" at the Footdee and the Pier...
Thank you C for taking the trouble to show me around...
Really miss our outings, singings and eatings!! LOL...


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Ladies' Day Outing To Harvesters And Woodbanks, Aberdeen


Three of us ladies went to Harvesters for lunch for a two course special deal.  It cost around 9pounds and it is a good deal with unlimited salad servings.  We had a good time there chatting and eating of course... and in the evening, we came out again, this time to have a light meal at Woodbanks.  This is a very rare occasion it seems.... they came out to bid me Farewell!! Yes, I am going to leave Aberdeen very soon.... during these few months, our friendship have developed.... and I am sure I will miss them lots!!
Started with my bowl of DIY salad....
My two lady friends chose these as starters....
Mary's choice...
C's Gammon....
And mine... I really do not know what it is...
Beef stew or something....
And lastly and not least.... I chose this for my desserts fix!
In the evening, we ladies at Woodbanks....
Thank you ladies for taking your precious time off to have fun with me...
I really appreciate the time we had together....
I hope we can do this year after year!!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Sweet Temptations At Aberdeen Beach


Since the days are longer here in summer, we take full advantage of that.  Eventhough Aaron comes home after 6pm each evening, we still have time to take a long stroll from our place to the beach in broad daylight.  The walk to the beach takes around half hour and by the time we reach home, it is still very bright at around 8pm or after. 

So what lured me to the beach even though it takes one hour walk?  None other than my favourite desserts... Ice Cream!  Aaron tempted me with an invitation... "Wanna have ice cream at the beach?"  Jom, let's go!! Desserts before dinner, how about that?  LOL..
After a 15 minutes walk, we have to ascend a hill....
It overlooks some buildings... and....
... the beach of course.....
Just beautiful.... despite the cold...
Wow...I see a strong boy here... or am I the weak one?
Nice evenings during the summer....
... to have evening walks..... stay healthy!!
And we joined in the crowd on this day.....
Yay!! Got what we wanted... our purpose in walking....
He chose the soft ice cream whereas mine is the scoopy type!!
And after that, a long walk home again...
Calories justified... dinner next!!


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

My "Family" In Aberdeen

FEELS GOOD.. to feel young among the youngsters....

Staying in Aberdeen makes me wish that I am young again, to experience university life with the students.  Each day I see them, they are just staying around us, left, right, up and down.  LOL... We share our meals, inviting each other to come over, having the same interest, singing, playing badminton, bowling.... the list is endless!  After staying for so many weeks, these youngsters are like a family to me.  Auntie or not, I tend to forget my age when I am with them and I am so touched that they count me in as well!  LOL...
We have meals together, whether it is inside the house or outside...
My extended family from various countries....
Asian smiles....
Gathering at Woodbanks....
A talented student always entertain us with songs..
And his rendition of "Perfect" is indeed Perfect!!
Our favourite restaurant at all times!!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Dating Night Special At Miller & Carter, Aberdeen

MIA! Been missing from blogging for the past few days... it has been 10 years over since I started to blog, first few years, I was very faithfully writing away... I am still wondering How I was able to do that during my working years and not now when I am retired..... queer, right?

Alright, let me get back to the next post..... according to my photo gallery, this post will be on a steak post, this time we had to make reservations few days in advance.  Miller & Carter is the name and we started walking from our place to town at 5.30pm.  Our reservation was at 6pm and it took us nearly half an hour walking to reach.  That is what I like about Aberdeen... eat more and yet not worrying about gaining weight!

It was a Thursday Date night, the 3 course meal cost is special on this day.  So the 6 of us went for the Date night special though only one couple is actually "dating."  The rest of us just wanted to try the special on this evening.  Not cheap though... One person is like paying 33 pounds!

The meal started off with appetizer...
Chicken and Duck thigh for Aaron...
Mine was Calamari..
Then the main meal.... salad was served in a wooden bowl....
And fried sweet potato chips...
Aaron's order... Rum steak or something like that...
Medium done and Aaron complained it was a bit dry.....
Mine was Sirloin Steak...
Which was done to my expectations.... medium done, tender and soft....
I gave some of this to Aaron since his meat was not as nice as mine....
We had a glass of red wine for 5 pounds...
As for desserts, we chose the Sticky Toffee Pudding since this is a Scottish dessert...
Warm Caramelized Pudding.....
Cheese cake with chocolate toppings...
The special night for the 6 of us....
Indeed a very costly night too...
For that kind of money, it is enough to cover one week's grocery!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...