Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Multi Grain Dumplings From The Leaf

DUMPLING SEASON?  My brother called up and asked me... 

Oh yeah, it is coming soon, perhaps in less than a month.  My brother is a vegetarian for more than 10 years now... .he does not eat meat, fish nor eggs, he is not the religious vegetarian whereby garlic are forbidden too.  In fact he takes a lot of raw garlic, he is a self proclaimed vegetarian.... 

And he asked me whether I am interested in consuming vegetarian dumpling few days ago.  He even sent me an image to "tempt" me... LOL... and yes, I am smitten.  One box consists of 8 dumplings and cost RM69.  I wanna try.... it consists of millets, black eye peas... black rice.. etc etc...No glutinous rice, that is fine with me.  Nowadays I cannot take in too much glutinous rice, I will get indigestion whole day.

Oh, I ended up not getting one box but three, yes, I became Santa Claus for a day... LOL...  And he made the orders and collected them from an organic shop here in Ipoh.

This is the image I received....
Looks good, eh.... 
I googled it and they are produced in Penang...
I steamed one... 
Oversteamed and it was quite soft.... 
More on beans which I like....
The orange colour is carrots to replace "salted eggs"
There are 3 pieces of mushrooms and two chestnuts...
Yes, I like it...
Something different and definitely can digest easier!

Friday, July 28, 2017

A Choice Of Vegetarian Food At Vegan Life, Ipoh

REACHED HOME SAFELY FROM THE HIGHLANDS AROUND 5PM... Thank God for a wonderful bonding trip with my girl and feeling refreshed as usual... LOL....

I was glad that we came back in time for I had a dinner appointment with my ex-schoolmates at 6.30pm.  No, I was not tired, in fact I was looking forward to the evening out with my friends, catching up with one another on today's facts and fancies.  No worries about my girl's dinner, all she wants is bread and more bread, a loaf of Massimo with organic peanut butter and she is more than happy!  LOL...

As for her mom, yours truly, I did not go for anything fancy, in fact, the food was healthy and tasty too!  For a change, we went for vegetarian food at Vegan Life at Ipoh Garden East.  One of my friends is a frequent to this shop and she recommended these food below for our dinner.  The food turned out tastier than I expected them to be.... though they may not be attractive as those normal and "meaty" restaurants, the taste somehow suits my fussy tastebuds!
Sambal Petai with rice... 
The sauce is sourish with a tad of sweet and spicy a bit... Nice!
Claypot mushroom porridge!
I was skeptical at first, how would this be tasty with mushrooms in porridge??
Well, try it and now I know I like it too!
I played safe at first, I ordered Fried Meehoon... 
Lots of mushrooms too, not oily and looks pretty healthy to me too!
My friend also recommended the Pumpkin Soup 
And it came with 4 pieces of  crispy baguette...
Lastly and not least, we had a side dish...
A sweet, sour and a bit of spicy "meat"
It is actually soft beancurd skin rolled up...
Another 4 Likes from US!
After our dinner, we "baru" remember to take a picture for remembrance... 
Just before we left the place with satisfying and full tummies!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...