Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Get The WOW Factor Year-Round With Your Low Maintenance Garden

The whole idea of a low maintenance garden is a dream for the busy gardener. You may have a green thumb, but if you have a full time job, a family and a house to look after, finding the time to get into the garden and look after it can feel impossible. The last thing that you want to do, is come home every day to a backyard that is totally overgrown and needing love and attention that you just don’t have the time to give. The idea of a low maintenance garden is so that you can create something beautiful, then kick back and relax while it keeps on looking gorgeous all year around.

You may actually have a garden with your home, but hate being outside in the garden at all! If you’re not interested in spending time pruning the rose bushes and laying the flower beds, then you’ve got your work cut out for you – unless, of course, you go for low maintenance. We’re talking shingle beds instead of flower ones, metal buildings to hold your tools and garden machinery, artificial lawns; you name it, you can get it low maintenance. All you need to know is how to get there, so that you can enjoy the garden space that you have with as little effort as possible. We’ve put together some tips to get you exactly that!
     A true low maintenance garden requires you to get rid of all the plants. It sounds drastic, we know, as a garden is designed for flora, fauna and trees. Lots of people choose to pull out every plant and every blade of grass, replacing them with the artificial kind. If you love the sweet smell of lilies, then have some large planters of lilies instead of a border full of them. Even if you don’t get rid of every single plant your garden has, you can significantly reduce how much work your garden takes by cutting back.

     To take it bigger, remove the entire lawn. Cutting and taking care of grass all year round is a challenge, especially if you have a large garden. A healthy lawn takes an awful lot of time and you don’t have to do any of it when artificial grass like this is on the market.

     Adding character to your garden space is easy with arches, arbours and pergolas. They can honestly transform your backyard without costing too much money or taking up too much of your time.

     Choose outdoor furniture that requires little maintenance. Wood always requires coating at least once a year and metal is prone to rusting. Stone benches like this can bring character to your garden as well as a place to sit.

     Add a little modernity to your outdoor space with large steel troughs. You can choose to build a little water feature or simply use them as outdoor planters. They change the look of a natural garden to bring something more updated to the scene.

     The harder your outdoor landscape, the easier it is to take care of. Shingle and stones are easier than grass, but hard cement slabs are easier than shingle. Decking requires a lot of regular cleaning and you will need to move gravel and shingle back into place if the weather takes it up and splashes it across the garden. An outdoor broom on a hook is perfect for an east clean up.

     Hardwood furniture items in the garden – should you want to stay away from stone – is easier to care for than softwood, so check it out here before you buy.
The biggest aim of a gardener who wants a low maintenance area is to relax in it. You don’t want to spend time on your knees pulling weeds if you can avoid it, nor do you want to spend time painting furniture with outdoor paint so that it’s safe from the rain. Gardens are and can be a real place of happiness, relaxation and pleasure, but if you have the type of garden that you cannot enjoy, it won’t be that place for you. The biggest mistake you could make is leaving it to overgrow and look a state. A low maintenance garden may take a little work to get there, but once you do you can kick back and enjoy your space any day of the week. A little bit of forward thinking and planning and a lot of effort can give you the space that you have always dreamed about.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

DIY Steamboat At Home

And my friends suggested DIY steamboat in the house... living hall to be exact!  LOL.. Just the three of us and we have more than enough food on the table.

First of all, my friends did the soup in the rice cooking, putting in chunks of meat and vegetables.  One thing good about the greens is that they are free from pesticide, my friend did her own harvesting and she has planted quite a few varieties.  All we need to do is to wash them with running water and that is it.  Fresh, sweet and tasty greens....  Other than the greens, we bought some fresh salmon, slices of meat, fish balls, enoki, parsley, meehoon and some fried fish ball varieties from Pasir Pinji Big Tree stall.  And our dinner began...
Yes, we sat on the small stools just like the younger days... 
But unfortunately, I could not sit too long on the small stool...
Old bones cannot... 
No more springy like before...

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tips to Buying Your First Home

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For first and even second time homebuyers, purchasing property can be a daunting experience. However, with the inception of property portals like PropertyGuru, it’s extremely easy for us homebuyers to carry out our research by checking out the house for sales section in the website.

Of course things are not as easy as it seems when there are countless of stuff to worry about. If you are unsure of the steps involved, here is a quick, simple-to-follow guide to buying your dream property.

Step 1: Determine Your Budget
Since you have the area or neighborhood in mind already, all you have left is to figure out your budget. If this is going to be the first property you are buying, banks can usually offer you about 90 percent of the required amount. However, this is only possible only if the installments you will be making do not pass the a third of your income, which is inclusive of any other installments you may be servicing. A good credit score can however see you making installments of about a half of your income.

Remember that there will be extra expenses that you need to take into consideration as you draw up your budget. This includes legal charges such as stamp duty or memorandum of transfer, which are likely to cost you a couple of thousands more ringgit. For example, if the house you are looking to purchase is going for RM 600,000, the extra legal charges can come to almost RM 30,000.

Do not rule out the possibility of interest rates increasing some time in the future years, so ensure that your monthly loan installments do not consume a huge proportion of your monthly income.

Step 2: Look at the Property
Get a feel of your property by finding out more about its location like transportation, schools, shopping areas, food establishments, worship places and medical services close by. You can do this easily using an online tool like Property Guru, from the comfort of your home or office. Other information you can find includes the number of bathrooms and bedrooms in the property, furnishing, tenure, and the listing age.
If you are interested in purchasing property under construction, you have the option of registering interest by visiting on the property developer’s website and signing up. When the developer is ready, they are likely to offer you a gallery containing the different units they have put up. Select a unit that intrigues you and pay the booking fee.

When working with developer property, be prepared to wait a couple of years for the completion of the property since most projects in Malaysia are under construction when sales are opened to buyers. Under the Housing Development Act, residential landed properties should be handed over to the new owners within 24 months of signing the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) and 36 months for strata properties.

Step 3: View Your Property
If interested in a certain property, call the involved agent and have them set up a viewing. One of the first things you should find out from the agent is how long they have been marketing the property. If the property is new on the market, there is a chance that you will get a good price. If it was on the market for a significant amount of time, price may be quite high, but this should offer you some bargaining power to add to your arsenal.

Other questions you should ask include:

  • Whether the property is leasehold or freehold
  • The maintenance fees
  • Number of car parking bays belonging to your unit of interest
  • The potential rental income you could be making should you choose to make your property an investment
  • Whether the property is for commercial or residential purposes

Be on the lookout for defects like a leaking roof due to missing roof tiles or structural cracks. Repairs can run into their tens of thousands of ringgit, which should be factored in the price. Ask the owner or agent of the property for the title. Inspect it, and take not of the owner’s name, tenure, official address and land size. Inspecting the official title will help reveal things that the owner may have not mentioned in his or her advertisement.

Step 4: Research Price and Neighborhood
If you’ve found a property you like, you might be tempted to jump into buying. However, before making the offer, go back to the property and talk to the neighbors. Find out if there have been house transactions done lately in the area and at what price. This is also the perfect opportunity to learn more about the security of the neighborhood, upcoming developments and types of neighbors.

Make use of property portal like PropertyGuru to get the best house for sales deal. Before making an offer, find out from your lending institution how much they will be willing to give you for the house. Contact a lawyer to help in drafting and getting the SPA and loan agreements signed. Once you have a loan from the bank, sign a letter of offer and pay about two percent of the purchase price in escrow. Inspect the property again, sign the SPA and the rest of the money and crack out the caviar and champagne, congratulations, you just became a homeowner!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Household Products For Homes

Whenever the topic turns to household chores, my lady friends including me will give a big Sigh... The work in the house never finishes, we readily agree.  Every each day, there will be something for us to do, I do not have a maid now, every part of the house belongs to me... Correction, every part and corner of the house needs to be cleaned, that is more precise.  LOL... Well, of course, I will turn a "blind eye"... I do not like to do housework, who does, anyway?  Those days when my kids were young, washing, cleaning, mopping, sweeping, cooking... all were done by my helper.  Now that my kids have grown up, the maid is the Mama!  Last time I used to store up the cleaning essentials in the house when my helper was around whereas nowadays I only need to buy whenever it is necessary.  No point storing up the products in the house for I do not use them as often as those days.  Age is catching up with me, I only clean my house once a week, wash my bathroom twice a week or whenever necessary, no more daily cleaning, it is too stressful... LOL... That is me, lazy!

As I spend a lot of time on my laptop, I know of many household brands which I find effective and yet environmental friendly.  One of the product brands I am using now is called Human Nature, one of the largest natural personal and home care brand in Asia.  From what I read here in their website, their products are all-natural and chemical-free, that is no SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate which is found in many products on the shelf) no artificial fragrance, no formaldehyde and yet, reasonably priced for average families.  Moreover, the products can be bought just by a few clicks in their website and delivered right to the door step to our homes.

After saying that, I made a few orders and here are some of the products delivered right to my house.
A box of powder detergent, 100% no harmful chemicals... 
I use this powder to wash my bedsheets, mats and towels.... 
For clothing, I prefer liquid detergent...
Loves the fresh smell on my clothes after drying.... 
No overnight or mushy smell which I found on some other brands... 
Hair conditioner to smoothen and soften my dry and thick hair... 
More silky looking even after blowing with a hair dryer... 
I have yet to use this Lavender oil cos so far, no mozzies in my house...
I bought it just in case... Mozzies hate lovely smells, right?
ah... this product is important.. and a necessity...
Bought it for outside use, put into my handbag...
As I am an avid eater, buying stuff and eating there and then, 
I need a good hand sanitizer to clean my hands before indulging into the food.. 
I have these five items to use for now... 
And I am eyeing some personal care products in the Human Nature... 
I got to try some of their face products one day!

I did not receive monetary compensation for this review. Receiving product samples did not influence the final review. All opinions expressed herein are my own. I did not guarantee and will not I be held responsible if you decide to purchase the product; and you are dissatisfied with it.  

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Visit To The Seed @ Sutera Utama, Johor

SOME OF MY IPOH FRIENDS POSTED THIS QUESTION EVERY NOW AND THEN... "Hey, what are you doing in JB?  How do you spend the time while son is working?  Not boring meh?" LOL.... Friends, I miss you all when I am down south, miss your company and the Foodie time, miss the chattering among us... etc etc....

Over here in JB, I am like in a sanctuary, quiet time, *very quiet indeed*  unlike Ipoh, cars every now and then passing through my house, horning, kids playing joyously and screaming out loud... well, that is Ipoh.  Coming back to JB, it is all different.  I laze around my little nest most of the day, only going out around noon and coming back a couple of hours later, then doing whatever I can in my own pace and time.  No hurry, no pressure.... no barkings... LOL... And I really like this kind of living too... IN fact, I love my two different styles of living, IPOH as well as JB...

On one particular afternoon, both ladies were very free and we decided to drop by at a new township to look see and to admire.... *to drool, to salivate* .... This new township resort is called The Seed @ Sutera Utama.  There is a showhouse and office near the guardhouse but we were all excited to go in and have a good "peek" at the real thing!  It is really like a township by itself, consisting of Garden Villa, Duplex Suites, Condominiums and Penthouse and facilities such as Olympic-sized swimming pool, clubhouse, badminton court, gym, preschool kindy.... etc...
Low density condominiums... not the high rise ones... 
Car parks for residents and visitors....
Garden villas at the ground floor and duplex suite above....
Jogging tracks are available ....
6.3 km jogging track.... 
Leading to the pre-school nursery on the right....
With the seven dwarfs saying "hi" as we passed by... 
The Pool, the Pool... but I am not one into swimming... LOL...

Can just sit and watch though... 
The Penthouse is at the top which occupies the whole width... 
Just beautiful, right?
But... alas....
I could only see and admire....
And dream.....

Saturday, May 14, 2016

4 Ways to Rent a Dream Home that Meets Your Needs

When you’re considering a new home, it can be daunting to figure out what type of property you want, can afford, and is right for you. There are many factors at work which are all important in determining what type of home will suit your needs. If you have a large family, for example, and are shopping on a budget, then you’re going to be looking at different options than a single person with money to burn. Everyone has different goals, needs, and budget flexibility, and trying to juggle them all can be a real challenge. Here are four ways to find the home of your dreams that also meets your needs.

  1. Investment or Homeownership 
When you’re considering purchasing property, there are typically two different types of buyers. Investors generally are looking to purchase a property that they’ll receive a good financial return on and make a profit, or generate an extra income by having tenants. In order to find the type of property you’re looking for, the best way to start your search is online. Searching on DDProperty for townhouse for sale will bring up a lot of different results, and that can be both good and bad. It’s wise to get a sense of what’s available on the market, but don’t get too overwhelmed. Feel free to browse all the listings, but then make use of the search filters by considering price, location, and size. You should also pay attention to the photos, since they can make or break a listing. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous people out there who are looking to scam real estate buyers, so make sure you’re dealing with a legitimate representative or broker.

  1. Taking the Real Estate Market Into Account 
The economy factors in heavily to the real estate market and impacts when is a good time to buy. This also includes what types of properties are popular versus those seeing a loss in value. According to Property Report, although the Thai economy saw a downturn at the end of 2015, one area that was able to remain steady was the condo market. This means several things going forward. Condos are in demand, so that means prices will either remain steady for continue to rise, whereas other types of properties might be struggling to stay afloat. This means that you should be on the lookout for special incentives to purchase or even low mortgage rates for certain areas or new projects. You don’t have to be a real estate expert to become casually familiar with the market, and it can help you in the long run. The most important edge knowing the market gives you is when is a good or bad time to buy.

  1. Decorating Possibilities with Room to Spare 
There are many different options in terms of the type of real estate you purchase, and sometimes it doesn’t effect the price so much as the property itself simply varies. For example, a townhome is a popular choice amongst people who have families or desire extra space. This is especially true if you’re creative and interested in interior design. One of the best parts of owning a townhome are the decorating opportunities you’ll encounter. The Wall Street Journal featured a family who run a restaurant, and decided to invest in a townhome near where the matriarch of the household grew up. Not only does the space allow growth for more children, of which there is one on the way, but also lends itself to unique and personalized décor. If you’re looking for a maximum amount of space to play with, then a townhouse is definitely the way to go. Townhouses also range widely, so when you’re searching online for decent listings, always focus on the qualities of photos. Don’t waste your time going to view a townhouse that only has a few angles portrayed in the online listing, because it’ll not only be frustrating to find out that it’s less than what you expected, but will also convolute your search.

  1. Location, Location, Location 
There’s a saying in real estate about location mattering almost more than the interior of a home. While this isn’t totally true, of course, there is merit to thinking this way about real estate. According to The Nation, property experts predicted an upswing in addresses located within area where the government has invested in infrastructure initiatives. The more access to public transportation, highways, and other types of improvements in transit points, the more desirable a home will be. This can mean good things for both would-be homeowners as well as real estate investors.

Searching for the ideal home is as simple as keeping practicality and preference balanced. While you might have a list of ideal amenities and features, you need to develop the ability to decipher between ideals and necessities. For example, while you may prefer to live closer to work, a necessity is having enough room for your family or any future planned additions to the family. This will not only make life easier in the long run, but also makes for a better investment in general. If you’re on the side of purely investor, though, purchasing a property that has the right features is important, and these usually have more to do with basic conveniences than beautiful interiors. Tenants will also change the property you buy to suit their own tastes, but there’s no replacement for being located near a major highway or train station. Overall, regardless of your position as a real estate buyer, assessing your needs is the most important part of finding a property that you’ll be happy to own once you sign on the dotted line.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Ways To Make Managing A Home Easier

Running the house and not letting the house run you can be a challenge! However, there are ways to get things under control. Read on for a handful of ideas.

Use lists
Trying to keep everything you need to do inside your brains might be an impossible task. Don’t make things harder for yourself, make a list. Seeing your tasks written down in front of you will help you prioritise them too. Furthermore, ticking things off lists acts as great motivation and helps remind you of your progress. Make a fresh list every day and move outstanding tasks over to it. Write in pencil to allow for changes if jobs change or get delegated elsewhere.

Delegate tasks
Unless you live alone, there is no reason you should be tidying the entire home by yourself. Everyone who lives with you should have a hand in helping too. Except babies, perhaps! If your partner is an unwilling cleaner but will help, leave them alone when they do. Interfering is irritating and might make them feel like they’re doing it wrong. Put them in charge of spaces they spend a lot of time. This might be the garage, for instance, or the office. Similarly, if it’s a room predominately used by them, have them clean it. It’s likely the won’t want you moving any of their belongings anyway. If you live with the elderly, they don’t need to walk about to help you. Ask them to clean and polish your cutlery while they watch TV, for instance. Have them clean any jewellery at the same time.

Motivate unwilling teens
Motivate reluctant teenagers or kids to help with managing the home with rewards. Set up a system where they get their pocket money at the end of the week if they’ve done ten tasks. Or, if they’ve done the dishwasher five times that week. Don’t just have them involved in the cleaning. Get them out into the garden to help with weeding. Take them shopping for new bedding and sheets. Teach them how to cook and make recipes they’ll enjoy making and eating. Let them do the ironing in their room with their own music on. Not only are these things more interactive and fun, in some cases you’re sharing life-long skills.

Hire professionals
If you’re struggling to manage everything, consider hiring professional cleaners. This doesn’t mean hire a live-in cleaner! It just means have them come in to do certain tasks that you struggle with, or don’t have time to keep on top of. Jim’s Cleaning are one such company that offer just this.

 Avoid clutter

A bunch of letters drops through the door and you pop them on the side to deal with later. Harmless, right? Wrong! Clutter is one of the quickest ways to a messy and unclean home. Items taking up room on surfaces quickly build, and they’re also pretty hard to clean underneath or around. Deal with things immediately and don’t let them become clutter further down the line. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Building Your Own Home From Start To Finish

The housing market is a mess right now. It’s filled with properties that people buying homes can’t afford. If you’re looking for your dream home, it probably isn’t on the market. If it is, it’s most likely not in your price range. Even buying with a loan won’t get most people the home that they want or imagined. That’s why many people are instead looking into building their home. Building your home is perhaps easier than you imagined. It used to be a possibility that was only available to the rich but now everyone can afford it. There are plenty of businesses offering this possibility, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. On this post, you’ll find a complete guide to building your own home.

Plan What You Want
The first thing that you should do is plan what you want your new home to be like. You should think about how many rooms you want and what unique features you would like built in. Perhaps you would like a swimming pool in your backyard? If you bought a home you would probably be looking at paying well over a million for this possibility. But, since you are building your home, it can be fitted into a budget that is far more reasonable. Think about everything you want in your new home and forget about price for now. We’ll worry about that later.

Design A Budget
You then need to think about the absolute maximum you’ll be willing to spend on this new home. That might include a potential loan that you could take out. Remember, you don’t have to pay for the home right from your own pocket. Similar to buying a new home, you can borrow some of the funds. This is typically the only way most people can afford to build a brand new property. Write down a number that you are comfortable with and work with that. Again, it might be amended at a late stage, but you don’t have to worry right now.

Find A Builder
Your next step to take is to find a builder to create your home for you. You should be looking for a company who will take the job on from start to finish. Don’t settle for a company that will complete half the job for you and expect you to sort out the rest. When a home has been built it should be ready to live in without any extra work from you. That’s the job that you’ll be paying them for. Be careful when you hire a builder because you need a team that you can trust. It’s important that you don’t make the mistake of falling for the promises of a scam company. We recommend you look into Roe Builders. They are a great company that could provide everything you’re looking for.

Buying Land
Once you’ve arranged a building team, they will work with you on a budget you’ve chosen. They’ll tell you what you can and can’t afford based on your budget, and they shouldn’t pull any punches. After that, it’s time to buy the land. You need to choose a place to build your home. We recommend you buy land in an area where there is already development. That way your new home can be part of a new planned community.

When you walk through the door of your finished home, we guarantee you’ll be walking into the house of your dreams.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gift From IJM Land

It was a Saturday morning when we went out to buy some home accessories from a shop nearby.  As we drove home, we passed by a showhouse launching around that area.  Since it was still early for our lunch appointment, we parked our car nearby and went in to "look see, look see."  Sure no chance to buy cos they are million ringgit bungalows, not one but two million!  We can only dream.... and seeing is free... so why not step inside.... 
Firstly we registered ourselves at the front...
And we were invited to "eat" as well...
As we entered the showhouse, there was a queue at the ground floor...
There was some kind of a game and out of curiosity, we lined up too...
We joined in the FUN called Grab and Win....
Didn't know my son took a few pictures of me...
The game was like this...
Into the booth we went and closed...
Then the exhaust fan will be turned on
 Different colours of the papers will be flying up...
Just grab whatever piece that our hands can take....
This girl grabbed a "blue" paper and was presented with a toaster....
As for me, mine is an "orange" in colour....
And I got a "cyber tank"....
Have wanted one all along... 
In fact my son has given me his "heavyduty" power bank...
This one is much lighter...
I call it ... 
My Cyber Tank...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Dream Garden

Last weekend I went for a short holiday with my daughter to visit a friend who is staying in one of the prestigious area here.  I love to come by this area, it really looks like a resort to me.  I love their vast area where landscaping is beautiful and captivating.  The interior is also very beautiful, I love the furniture designs and do click here for more styles on cushions and foams.
 These houses are fence-less, it is more or less an open concept but of course, this area is heavily guarded.  They have tight security in this area to prevent crimes and the residents prefer to pay a bit more to have a peace of mind each day and night.
 I love the greens and serenity in this area here....
The open concept of a bungalow with no fencing...

But if I were to own a house, I would be surrounded by a wooden fence, something like this here.   Building a fence around my home gives me a sense of security and my own privacy.  Nowadays wooden fences are very popular and they are never out of "fashion."   I will want my fence to be a bit lower so that I could still interact with my neighbors and look out to the outside without difficulty.  I got this design and some information from Rona website, they offer a complete range of fence packages to suit  every needs.  With wooden fencing like this design here, I will enhance it further by beautifying it with lots of greens and flowers.  As I am retiring in a few months time, I am planning to do some planting of vegetables besides flowers.  This would help me to occupy myself and at the same time, planting our own vegetables are more healthy, right?  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Travel Plans

Autumn  is coming soon, how about making a trip to Europe?  i have not been to the many countries in east or West Europe as yet.   My last furthest trip was during the spring and I spent two beautiful weeks in Scotland.  The weather was at its best,, it was very cooling and I love it very much though I was wrapped up from the top to the bottom.  This was my second trip to Scotland, my first time to this beautiful country was in the 1980.  I was there to attend my brother's convocation and that was my first trip overseas. I remember during my two week stay, my brother took me around a few places such as Edinburgh, Dundee and down south to Lindon.  I can still remember the historical castles and one of them is the Edinburgh Castle.  It was one of the most memorable place I have ever been and I wouldn't want to miss it when I went there again last April.  The scenery was so spectacular! I can remember going to the beautiful parks and gardens, the flowers were fully bloomed then. Now thinking back I wish I could make another trip to Edinburgh once again. I would love to visit the cathedrals and the museums, Mary King's Close and the Outlook Tower.

But the next trip I would like to visit are some Europe countries such as Italy, Austria, Belgium, France and the list goes on and on.  But before I go, I must get more information about these places I wanted to go.  I am sure my kids will love to follow me.  My second son has plans to further his studies in UK. I have seen him checking out details on some universities and I hope he will make his decision soon.  His finals will be in December and hopefully by then he will be able to make up his mind.  Before he goes for further studies, we hope to do some traveling, together as a family.  I guess traveling is in our blood... Lol... Most important thing is money when it comes to traveling especially to faraway places.  Better put some savings aside from now on, it is never too late to save, right?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Why Australia Is The Perfect Romantic Destination

Australia is best known for its dramatic scenery and laid back locals, however, it’s also an ideal getaway spot for couples. From the cosmopolitan cityscapes to its idyllic coastlines there are countless attractions that make Australia the perfect romantic holiday spot.

So for anyone tossing up ideas for their next couples’ getaway, here are a few reasons why Australia should be at the top of your list.
Cosmopolitan charm

Many people holiday in Australia for the beautiful natural scenery, but there’s also much to love about the country’s urban jungles. Big, brash and bold, Sydney is a sightseer’s dream. There’s no better way to appreciate the sunlight glinting off the harbour than by boat. So, step aboard one of the tall ships that cruise nearby and behold Harbour Bridge and the stunning and iconic Opera House.

Melbourne is another location that’s perfect for romance, with the city boasting a distinctly European charm. You and your partner can spend hours exploring the lane ways filled with quirky art galleries, tapas bars and coffee shops.

Finally, for anyone interested in a more laid-back atmosphere, head to the ‘City of Churches’, where the Adelaide dating scene boasts a relaxed and comfortable vibe.

Outstanding scenery

If you and your partner enjoy exploring the natural world, Australia is undoubtedly the holiday spot for you. With over 35,000 kilometres of coastline, Australia boasts everything from popular surf beaches to deserted coves and rock pools.

Some of the must see spots include Sydney’s laid-back Bronte Beach, Adelaide’s fun-loving Glenelg and beautiful Lorne, a two hour drive from Melbourne.
When you’re finished visiting the coastline, inland Australia also boasts some beautiful romantic destinations. Watching the sunset over Kakadu National Park and exploring the wonders of Katherine Gorge are sure to reignite a sense of excitement and adventure in any relationship.

A world away from reality

One of the best things about a romantic getaway to Australia is the opportunity to truly escape from life’s usual stresses. Whether you prefer a deserted beachside hut or a luxury resort, you’re sure to find it here.

One of the best couples’ holidays in Australia is ‘glamping’ or glamorous camping, which is available in stunning Jervis Bay. Whatever your ideal romantic holiday is, when you enjoy it in Australia you are guaranteed that relaxed feeling of being a world away from reality.

Romantic activities

Not all couples’ holidays are filled with hours of reading by the pool. There are plenty of more adventurous activities that are perfect when enjoyed together.

Why not take a balloon ride over the stunning Hunter Valley whilst enjoying a champagne breakfast at sunrise? Or, for adventurous couples, a horse-riding trek through the Snowy Mountains allows you to enjoy some of the country’s most picturesque landscapes together. Foodie couples are also in for a treat, with some of the freshest seafood, vineyards and produce right on your doorstep.

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...