Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I Blamed It On Equinox


After doing some shopping this morning, my friends suggested that we pay a visit to Nancy... Before we went, I called and messaged her but she did not answer... Since we were around the vicinity, we drove straight to her house.  Alas .. her car was not there and thinking she might be on the way home, I called her husband's phone instead...

After a few rings, he answered... and this was our conversation...

Me:  Hey Mr. Loke, is your wife with you, can I speak to her?
Loke:  No, She is not here....
Me:   Where is she?  I am outside your house now....
Loke:  We are in Kuala Lumpur now....
Me:  *bewildered*  Huh, KL?
Me:  Oh... Ok, OK.... never mind... Its ok.... bye...

I was really bewildered because I just spoke to her yesterday and she didn't mention she was going to KL today.... hhhmmmm... 

Told my friends what I was told and we went for lunch at a nearby food court and while we were there, Nancy called me... The first question I asked was... "Hey, where are you?"  Her answer.. "In Bercham, (IPOH) waiting for my hubby to fetch me."

I was shocked for a moment,  didn't her hubby say they were in KL and she answered she was in Ipoh... how come geh?  Instantly I said, "How come your hubby told me that you both are in KL?"  Then our line was cut off before she could answer.... she then messaged me to say she was on the way to join us for lunch!  Oh... very mystified!

After some time while taking our lunch, something suddenly dawned upon me!!
I quickly checked my hp 
I realised I called the wrong LOKE!
Oh Me Oh My!

There are two LOKE-s in my handphone and I pressed the wrong Loke... 
Oh my goodness... no wonder he sounded so strange!
I quickly sent a SMS to apologize for my blunder....
Don't blame me... 

When the "real Lokes" arrived at the food court much later, 
all of them had a good laugh over my blunder...
Poor Mr Loke... he got an earful from his wife for no reason!

With THIS!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Double Blessings Upon My Babe

A very heavy downpour this evening... some roads were flooded when I drove home from work this evening... When it rains, it pours in Ipoh... I guess from now on, no more haze and dry spell till end of year.

It was still raining when I started to drive home, it took me more than fifteen minutes to reach my house.  Yes, in Ipoh, everywhere seems to be very near.  Any distance over half an hour is considered far, believe it or not!  Hahahahaa.... Even when the roads are jammed up, it only takes a few minutes longer than the usual...isn't Ipoh the best place to stay?  *ooopsss*

Back to my current post, when I reached home, I saw these on my car....
Yellowish cute little flower..... 
and it's not the only one....
nor just two..... 
not just on my car boot.... 

Everywhere... from the front to the back... 
Shall I say....
Showers of Blessings... ?
Flowers of Blessings... ?
Showers Flowers Of Blessings?
Whatever it is called...
No doubt about that...

Friday, March 1, 2013

My Ever-Ready Driver And An Unwilling Passenger

I have no other alternative but to allow my girl to be my driver for these few days.... she is still under the Big "P"... still under probation and each time she drives, my left leg will naturally go forward to press the "invisible brake."

This evening we went to a pharmacy... she was all willing to drive again... and I had to keep my heart from thumping fast though I didn't show it through my facial expressions... instead I had to keep encouraging her with words..."Good, Good... OK, steady... don't laugh, concentrate... " and all the while throughout the drive, I felt that I was "going to have an heart attack...."  LOL....

As parents, I guess we have to undergo these anxieties when our kids reach the driving age....The thing is,  I wish that there is someone else to sit beside her when she is driving instead of me.....  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chinese New Year Minimum Rates

I remember those years when I was working in the Treasury department, I used to get a lot of "red packets" (empty ones, of course) from the banks.   Those were the days that these red packets were hand-delivered right to my hands... but of course, nowadays, there is no more such benefits...

For the first time this year I did not collect any red packets from the banks.... I just make do with whatever was given to me free... like AEON shopping mall, Old town kopithiam, Carlsberg, Guardian...  none from the banks... I am just too lazy to go and ask...
Not only that, I didn't even go to the bank to exchange new notes, thanks to my colleague, she has some "extra" new notes... and I still have some left over from last year... 

Tomorrow I will dedicate the tasks of putting new notes into these red packets or yellow packets or "ang pows" to my kids... by the way, what is the minimum rate this year?  RM2 still acceptable or not?  Or is RM5 minimum now? 

Imagine going to one house with 20 over kids.... RM5 is a big sum...  I guess I am getting more and more frugal... in some house cases, I better stick to my RM2 notes... 

After saying this, I bet no one wants to visit me...  hahahaaa...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What A Blunder!

Went to Kinta City to purchase some cinema tickets.  We were going up the escalator when my sister behind me asked... "Hey, how come your skirt has buttons behind?"

I looked down to my skirt and to my sheer horror, I realized I wore my skirt the other way round!!  Oh dear..oh dear.... in a crowded shopping mall???   Those walking behind me must be having fun giggling... they must be wondering.... "Does this lady here purposely wear the other way round or is she really that blur??"

Yes, I am really Blur!!

Quickly I dashed to the nearest restroom.... walked fast fast... super fast.. wishing no one is following.. but hey, it is a weekend.... everywhere seems to be crowded.. oh GOSH!   Don't look... don't look... only when I reached the restroom, I could heave a sigh of relief..... phewww.... 

What an embarrassment! 

That proves how "young" I really am.... sigh.....

Friday, December 7, 2012

My Own Entertainment World

It is Friday again!!  Phew.... I really welcome this weekend, a time to relax and rest my weary bones.  But one thing though, this is the time of the year where spring cleaning needs to be done in the house... sigh.. thinking of that really turns the mood off....

Need to take out the vacuum to do some stuff.. hahaha.. ok, lets not dwell in this moodiness of housework!  As usual I am always glued to the computer and this lunch hour, I surfed the Internet to "liven" myself up.... and here I am ... "making my own booster dose!"  LOL...
I don't have a chance to be in the limelight....
To boost up my ego, I did myself a favour... 
Call me "Big Head"....
But this really cheers me up on a dreary rainy day, such as this.... LOL...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Found A Diamond!

I was near to the ticket counter in New York, New York theme park when one of my earrings' dropped. Perhaps it was too heavy, I guess and I quickly picked it up from the ground. But I couldn't find the small tiny bud that holds the earring, I kept looking on the floor, I even squatted down to look for it.. and what made it difficult to be traced was that the ground and my earring bud were the same colour... greyish!

Now thinking back, I wanted to laugh.. imagine me squatting down on the ground and people walking up and down, lining up at the ticket counter... Reminded me of Mr Bean looking up onto a building and everyone's eyes were up as well, not knowing what to expect.

So there I was, bending down to look for it and the people around me also started to look on the floor... they must be thinking either I am crazy or maybe thinking I dropped my quarter or what... then something shone into my eyes.......... and we found this...........
A diamond stud on the floor... 
No, it doesn't belong to me...
My sister said it might worth thousands of dollars...
since this is found in Las Vegas!  LOL...

So ... to end the story...
I lost the earring bud but found a diamond instead...
Do you think it is real?
Well, we didn't find out till a few days later....

Friday, November 2, 2012

Empat Sekawan Means Four-ever Friends

BFF... these three letters were made known to me by my nephew... that was before I registered into Facebook. He told me that he and his friend are BFF... and it means BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! It took a younger generation to teach me that...  lol...

During my primary schooling days, teachers were always asking us to write essays on "My Best Friend."  I remember not having a best friend in my primary years, everyone seems to be my friend and there was no one close until I reached Form 1 and since then, we are named "Empat Sekawan."  (Four Friends Forever)  hahahaa...

As years went by, we still keep in contact with one another... we went for trips locally and one time overseas together... it was great fun... I really appreciate these years of friendship... the older they get, the more meaningful they become...

Lately we got together again... we gathered in my house... and we had a great time together... no such word as being "old" and not being able to do these ....
we danced....
no bones creaking.. we could still manage some cha-cha and twist... LOL>...
thought I admit I am not as "flexible" as my friends!  
They are really great!  *clap!clap*
we were not too old for these either...
iPad .... comparing apps and downloading games!
We even managed to get a picture snapped using the timer! LOL...
Well... Best Friends we might not be...
But surely we will continue to be ....

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Poses In Bed Before And After...

Forgive me if I keep repeating this... Time flies.... or should I say.. Time rockets.... many times I pleaded with Time to slow down... so much to do and yet so little Time...

Last Saturday morning, I had a slight shock.... I couldn't get up from bed... when I sat up, the stabbing pain at my backbone was so tremendous that I had to fall back on the bed again... What happened, I asked myself... my whole back was stiffened and it took me minutes to get the right position to get up from bed without triggering more pain....

Gosh, is this signs of "old age?"  Then I tried to recall what had caused the pain... re-wind my grey cells and it suddenly dawned upon me that the fault lies to my Fat Pet!  I remember taking her out for a walk and all of a sudden, she pulled me with all her strength towards another dog which was coming her way... Yes!  I was unexpectedly "jerked" and I think my back nerves were in shock....

Ok, this post is not about my backpain... it is about Time Traveling Super Fast....
I remember taking this picture when she was about four years old..
Her signature pose ....
we did the same pose for fun last week...
and hopefully in another 10 years or more, 
I will post up another same pose again...
(provided I could still cross my legs by then)

Friday, August 24, 2012

The WRONG Way To Cut Lemang

I was in my "in-laws" house when I was entrusted to cut up the freshly cooked lemang... first time opening up a still-hot bamboo and using a Big Knife to slice it up...

Ok, briefly about Lemang... Lemang is a traditional Malay dessert made of glutinous rice and coconut nut and and cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick lined with banana leaves in order to prevent the rice from sticking to the bamboo)
 See... this is a bamboo stick...
I was entrusted to cut the lemang ...
When the bamboo is taken away, 
this is how the Lemang looks like... 
LONG and THIN...
 Someone tried to act smart and ended up cutting it this way...
Oh..oh... someone pressed it harder and the poor Lemang became flatter...
And the amateur who did this was ....
Caught in the act...  
Poor Lemang....
They ended up "undressed" and in "odd shapes!"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mother And Son Portrait

How much is it to have an artist draw a portrait of us?  I have seen some artists in action frequently in Bukit Bintang sidewalks and in malls.  I have mine drawn before when I was in London last time... too bad I lost the portrait, it was too many years ago, I must have misplaced it when my house got flooded last time...

I think it is not cheap to have our portrait drawn... Wonder how much to have our picture drawn like this below.. Nothing like the original but then who is complaining.... I cannot crop this "Artist" out from the picture... hahahaa... so bad of me... nevertheless I like his "masterpiece"  It looks like real... right?  LOL...
Looking at this picture,  do you notice something?
We do have the same set of teeth, YES??

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Biggest Fan, Pete ...

This post is about this BOY who is now my Big Blogger Fan.... ever since he was featured not too long ago, he has become "addicted" to my blog... ahem.... hahahhaa.... he reads it without fail each day.  Each time he sees me, he will give comment to what I have written the day before...

Though he has reached 13, he is still a child at heart. He is adorable, he is cute, he is fun to be with, he makes us laugh... he is my mother's pet but he still gets his "spankings" every now and then from my mum... spankings with love, I used to say because each spank from her is like a Prick to her heart.
I name him Pete, Pete...
 Pete...kidding around
smallest in our family but biggest when it comes to size..
 Pete... spoiling my picture...
Pete ... after 3 plates of wanton noodles... 
Pete... being "mobbed"
Pete... being "harassed"
Pete... "taking precaution"
 Pete... having fun with grandma....
Pete... looking filial...
Pete and Grandma...BFF.....


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bra Or Ear?

For a few nights already, I had been yearning for this particular type of biscuit to munch... during lunch time I drove to First Garden to find, even went to Wenn's shop but to no avail... she didn't even know what I was talking about when I described the biscuit to her...

I asked, "Bra biscuits, you know... like a cone shape, brown in colour, hard type.... " She had no idea what I was talking about... hahahaa... Thanks Wenn for being patient... we ended up buying two Magnum ice creams sticks instead.. lol....

Then yesterday I found what I had been looking and yearning for....
My version of "Bra Biscuits"
I remember calling them that when I was young... 
Cantonese version is "Lin Ku Pian"  (sounds vulgar, right?)
It seems the actual name is "Yee Chai Pian"  (Ears biscuits)
So...which do you think is more appropriate....
Bra or Ear?  
(just for laughs)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

In Moments Like This, I Need A MAN!

For the last two days, whenever I walked my stairs, a stench filled my nostrils.... I didn't realize the stench came from my balcony until this morning when I went there to unblock the rain water that was stuck in the drainage hole.

To my shock and dismay, I found this!!
 A Decomposed Rat!
(quickly took my camera and snap a picture)

Then I stood there, staring at it for a few moments, trying to think what to do... Should I take a broom and sweep it into the dustpan?  Then I took a stick (as in the picture) and gave it a slight shove...  and ... GOSH!!... Beneath the rat skin, BIG FAT MAGGOTS WERE WRIGGLING!!!  urgghhh... urghhhh.... puke!!
By now, the stench was really nauseating! 

Eventually what I did was this.. (imagine!)... I took two plastic bags and wore them on my right hand as gloves... and with just two seconds, took up the dead rat with maggots and shoved them into another plastic bag.. darn it...  I really wanted to vomit and cry!!

In moments like this... I NEED A MAN!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

His Pure Enjoyment!

Sharing a few pictures which I captured ....
A few Red Ang Pow Packets for our dear Hush Puppy!!
Do you find THE HUSH PUPPY cute?
Is this PUG CUTER?
 Others enjoying themselves here at the Lion Dance...
But our Friend here is enjoying his BEST moment

Monday, November 21, 2011

Remarriage... Me?

One of you asked whether I am considering remarriage... the answer is 100% a No, a NO.. and A NO..
One marriage is enough, two times will too much....... ooopsss...sorry, I am speaking for myself only... no offence to anyone...

On the serious note, once upon a time, I did think about it, when my kids were pretty and young, friends and relatives alike, they encouraged me to get into marriage again... but on the other hand, some jested about "now that you are free, why want to be tied down again?" 

I opted for the latter... after all, who would want to Buy One, Get Three Free?  hahahaa...

Ok, back to the topic, I prefer to be what I am today... just Me and my 3 Kids...
At least.....
When I travel, I do not have to ask permission, "Can I go?"
When I do shopping, I don't have to listen to "Don't spend unnecessarily!"
When I yearn for desserts, no one tells me this... "Don't eat so much PLEASE.... U R too plump already!"
And lastly and not least.....

When I want to blog, there won't be remarks like "Hey, U got none other better things to do ah?"

Sorry.. sorry.. all these are meant as jests... the above responses are just my Own Imagination....  :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Face To Face With Lee Chong Wei

One evening in Jaya Jusco with my kids, Andy nudged me and said, "Mi, Lee Chong Wei is here...." My heart nearly skipped a beat.. "where, where???"  I looked among the crowd, expecting to see the familiar face of my badminton idol face to face.  Then Andy pointed Lee Chong Wei to me.... "There......"

Yes, indeed I did see him face-to-face...
Lee Chong Wei's Banner!

Friday, October 28, 2011

AGELESS Till The End Of Time

YEH!!!  Finally the goods have arrived safely!!

Many many thanks to a sweet witch... now I can be "balanced up!'   LOL....

Ok, for those of you who might be thinking I have gone bonkers, let me tell the story....

It happened one day when I was blog hopping and I landed in sweet witch's blog posting about an Ageless giveaway... a chance to win all these products below... just by commenting..  “I should own the Neutrogena AGELESS range because…............"

And my winning answer ... ahem... ahemm.....

I should own the Neutrogena AGELESS range because… my body looks like I am in the 30s..but my face shows I am in my early 50s so it sort of do not balance and I would like to bet on Neutrogena AGELESS to make me look like 30s again! LOL…
ahemmmm.....cough coughh....
AGELESS cleanser, AGELESS toner, AGELESS firming cream!!
AGELESS.... till the end of time!!   LOL...

Ok... once I start to use these...
do you think I will change...
from this look....

to this LOOK?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Finger Eating Good

My colleagues held a small "Raya makan" in the office to mark the nearly ending Syawal... each of them prepared some food and brought them to the office.

Very nice gesture of them to treat us to these homecooked malay delicacies.... too bad I did not bring my camera to snap all the food displayed..

one of my colleagues laying out the food on the long table...
facing the camera are the main meals...

followed by some salads and sweeties...

love this fruit salad..
I think I "walloped"a lot of this.. hahaha...

my blue-eyed boy.... hahahaa...

I think the food is not enough, hor...
or perhaps this is FEG? Finger Eating Good?

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Solitary Mooncake Night

Mooncake Monday evening... I am here sitting at the "office home" table, basking in solitude... wondering what others are doing now on this moonlight night.... sigh....

My mum sent me some food this evening and inside were all the left over food from last night, the mushrooms, the sengkuang and the steamed yam... all tasted better than yesterday... WHY? As chinese says, "More absorption overnight" (yap mei)

When I browsed through the pictures in my folder a moment ago, I wanted to share something special about my mum's layout....

Guess what this is for............
hahahaha.... so colourful... so healthy....

My Mum's table-cloth!!
Actually not cloth but plastic layout...
She likes colourful stuff...
So colourful that at times she cannot see her stuff on the table!!

Anyway... enjoy your Mooncakes!!
they are terribly sweet... I really cannot eat much...

but seems someone is enjoying his "Piggy" mooncake!
He posed this for me... real cheeky boy!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...