Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

You Have Finished The Race

BEFORE I LEFT FOR US in August, I told Nancy to wait for me to come back.... my trip was a short one this time, two months and one week....

I landed in Penang on the 9 November and came back to Ipoh on the 10th the next day.  I went to see her around 2pm, she was still conscious though most of the time, her eyes were closed.  I called out her name, she opened her eyes and nodded.... but she could not talk anymore.  A week before I came home, I messaged her through voice whatapp, she could still respond then.  She told me that her situation was going downhill, she knew she could not last long.... and that was the last I heard her voice.

The next morning at 7.30am, I received a call from her husband, the moment I heard his voice, I knew Nancy has left and returned to our Lord.  Two days of wake service and she was laid to rest on the third day.  

Rest in peace, Nancy, you are truly a wonderful lady!

Our last picture together..... 

Friday, May 21, 2021



This is the most drastic movement order, I started to think of barbed rolls of wire encircling my residence and being "imprisoned" ... my imagination ran wild the moment it was announced that IPOH among few other states are going to be put under Enhanced Movement Control Order.  

When we heard the news last night, phone calls and whatsapp messages coming in continuously... Questions like we going to be distributed food by the government?  My friend even joked about the distribution of two chickens to each house, etc etc.... Should we go out to store up our pantry?  Do we have enough food in the house if we do not go? And the list of questions went on and on.... 

I guess we should not be too "worked-up" or paranoid about food, more importantly, we should be concerned about the safety and abiding to the standard of procedures.  We can still go for online delivery where food, groceries and essentials are concerned... No need to join the crowd in rushing to buy anything in the malls, convenient stores, sundry shops.... Mind safety measures... no crowding please... 

These were received last night.... 
Last minute shopping before EMCO on Saturday....
Even Speed99 were crowded... tin cans all finished... 
Sundry shops were having brisk business too....

This morning we received the SOP for EMCO in Ipoh...
Only one person can go out for essentials...
That is fine... 
So that also means there would be no free chickens after all!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Eulogy


I was in Johor when I received news that my uncle has passed on.... It was a Monday when my cousin messaged to inform us... My flight to Ipoh was due on Wednesday, just a few days ago.  I was very saddened by his demise, this uncle is close to my family.  I have mixed thoughts, am I saddened or do I feel a kind of relieved for him?  I am sure the family felt the same way as I do.... Saddened by his loss and at the same time, we feel comforted that he is now with our Good Lord, no more suffering, no more pain as he had been for more than six months.

My uncle was a very jovial guy, he loved to joke whether we are adults or kids and many times we were taken with his "acting"... The most recent one was a couple of months ago.... My sister and I visited him one afternoon and we were having a conversation with my auntie as well.  In the midst of our conversation, my sister gave some USD notes to my auntie.  My uncle who was sitting nearby then asked to see one of the notes, saying he never seen USD note before.  My auntie passed one piece of $100 to him unknowingly and that was the end of that.  Eventually, $100 note was "conveniently" kept in my uncle's pocket after that... At that moment, we laughed over his "trickery" done upon his wife....

My uncle loved his wife very dearly, very unselfishly in his own way.  The first time I took my auntie to US for three months, he told us to enjoy ourselves, if three months is not enough, stay six months.  That was what he said, he could take care of himself and his grandkids who were staying together with him.  And then the second time we went to US, he still encouraged my auntie to go for the trip, that was in May last year, he knew my auntie loves to travel and he gave his blessings.  However we cut short our two months stay, we flew back to Malaysia after one month for he fell down one day and could not walk properly.  Ever since then, his health failed and he was taken good care by my auntie till our Lord took him home last Monday...

During the eulogy, I wanted to go out but I did not have that moment.  I was moved to tears by the grandchildren's love for their grandfather and during the eulogy, they cried, they thanked him, they apologize, their regrets.... all for the love for their grandfather. They are all schooling kids and their grandfather has an impact on their lives...They really miss him very much!

We adults have learn something from these kids on that night...

Below is an eulogy by Christopher Au...

My father has lead a simple life , where usually after work, or even after he
retired, he will enjoy a good meal cooked by my mother and catch up on the
Hong Kong dramas. TV was his favourite pastime and he always enjoyed a good
laugh from comedies. He especially love anything related to China , be it politics ,
documentaries and any variety programs from China.
He loves kids and the kids love him. I remember when my daughter was a baby
and came back for cny, she refuse anyone to carry her except him. That shows
that my dad is like a magnet to the kids. I remember during his younger days, he
always likes to play with the kids in our neighbourhood and even watch cartoons
on TV and had a good laugh. His grandsons and granddaughters always love to
cling to him and very close to him.
My dad was also very playful and he likes to show his fun side by playing tricks on
us or friends. Sometimes you may kena his tricks without knowing it till my mum
tell them they got cheated. He's one fun loving man who likes to jokes and he's
also loves to talk.
He's always helpful to relatives and friends and whenever there are occasions,
whether good or bad, they always come to him. And , he will go all out to help
He's a loving and fun dad and seldom scold us but he also ensure that we do not
go on the wrong path. He is very contented as long all of us try our best in our
studies and whatever we do. He also taught us a lot of good values which are
beneficial in our adult life.
We will always cherish him in our memories. 
Thank you.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
 John 3:16
RIP, Uncle

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Massive Floods, Missing Airplane And A Mini Landslide

I was so busy this Sunday morning that I did not check my online messages in my hp until 1.30pm. That was when I got to know the tragic news on the missing airplane.  It came as a shock and the first thing that came to my mind... "Oh No.. Not again??"  And this time the ill fated plane is Air Asia, first time in history as far as I know.   Quickly I logged into Facebook... yes, the news were all over... Prayers are needed from everyone regardless of nationality.... and hope is still there if the plane is not found yet...

Malaysia is having a lot up on her sleeves these days... literally speaking....

Just watched a heart wrenching video taken by someone in Kota Bharu on the floods that claimed two lives struggling to stay afloat despite the strong current but eventually, it was a losing battle...  sigh..

While I was taking a walk last evening, I was taken aback by this "mini landslide" here at the school compound...
One part of the wall came tumbling down....
Must be due to the heavy rain for the past few days or weeks...
Missing the street light pillar....
If the slabs fell onto the lamp post, I think it would be serious...
Quite a big portion has fallen down in fact....
And now the drain water are "stuck".... 
Another problem will arise.... Dengue!
Hope the authorities will come soon to repair this...
 if another slab of cement were to fall, the lamp post will come tumbling down too...  

Friday, August 22, 2014

National Mourning Day For MH17

Morning breaks into a cloudy morning here in Ipoh. Today marks the national mourning day for Malaysia and a minute silence is respected in a graceful and solemn manner. As we were watching the live telecast on TV3 news, my heart felt a pang of sadness and I quickly walked out from the meeting room. It is indeed very disheartening... we might not know anyone on board and yet, we can feel the pain, what more for the families who are affected?  My deepest condolence to all the families and friends on this MH17...  and MH370 is also not to be forgotten... Bless their souls...
22nd August 2014... marked as mourning day in Malaysia history...

As I see it, I might not be blogging daily for now on... too much things to handle at this moment of time...  life is too precious... must remember to treasure our love ones around us now... 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Algerian Plane Missing?

Oh No... Is that true?  I just got the news from my friend in watsapp.... missing plane again?  What is happening in our world these days?  One after another, the distressing and tragic news come...

I just googled about the Algerian plane and the following news from
  • An Air Algerie airliner has vanished en route from Burkina Faso to Algiers across the Sahara
  • Flight AH5017 had 110 passengers on board, including some 50 French citizens, as well as six Spanish crew members
  • The plane was chartered from Spain's Swiftair
  • UN officials suggest the plane may have come down in north-eastern Mali in bad weather 
I hope it is false alarm... it is not true... just too much to handle all at once...
The more I read online, the sadness begin to grow deeper and if I don't hold myself back, I feel I can just burst into tears thinking about them.   At that moment of time, I tore myself from dwelling further.... I feel I am getting old...

Too much sad news...

I tell myself... Treasure our love ones... be them parents, siblings, spouses, kids....
We never know how much we can be with them....
Do not hold grudges with anyone... life is not worth feeling unforgiving....

I miss my kids.... going to call them now...

Friday, July 18, 2014

MH370 And Now MH17

I was driving to work this morning around 7.35am when I switched on the radio and heard the heart wrenching news .... the newscaster was already reporting half way and initially I thought that the MH370 has been found because I heard our PM was saying that justice must be upon those responsible.. but to my horror, I heard MH17... and not MH370...  Another plane missing or crashed?  Oh No.....!

Once I reached the office, I logged into Facebook... true enough, so many have posted up the  airplane  tragedy.... How shocking!  From 8th March till today, it is only four months plus and so many lives have perished again.... really sad....

Someone sent me this...
"Boeing 777 first flight was on 17/7/1997... yesterday it was the 17 anniversary....."

Imagine the sadness we feel for those we do not know... how much more pain when the families of the victims feel?  People, the least we can do for these families is to pray... Pray for comfort and peace upon their lives...

May God Bless Their Souls...

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Strong Tempation Makes Flesh Weak

It is election day in Teluk Intan... the turnout was 66% according to the news I just read a moment ago and results will be out around 9pm, it is kind of exciting since it is between the Beauty and the Man... please excuse my pun... well, whoever wins, may they not break what they have promised...

Coming back to Ipoh news, nothing exciting over here... but today is the first time I took durians after a long while.  After our lunch, we stopped by at Canning Garden to see what's smelling great....
A very hot and sunny day.....
  Along the main road leading to Canning Garden....
An elderman and her daughter faithfully manning the durian stall for years....
 He is still working at his tender age... now with an hearing aid.....
 This time he sells mostly Kampung Durians... AKA Local Durians....
 Displaying the beauty of beauties.....
Temptation is strong... the Flesh is weak... 
 I didn't take much... just two seeds... and that was it....
Now other than coughing and coughing, I am JUST FINE!  :0

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sultan Perak Demise And Sore Throat

Even before the news came out officially, someone in Facebook has asked me yesterday whether I heard any news on the demise of our Perak Sultan.  I told her that I was still on medical leave so I did not hear anything about that.  But today when I went to the office, I was told that the news is true, only that it was not official until our Perak Chief Minister announced around 4pm.... Tomorrow is declared a holiday as a sign of respect....

I think I will stay home and rest... my throat is hurting me and I was recalling when and why it hurts... and I got the answer when I looked back to my Penang folder a moment ago!
 We were near the Jalan Free School when we saw this crowd.....
 Something good must be happening there!
 Yes, I was told that this road side stall is famous for its FRIED STUFF.....
And what happened to my throat is these Fried Nien Koh sandwiched by two pieces of Yam...
After eating three Crispy Pieces, my Sore Throat is Born......
Anyway.. No regrets!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Offer For

I received this email yesterday from an Eric Leighton....

Our website brokerage firm has a number of active buyers looking to purchase websites like  Can we set a up phone call this week to discuss this opportunity?

I haven't reply to him as yet, I am still much is my blog really worth?

Should I respond to this type of email?  Set up a phone call to discuss the rates?  How much should I propose?  Is my blog worth anything more than 100K?  Shall I tell him that I am willing to let go at $100K?  That makes me RM300K richer!

With that kind of money, I can go traveling whenever I like... I can even take my kids along... or bring some of you too...  LOL...

I can always start again a new blog called, right?

Ok, if we can really sell our blog for a price, will you, would you take up the offer?  :)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Burglary And Theft In Broad Daylight

It was supposed to be a normal evening walk with my doggie, never expecting anything amiss until I was told that my neighbour's house was broken into. The door was ajar from the back and when we peeped inside, the kitchen drawers were ajar. Fearing that the thieves might still be inside, we quickly made a phone call to the owner who is in Kuala Lumpur. At the same time, we made a call to the police as well....

In less than 10 minutes, the police arrived, two in a car and two on Ninja bikes.  
We told them what we knew but we didn't dare to go inside the house.  Then three of them went into the house and after some minutes, one came out to motion my brother to go in with him.  I was curious and asked the policeman why, he said he needed a witness to follow him, to show him the house was already ransacked to the fullest.  In malay, he said "hancur"... I followed them in and indeed the house was in a mess already.  
After more questions asked, we were advised on what we should do especially when we go on trips or whenever we are not in house.  He told us that most back lanes are very dark at night and it is advisable to install some kind of lights at the back door.  Bright lights will deter theft in a way but this is daylight theft, I said.  How to avoid?   The police deduced that the thieves climbed in from the roof and left from the back. All these are already planned, they know the owner is not around.... 

What steps should we take to prevent this from happening to our house especially when we go on long trips?   Locking up the door from front to back is very obvious that the owners are not in the house 24/7. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Collagen And Eye Packs From Rose

Tuesday...another hot day.

I told Andy that I have not heard the sound of the rain for a very long time already, come to think of it, I think it is going to be two months since it last rained in Ipoh.

Besides the hot weather, the hot topic in the office and after office is still on the Mystery on the Missing Plane. I read somewhere that it is now called the Unknown Of The Unknown.... the more I read, my knowledge increases on how and what causes a crash.... but sorry to say, in this case, it is really baffling...

Okay, back to my routine life, I want to thank Rose for sending these little youthful packs to me... I received them this morning....
Cute packs, right?
It would be great if I could look half as cute if not all... 
Collagen for my face and eye patch for my eye bags...
Well, I hope my poor eye bags will be "uplifted" soon,
I guess I just have to wait and see.. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Missing MH370, All England Championship And The Answer

The week started off with good and bad news....

As we all know until to date, there is still no sign of our missing MH370... I am still following the updates on a lot of websites, whether true or not, I am as baffled as the "experts."  From fishermen's sighting of the plane during the early morning till the possibilities of how the plane went missing, I read them all.... this is bad news...

The good news is about our Datuk Lee Chong Wei... he won straight sets against Chen Long in the All England Championship last night or should I say this morning.  Yes, I stayed up to watch the midnight game that lasted till 1.30am.... and naturally I have "panda eyes" today and kept yawning the whole day in the office.

And now for the "entertainment" news, here is the answer to yesterday's guess-away.
Here are the two mini cans with one normal size 100 Plus can drink....
Most of you guessed that it is an energy drink.... 
Sorry, that is not the answer....
 Inside the mini can is the "wet wipes!"
The answer can be tissues or wet wipes...
And so far, only one got the answer correct...
Yes, the Cat Mama got it right!
Never expect it to be filled with tissues, right?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Firefly, Please Review Rates

After the few days long holiday, it was time to bid "Bye, have a safe flight, God Bless" to many... and one of them is Aaron...Back to Ipoh last Wednesday and time to fly back to the south yesterday.... Time flies like Firefly... hahaha.... 

This time there was no delay, he reached Singapore around 1pm... that is what I like about flying from Ipoh, no hassle of going down to LCCT and waiting for the flight and if the bus schedule does not coincide with the flight, it will be like practically spending the whole day traveling from the north to the south.  But of course, the Air Asia flight will be very much cheaper than Firefly....
 Checking-in ...
Till we meet next month?
One way trip to Singapore can easily cost RM300... 
A bit too expensive, don't you think so...
*Firefly, hope you will review your current rates soon*

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gross Discovery From My Legs

A gross discovery this afternoon when I did something "medical" ...

For those of you who have just eaten your lunch, BEWARE... you might puke...
And for those who have not eaten yet, THANK ME for I might be able to make you skip a meal or two... hahahaa....
Ok, here goes.... 
I received a phone call asking me to go downstairs
 for a medical test on body toxic..
Upon entering the room, I saw a row of chairs 
with basins of water filled with human legs.. 
on electrolytes or are they ions?
 Then I joined in the "fun"
Sat down and put my legs into the basin
filled with water and "hill salt"...
Just like this....
Will I get "electrocuted"
or will my hair just stand on ends?
Slowly, slowly...
the water became to change colour....
After 15minutes, the water became to turn 
before my eyes...
 So Yucky!!
In less than half hour, the water was already murky!
Oh gosh!!
So... what is the conclusion of this "demostration?"
I was told that my body toxic has come out through the pores of my soles...
Not all, of course.. still need to do more "detoxification"....
Yellowish means cholesterol little
Air bubbles means.. I have "wind" inside my body too....
I was told that the more I "soak" my legs,
My body will be rejuvenated and  be detoxified....
hahahaaha... unbelievable!
Meanwhile... I hope I will not get rheumatism tomorrow... 
Soaking legs in cold water with salt is something not really encourage, right?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hospitalized After Scotland Trip

My Scotland posts are being "interrupted" for some days now, mainly due to the fact that I was admitted to Fatima Hospital almost immediately when I came back from Scotland.   Nothing really serious other than couldn't sit properly, couldn't stand for long, have to keep on walking to lessen the pain and the best option was to lie down on the bed to take away the pain.

I consulted the gynae around 10am and he told me to get admitted for surgery almost immediately.. but I went home to get my stuff and by noon, I was on the hospital bed, preparing to be "cut."  :)

Nothing serious actually.. Doc said he only takes around 10-15 min... he is such a friendly guy actually.. makes me feel at ease...

Taken to the operation theatre at 3pm and was back in the room around 4pm.... fast, right?
My eligibility is around RM200 per night...
So here I was in the semi-private room that cost RM175 per night..
with a plasma TV and air con room...
overlooking some coconut trees from the first floor....
To occupy myself while waiting for surgery,
Sudoku helps... before and after too...
My morning breakfast provided by the hospital...
Chee Cheong Fun with Dhal curry.... or is it paruppu... 
Not bad... new combination and I like it!
I am now recuperating at home...
Thank you for your well wishes...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wrong Finger On Polling Day

I was awaken around 7 something in the morning to the sounds of vehicles passing by one after another to the nearby school... feeling too excited to go back to sleep again, I quickly got up to take a look from my bedroom window. True enough, many cars have already parked their cars inside the school and some early voters were walking along the road leading to the school. OK, this is it... today is the day... Elections before had never been like this before....

Another surprise caught me off guarded... Andy was also up already to my amazement! Never before he woke up so early to check his FB... and I guess he is feeling excited casting his first vote for the first time... 
After our breakfast, we joined in the crowd...

walking to the school to cast our votes....
First time for me having my nail "painted" 
And I was actually very "stupid"....
Instead of giving them my left index finger, I gave them my right finger...
and that made it very difficult for me to mark my X...
Any staining on the ballot paper, it is disqualified, right?
So I had to be extra careful.... so "stup" of me...
hmmm... next time I better give them my left finger...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...