Showing posts with label Adelaide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adelaide. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Final Post On Adelaide

EARLY NEXT MORNING, WE MADE OUR WAY TO THE AIRPORT...  Before we left, we took a "welfie" to commemorate our stay at the apartment...
 Bye bye Oaks Horizon... 
Don't know when we will come here again... 
Thank you for making our stay comfortable and peaceful..
From the apartment to the airport, the metered cab cost $20...
It took around fifteen or twenty minutes to reach the airport...
Time to fly home, dear..
Checking in our tickets and luggage... 
At the waiting hall...
Ample space for us to sit and walk around...
Bye-Bye Adelaide!
 Till we meet again...
The flight took us slightly more than seven hours...
MAS brought us home safely...

Phew... this is the last of my trip.... Just only one week stay but I have taken so many days to finish posting them when will my next trip be??? Let me catch my breath first... unpacking takes a longer time and till this day, I still have some stuff left in my luggage still left unpacked.. I think I will leave them there till my next trip! hahahaa...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fun And Crazy Shots At The Adelaide Oval

WITH THE ITALIAN FOOD FILLED UP IN OUR TUMMIES, a walk around the lake received our nods of agreement before we finally called it a day...  The weather was getting colder and colder by the days and we were very well prepared for it...
The ground was still wet...
There was a slight drizzle when we were having our lunch......
The old Parliament...
Come... follow me wherever I go!
 The Adelaide lake...
We took a nice relaxing stroll along the lakeside....
Along the way, we met our friends...  
Oval Stadium...
Nearing the Oval Stadium...
 Reminds us of somewhere?
Something like a dome....
Very cold....
My walking partner ...
We went one big round the lake...
Love the cooling weather actually... 
Not freezing but just nice if we wear warmly...
Together we Stand!
Walking and taking shots...
If not mistaken, in front of some opera house?
Dancing style!!

And now presenting some 
Reanaclaire's JUMPS!
Thank goodness I didn't break my bones doing this!!
Another jumping stunt.. 
Next time I try the *sook kwok*  
A candid shot of my craziness!
And that ended our last day in Adelaide....

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Meal At Jamie Oliver Italian Restaurant

ON THE FIFTH AND OUR LAST DAY OF OUR FREE AND EASY TRIP, we went for an Italian meal at Jamie Oliver Restaurant. The day before we went there, we saw a queue right outside the restaurant and I was told that this place is normally crowded every day especially during lunch hour...Knowing that, we went there earlier to beat the crowd...
There was no queue outside but there were already some patrons waiting inside instead..
We were told to wait fifteen minutes for a table...
While waiting, I browsed around...all Jamie's cookbooks and products.. 
And the ambience...
I was also told that this place was formerly a bank... 
 A very huge one too!
No wonder it does not look like a restaurant...
 The empty chairs are for those waiting in line... 
I even find the "vaults" turned into "restrooms" interesting..
And now ... the Italian food.... 
Jamie Italian Burger...
A Giant One!
Chargrilled beef burger with fontina cheese in a brioche bun
with fried onions and grilled mortadella...
This is Fish In A Bag...
Consists of baked sustainable fish, clams, mussels, chilli with Sicillian cracked wheat
and pine nuts topped with fiery arrabbiata sauce..
*words taken out from the menu*
Pasta with lamb fillings... 
Perfectly done.... 
Squids with Italian sauce...
Cannot remember what this is called...
*Was busy eating that I forgot to take down the name of the dish*
Another Italian dish which I cannot recall what it is called...
But I can still remember that each dish tasted GREAT!
Something very different from what I have tasted before...
Great Place to come by...
No wonder there is always a Q...
Food portions are not huge as I have expected..
Call me "jakun"...
I never heard of Jamie Oliver until I was actually there for the first time in history!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pumpkin Curry Chicken And Rundle Mall Piggies

DIM SUM IN CHINATOWN FOR BREAKFAST and Pumpkin Curry Chicken for our dinner!  First time I heard of cooking pumpkin in curry paste.. not only it is more healthy, it also enhances the gravy to a thicker level without using any santan or milk... that is definitely a healthy replacement for the creamy gravy, right?
My SIL is a very good cook.. 
Most of the meals were prepared by her during our Adelaide stay....
 There it goes!
Noodles with Pumpkin Chicken Curry...
Very easy actually... just steam the pumpkin and cook it till it is smooth and soft.... 
Then add it to the curry paste and the rest of the recipe is the same as any curry... 
Easy, right?
The next morning we did a Rundel Walk again.....
In front of the Old Parliament....
On the way to Rundle Mall...
It was quite cold on our fifth day in Adelaide...
Endless shops.... 
Myer Centre... 
I remember we just went in to look see only...
Too "heavy" to buy any of them...
Just touch and look see is good enough, right, girl??
Resting my weary feet... I guess...
Safer to look around the flowers here instead....
Beautiful yellow.... orchids...
Love everything here!
Including these cute life-sized pigs also known as "A Day Out"...
There are four pigs, each have a name and they are depicted in lively poses
as if they were walking the street, greeting shoppers and sniffing out a bargain! :)
Including these cute piggies!
He is called Oliver......
And this is called Horatio....
Very cute Oliver here... 

And so this is Rundle Mall... again.. on our fifth day....

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...