Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Inspirational Trip To Lake Tahoe

DAY TRIP TO LAKE TAHOE... It is a large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada, one of the largest alpine lake that lies between the border California and Nevada.  The lake was formed about 2 million years ago, known for the clarity of its water and the panaroma of surrounding mountains on all sides. Lake Tahoe is a major tourist attraction, home to winter sports, summer outdoor recreation and scenery enjoyed throughout the year.  

This is my second visit to Lake Tahoe and am still mesmerized by the tranquility of the beautiful and serene blue water with mountains on every side.  Popularly known as an inspiration point and one of the best spots to stop and take in view of Emerald Bay, Fannette Island, Vikingholm Caste among others... Our journey took around 2 hours or so and it is really a trip worth going....

A panoramic view of Emerald Bay taken from my handphone...
The many pictures of Lake Tahoe...
I think I took a lot of pictures from all angles...
Don't know when I will be back again in this inspirational scene...
Another blessed and beautiful outing with my love ones...
Thank you!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Pool And The Jacuzzi, Cancun Resort, Las Vegas

MY SISTER PURPOSELY BOUGHT TWO SETS OF SWIM WEAR FOR THIS TRIP! LOL... I surely wouldn't want to buy any since I do NOT know how to swim at all... but since my sister managed to persuade me, I obliged... only One time, OK!

Yes, it was fun down at the pool... minus the swim, of course.  Carefully I tread into the water... "Don't miss a step otherwise.... "  But on the brighter side, there is a lifeguard on every corner of the vast pool.  All I need is to shout Help, Help and they will come running.. I suppose...LOL... However, we did not get ourselves into trouble... all we did were to wade into the water and stayed put there till our body adjusted to the water and we took pictures of each other, taking turns...LOL...

Well, it was not just wading and wading... we managed to get a good dip at the Jacuzzi pool, it was 4 feet deep!  Oh no... that means I have only one foot of me above the water only... SO I GOT TO BE VERY VERY CAREFUL!!
Hidden from the crowd is one of the Jacuzzi...
Away from the cold breeze too... 
But after awhile, both of us enjoyed the cool air outside.. 
Outside Jacuzzi... 
At and inside the pool... no Joke!
And outside the pool....
Yes, getting ourselves tanned up like what the whites normally do... 
Only difference is that we tanned under the shade!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Spectacular Scenery At Grand Canyon

After five hours of drive, we finally reached our destination... Though it was a weekday, the crowd was endless, I cannot imagine if it is a weekend.  No entrance fees were charged, that is one great wonder in this beautiful place, the Grand Canyon.  It was a sunny day, no doubt but very breezy and cold.  I alone wore three layers of clothing and a backpack to cover my back from the cold.  Never expected it to be so sunny and cold at the same time... the last time I came was June, that was two years ago, it was so hot then.... and I prefer the cooling weather anytime!

This time I experienced something different from the previous trip... it was all about walking along the pathway from one end to the other and there was no such word as tired... The scenery as usual, is so breathtaking, we stopped every now and then to admire God's creation, it was simply spectacular.... 

The Grand Canyon!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Pancakes Breakfast At Cracker Barrel

THE NEXT MORNING THE FIVE OF US SET OUT TO A LONG DRIVE... A very long drive, that is FIVE HOURS to one of the world wonders, The Grand Canyon.  Yes, a very long drive indeed and it is only a day trip.  It is my second time there and I am looking forward to walking along the trail along the mountains.  What I dread is the five hours journey to and five hours journey back to where we belong.  Oh my gosh... we passengers felt the fatigue of just sitting in the vehicle, sleeping every now and then and taking turns to talk to the driver just in case our "snores" encouraged him to nap as well...LOL..  

Whatever he needs to eat, wherever he wants to stop, we are All for it!

So... that was exactly what we did after an hour long drive... we stopped at a very place to have hot, fresh pancakes for breakfast!  The place is called Cracker Barrel, upon entering, there are some beautiful stuff for sale, my sister bought a few items and I was also attracted to buying some accessories as well.  But I restrained myself... my two suitcase are really "pregnant" at the moment... I got to watch what I buy from today onwards!
Preparing to go for an adventure.....
Along the way... beautiful lake we passed by....
And we are..... 
At Cracker Barrel....
For our breakfast....
The menu....
All freshly made from the kitchen...
My blueberries pancake... it came with a bottle of fresh blueberry syrup too... $8
Plain pancakes go with maple syrup...
Plus these and two pieces of toast.... $8-9 set....
No, I couldn't finish these three pieces...
Someone got to share with me.. for sure...
And after our tummies were filled...
We did a "jingle dance" before we proceeded on our way...
Grand Canyon...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...