Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2017

NUTELLA Personalised Gift For You!


It is "payback" time from me to you, alright to be more precise, the gifts come from Nutella!  hahahahaa...  This time there will be Not One but Five prizes, a jar of creamy and delicious hazelnut spread of goodness, suitable at all time of the day, be it morning, noon, evening and night meals.  Not only that, you can have the opportunity to customise your own Nutella jar with a personalized message for yourself or for your special one!

For a chance to be one of the five winners, all you got to do is this.... 

I love Nutella because ................................(stories about or with your loved ones)

For example, “I love Nutella because it’s a moment where my mother and I would bond over breakfast. Despite our busy schedule and the tough time that we had, we would always make time to sit down for breakfast and she would make me a special Nutella sandwich. It was simple and yet, memorable. So the message I would like to dedicate to my mom is “Special”.

If you like, you can also add in a captioned photo or video (30 seconds the most) capturing inspiring moments with your loved ones too.  And lastly and not least, please state what message you want to be featured on the jar (12 characters) 

That's it!  Very simple... and if you have better and inspiring stories to tell, please do so in One of the following options below:
i)  My blog post comment page here
ii)  My facebook page under Reana.claire
iii) My email :

FIVE winners will be chosen and will be sent a customised jar of yummy Nutella with the dedicated message printed on it.  OH YES, the BEST entry among the 5 winners will be given an added surprise, I won't tell you now.... keep you suspense first till I announce the winners.... 

Contest Disclaimers 
  • Contest is sponsored by Nutella SEA
  • Contest will run from 20 February 2017 to 20 March 2017. Submissions after 20 March, 11.59 p.m., will not be accepted.  (Winners will be announced soonafter)
  • Prizes will be delivered to the mailing address of winners from 1-15 April
  • Participants must be aged 18 and above.
  • Participants of the contest must be Malaysian citizens or permanent residents of Malaysia
  • Prizes will only be delivered within West Malaysia
  • Nutella SEA reserves the right to terminate, suspend or amend the contest, without prior notice.
  • By participating, each entrant grants Nutella SEA permission to use his/her name, submission details, and comments for publicity purposes.
  • Maximum message length is 12 characters inclusive of spaces
  • No endearments are allowed
  • No vulgarities will be accepted
  • Capital letters will not be accepted
  • Numbers will not be accepted
  • Symbols allowed are ' ! ? #
  • Only English and Manglish messages are allowed
After all being said and done.... Come On, Let's Do IT!  Cream your way to Nutella!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Make Your Dream House Come True

In today's society, many of us are yearning to purchase some assets, whether they are in terms of houses, lands, condominiums or shop houses, these dreams are no more impossible. In fact, I am also looking for a house to call my own... and I do not have to look far. I just have to log in to this website, they have a contest ongoing now till 21st June 2013. All you got to do is just answer a few simple questions and you will be on the way for a chance of winning RM10,000 among other attractive prizes. Well, what are you waiting for? I have already submitted my entry... let's hope we can take something home from this Happily Ever After Contest!

Oh by the way, do you have a house for sale or property to buy? If so, do visit

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Results To Method Giveaway

Another thing I almost forgot is my Method giveaway results!  Oh gosh, how "young" am I getting???  Please excuse my absent-mindedness, my friends... maybe the traveling from north to south and back to north has taken some memory drive from my grey cells!  LOL..

Back to my topic, here are results to the giveaway.... before I do, I must say thank you to all who came by to comment and to "rescue" their family/friends from heavier washing and coarse hands..

1) Cynthia Tan
2)  Mamakucing
3)  Sheoh Yan
4)  Henry Tan
5)  Elin

The above winners, please send in your email and your contact number to me so that I can forward to the sponsor for further details.   You can email me at reanact(at)  Thank you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Kneipp Products Received

Finally I brought home the products from Singapore... managed to check in my bag to the Firefly airline....I won this giveaway in the month of August and since the prize has to be collected in Singapore, I arranged for my son to collect them, thanks to Shirley for making this possible! 
I have been using the Herbal Body Lotion on my hands and legs ever since.  I love their fruit fragrance, smells sweet and nice... hahaha....

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Method Household Products Giveaway In This Post!

For the past seventeen years, I was like a "queen" in the house but for since last year I have turned into a "slave." Each morning and evening, I have to clean up the porch because my lovely pet doggie dog loves to leave some pee and poo during the night. Other than that, the rest of the housework is a norm for every mother or should I say father as well? :)

Cleaning, mopping, washing are the daily chores and by the end of the day, my hands are drier and coarser, no more smooth hands like before.... I used detergent a lot especially when I washed the porch and after taking my doggie for walks...
Touching and fondling the dog is what we do each day...
And after that, we washed our hands with normal soap or detergent...
After cleaning and mopping the floor, we used to wash our hands with soap too..
oh wrong we were all these while...
Not until I received these pack of beautiful Method hand washes...
They came last week to "rescue" my hands
from getting more rough and tough... oh gosh!

Ever since then I have been using these four gentle and fragrant hand wash and just within a week, I can sense that my hands are not as "stiff" and dry as before.  No doubt I use hand lotions after washing with soap last time but my hands still feel kind of "hard" after washing with normal soap.

Ok, coming back to the Method hand washes, let me introduce briefly about them... from the back clockwise, the greenish bottle is called Method gel hand wash.  It is made of biodegradable ingredients, non toxic that leaves hands clean and soft and one thing great is that they are being made by recyclable bottles... everything recyclable sounds "noble", right?

Next is the red Method foaming hand wash... what I did was by a slight press onto my hands, rubbed a bit and washed it off andI could see the stains from my hands being washed away, leaving a faint scent of a sweet hibiscus flower.

Well, I guess I do not need to talk much about the other two bottles, all are equally gentle to my poor hands.  At last I have found a solution to gentle hand wash after all the washing has been done for the day.

Now ... to share about these gentle hand wash and where to get them, they are now available in all village Grocer and Isetan outlets, some are sold in Cold Storage, Jaya Grocer and Hock Choon outlets...
Last and not least, some freebies announcement!  

You can win a selection of Method household and personal care items worth over RM80 and not only that, you can win them for your friends as well!

Here is what you need to do... very easy only... simple as A,B,C.... 

1)  Just submit a short story about your friend whom you deserve a Method product sent to them as a surprise gift. Just tell why your friend needs to be "rescued" from her household chores such as extremely dirty laundry or children with sensitive skin.  

You can check out to learn about method’s household and personal care products you would like your friend to have.

See, it is that simple only... just a short post in my comment post and there will be 5 winners chosen to receive these beautiful household gifts!

Oh, by the way, this contest is only Open to Residents of Malaysia with a Malaysia delivery address for the sponsor to courier the prize.

 Ok, lets start the ball rolling ....

The contest begins today 4th November 2012 and ends on the ends at 11.59pm on 14th November 2012.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Results Of Giveaway!

Hello Bloggers!!
Firstly I want to apologize to those who have entered the giveaway here ... Let me confess... I have totally forgotten all about the closing date and announcing the TEN winners!

Too much things on the my mind..sorry about that... and just a moment ago, I went to the to help me pick up the ten blogs and here the are numbers which are picked...


Congratulations to the above ten bloggers.... please contact me via email for further details..  :))

Thank you so much for coming by to join in the fun!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Prize Goes To....

Prior to the giveaway yesterday, the correct and accurate answers are from.....
Congratulations, SK!
Now I wonder how he knows all of them..especially those Chinese premiers! By the way, SK, how did you find out? So geng one!
I have to use Mr. Google to get their names.. thanks to Andy who gave me some tips.. like for instance, the #3 picture, most of you do not know him, I myself do not know him but he is the first Chinese astronut so from there, just click Mr. G......
So... SK... the next thing you do is to email me at the red prize will be send to you soonest!!
As for those of you who commented, thanks once again for coming by to have fun,
Daniel, when you wrote "no idea" on the #3, 4, 5 & 8, it really tickles me off...... hahaha..
Loo, except for the #3, you got them all correct... not bad.... *clap, clap*
Another round of applause goes to Superweightkoalabear, you got them all correct too but unfortunately short of one "s" in Tiger Woods... anyway, good try! *clap... clap....*
As for the others, I thank you for commenting "disconnecting now"... hahahaa... that is hilarious too!

Actually it is really fun to put up a guessing game... not necessary to give a pricey gift, right? But just to join and making wild guesses is good enough.... make blogging interesting!

So.... who's next to hold a giveaway? Do let me know!! I love guessing... lol...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And The Answer Is ....

Thanks for the comments! hahaha.. nice try all of you... and do you know that most of the comments I received, the majority guessed that my girl was eating a fried popiah (fried spring roll) ... but sorry to say, the answer is not popiah or sugar cane ....
The answer is ....
Apom as we locals call it
or Egg Roll in english...

courtesy picture taken from here

Unfortunately I did not take a picture of the ones we were eating... but they are Apom all the same.

There is this mute couple (husband and wife) who makes these in the night market and selling them at three for a ringgit. (USD 30 cents for 3) The usual Apoms are normally folded like the picture above but this couple do theirs by rolling them up... thus they look like spring rolls or fried popiah as many had commented. :)

I decided to give two prizes... they are similiar to each other in a way...

The winners are Becky Jane who answered Egg Roll (she is from US so I guess she does not know we call them Apom over here.. :p

.... And the second prize goes to our local food blogger Lena.... (food blogger has an advantage here!) hahaha....

Thanks to everyone who came and comment... it is fun actually.... will continue to do more guessing posts and also to do more guessing in other blogs like the one I won in STP's post! hahaaaaa... that was a nice surprise!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Free Vouchers Giveaway..

Like Ling in de house, I am kiasu too.... when I read her post on free vouchers giveaway from blindperfect blog, I also want to join in the fun. This seems to be the season of tags and contests. No questions to answer here, just write a short post about this generous giveaway of RM50 of Popular vouchers, link to the generous Madam and you will be eligible to have a chance to win..

Well, if I win, the cash vouchers will definitely be for Fernie.. she will surely use them to buy reference books for her coming SPM... :p

Contest is closing tomorrow.. so better be quick, fast... siapa cepat, siapa dapat? lol...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Foong PC's Tag cum Contest

Weekend is here, having nothing much to do, I went blog hopping and found FoongPC's contest post. This is a tag from him and anyone from Malaysia and Singapore are eligible to take up this tag challenge. For international bloggers, you can also join in as long as you are an entrecard member. There will be three winners according to Foong and he will pick them at random. So.. here goes mine :-

1. Najib vs Mahathir - Mahathir
2. Facebook vs Twitter - Facebook
3. Lady Gaga vs Beyonce - Beyonce
4. PJ vs KL - PJ
5. iPhone vs Nexus One - iPhone
6. Blackberry vs HTC - Blackberry
7. Firefox vs Google Chrome - Firefox
8. Nikon vs Canon DSLR - Canon DSLR
9. sex vs sleep - Sex
10. eating vs sex - Sex
11. call vs sms - call
12. sunny vs rainy - sunny
13. werewolves vs vampires - vampires
14. healthy & poor vs sick & rich - healthy
15. cakes vs doughnuts - cakes
16. school days vs working days - working days
17. dog vs cat - dog
18. single vs married - married
19. Malaysia vs Singapore - Singapore
20. China vs USA - USA
21. Paula Abdul vs Kara DioGuardi - Kara DioGuardi
22. OldTown vs Papparich - Papparich
23. Fitness First vs Celebrity Fitness - Celebrity Fitness
24. driver vs passenger - Passenger
25. beautiful & dumb vs brainy & fat - brainy & fat
26. handsome & egoistic vs ugly & rich - ugly & rich
27. insurance agent vs direct selling agent - insurance agent
28. horror movies vs comedies - horror movies
29. working for yourself vs working for others - working for others
30. Avatar vs Lord Of The Rings - Avatar
31. bus vs taxi - taxi
32. Haagen Dazs vs Baskin Robbins - Haagen Dazs
33. flu vs diarrhea - flu
34. blue vs pink - pink
35. chicken vs duck - chicken
36. dawn vs dusk - dusk
37. Tiger Woods vs Nicole David - Nicole David
38. Gmail vs Yahoo email - Gmail
39. book smarts vs street smarts - street smarts
40. foongpc's travel posts vs ghost story posts - ghost story posts

41. Blogging vs Astro - Blogging

That's my 41th question. LOL... this is getting interesting... thanks Foong!
Ok now for the good news!! Please grab this tag and send your URL to Foong.. (mystery gifts!!) he never mention what, maybe he presents himself as a gift.. hahaha... he is up for grabs? If u r reading this now, please take this tag and then send in your URL to his comment post and wait for your prize! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Small Favor, Please?

Hello friends!! Asking a small favor from you...... yes, YOU.. lol...

Can you click on the below image and vote for Elin, the blogger who simply loves cooking and eating?? :)

There is a contest going on in CathJ's blog and Elin has submitted her secret recipe to her Salmon Steak with Balsamic Vinegar...yummy!!!

Just click here or the image above and type No. 4
OK? Can?
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Who Are These Guys...

From KL... let me go to the men....

His blog has many many comments, can reach up till 90 ... geng
He loves traveling, lately to china and kenyir..
He said he was looking for a partner (for traveling purposes only, right?)
And lately he has written a poem about his bloggers, though my name was not mentioned... hmmpt.....
His name is F....

Now this yellow man is called V
He loves to eat and like me, always worrying about getting fat..
Lately he has a son called D
And he loves his job very much... connecting people...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who Are They.... Part 3

3rd day.. I wonder where I am now, which part of Japan...

Ok, back to blogging about who's who...

How about Kuala Lumpur?
I know many from KL.. hope u dont mind if i leave you out.. please excuse this old mind of mine..

Her name is B...
She has a girl named A...
She is formerly from IPOH and she has helped me before in my paid post...
At times she gathered with a few other mama bloggers for a makan gathering..lately a steamboat feast...

Her name is C
She is a dynamic mama who is determined to go all out to earn a living for her princess B....
She is into home baking cakes and cookies... if u want to order, just look out for her in her blog...

Lately this mama blogger gave me a book as a birthday/christmas present...
Her blog is about her son and he is very very cute.... miow miow...
I guess I dont need much explanation for her as well...

She has a girl named A too..
But this mama blogger is called E T
She rambles a lot in her blog..

Another mama blogger called A
She has a pair of twin boys...
Need no introduction, right?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Who Are They....Part 2

Ok, today let us go for Penang bloggers... ready??? Give me their blog names..

This one should be easy because most of you know this famous guy and hope u all know this pretty lady too..

This pretty lady who hails from Penang has just given birth to a baby girl..
She called her Princess L..
I met her once while she was in her eight month pregnancy, if i m not mistaken
And now she has given up working full time to take care of her baby
But she is still working freelance for her boss...
Her name is A....


Our famous guy, sexy, charming, handsome, cool, rugged, daring, sophisticated, drinker, loves drinking beer, humble, friendly, loving (to his family).... and the list goes on...
Two sons named J and M
One beautiful wife whom he loves dearly
OK, OK, this one no need so much explanations, close eyes also know who he is.....

to be continued...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Who Are They....Part 1

By the time you all read this, I might be shivering or freezing in Japan.... but I wanna have fun with all of you here too...

I am going to blog about my bloggers...
Hope you can manage to give their blog names
Isn't it fun? NO? How about a prize? Yes?? Good, I will send u a prize if all answers are correct..
hahhaa.. i seem cracko, talking to myself and imagining the scene in my mind...
Ok, enough crap..
Here goes...

*tip: the bloggers I mentioned here are all from my bloggers' list*

I start with IPOH....

One who loves traveling and lately she went to HongKong..
I think she has grown up kids like me... (hope I m correct?)
I notice she has a lot of bloggers commenting in her bloggie ...
And her layout is pinkish in color....
Her name is W

A dynamic single mama too called A
She has a cute baby girl called M
I met up with her twice already,
She loves baking... and I think a few mamas here know her very well...

Ok, another one from IPOH whom most of us know..
Cos I always talk about her so...
She cooks, she gives me a job...
As a taster, tester.. whatever it is called..
I love her, she loves me..
We miss each other lots!
Her name is E

Ok, 5 bloggers here.. anyone knows the correct answers?

to be continued tomorrow...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...