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Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Your Guide To Winter Fitness

Just because it's no longer beach season doesn't mean that we don't want to maintain our fitness regimens during the winter. When you neglect exercise during the winter, you're just setting yourself up to have to work that much harder in the spring. However, it's easy to feel discouraged when it comes to fitness when the weather outside is harsh and cold.

Luckily, you can stay fit during the wintertime, no matter how gruesome the weather may seem. Here's a simple guide to staying fit during the winter months.
Photo not mine
Try New Indoor Classes

If you've never tried fitness classes before, winter is a perfect time to do it. The weather outside might be frightful, but the temperature inside a fitness studio is plenty warm. If you really want to stay toasty, try a hot yoga class. In a hot yoga class, you do strength- and muscle-building yoga moves inside a studio that is heated to roughly 100 degrees. It's challenging, but you'll be shocked at how amazing you feel afterwards.

Dress Appropriately When Working Out Outdoors

The biggest mistake you can make when working out outdoors during the winter is to neglect to dress appropriately because you assume that the exercise will raise your body temperature sufficiently. You can always take a jacket off and tie it around your waist, but you can't grab a jacket once you're five miles from your house and realize that you aren't dressed appropriately for the elements. If you really want to play it safe, try self-heating clothes, such as heated clothing for hunting. Remember, being caught in cold weather without the right clothing and layers can pose a serious health hazard. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Know When Not To Go For That Run

We all see people who seem to show up for their daily jog no matter how cold it is outside. While it might seem admirable to hit the trail even when the weatherman has said that temperatures have dropped to an extremely low level, it can actually be really dangerous. We all want to feel like we're trying our best when it comes to our fitness routines, but there's nothing wrong with skipping a day or working out indoors when you suspect that temperatures might be dangerously cold.

Don't Beat Yourself Up Over Holiday Eating

Wintertime is the season when none of us are eating more healthfully. The holidays are when we all tend to let loose and eat a little more than we perhaps should. Don't beat yourself up at the gym because you feel like you overindulged; instead, just work out as you usually would. Life is too short to obsess about every single calorie you put into your body, especially during a time when you're supposed to just be enjoying the company of your friends and family.

Just because it's wintertime doesn't mean that you have to flush all the work you've done at the gym over the previous year down the drain. However, you also shouldn't beat yourself up too much for indulging here and there at holiday parties. Exercise safely, dress appropriately and use the cold weather as a reason to try out some exciting new indoor fitness classes.

#thinbotanicals Thin Botanicals Body Wrap #Review

One thing I would like to try is the newest and famous and easiest way to lose excess weight within a week. I tried to balance and count calories, but that doesn't work right away. I don't work out every day, yet I walked and move around as much as I can in and outside the house.

I received the product in the mail through the UPS. I was surprised that the shipping box is way too bigger than what the product size. YES!! One thing about the shipping box, I do find it wasteful whenever they ship something small in a huge box. I know they want to ensure the product will be safe, however, I don't find it smart.

Anyways, the body wraps has a pretty vivid instruction on the outside packaging. Very eye catching and I like how the cautious are well-written to ensure those who are pregnant, breastfeeding mothers can wait until they are done to make sure no harm being done.

It has 4 pieces of body wrap inside, and for the price itself, I would say it is fair. I apply the patch to my belly because it is the worst part of my body that I'd like to remove the cellulite fast. Very simple and make sure you clean that area too. I have the hard time at first, but it is manageable when you know exactly what you are doing.

At first I feel nothing, just the feeling of there is something sticking in your body. After a while, I never even feel about it. But make sure you timed it, the normal time that you should wear the patch is 6-8 hours, for some reason I got occupied and its lapse but not a big of a deal at all.

After I removed the patch, I feel a warm  and light in my belly too and yes, I do notice a little difference. I am still using the remaining patch and hopefully to lose more inch in my belly area. You can find the product on Amazon. 

This is NOT a sponsored post, I did not receive any financial amount. I received the products for free in exchange of my honesty review. The outlook I expressed is 100% exclusively mine.

Crossing my finger with this #AZSPORT Waist Trimmer to work for me

Just the right thing I needed to help me firm my waist after popping out a kid 5 months ago, hehehehe... Anyways, I am ecstatic to accept a confirmed email that I'll be able to review the product. I have waist trimmer before, however, it's been totally overused and a new one would be just right this time.

Where to buy this product? You can purchase it HERE. After I placed my order which is by the way very smooth and I have no predicaments all the way through, it's the same usual method I did when I purchased the item online. 

Waited for  a week since I choose the standard shipping and was received through the USPS. When I unpacked the box I don't see no signs of damage on the product, impressive shipping and handling. The box where the item was lay is about right.

I like the Adjustable Ab Sauna Belt, I really have a non-firm belly, so this Sauna belt would help shed the excess Water weight. I love the Velcro it has, different from the waist trimmer I've used to have. I love the kind they have, very easy and even when I put the belt crocked I don't feel those sharp Velcro touching my skin. VERY comfortable and I'm very satisfied as well as happy because I never have a problem since the first time I wear the belt.

I have noticed a warm feeling which is great because it means only one thing, the belt is working and can't wait for those excess water to be gone. I also like how strong the belt can hold, it's just like once it is sealed you have to exert extra force to get it off. That's how gripped that Velcro holds.

This is NOT a sponsored post, I did not receive any financial amount. I received the products for free in exchange of my honesty review. The outlook I expressed is 100% exclusively mine.

Zumba Fitness for my workout

An overdue post, but have to share, this was my sweet husband’s Christmas gift for me last December. I’ve been eyeing on this fitness whenever we passed by the game section area in the local store, and luckily my husband is very observant with the things I think I need and so I got the Zumba Fitness as my Christmas gift. 
Although the price is quite ridiculous for a game, however, I figured out that I’ll be using this app using my Wii player more often and would save me money from going to a gym to attend a Zumba class.

I love it, I’ve used it as much as I can and yes, even winter, it gets me sweat me like crazy whenever I choose the mild class. Worth the money to spend on this game, glad I have it.  

On to go – hair bands from Activeaccesories – Review abd Giveaway


I do have a very long hair ever since. I make sure to eat healthy foods in order to have a healthy and strong hair strands. I have so many compliments from other people about my hair; they keep telling me the same thing, my hair looks smooth and shiny, which I am proud off.

Sometimes, when the weather is humid enough, I do tie them to keep me from feeling hotter. I have tried so many hair bands and seem nothing would last longer.  I’m happy to have the opportunity to review one of activeaccessories’ products the famous, on-to-go hair bands. 
This is how it came in the packaging is...
Daisypath Anniversary tickers