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Showing posts with label Life in USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life in USA. Show all posts

My Journey to Reacquiring my Philippine Citizenship


There is no place like home as they said, and most of the time it is absolutely correct. Depending on the childhood you have in your life, most people would want to settle back in their hometown no matter how far their achievements are. As for me, I could not say that now, it may take years or so depending on how the economy change, but I consideration of being a snowbird. This means I want to stay longer in one place without thinking about overstaying at all. 

At first, I never intend to reacquire my former citizenship, not because I don’t like the Philippines, in fact, I love to be there for 90% of my life. I am content with what I already have, I love the USA too. Both countries I am part of have histories, and making more memorable days to cherish life and family. I have the opportunity to apply without any hassle at all. Aside from that, my siblings and I have a business corporation that I wanted to stay longer than 1 year without thinking about the possibility of overstaying, so why not re-acquire that citizenship.

Last 2021, my sister and I went back to the Philippines, and yes we did experience the whole Covid19 protocol in order to get to our final destination, the Philippines. I was totally stressed out just to gather all the necessary papers work and to be knowledgeable enough to know most of the changes, during that time. One thing that I was worried about is that I am no longer a Filipino Citizen, what could possibly get wrong? For my part, I have all these questions and the only thing I could satisfy myself with is to research further.

Part of that sudden visit is our father’s passing, heartbroken but we need to accept things and move on, sooner or later when it’s our time to depart this earth it will happen. The only thing we need to do is to make sure that their or our legacy will continue and so that’s where I finally decided to reacquire my Filipino Citizenship. 

The office of the Philippine Consulate here in New York State is located in New York City. From my residence to get there, it would take us 6 hours, plus the traffic that you will experience once you are in New York City.  And that’s something I am avoiding, since my application isn’t really in a rush I decided to go seek an outreach program during the Summer time. And they always perform this program during Spring-Summer time. And that’s where I found the nearest place they will have it in Rochester New York.  Oh, not to mention here in that place is where I also pledge my oath-taking to become a US Citizen. 

Getting the information I needed to do isn’t that stressful and complicated at all. I spoke to a few friends who have already gone through this path and it seems to me that the process is way too easy and quick. I went directly to the website of the Philippine Consulate and gather all the requirements and forms needed. At first, the place of the event hasn’t been started yet, so somewhere in Rochester NY is the area. In, the first week of May 2022, they finally indicated the venue of the Outreach Program and it was at the Recreational Center, Rochester NY. 

We arrived at the location 40 minutes before the time and so my family and I waited for a little while. And since I requested an appointment 7 days before the date, the minute I step foot in that area, I was placed with the next person in line. It was pretty quick. I thought at first I have to go through all these dealings, but my impression was wrong. I have to pause here… 

Rewinding, before I was outside the Recreational Center of Rochester NY. I make sure that I sent an email to the at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled Consular Outreach. The schedule of the Outreach was May 21, 2022, and I sent them an email on May 13th, 2022, Friday. I got a response Monday afternoon, May 16th, stating my 3Pm appointment. Everything stated in the email of what needs to bring and the instruction as well. So make sure you read it carefully and follow what the email says. As per observation, while I was at the place processing my requirement, there were at least 2 people denied to continue their dual application because they didn’t bring the necessary requirements stated on the website. They will not be going to proceed and they stopped them there. I hope they’re from that area; it is a waste of time to travel that far, (like me) and not be able to do it. 

Anyways, I have brought with me the original copies and 2 photocopies of the requirements too. As well as 2 copies of the Dual Citizenship and 4 2x2 white background photos.


The following are the basic requirements for principal applicants:

1.    Duly Accomplished Dual Citizenship Application Forms

2.    US Naturalization Certificate (If this is not available, the applicant must obtain a certification from the US Citizenship and Immigrant Services (USCIS) indicating that the applicant has obtained US Citizenship, including date of naturalization and Certificate number)

3.    Philippine Statistics Authority or National Statistics Office (PSA) Birth Certificate 

4.    Latest Philippine Passport (if available)

5.    PSA Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage for married women.  

6.    Death Certificate is required if a widow

7.    Divorce Decree or PSA Marriage Certificate with Annotation on Divorce (required for an applicant who has previous marriages or divorced)

8.    Valid US Passport

9.    Applicant’s Photos (bring four (4) colored 2″x 2″ photos, with plain white background. Applicant must not be wearing eyeglasses)


 For dependent children:

1.    PSA Birth Certificate / US Birth Certificate

2. Latest Philippine Passport (if available)

3. US Naturalization Certificate 

4. US Passport

5.    Child’s Photos (3 photos)


Make sure to have them with you during your appointment and everything will be smooth, I did. After the payment of $60.00, I reviewed the document and signed it. By the way, don’t get a pre-paid envelope unless you intend to renew or get your passport. I have no clue so I purchased one and now I don’t know what to do with this pre-paid envelope. I can’t return it to the post office. 

Moreover, after 20 minutes of waiting, they all gathered the rest of the dual citizenship applicants in the area we started with our oath-taking. The official had given us our Certificates and the Identification Paper. There were more than 15 people in that batch, we pledge the oath and sang the Philippine National Anthem. It feels like I am back in my first country again. Like having a flashback of my childhood memories during my youth days while we sang our National Anthem during our Flag Ceremony.

Anyways, the best part of everything after reacquiring my citizenship is that I have all the privileges of both countries now. I can travel without having any problems in both countries and so is my family. I can stay as much as I can in both countries, without the worry of overstaying, and for the most part, I get to spend enough time in both countries. 

Oh, after you reacquire your Filipino Citizenship, you are not required to get a Philippine passport, which is only optional. You have your certificate to show them that you are dual. They don’t have any more copies of the certificates, so it is our responsibility that we have to take good care of this document. However, the Consul mentioned that you can make copies of the document and make sure it is being notarized; anyone who notarized would be able to do it. Just to make sure you’ll show them the original copy and that the notarized photocopy is acceptable. 

From the time I was inside the Center up to the last thing I spent inside it only took me less than an hour for the whole process. I am very happy that I have this done. This journey of reacquiring my Filipino Citizenship is over.

Now, I will continue to create more memories with my family in other things.


This is Official, this YEAR isn’t my so Lucky Year

You might already know the content of this article, just based from the title itself. I will elaborate more on why do I assume that this isn’t my year, in spite of the fact that I was born on a Rooster Year. And based of the Chinese calendar this could be my lucky year, yet it seems to prove differently.

Consequently, just to contribute with you why I don’t consider this as my year is that first; I know that we never get all we wanted, but the one thing that I need right now is my schedule for the interview. I get so frustrated every time I checked the website and plus knowing someone who submitted her application the same week as mine just got hers and done. Don’t you think that this year does show it’s not truly mine? I know it’s best to be patient, but knowing the fact that we will have a long vacation this Summer, late interview schedule is not a good thing. And it’s nada!!!

Two; I’m clumsy, I forget things often and yeah, I have decisions that I regretted and wished to turn back time.

Third, I have never missed any opportunity and this year is the first. I must have too much to have in mind that I never even remember to think about my online opportunity, and now it’s gone.

I don’t want to continue more about my misfortune because I don’t want to think about it? Yet because of what is happening, I couldn’t help myself but remember that this might not be my year.

Let’s all hope that things will work out for the rest of my plan this year, because if not, I will really feel devastated. 

Just a Random Chat...

I was talking with my Brother in law, who is at Texas about how he can get a job in Dallas. I really don’t know anything about that city, as I’ve never been there since. Also, it is hard to give a presumption about the place, yes! Texas might have a low cost of living, however, if you probably work 2 jobs [we don’t want to do that] that might help you earning more than you expected.

One thing I know about in in the place is the guitar center dallas.  If you are a musician or love to play musical instruments, and needs a guitar rental, this place indeed one of the best place to visit. If not, you can always browse their website.

How To Overcome A Financial Crisis

A financial crisis can occur no matter how well prepared we may think we are. Even those of us who strive to be the most careful and braced for all kinds of possibilities can still experience an untimely bad money situation. Of course, prevention is the best choice you can make, but once the financial crisis occurs, you can make use of the following tips that can provide a road map for overcoming it and reestablishing economic stability in your household.

1. Get Down To Brass Tacks

It is human nature to avoid dealing with a financial crisis. Dealing with a problem makes it real and when it is real, we can no longer procrastinate. Get right down to brass tacks and start working on fixing the problem immediately! By partaking in activities that are meant to distract, you are only making the situation a lot worse. While feeling overwhelmed is normal, steering clear of the issue does more harm than good and you will be grateful once it's all over.

2. Ditch The Credit Cards

If you're facing a financial crisis, there is a good chance that your credit card spending was instrumental in creating the issues that you are forced to handle. When you are trying to dig yourself out of financial dire straits, the best thing you can do is cut off any avenues for excess spending that exist. That means ditching your credit cards and learning how to live off of the money that you already have. It might also be helpful for you to get some extra funds which you can achieve by living frugally and trying to save more, for instance by using discountrue coupons that will allow you to purchase all the items you need in budget prices at such stores as Kohl's.

3. Diagnose The Crisis

Every financial crisis is not created equal and for every person who faces credit card debt, there are others who are struggling to establish a retirement fund or handle a medical emergency. Knowing what your problem is all about and creating a plan for dealing with it is one of the most important steps that you will need to take. Don't be afraid to research your problem, even if it requires reading some literature. The more you know, the faster you will be able to put your crisis in the rear view!

4. Talk To a Trusted Friend or Family Member

A financial crisis can seem much worse when we do not take the time to speak about it openly. That's why it is important to find a trusted friend or loved one to speak about your issue. Talking out the process in a step by step basis can make things appear far more manageable and it will help you to get outside of your own head. Find someone you can trust and talk the situation out, little by little, piece by piece.

5. Take Care Of Yourself

This is not a time to start neglecting your personal upkeep. Continue to exercise, eat regularly and get plenty of sleep! When you are trying to conquer the stress that is taking place, the last thing you need to do is let your health and well being fall by the wayside. Good luck!

Quick update about my whereabouts

There will be a lot of couponing experiences I will be sharing in this blog. I have to give you a heads up in case it might have some deals for the week, in which it will still be related to the main category of this blog of course.

I can share good deal from Home Depot in which you can save more when you have your own DYI projects or just simply trying to buy something that you might be needing for Home development.

I’m quite busy with my recent couponing hits lately and because I am a newbie, I am trying to get the best deal and to ensure that I have at least some of the deals that would save me 90% off retail prices.

Yes! This would be a tons help for my family, a good saving would give us a plenty of way to use the money with. Saving something for future plans and more. Also, if you do send a Balikbayan Box, in which it is very common to mostly Filipinos, couponing is the BEST way to do it.

You purchase this items in full sizes and yet you only pay 90% off and sometimes it is absolutely FREE and also a moneymaker. Quite addicting indeed, as long as you know what you needed, you won’t be wasting anything when you are couponing.

A KEY to his Honda Civic LX

This is the key to my husband’s new ride. Other Honda but this time it is much newer and looks even better than the 1995 Honda Accord that he acquire.
He has been looking for a nice with decent price car two years ago, but couldn’t find the one that likes that most. Of course, he’d like to possess another Honda again because we all know that this kind of car would last longer and it has the car features my husband is looking for.

I know nothing about cars, I know how to drive them and I finally know how to put liquid in its power steering in case it gets low. I need to learn more about cars as I do drive one.

Anyways, after a while the my husband finally found a few of the Honda cars, the Honda LX is a coupe. I like the color, [which I prefer white or red] very clean and all.

He found this one at Lockport, NY and asked his big brother to test drive it for him. Got an affirmative too based from what he experienced.

Went there last July 21, 2016 to fully paid the car. No more monthly payments and off we got the car on it’s decent amount.

I like it, I have driven the car for many times and I like it. I feel like I’m driving a sports car and that’s kinda cool to experience.

Lawn Garage Sale in Frewsburg 2015 - we participate

Yearly, our Town allotted every second week of June to be its Lawn Garage Sale. This year again we partake in the community event. Though we have some few items to put out, my late MIL also has some stuffs that we think worth to sell.

It's also a great way to connect with the family from time to time. Seeing as I have nothing else to do but to take care of my children, I told my husband that we can sell some materials we no longer need. I do have a few, some baby clothes that I can't send to my sister because the kind of fabric its made off that is too warm for the baby to wear and given that they don't have winter weather, fleece clothes should be avoided.
taken on the first day of Garage Sales 2015
The Garage Sale starts Friday and ends Sunday. My son still have school, I wish to ditch Friday since I don't know what's going to happen if I will be by myself doing all the work. I was uncertain to take part on Friday. However, my husband's Aunt showed up to help us and she also has some of her items that need to be put out, and so, we tried our luck on the first day.

It was humid, I feel bad for her cause I can't fully stay outside as I have to attend my 5 year old sand my infant's needs. Got to get them ready and so on. Though we sell a few items, it would be awesome to have some assistance.

We resolute to pack the things around 3:30 after my son gets off the  bus,  because of some weather forecast reasons as well. Storm is coming and since there were only two of us, we need to have a head start before it gets here and drench our stuffs.

It was an experience!! I feel exhausted, and I'm sure hubby's Aunt even more. We were alive, we survive I guess that's the most important thing, we manage that day and hope to do it again next year.

It's all about the MONEY...MONEY...MONEY...

YES!!! In order for my family and I travel back to visit my family in the Philippines, I need to accumulate our airfare not just  for one but for the four of us. It isn't easy, especially, when you aren't working a full-time job. I do have sideline income in which I tried to save as much as I can.

It was a dear friend of mine who initiate to save money through using a 52 week money challenge. It is quite hard for me, again because I don't have a permanent income where I can pull it out and save it, however through being wise, I'd be able to come up with some and keep it for my challenge.

I need to cut back all the unnecessary things and think a million times before purchasing something. It is very tough as I used to spend all my money over some unwanted stuff. Later on in time, I manage to be thrifty and here are the savings I have saved for the whole year. I have 1 down and 3 more to go.

Happy ChristEastermas Day???!!!!

Quite pass due post, that's okay as long as the month of April hasn't ended yet so I still have the chance to share some insights about our Easter Sunday.

YUP! The image would say it all, early morning we do have a heavy snow and thinking we will have another foot of snow. It was snowing since last night, but it wasn't as heavy as when the morning comes.

My partner mentioned that it's a double celebration, Christmas and Easter at once. And even at the Sunday Eucharist, the Priest even mentioned if it's Christmas or Easter because the snow just came back again. And so he called it a ChristEasterMas I hope I said it right.

Though the snows melted away in the afternoon and a warm weather came, it was such a fun experience at least for me, to see Snow during Easter. Cause for the past 6 years living here, I hardly noticed a heavy snow during Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday Weather.. April 5, 2015
What about you? Did your place get a massive of snows too during the Easter Sunday? Oh, what about the Tropical countries? Oh, I miss living in a Tropical place.

Plans for 2015 in our property

Since we moved here last 2013, it doesn't mean that the place is completely finished. We have done many things to update the house, clean up as much as we can in the yard and try to replace those important things.

However, home development isn't over yet. In fact, we do still have plenty of plans that need to be accomplished, yet we don't have enough time and money into it all at once.

Hopefully, this year we can cut off some of the trees that are closer to the house for a precautions and safety matter. Once that is done, we need to make sure that we get rid of all the branches, leaves and rocks even unnecessary weeds in the yard. We still need to level the whole yard too, oh where to begin. Nevertheless, as long as we have the time and the plan, I'm sure when the time comes we will all finish the things that needs to be done. 

Starts my leave on blogosphere

Yes, you've read it right, I will be opting out with my blogging reviews, maybe sponsored post for a week or two. I have to enjoy the Holidays just like the rest of the world. My husband and my son will be home for a week and spending time with them hanging around would be a great way to bond with them more. Plus, we have to make sure we spend more time with our little one as well as our Kuya [big brother, son].

So, I might be hibernating unless I have an urgent article to post. For now, all I want is to wish everyone a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and will definitely come back here to wish you again a prosperous New Year.

Protect Packages While Shopping

Whether shopping for the holidays, heading to the mall for back-to-school clothing or running errands around town, consumers often leave packages in their vehicle unattended. Sometimes, it is easier to run a handful of bags out to the car rather than struggle with them while wandering the mall. People may have several different stops to make, requiring them to leave newly purchased items in the vehicle. Many people believe that if the packages are stolen, their car insurance will cover the cost of them. However, this may not be the case.

Comprehensive Coverage
When you obtain car insurance quotes from an insurance agent, you will be given a price for comprehensive coverage. This coverage is designed to cover damage to your car as well as the loss or theft of any equipment attached to it, such as a radio. However, it will not cover the value of possessions within the vehicle. In most cases, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance may cover the lost valuables, but even they have limits as to what is covered. Some homeowner’s policies only cover up to ten percent of the property value, although the average coverage is between 50 to 75 percent of the coverage amount of property within the home. The policies also have deductibles which could be as high as $500, which may prevent you from replacing those items.

Credit Card Protection
One way to protect purchases that could be stolen from your vehicle is to file a claim under the free protection benefit offered by many credit cards. Most cards cover purchases made by the card within 90 days. American Express covers up to $1,000 per loss for some of their cards and does cover losses in vehicles. However, some credit cards exclude items stolen from vehicles in their protection plans, so it is important to read the fine print.

Secure Your Car
The best way to insure that your purchases are safe is to secure them properly in your vehicle. Park as close as you can to the store or mall, preferably under a street lamp. If you are driving a small car, avoid parking between large vans or SUVs when possible so your car is more visible. Police say that the majority of thefts from vehicles occurs because the car was unlocked. Close all the windows and lock the doors, including the sunroof. Don’t leave valuables visible in the car. Place phones, music players and GPS devices in consoles or glove boxes. Be sure to place charging cords in hidden areas as well. If your car has a trunk, place all packages in the trunk out of sight. If you drive an SUV, use the cover that often comes standard to keep  the packages hidden. If you carry packages to the car and return to the store, move to a different parking space, if possible. Criminals may be watching vehicles and you return to the store indicates you are not leaving soon.

These tips can help keep your newly purchased items safe from criminals, whether it is bags of holiday gifts or groceries for the next week. By being aware of your surroundings and understanding limits of your car, homeowner or credit card policies, you can be better prepared the next time you visit the mall.

Three colors in one skin

I do find this hilarious when my dear husband showed me his 3-way color skin. How did he get it? This was last Summer when he truly exposes out the sun due to the nature of his job. I never even noticed it since I don't pay too much attention when he gets too tanned and show-off that he got a darker skin than I do. I don't mind at all, I love what I look like and what I have.

This is just one of those goofy days when I finally noticed everything about him, it might not be too visible to see the 3 color skinned feet, however it is amusing to probably experience it. 

Make a Soldier's Day: Handmade Craft Projects You Can Send Overseas

Most military personnel are at least a little homesick. They love their job but, at the same time, they love feeling like they’re home. Handmade gifts can help in that respect. If you want to help out our troops, but you don’t really know what to do for them, you can try sending them something with a personal touch.

Soldiers are sometimes stationed in places where it’s really cold. They don’t always have access to warm clothes aside from what the military gives them. A nice, knitted scarf not only shows that you care, but it also has a practical benefit.

On the other end of the continuum is the soldier who is stationed in a hot climate, like Afghanistan or some desert climate. A bandana can soak up the sweat and provide a shield from the sun. Male military personnel have short haircuts by requirement. This also means that they are more prone to sunburn on the top of their heads if they don’t have protection (e.g. a hat). And, while they do have hats issued by the military, sometimes, a soldier wants something a little more lightweight.

Sending this seems like an odd gift for a soldier, but they don’t work all the time. During their days off, it’s nice to be able to dress up and go into town, if they have that option.

Paracord Bracelets 
Paracord bracelets are not only stylish (well, stylish for military personnel), but functional as well. What is a paracord bracelet? It’s a bracelet made out of the same nylon cord that’s been used in parachutes since at least World War II.

The cord can be used to fashion climbing tools, a gill net, a fishing line, a snare trap, and even a makeshift tourniquet. Oddly enough, the military doesn’t provide this as standard equipment. But, you can, and soldiers love them.

A Special Ornament 
A lot of soldiers are, unfortunately, without a family to celebrate the holidays. Either, they’re single, or they don’t have a great relationship with their parents or other family members. This doesn’t have to be a lonely time for them though.

You can send a soldier a Christmas ornament and let them know that someone out there in this world is thinking of them. This is more than female soldiers in the civil war got, but today’s soldiers also face different challenges than some soldiers of that era.

For example, during the Civil War, women were generally not allowed to join the military and serve on the front lines. Women could be nurses, but they wouldn’t see a lot of combat.

However, some women did manage to fake their identity, pose as males, and fight on the front lines.

Today, women serve openly in the military, but the dynamics of family structure are a bit different today. In the old days, family was very important and it was rare for a soldier to not have a family to come home to or to write to.

Today, some soldiers aren’t married or don’t have a family that sends them letters or gifts. You can be that family and become a force for good and a source of hope.

Helen Moser is a retired service member who also loves to craft. She combined her desire to help our overseas military with her love of creating things to help support our troops. Look for her great craft ideas and tips on many blogs and websites.

Happy Labor Day America

photo source google search

Time flies so fast!!! Whenever we celebrate the Labor Day here in the US of A, it also reminds us that September is here. Meaning, colder weather, time will be even faster and of course the end of the year is fast approaching as well as there will be plenty of upcoming holidays.

For now I will be focusing on Labor Day. To those who have spent a long weekend together with their family and friends, enjoy to the max fun is what you deserve after a long week of hard work. For those who work, well, I would say kudos for supporting your family that much you need to have gone to work for a time and half paycheck. And lastly, for those who are home spending time with family and just being laid back with simplicity enjoy it as well, for tomorrow will be back to reality.

May you all have a wonderful Labor Day everyone. 

Drive, Lowe's and Dinner

Yup, it was one of those ordinary days we have of the week, when hubby came home from work waited for about an hour to tell us if we would like to go with him to Warren, PA in order to see what Lowe's got for him on his DIY stairs project. Of course, as a mother, I have to make dinner for the little one before 6:30pm and the husband did mentioned about the drive after I cooked the requested Mac and cheese dinner of our son. 

Without further ado, I grabbed my purse and went to the car before it's going to be too late. Husband drove and get us a joy ride towards Lowe's Warren, PA. When we get there, the things he was looking for his DIY mudroom stairs wasn't there. He decided to dine-in to a nearby restaurant. Friendliest restaurant we usually went is applebee's, glad this time the food we order wasn't as bad as it was in Lakewood, NY.

Spent for an hour and half in the restaurant and headed home after we dine-in. Now, back to the normal routine ways we do at home.

Save at early age

Saving as early as possible is the best way we can teach our kids to be more responsible and thrifty when it comes with the money they receive during special occasion.

One of our son's aunt gave him a nice piggy bank so he or we could help him earn/save the coins as well as the money that was given to our son whenever there are occasions or if we find coins just anywhere.

It was that day when we enough coins rolled that it's time for us deposit it to the bank.  Sometimes, we need to learn about how to treasure small things and this is just one of it. 

Coupon Tips for the Modern Moms

Having an understanding of how to get the best item for the right price takes timing, practice, and patience. Successful couponing for the modern mom takes a bit of dedication, timeliness and preparation. If you are not familiar with the couponing process it can be a difficult and frustrating experience, however; as you practice it every day you can begin to better and save even more money as you become more skilled at doing it every day.

So, how are others doing it? Well others know when the right time to use their coupon is. Couponing experts will always let you know that couponed items should be saved for an item until it goes on sale. With an already discounted price because of the sale, you can save tons just by using your coupon at this moment. This allows you to get the item for the lowest possible price or sometimes even for free.

The best way to become a super couponing expert is to follow a simple method that many have been using for years. That is to look at the circulars in stores in your area, compare those items to your coupons, and then match them up for the best possible savings on the items you want. Some stores will have the same items on sale in any particular week. The trick is to see which sale is the best when combined with your particular coupon.

There are also manufacturers’ coupons that are printed in the Sunday newspaper inserts. Using these can help you save big on a variety of items in the store. You may even begin to be able to stockpile certain items your family needs. This way, you will never be out of things like toilet paper and laundry detergent. Not to mention you will have never paid full price for your stockpiled items, so it makes the savings even sweeter.

When couponing you want to develop an organized system in order to get optimum savings. Having a binder, files or keeping lists are just some of the ways you can organize your coupons as you hunt for exceptional discounts. The rule of thumb here is to do what works best for you.

Every year your family can save quite a bit of money with couponing. When using coupons to purchase items your family needs everyday anyway, you will see the difference in pricing. In fact it is like having your very own unconventional savings account and every dollar saved can be spent on something else you or your family may need or it can be put away for a rainy day.

How to reach your dream home

For most people, owning a home is part of the American dream. However, securing a home loan can be difficult for some people. This can be due to limited credit or the lender's strict guidelines. However, there are many things that you can do to get approved for a home loan.

photo not mine
Before you begin applying for home loans, take a look at your credit history. Pay close attention to your credit score as this is the number most lenders will look at. Credit scores can range anywhere from 300 to 850. If your credit score is on the lower side, try to pay any outstanding debts that you may have. Not only will your credit score help determine loan eligibility, but it will also be a deciding factor when it comes to interest rates.

Now that you have worked on your credit score, obtain both a checking and savings account. By having these accounts, you are showing lenders that you are financially secure. In some cases, the lender may also look at your withdraw history. Whenever possible, keep at least 10 percent of your homes down payment in a savings account.

Finally, try to get pre-approved for a home loan. During this process, be completely honest with lenders. By being pre-approved, you will have a better bargaining tool when it comes to purchasing a home. Companies like Embrace Loans can help you with the entire process.

How Keeping a Diary Can Enrich Your Life

Did you know that keep a diary could enrich your life? Diaries aren’t just for anguished teenage girls to spill their hearts out about boys they love and loathe. Keeping a diary, for any person of any age, can be a great way to give yourself therapy. You can manage your emotions much better, by simply using the book as an agony aunt. You’ll find you release stress much quicker, and worry a lot less - you'll also enjoy mental clarity like never before.
photo is not mine
In one single day, imagine how many thoughts go through your brain. How many different emotions do you feel? These thoughts and feelings are the doorway to whatever you’ve been struggling with in your life, and by using a diary you can tap into them. You wouldn’t believe just how fantastic an asset these thoughts and feelings are, but they often escape quickly before we can actually get any use from them. This is where you can use your diary (shinola journals are the perfect place to start for beginners) to effectively managing your emotions.

Don’t think of your new diary as a book containing the dramatic events in your life. Instead, think of it as a private, personal record of your thoughts and feelings that can help you to unlock a mystery. A diary is way more powerful than you probably realize!

Write Down Everything
The most important thing here is to stop judging what you’re writing. Nobody will ever read this diary apart from you. You don’t even have to write down full sentences if you don’t want to!

Examples of How You Might Use Your Diary
Let’s pretend you’ve just finished work, and something has upset you during the day. By simply pulling out your diary and writing a few words about it, and how it made you feel, you can tap into your emotions. You could even write about how guilty you feel when you eat too many biscuits! Some people like to leave their diary on the nightstand, so if they wake up with an idea at 3 in the morning, or want to remember a dream they had, they can jot it down and go back to sleep.

Do you need any more reason to keep a diary? We don’t think you do, but here are 17 great reasons to keep one anyway:

You’ll enjoy mental clarity.
You can easily weigh up the pros and cons of a situation to help make a decision.
You can help yourself to focus.
You can keep yourself accountable.
It’s the safest place to write down your dreams and fears.
You can shout at your diary without it shouting at you.
You’ll become more self-aware.
You’ll have reduced stress levels.
You can track your progress.
You can record great quotes and inspirational messages.
You can keep to-do lists.
Record great achievements.
Complain freely.
Work through your struggles.
Give yourself peace of mind.
Record your visions and dreams.
Nobody will judge you!

Keeping a diary is truly a great way of finding yourself, soothing yourself, and becoming a better person. Try it and see!
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