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Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Browsing is my relaxation

I honestly have a very busy week. For some reasons, I have so many errands and things that need to accomplish this week. It has started since Monday and up to now I still have to make sure that my body will not be exhausted after Saturday’s event.

Our son’s birthday party and hoping that most of the invited can make it provided that weather will be on our side. I cannot wait to have this week be over so I’ll have time to at least relax for a little while.

One of the things to keep me relaxed is browsing online. I sometimes find interesting facts and new information that helps me update about the world. Also, I browse on different instruments that makes me curious about it. And one of them is the Boss Pedals.

What about you? Is browsing one of your way to relax?

What helps you to block those noise at the concert?

 While working on my coupons to check every single store in town about their sales, it is sometimes overwhelming with all the match up. You may think, I have forgotten about different things other than just coupons, but not.

I still watch my favorite tv shows, I make up for it and thanks to the other subscription tv shows and movies I don’t need to search them as everything is in there.

Just like what we did months ago. We went to a Rock and Roll Live concert and I have always thought I needed and my son needed an earpeace so it wouldn’t be too loud. Yet, as for me, I can handle the loudness of the live band but for me son, he seems to enjoy the not too quiet but also just about right music background. 

Online Music Store

Don’t have enough time to go in the store to purchase parts for your instruments? Well, that would change things now, as there is this very cool online website in which you can actually get literally the kind of parts or musical instrument you might be seeking for.

This awesome online music store just have all the varieties of musical items online.  Check out their educators in case you might want to learn a totally new and different instruments. You can simply browse items by brand or don’t forget to swing by their clearance items. You might be able to find something that you have been looking for or find a nice deal for a gift.

Easy way to check online, or just simply look for something that you might be able to check out. 

Musicians Friend Catalog

Learning more about where to find or to receive information about the musicians friend catalog all you have to do is simply visit the website with the link I provided here. Through that link, it will lead you to a direct website where you can fill out the information needed.

You can choose of how would you like to receive information about musicians friend. This would make things even easier because though this, they will send you an email or text, whichever you choose to receive updates about the website.

It seems like they don't need that much information there and don't forget to read the policy they provided online. May this detail is helpful for you. 

Ukelele would be...

What could be more fun to give or get is a nice musicians friend ukulele, especially if you know how to play this cute and awesome instrument. I've heard and seen this played by those who knows, which seems to be so much fun.

The tiny musical instrument is very light weight and easy to carry along, especially when you go to an event or activity that you will use the item. 

Pro Gear

Music is a great way to keep ourselves relax and occupy from all the stress we sometimes feel in life. As part of our daily life, stress can never be prevented because of situations we can't foresee. However the only way we can do to handle life and stress without feeling worse is to be able to listen and enjoy music.

Other people would rather play their heart out using their nice pro gear to at least diver their mind to notes or cords that would make them relax.

What about you? What are your ways to divert your stress? Or what do you do in order to feel stress free in your daily life?

Experts and guitar

Finding the right guitar to have is sometimes too hard. There are so many different kind of an electric guitar and if you are not an expert then it would take you a little while before you obtain one.

But, if you knew someone who knows or be a professional who knows more about specific guitar then you are in luck. He/she might help you out on choosing the right one for you. Also if you are capable enough he/she might be able to choose the nice rx 20 that can be found on this website.

I like to play guitar, but I know less about it. I don't even know how to tune it when it needs to tune-up. Oh I wish I have someone who can help me start and I'll definitely take it seriously. 

Guitars for small hands

Looking for the best way to know about acquiring your own guitar? And I didn't even know that guitars can be  customized for someone's convenient. I would never know about this until today.

To learn more about guitars for small hands please do visit the website. It will show you and feed you with great information about guitars, what would be the right for you and of course, who inspired these people to create such convenient way of getting one.

How to choose the right Martin Guitar for you and why choose Martin guitar. These are the things you should be learning before you purchase one. 

Taking it Easy with Tunes: Free Music That's Easy on Your Bank Account

So you want free music, do you? Well, you don’t want to end up in jail or large fines over pirated copies of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face, do you? Thankfully, there are a lot of sources out there for free, and completely legal, music. Here’s how to boost your collection.

Search Amazon

Believe it or not, you can get some new and popular music free. You can legally get some on torrent sites – but it might take some research and common sense to find music that doesn’t infringe on copyright. You can also point your browser to and check out the company’s free MP3 page. Yeah, it’s a bit of a hunt and peck method to find anything you might be interested in listening to, but it’s also free, so what do you expect.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for the first time through, bookmark the page and come back often. Amazon is always updating this list.

Go For Indie And Artist-Submitted Free Music

Some artists want you to download their stuff and pass it around. That’s the only way they’ll become popular and they’re hungry for the attention. Take advantage of that. For example, many songs on SoundCloud are available as free downloads.

Another site that’s worth surfing is Jamendo. It only offers royalty-free music. If there’s a particular artist or music track you’re looking for, you can also visit the musician’s website. Sometimes they give away free demo tracks.

The Public Domain

The public domain is where all the free music lives. Anything that was written in the last couple of decades, however, won’t be found here. You might think that if it’s free it has to be cheesy. And, while there are a lot of stinky singles out there, there’s also some really amazing stuff too. Check out the International Music Score Library Project if you like classical music. The Library of Congress National Jukebox is another great place to find classic songs. keeps it both free and legal, and has a collection of live music, old 78 RPM recordings, and a lot of music from net labels.

The P2P Trick

A lot of people are afraid to use P2P file sharing clients because of what happened to those unlucky soles years ago using some P2P software and downloading and uploading music that infringed on copyrights.

The newer mainstream companies, like Vuze, actively discourage users from stealing music. In fact, the default meta search engines in the Vuze client are set to sites like, and the company tries to educate its user base about copyright laws and intellectual property.

Using torrents, you can download almost anything that’s not protected by copyright, or where the copyright holders have authorized free sharing, and you don’t have to get it from a centralized server. You get it from other users.

Free Streaming Services

Last, but definitely not least, it’s just not worth the risk of stealing when there are free music services out there like iTunes Radio, Pandora, and Spotify. These services are a sort of pseudo Internet radio, allowing you to customize the type (genre) of music you like to listen to. You the user, can vote on each song and even tell the service to stop playing songs that you don’t like. After a while, it “learns” your preferences and only plays music you enjoy. Cool, right?

Katherine Phillips has a knack for maximizing tech's potential. From useful apps to entertainment and file management, she enjoys blogging about the ins and outs of making tech work for everyday users.

A nice professional mixer: gutar center

Do you like to play music and mix them? There is a professional help that would make all those possible noise and remixing better and easier. Get your own gutar center online and that would make your mixing and the quality of your music even better.They have the lowest price as this professional mixer is just handy as well.

If only I have the talent of mixing and remixing songs I would have invested in one of this equipment. I can also make my own original sounds with the help of this awesome mixer.  

About telecaster neck pickup

I honestly never heard about the telecaster neck pickup before until I came across to the musician friend website.  Apparently this accessory does help to create a good sound quality of power to an outcome of an instrument.

What kind of instrument? Like you I have to make sure that I provided the correct detail and so researching online is the best solution I can recommend. Though I don't have the exact answer yet, but for now knowing that this piece is an accessory of an instrument that would provide or improve sounds and it is also a good quality. 

Drum Accessories

Do you own a Drum set and looking for an affordable accessory for your Drums? Well, this is your lucky day as I know where you can get those nice and affordable Drum Accessories without leaving your premises. This website just has so many varieties of your choice and parts of your musical instrument. Surely, you will be comfortable to shop online without running to the store.

I nice Gibson Bass Guitar

Know someone who loves to collect different kind and unique guitar? I have found one great that you might be interested to give it to that person. The 2015 gibson sg bass is a Bass guitar, which has an awesome design and can be found in this store. It's the season of giving, right? Make that special person you have to get something what they deserve this upcoming holiday and surprise them with an awesome guitar. 

Where to find a Classical Guitars

Acquiring a classical guitars is something anyone would like to possess. It has great values, especially when you are the kind of person who collects them and plays them at the same time. I don't know much about antiques, however, there is only one thing that I would definitely admire is how sturdy they are as this kind instruments were made of high quality products. They can also be sounds awesome and competitive outcomes to the newer version.

So, if you want to collect or even see what are this classical guitar would look like, which I am sure doesn't really have a big difference with the modern one, simply visit the website above. 

The selection is here

It's the time of the year when every household is busy for the preparation of big holiday events of the year. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some of us maybe started to buy an early present for the whole family in order to save more time and money rather than buying them at once. I do, I started to look for clearances or Big sales where I knew this person would love to receive during the special occasion. I only give present once a year, so I would like to ensure that they will use and enjoy the special gift I have for the individual.

As for those who are music lovers giving your loved ones something new or parts of their favorite instruments is a great thing to get to them this holiday. You can find great the selection here and see what your loved ones would like to acquire this upcoming holiday. 

Long Road Trip to Scranton, PA

It was Saturday of August, the day he's been waiting after he purchase the Concert ticket online. I was a little bit against of the long road trip due to my situation, however it's his happiness and as a supportive wife, I need to show him enthusiastic about the big event he's been waiting for.

We rented a Hyundai-Elentra for two days as we don't trust the Honda car which is 20 years old right now that also acts weird lately. The safer the better and besides, it's a long road trip, we don't want to take the chance of any incidents along the way.

Picked up his bff nearby who of course, another fan of the concert. Before that, did I mentioned that we have to go see KISS? Which my husband says the "hottest band in the world?" Honestly, I don't remember hearing them before when I was still in the Philippines, so that quote might not be true.. Just kidding.

Anyways, we make sure we have everything with us, the tickets, extra snacks for the long road trip so my husband won't fall asleep after the concert, drinks and of course our little 4-year-old who would be witnessing the concert live for the very first time. He also likes to listen to KISS songs, which his father plays with him during bedtime.

Moreover, the concert will start not until 7pm so we have plenty of time to get there, plus if we do have to stop over for food or pee we don't need to rush things. Left the place by 1pm and goes the long road trip with the buddy and family.

Took few pictures along the way for souvenirs and a few are below:

A quick selfie with my Mahal before we head to a long drive

Who isn't ready for the concert???

Little did we know, when we arrive at the place traffic is totally intense. We were on the line for at least 10 minutes or so, never even tried to track the time as long as we get to the concert before it begin is what we hope for.

We made it...worth of all the traffic and long drive
Def Leppard...they are pretty awesome band too...

When all of a sudden boredom strikes him...when Def Leppard's was performing

When the Kiss Band Begun

Got back from a mile walk and finally settles in the car

wide awake, instead he plays something fun

Yes...the traffic we need to face after the concert

Let's not forget the souvenirs, we bought 3 shirts for my husband, son and myself. Totally outrageous prices, but husband mentioned it's worth the money. Man!

What can I benefit in playing musical instrument

Sometimes being at home all the time bores me out that I need to go outside to see the world and how magnificent it is. Other things I do at home is to sing on my video-karaoke, play games with my toddler, stroll for a while and hopefully someday I will be able to find the right instrument for me to play with. I love music and playing an equipment would surely be a good addition plus, I can always teach my son to play once I am an expert on playing the instruments.

However, I am not quite sure where to get a great deal, until I search online and came up on this website They have great deals and I just like to see what would they offer me in the online website. 

Fishman Amp

Spring is in the air and the place is getting warmer in order for everyone to enjoy the warm and heat of sunlight. Fishermen by this time usually have fun again on the water with their fishing rod and bait them with. Others usually hang out by the shores to enjoy the sunny day together with their nice wireless radios they have. So, if you need to fix your components with parts you needed for them to work it again, it’s better to get your fishman amp parts here and see what else you needed to complete. 

Just random thought due to a cold weather.

I was reading online world news while suddenly I felt so irritated. I never like to feel this way, especially when I’m reading and learning new things such as mapex drums & percussion at guitar center. All of a sudden, I just realized the reasons why I am feeling this way. What causes is the freezing temperature we have today. It is annoying that even we set our heater into a higher point that we can afford still doesn’t work to heat up parts of the house. The only thing for me to warm up is to sit right next to it. 

They said to love the life and days we have, I do apply these, sometimes I never think of negative things in order to have a positive outcome. Nevertheless, things reach my limitations this is just not fun at all. What can I do? It is Nature’s natural ways to give us winter season and just continue with life. 

Gift Idea: A good gift for musicians


This time of the year is the great way to find good items online. There are so many sales or discounts to take advantage online and in stores. If you are a music lover this is a great way to check out a good motu 24i/o expander at musicians friend online. I have to be honest that I am very clueless now that different ways to make video technology easier for those who work hard to provide us entertainment.

I hope that through my post it will be a good way for them to get such device in such a lower price.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers