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Showing posts with label PhOtOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhOtOs. Show all posts

One of our random Sunday


I have never played with my Pen-1 Camera for a very long time. This is one of those days that we were just lazy and playing outside the yard. As the household chores are done, I took my camera and started to take random shots. 

I like how it turned out great and so here it is. I do hope to share more unique shots to continue my passion in photography. 

#ProductReview: Allocate your immense memoirs with Café Press Inc . [Canvas on Demand]

I forever ensure I include photos or videos of the superb memoirs I have in my life. I believe I don’t want to overlook or ignore that special minute so I desire to preserve it by captivating more pictures as well as videos as much as feasible. It will pay off in the end since I can go back and gaze of those fun times, which give me more rationale to smirk as well as to value how precious my existence is.

The special moment my son will remember when we
spent Christmas last 2012
with the Lolo [grandfather] he will ever met

Memories to keep and share - CanvasPress Review

I was ecstatic when I received an email from I was longing from a response to the company in regards writing for a product review. I am glad they have given me the chance to evaluate their product and work.

It is my pleased to receive the 16x20 1.5” canvas of the picture I choose. While working on their website I did find everything simple and user-friendly. When I go through all the procedure on the website, I never have trouble at all. Everything is quick and very detailed. They showed your order details at the end of the process before the final work submission.

Jersey's Portraits...

Mostly women loves to get nice photography especially when we need some memories on a particular event, place with the people we love or simply just want to have souvenir with that nature and great scenery that we experiences once in a while in our lifetime.

Were you one of that kind of woman? Well, I am. I am one of those woman who never fails to take a picture on a particular thing or nature in order for me to have some picture on that said memory within that place. And one of my main goal lately is the New Jersey Beach Portraits. Yup, they even have an offer for a $50.00 off coupon, available directly on the website, which is the That is a great big deal, and the portraits they have is amazing. See it for yourself to believe it!

~ Vacation #4 - A Night with My Family ~


After the visit in Bula Festival on 15th of January, we decided to continue our celebration at home. I encouraged my cousin Agot and friend Genalin to join the said video-karaoke at home. Good thing that my other cousin Bethang came by home with her bf and actually met my lovey dovey Jeffy. Got a little Red Horse Beer and some junk food to cater the said continuation of the celebration, and not only that everyone had so much fun during this evening. A loud songs and laughter was in the air at this time. Here’s some pictures to show some proofs.

Photo by Ian

Cousins: Bethang & Bf Darell, Vyne, Lyn-Lyn, Mom
Genalin, Agot, Jeff and Me

Stolen shot???

Agot is obviously singing her fave song, does she know how to sing?

Whohoo.. Finally we both got a song to sing...

A silly poise with cousin and friend Genalin

Agot is totally crazy, she danced like a macho dancer here.


Thanks for reading...

'till then...

~ Plan a Unique and Simple Wedding ~


Soon I will get wed to my wonderful fiancĂ©e Jeffrey Hedges. We had been into the stage of fixing every requirement in order for me to get myself there first. I know it will still take me months to do it, but thinking on my wedding day makes me giggle all the time. I came by across into this website where they offer great opportunity to couples who plans to have a classic yet memorable wedding day. is a website to help couples like us with a stress-free into every preparation. was helping many couples since 1997 and until now, they bring smile to each lover up to the finale ceremony. Not only that they cater every thing connecting Wedding obviously, hehehehe…. I’ve looked at the Wedding photos, the breathtaking flowers, your hairstyle… my gosh!!! I would want to get married now.. okay, I have to calm myself here. The Wedding gowns that they can surely give you the BEST fit and rest assure every bride to have the most shining day in their life. Wedding Website like is such a privilege not only for the first time couple to be married, but for the oldies or shall I say who had stay in the marriage for 25 years and above. Yes, golden wedding and silver wedding as well, why not visit them now and see the break that you can get from them and the assistance they can manage into your future weddings.

~ Do you have any idea what is this??? ~



~ Vacation #3 – Bula Fiesta to meet High School Friends ~


January 15, 2008 - After we checked out at Eden Nature Park, we headed to the terminal for a bus ride back home, so we would be able to get and attend Festival in Bula. Good thing that we left Davao early because it gave us the time to get rest from a 2 and half hours travel, whew! Our butt does hurts… hehehehehe…

Moreover, I was texting the people at home that Jeffy and I decided to go home on the next day. They have no idea that we are already in GenSan and on our way to see them. They were surprise to see us, and as usual when we have visitors who where from different place it’s like a whole barrio or the whole clan wants to see and meet them/him. That is what happened to Jeff, and even if they met him before? Again, I introduced each of my aunties and cousins who were at home. Jeffy’s reaction? His completely overwhelmed as he didn’t know that everyone was so glad to meet him. Smiling and nodding were on Jeff’s face; unfortunately he can’t remember all of their names. So I was like, that’s okay you don’t need to memorized all of it, time will help you with that.

And after the long tĂŞte-Ă -tĂŞte we decided to meet my High School Friends @ courtesy of Mary Ann Lozada-Pomperada’s place. We chatted, eat and laughed together with my fiancĂ©e. Like my family they were also glad to meet him finally and personally. Took pictures and then departed home after the long time. We really have so much fun during this meeting. All the foods and the jokes with different emotions floods at this night. Here’s some pictures to share to you folks.

Photo by FujiCam

Group Pic.. from left to right:
Rowena, Nova, Jeff, Mistica, Mary Ann, Genalin,
Down: Eden, Agot and Jack

Happy faces huh!!!! They just love to be taken

Kawawa naman ng bata... Have mercy Mistica.. your squeezing her face

Me and Jeffy... looked totally tired

The Virgins
except for the feeling virgin Eden [she's married]... joke.. love you guys...


Thanks for reading…

‘til then…

Jeff’s Vacation #1 – The Arrival


I was totally overwhelmed when the 13th of January 2008 arrived. Why? Because I’m meeting my fiancĂ©e again for the 2nd time, imagine for 17 days with him makes my heart smiles a lot, he took it in order to cope up the lonesome days and to be happy and have so much fun with him. Picked him up at Davao airport, eat breakfast at a Japanese Restaurant where we found out in that area they have a preserve Japanese Tunnel Museum, a historic place where the Japanese base during the World War and at the same time some capture prisoners who was been kept inside their mini jail. Pictures are as follows:

Powered by FujiCam...

Outside the Japanese Tunnel

Before you can get inside the tunnel,
a Japanese Woman will greet you... Just kidding!!!

The exploration starts here...

Behind us is where they found a treasure, that is only a statue for a reminder

Oh yeah, this area is where they held their meetings,
in short it's their conference room...

In this whole, where they also found another treasure, I think 50 years ago
Now it is full of water inside it, the deep of this hole is 20 feet.

Jail, the metal was not really in there,
they just substitute what was been putted before

Minerals, where you can actually seen inside the cave

Too dark to capture some inside pictures.

The Volt, it's where they kept there weapons and treasures

This area is where they keep their people and treasure,
they were hundreds who stay inside this tunnel.

The first episode of our trip has just begun. I will share more so you will be with us during our journeys to explore the wondrous of the world... Please bare with me on my next tale.

To be continue….

Thanks for reading…

‘til then….



that's for now...
Daisypath Anniversary tickers