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Showing posts with label GaMez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GaMez. Show all posts

Anatomy of a Pro Scooter

Scooters first started cropping up in the mid-nineties, and quickly caught on as a popular urban sport. Today, pro scooters are high-performance, specially engineered machines designed to help riders get the most out of their investment. Each piece of the scooter has its own job to do—keep reading to learn about the anatomy of a pro scooter.

The Bar

The upright portion of the scooter is called the bar. This is connected to the handlebars at the very top, which usually have rubber grips to help the rider hang on and increase control. Unlike many folding scooters for casual riders or children, the handlebars to not detach or unfold. They are welded or riveted to the main upright, and in some cases might be reinforced for extra strength. The last thing a pro wants is for the handles to come off of his scooter in the middle of a trick, so these handlebars are made to last. 
Photo not mine

The bar which is used to refer to both the handlebars and the upright bar) can come in a variety of heights and thicknesses, depending on the preference and body type of the rider. At the bottom of the bar is the headset, which connects the bar to the rest of the scooter. The headset is also linked to the down tube and the fork.

The Fork

The fork extends from the bottom of the headset, connecting the bar (and, by extension, the handles) to the front wheel. This allows the rider to steer the scooter. The fork is one of the parts that breaks most often on cheap scooters, since it undergoes so much stress—on pro models, it has to be tough and extremely durable. On lower-end models, the fork is often attached to the bar by a threaded top, or one that screws into place. Since this can become wobbly or weak when used for daring tricks, however, a compression system that holds the fork in with sheer pressure is usually used in professional scooters.

The Deck

The other part connected to the fork is the down tube, which runs behind the wheel and is welded to the deck. The deck is the largest part of the scooter, where the rider stands. It is usually made of a single piece of steel or aluminum for strength, and may be covered with grip tape that increases the friction between the feet and the deck. Higher friction means that the rider is less likely to slip off.

The Wheels

At the back of the deck a brake is mounted, which consists of a flexible piece of metal the rider can press down with their heel. This creates friction which slows down the turning of the back wheel. Basic scooter wheels are often made of a hard plastic core and urethane coat, but these are often not durable enough to withstand the pressures of pro tricks. Wheels for high-end scooters have a metal core instead.

Many pros prefer to assemble their own scooters, mixing and matching various parts until they create a perfect custom ride. The wide variety of colors and designs means that they can create a scooter that both showcases their style and fits their needs. Pro scooters have a lot of parts, but all of them combine to create a great ride.

Golf: A Great Game to Play

There are so many sports out there that it can be hard to find one that really speaks to you: one that you can absolutely fall in love with. For a lot of people, this particular sport becomes golf. Golf is a great game to get into for many different reasons. If you wonder if you should try to learn how to golf, here are a few reasons why golf is such a great game to play, including exclusive memberships to places like Pacific Links International.

photo not mine

Solo Sport
Though you often play golf with multiple people, it is a game that you can play by yourself as well. You don’t have to rely on people to show up in order to have a full team or to have an opponent. You can be content simply playing solo. Because of this, it is a lot easier to find time to get to the course. You can stop by on the way home from work or you can go early Saturday morning, or really any other time that is convenient for you. If friends can come, all the better, but you don’t need to cancel your tee time if they can’t.

Online Pleasure…

Nowadays, we have so many ways to entertain ourselves; one way to do that is by the use of modern technology. If you have little kids and can not go out to certain place, that’s not a problem anymore. All you need to do is go online and just simply play the games you would like to play. Another positive thing is enjoying playing from the comfort of your own home. And you can always wait until the kids are napping and then sneak onto the website to play Bingo.

It reminds me of my youth. I love the play Bingo with my family for amusement. It urges me to compete with them and buy more cards to have a higher possibility of winning. I mean the more cards you get, the better chances you have of winning, right? Believe me, it is not just me who uses that technique, others do the same thing, you have to get all your cards in order before the game starts.

I miss the days when a bingo game was just down the street home. I would like to play there, in the halls again, for I know that I could win sometimes, especially now that I play all the time after a long day at home. The fun and nostalgia of playing just relaxes me after a busy day.

5 Most Popular Online Games For Female Gamers

Games are mostly associated with males, but now females are gaming too. Ladies like the easy games that do not require complicated skills to play. Luckily, there are several games available for girls to play with their friends and when they are at home bored alone. Here is a list of some of the most popular and easiest games girls love this year:

1. Farmville 

Farmville is an online game that girls can play with their Facebook friends. This game is so popular with girls and young people that it has attracted more gamers than “World of Warcraft. Girls love becoming the farmer because it is easy. They are required to complete tasks throughout the game and gift and micromanage their staff. Girls often spend hours mastering this game.

2. Super Mario Kart

Super Mario Kart is popular with the girls because it is easy to learn and provides hours of fun. Girls mostly enjoy the Wii version of the game, but the Nintendo DS and Game Cube versions are also popular. The Super Mario music and moves are addictive, and girls have fun mastering the game with their friends.

3. Dance Dance Revolution 

Girls enjoy dancing, and now, there is a game to help them with their dancing skills. The game is compatible with almost every gaming console a girl might have in her home. Female fans love the game because it is fun, high-energy and easy to learn. Whether girls are throwing a slumber party or just a gathering at the home, it is a crowd favorite and a good ice-breaker. Dance Dance Revolution is also a great way to exercise. Girls become physically fit while dancing to the music.

4. Nintendogs + Cats

Girls who love pets will sincerely enjoy this game. With this game, girls can take their virtual pets for a walk, or they can bathe and feed them. Contests are also available for gamers to enter their pets. These contests are incredibly funny and provide hours of entertainment. Many girls develop a strong affinity for their virtual pets. Parents love the virtual pets because the animals don’t shed, require potty training or die suddenly. Virtual pets are recommended for girls of all ages.

5. Katamari Damacy 

Girls love this three-dimensional game that was built for the Sony gaming console. Girls of all ages enjoy rolling the ball over the entire world. The ball rolls and picks up household items in its path. Common items include food and home furniture. Girls spend hours laughing at this gaming presentation. The visuals are impressive, and the soundtrack is entertaining. Many girls learn to control this game with minimal effort.

Girls Love Funny and Intelligent Games  

Girls like games that are funny, entertaining and easy. If they learn something also, that is an added benefit. Consider downloading a popular game and trying it this season.

Written by Darren W.
Darren works as a web designer and is an online gaming enthusiast. His latest addiction is the free slot machine games on  Darren also writes reviews on the latest released games.

Learn Video games through videos


I remember when I was little that even those years video games are way too popular. It was those kinds of remotes that we use while we have this player in front. And no wireless during those years, so we end up sitting closer to the television in order for the wires from the remote control reaches us. It was decade ago and it was still fun to collect those old and antique working video players together with its video games.

As years goes by, companies widen their updates and created a much better resolutions, video games which looks very realistic. Not only to mention controllers of each player has more functions and it’s more convenient to sit back on the couch farther away from the television. It is the year that we can have more fun with our video games thanks to those who never stops enhancing these games to give us even more relaxing and fun playing.

I came across of this website and I was glad to watch it. I’ve seen people who had their videos of video games they played. Seeing different expression from different player is way funnier that I could ever imagine. They also shared awesome ways to see what is must cooler in your video games, what would fits most for individuals and seen ways to make things even better.

Learning the strategies from these players online would give me and my hubby line of attack when we are able to play with the other players, whether it would be a family, friends or random players online. It would be awesome to share this videos too so they could learn more just like the way we learn from watching video games. So, let us bring it on! I would like to try these games now! If online hubby is at home and could play with me. I could have beaten him up with my techniques when it comes to games already. 

Can't stop from playing...

I will never admit myself that I get addicted of playing this online game. Well, it all started when my older sister told me to just accept request from this website game. So I could help her to finish some goals. I even go offline because I don't want to get involved and just keep surfing instead of playing more with my son. But she never stop from asking too. So, I have reasons to open my account everyday just to accept her request. Until one day, I told myself okay. I will just open and see what this game look like and from there. I never stop. I can control myself though and sometimes I realized that it helps me get connected with my family and friend who live faraway from me. Get to know what's going on with them and update even though we don't chat often. One thing that amaze me with my game is that you can actually build houses and design your own city. You can even put up a log cabin beside the river too. It is just how you build your own City. Interesting huh. I'm sure you all know what I am talking about. 

Playing with brother...

I love the games we played with my brother online. I am pretty sure that this is really as famous as you know. If not I will give you a little bit of insight. This is the kind of game that enhance your speed in typing and records of how many words you type per minute. In short they called it as typing racer. 

It happens one evening when both of us were bored and aside from video chatting we want to do something that would challenge us both. So we end up searching for a game that would connect us both and race. It is pretty fun. So far I am the champion. Although, our race this morning was pretty close 9 and I got the last won. We both had fun and  can't wait for the next day for us to race again. 

Meanwhile, I was looking at the log cabins holiday in UK and it is pretty much impressive. I wish someday we can all go there and spend vacation to enjoy the scenery this country could offer to us. 

I'm still searching...

After playing backgammon game that took most of my time. I continue searching for work-at-home job. I know it is not as simple and quick as I thought it could be. I still never give up. I need to make money while I also enjoy watching my son growing everyday. That way, aside from having my own income, I could help my parents way back my hometown.

I really feel bad, although they don't ask me to send them money. It is my free will to do such thing. I know they are happy for me and where I am now. But since I couldn't be there to be with my parents and spend time they have. At least the gifts that's from me that I send to them will give them the experience of my presence. I know its way too complicated.

I need to find a job at home aside from the blogging, and other survey stuff that I do. Anyone who can tell me and share what they do to get higher income? I will really appreciate it.

StarCraft II

StarCraft II - Box Art.jpg
StarCraft II cover artwork, depicting protagonist Jim Raynor

This is the new computer game my husband go crazy about. He finally got his Dvd and started playing. He don't play that as often though because we share the laptop where he install this game. I would like to try though, because the first Startcraft game that we have in Phil was also nice. I might like this one, who knows. He bought this game from the birthday gift card his boss gave him last May. 

I will let you know for sure if I love the game once I tried playing with it.

Pacquiao Won the Battle over Cotto


The legend of the Boxing has won again with this fight over Cotton, that was just held November 14, 2009 @ Las Vegas, Nevada. Good thing I have great sources of where I could actually watch his fight live without paying extra cash.

The fight reached until 12 round, he want to knocked out Cotton but the referee just stopped the fight. They, thought it'll be stopped earlier than that 12 rounds.

But I am glad to watched and enjoyed the whole fight. And really proud that I have met these legend of Boxing. So proud of Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao to give pride to all the Filipinos and once again lift up the name of my homeland PHILIPPINES....

Having good time while playing Warcraft

This reminds me of myself, my brothers and nephews who are very much into video games. It was famous from before until today the video game named Buy WoW Gold or known as the World of Warcraft too. This is a very fun game because you will need to build your army and make sure that you have enough men and machines to defeat your opponent. Why don't you buy the whole game and play it yourself. I am sure you won't regret on doing it.

A Forum where you can chat

Are you one of those nerds who definitely awesome when it comes in playing games online, in the computer or just through board games? Lonely because nobody can defeat of how highly you are when it comes to this kind of games? I know where you can find a great match for such games. I found a great website for a gaming forum. Check out more details and hopefully that through the link that I shared. You will be able to find someone who can defeat and give you more challenge while playing games. Good Luck!

Paintball lover

If you are one of those people who are into sports and one of your sports is playing paintball. I know where you can find a cool gadgets online without wasting your time on a store where you could not find any thing.

There is a convenient website where you can shop in the comfort of your house. All the paintballs you need is in on this website.

Now, don't waste your time visit and purchase your paintballs now in a cheaper and affordable prices. So, I am sharing this website to my friend who loves to play paintball. Definitely, she will have a great time browsing online and checking what would be a great deal for her.

Not for me, for the meantime, I have a baby who needs to be taken care off and I bet it would be a great fun. I never tried playing paintball too, but I am sure that through this website where I just mentioned earlier. It would be a great help for those who are a paintball lover. Not only they find affordable prices, at the same time they can shop online without living the house.

I didn't know

I didn't know that gambling is consider as a sports gambling. Well, it is another way of what you call or how you define sports right? While reading online, I am glad that I have known some fact about sports in the world. Because even if you are in a particular sports some people do gambling on sports. They have bet and what side they will be and who will win. I remember that during my high school days. I used to gamble on sports with my fellow classmate. It is fun. Knowing that there is also an offshore gambling sports too. Want to know better? Visit the website now!

What keeps me away from the computer and internet world for a couple of weeks now

You might be wondering, especially those blogs that I visits often and don’t see me leaving more comments than I used to. It is because, there is this one thing that keeps me away from the computer/internet and consumes all my time doing it. Okay, I won’t thrill you that much, because I, myself doesn’t like to be thrilled about.

If you have a Nintendo Wii player, you’ll definitely know what I’m talking about. I think I’ve mentioned in my previous post that I am playing with Nintendo Wii games lately. And the best one that caught my attention and held me away from the computer is the game named ANIMAL CROSSING: CITY FOLK. It is like sims. You’ll build, earn bells and donate you can also visit the city, beautify your own house and the good part is, that you’ll shake the trees and boom!!! There go some gold bells.It is pretty fun, also I can visit other town since I am connected to WiFi, and the only problem is I couldn’t find someone who is playing ANIMAL CROSSING all over the world. I prolly need their friend code too.

I’ll be sharing pictures of my Mii character in that game for you to see my town called LANCE TOWN, as well what is going on.

Online Entertainment

We know that there are so many different ways to find entertainment online. Whether if it is a game for fun, or a game which you could eventually win cash if you win. I am talking about a live roulette. Yes, you will actually encountering with the live dealer roulette they will deal and serve you. It would be as if you are in the casino building playing and winning. Although, the safety in your house is much comfortable to play with. You can also learn about the dublin bet, I did not know it at first until I read the information online to these website and if you want to know more about dublin bet, better to visit to check out what else can you play within the website.

A perfect way to relax, have fun, an online entertainment that you definitely secure the safety of your own house. So, if you are bored and want to play games online? Why don' t you visit for more fun online.

What Amazes me to play

The first time I see a casino was when we met my brother in law and his girl friend before heading to see the famous Falls near Buffalo. It was fun while walking around, I have seen players who eventually do some Poker Tournament. So, after meeting them in the casino, we decided to play some of the game machines they have on the said casino. Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky person who won at least a single penny. But that is okay, I had fun and relaxing that I spent with my family at the same time with in the casino.

Heading home, I went online to check out some casino reviews to find out where should I sign up and play even if I am just at home. Then, I stumble upon some Top Online Casinos, which I do find legitimate to register and play with. I explore more about to see more of what they can offer me. Again, you can play and join the poker tournament that they cate just like what I saw in the casino I went into.

The great thing this time, is that I won't leave the house, I save for my fuel and with the comfort of our house, I can play online with a safe website.


Hilarious funny kid

Below is a video taken of a father and a months old son. My dear friend ever shared me this hilarious laughed of a kid while the father plays golf on the Nintendo Wii. Watch the video and see and hear it yourself.


Online with Mario Kart on Nintendo Wii

That’s one of our Nintendo Wii Games here we have at home. The famous online Mario Kart Game. It’s fun. It’s thrilling and boosts your day. The Nintendo Wii Game definitely gives you energy while playing and enjoying the game. I do find it very interesting, once I’ve hook into the internet and play the Mario Kart with other people online all over the world, I could not stop it. I want to beat everyone who plays and aims to be the first or at least on the TOP 5 rank.

Yup, racing with them into the finish line and grabbing all this powers. It is such a fun. There are so many obstacles and trail which is fun because it leads you into the most difficult trail. And I love it. That is one of the reasons that consume my time, while I’m totally bored inside the house.

Not only that, as I’ve mentioned in my previous post, I also enjoy the Wii fit bundles. It helps me on taking off my fats instead of sitting watching TV or in front of the computer for the whole day.

But I need more games that way, I’ll be thrilled once I’ve beaten up the highest scores in the games we have here. I checked out online and found, the moment I laid my eyes into the website I fell in love with it. For the reason that, I have so many games to choose from. I can buy them cheaper too. One good thing is they have the Wii Voucher codes which would give me discounts into their products. Now, I just can’t wait.

Nintendo Wii Games

Makes my day! If you have a Wii Nintendo player you know exactly what I meant here. Wii is one of the latest toys released and manufactured by Nintendo Company.

As I am alone at home when the husband goes to work for the whole day, I left at home by myself. Winter never helps this too as it gets everything worse. So I need something to keep myself active inspite of the gloomy day that passes by.

I’m glad, the hubby has so many games where I can play with. Never get bored as I want to aim specific and much higher score in order to achieve some gold medal. I know this won’t pay me any dollars but it help to give me an active daily life and keep me warm due to the movements or exercise that I’m doing while playing with the Wii Games.

There are tons of Wii Games to buy and choose from. If you are the bored enough, I hope and anticipate that Wii Games or Wii Nintendo will help you work out with it.


Daisypath Anniversary tickers