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Showing posts with label TroubleShooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TroubleShooting. Show all posts

How to fix iPhone in Headphone Mode

I never have problem with my iPhone before, even if I did? I resolved it immediately. Yesterday, I accidentally plunged my phone in the snow and didn’t notice that due to that fall it causes me a minor hitch. Whew!!! I’m lucky still as it didn’t contain some major problem or I will be switching instantaneously (just kidding, as if I have extra).
photo not mine
I found a few simple and quickest ways to resolve this problem.

Step 1:
Gather a q-tip, or a tissue.

Step 2:
Make sure to clean the headphone socket carefully. If Q-tip is too big, make sure you take some of the cotton or adjust in order to be fitted in the headphone socket. Or use the tissue make a small folding or twist that would fit into that headphone socket. Leave it the tissue for a while and then try playing music or a video. You should be able to hear to the music with the volume.

Step 3:
After you have done those simple steps and the ringer plays, means the issue is fixed.

There is another way to try if the above procedure didn't work;

Step 1:
Go to your sound settings, and played random ringer tones. While doing so turned the volume up and down multiple times. This might turn the settings back from headphone mode to volume.

(This procedure didn't work for me) That's why cleaning your headphone socket might be the first things you should do, if your iPhone stuck in headphone mode.

I hope through this simple and quick procedure it helps resolve the issue.

Learn a valuable lesson...

In my experience, it's best to do a copy and paste procedure while you are working something on your computer whether if it's WORD or not. Make sure not to rely on the auto saving, but rather save your documents, as much as possible.
We can't surely tell when our computer decides to ask weird and we don't want you to lose your precious works. Trust me, I was cautious about it, but then again, I am not perfect and have to miss one thing. I cut a document and then save the file thinking I have enough time to be able to pasted or transfer the cut document into another place, I was wrong.

My computer shuts down on me and I knew the minute it happened, there is no going back for me to undo what I've done.

I have to write the whole review once again, and this time it wasn't as good as the first since I lost track.

So for your safe and your files, it's best to save your file and works on copy and paste rather than cut and paste.

I have some ways to prevent and surely how to help you troubleshoot. Let me know.

Diagnose Through Dell solution

This is what I have encountered on my spouse’s Dell Desktop one late evening. What happened when this problem occurs? According to him, the desktop has acted weird since this morning; he tried to improperly shut it down the tower at least twice. Later that night, it works find until all of a sudden, when he improperly shut it down again, it went to a black screen and says NO BOOTABLE DEVICE AVAILABLE. So, why and what is the sudden change?

I searched online for the causes it and how to troubleshoot the issue. It took me days to figure out, this I tried to diagnose it with the built-in troubleshoot using the company’s installed diagnostic.

After several minutes, I came to find that the hardware is toast. I was only hoping that it is only infected with a virus, but not.

To make it all short, the only way for me to work my husband’s computer is to purchase a new hard drive. 

No Boot Device Available

This is the last thing I’ve seen on my husband’s computer desk when he shut down the computer improperly. I wasn’t able to know the whole thing, however according to him; he restarted the computer for at least 3 times on that day because it didn’t turn on right away.

I assumed it was reading or updating something nevertheless since he didn’t know about what is going on and that same night this is the last thing I have seen. That hard drive is either toast or has hit by a very bad virus.

I have to admit that my husband download so many movies online, he doesn’t go to any other website other than those news he reads every day.

Moreover, it was already late at night when it crashed so; I decided to work on his computer for the next day. I woke up early so my son is still in bed while I troubleshoot the problem. It sometimes helps me when the place is peaceful and I can concentrate and read more way on how to troubleshoot the same problem.

I have to go back to my previous years when it is so simple and quick on resolving problems like this. My mind was a bit rusty due to no further knowledge being absorbed.
Glad that internet and online website are there to help me with others who’ve been in the same situation; it gets easier for me to determine that cause of having no boot device available.

To be continue….

Where to go when computer problems occurs

Lately I am trying my best to learn more about how to fix PC and laptop when it has problems on either software or hardware. I need to know what causes the problems, how did it occur, what are the chances if I troubleshoot it on this and that, and then troubleshoot to what needs to be done.

It usually takes just less than an hour to troubleshoot issues when it’s not complicated. However, when the computer or laptop has issues like virus infected, malware, etc., that’s where the fun begins. Therefore, I need to take a day off online and focus with my computer issues.

Now, if you aren’t sure what’s going on with your computer and don’t want to manipulate it yourself. There are always an easy ways to help you. There are so many online help now, where tech-supports could access your computer virtually, they work from their place and no need for you to take your computer somewhere else.

I sped my computer through online researching: Troubleshooting is no Fun?

Who says troubleshooting is no fun at all? There might some people who find troubleshooting frustrated, annoying and irritates them. Thus, not for me, I do find it very exciting where I would be able to learn something after the resolution.

Having passion with computers, this might sound interesting and challenging. It’s like doing your calculus, you need to analyze the problem, consider some options and then the problem solving.

If you’re the person who doesn’t have any computer software or hardware backgrounds, this might be too complicated and confusing to deal with. So, better start at the basic and study the basic parts of the computer hardware/software. Besides, we all start at the bottom right? Before we hit that higher part.

What happened here was I’m fixing my computer on how to speed it up, it’s been 4 years I’ve been using this durable laptop, which upgrading and cleaning is something I should have done a long time ago. In addition, it’s been 10 years of my life since the last time, I troubleshoot computer. I am hesitant to manipulate for I don’t want to destroy and crashed my own source of income, I guess those were some of the reasons behind that holds me back.

Anyways, after reading and researching online. Finally figured out what would be the best way to speed up my computer. Eliminate the unnecessary software running on your computer. You never used them all at and all the time, so why not disabled them in order for the OS to operate faster. In addition, the higher RAM you have the better, although, I would suggest as long as you have 1GB it’s fast enough for surfing, blogging, watching videos and games. If you don’t multi-task with your computer, it’s fair enough. Thus, if not, then it’s time for you to upgrade. Make sure the RAM you buy is compatible to your computer’s motherboard and paired. It’s easier that way.

Finally, I have cleaned my computer and save more free space than before. 

CCcleaner for the laptop

It's been a very long time since I pay attention to my laptop. Now, I have finally given it a time and leave procrastinating behind. 

I searched online about how to speed up your computer without buying those expensive upgrades. To see if what do I really need. If your computer is perfectly fine and no need for updates in hardware, cleaning them and removing those unnecessary files might help you speed the process.

I am glad that there are so many links and information online now, it's even easier to locate which one I need to know. There are even YouTube where you actually see how to work with your computer by yourself. Make sure you familiarize what it needs to be done or else you'll end up screwing up your computer.

You don't need to be a computer geek in order to be successful. It's very simple and quick to manipulate it. Now, I am happy with the changes I did with my laptop. It seems like its more faster and easy to load. 
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