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Showing posts with label Home Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Safety. Show all posts

How to Tell a Difference between a Bee and a Wasp


People very often confuse bees and wasps as they are both insects that give painful stings. However, they are quite different in many aspects, physical as well as behavioral. You are probably more likely to encounter a wasp as they are more aggressive and invasive by nature, yet we are prone to calling all the yellowish-black buzzing insects bees. 

This may actually ruin honey bees’ reputation and lead to people easily killing them, even though they are one of the most important insects we have. Of course, this does not mean you should mercilessly kill wasps, but just know that those boring, invasive animals are not bees; wasps do have a very important role in the ecosystem as well.

Experts at Bee Busters tell us how to tell these insects apart.

Physical Appearance

The truth is it is often difficult to pay attention to the physical appearance of that swooshing buzzing insect you are trying to get rid of.

So you are not really putting too much effort into distinguishing its colors. But if you do look closer, you will easily recognize a wasp by the bright colors, very often a combination of yellow and black stripes and shiny, smooth skin. They have a thin waist and four wings.

Bees, on the other hand, can be completely black, or with orange and yellow patterns. Most notably, bees are hairy and their skin is not completely smooth. So, next time, pay attention and you will easily recognize the intruder.


As previously mentioned, wasps are far more aggressive than the bees. They are natural predators. If an insect comes to you unprovoked and starts pestering you, you can be sure it is a wasp even without paying closer attention to its appearance.
This is because bees are naturally peaceful and will attack only when they are disturbed or feel in danger. Not only are they non-aggressive, but bees can even develop a close relationship with humans. So there is quite a difference.


All you know is it hurts like hell and it was a bee. No, wait, a wasp. Anyway, you don’t care much what happens to the animal that stung you as you are occupied by your pain, but it might be useful to know that honey bee can only sting once – it dies immediately after that.
Wasps, on the other hand, can sting all the want without any consequence. Well, unless you hit them with something, of course.

Distinguishing between bees and wasps can be really important in case of stinging, as it can help decide the therapy if necessary. Some people may be allergic to a bee or a wasp sting as the venom which these insects produce can cause an anaphylactic shock.


If you find a hive outside your house or building, it is mostly likely a wasp nest. Bee hives can usually be found in protected areas, like an inside of a hollow tree trunk or inside a wall. Also, you will recognize a wasp hive by its umbrella shape with hexagonal cells. It is usually an open nest which is likely to host around 100 wasps. If you see a nest built of a waxy substance, you have most likely encountered a bee one.

Wasps and bees are quite similar in many ways, but our interaction with them can be dramatically different, especially since we tend to think we only have benefits from bees and not from wasps.

Be it as it may, you should pay attention and distinguish between these two types of insects which do belong to the same order of Hymenoptera but differ in some many aspects, you never know when it might get handy.

What Does the Home Inspection Report Mean


If you are planning to buy a house, chances are that you wanted (or had to) have a home inspection done on the property you wanted to buy.

However, once a report from a professional inspection company such as The Inspectors Company, you may be shocked to see what exactly you get. Basically, it’s a big list of everything which is potentially wrong with the house as well as any concerns an inspector may have had.

Reading this big file may be very tedious and not as informative as you may have thought, but there is actually a bit of skill involved in properly reading and interpreting the report.

The Summary

If you are just at the beginning of your house hunt, or you don’t have the time for a deep dive, make sure to go through the summary or the primary recommendations. This part of the report, well, sums up in short what you need to know about the house.

However, this part of the report is going to be broad and unspecific, so you may find a notice saying ‘consult an electrician for some minor issues’. Without context, you can’t be sure what the report is talking about. It might be a broken porch light, or it might be something entirely different.

So, if you are actually interested in the house, read on, familiarize yourself with the details.

The Expensive Stuff

Chances are that every house you look at is going to have something wrong with it, it’s just the nature of things. However, not all of the repairs are equal. You may have a house with 20 small items which can be fixed in a day and cost you very little as opposed to a house with a single problem, but one which can be a persistent, chronic issue which may end up costing you a lot of money and patience.

So, when looking at the house, make sure to take stock of the big issues first. Ask yourself whether you feel like it’s worth investing in and spending all the time and money to bring to order.

Things like HVAC or the water heater are typically the most expensive and the most controversial issues when buying a house. However, problems with old roofs can be just as costly and potentially harder to detect. However, the most insidious problem a house can have is water damage to the foundation because it puts the whole house at risk. Make sure to pay attention to that part of the report well.

Compare Notes with the Seller

Even though the seller may have had their house appraised, an inspection is a more detailed and realistic picture of the state of the house. If you want to learn more about how an appraisal is different than an inspection read this article

Once you have seen the appraisal provided by the seller, make sure to compare it to the inspection your inspection company did and see if there are any major discrepancies. You can use these to bargain for a better price, or more importantly, to avoid buying a house with a hidden problem someone is trying to get rid of.

Smaller Issues Can Compound

The report will list every single issue the inspector has found problematic. There are some minor problems which may seem rather unimportant and easy to fix, but if there are to many of these, it can mean one of two things.

Either the house wasn’t maintained too well in the past, which means that you might need to invest a lot of money to make it better, or the small issues are pointing to a larger underlying problem which hasn’t yet become apparent and may come back to haunt you.

If you have a moment, talk to the inspector and ask them any potential questions you might have.

Why do you need a plumber

Don't Let a Bad Plumbing Situation Get Even Worse

If you are in desperate need of a plumber, make the call now. The very worst thing you can do is let a bad situation get even worse because you don't feel like spending the money to fix it. You may think that the problem is something easy that you can handle by yourself. However, if it's anything more than replacing a leaky faucet, chances are good that you will only bungle the job and make it worse - and more costly - than it needs to be. If you aren't a plumber by trade yourself, don't pretend to be, unless you enjoy spending your hard earned money on major disaster clean ups.

When the Water Begins to Flow, it's Time to Call in Professional Help

Do all the faucets in your house turn off all the way like they're supposed to? Or do you sometimes get a bit of resistance from the unit as you switch it off? Are you noticing any strange rusty stains or bizarre odors that shouldn't be there? When you run your tap or bath water, is it pure and clear as it should be? Or are you noticing strange smells and discolorations there as well? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be about to receive a very wet and nasty surprise.

A Plumbing Emergency Can Make Your Home Unfit to Live in

Another reason to call a plumber now rather than later is the fact that a major plumbing disaster can render your home unfit to live in. Even after the immediate issue has been fixed and the water all pumped away, you can still face severe dangers. Water can hide in nooks and crannies in your home. This can lead to the growth of black mold and bacterial cultures. This is a serious health hazard that can get your home condemned if not caught and dealt with in time.

If You Think a Problem Is About to Develop, Call a Plumber Today

Before you let a problem go from bad to worse, consider this: The longer you wait to fix it, the more it is bound to cost. Instead of suffering with the after effects of a major disaster, it's better to call the plumber Tampa residents rely on in their time of greatest need. This is one area in which it is never a good idea to cut corners or skimp on. The sooner you get your plumbing issue fixes, the sooner you can get back to enjoying your life free from any unpleasant surprises. The time to make the call to a Tampa plumber is now.  

Who do you call, when you have a clogged sinks?

Some people assume they can handle a simple problem or quick fix, but to their surprise, they make the issue worse. These eight reasons will help you understand why you need a plumber in Atlanta.

1. One or More Clogged Sinks
What appears to be a clogged sink can be something worse. People often buy drain cleaner to fix a clogged sink, but when this doesn't fix the problem, it's best to call a professional. A plumber Atlanta has technology and equipment that will correct the issue.

2. Flooding in the Home
Your toilet or sink may overflow, causing a puddle or minor flood in your home that you can easily fix. Other times, the flooding can be massive, and too much for a do-it-yourself job. You may have an object blocking your pipes or a more serious problem, such as a broken pipe or leak.

3. No Hot Water Available
If you have a storage tank water heater, it can take a few minutes to receive hot water. If you don't have hot water in five minutes, you need a professional's help. When you don't have hot water, it could be an indication your water heater needs to be replaced.

4. A Remodeling Project
A remodeling project can be fun until plumbing problems occur, especially in a kitchen or bathroom. Some remodeling projects are not ones you should try to do on your own. An incorrect tear or cut could cause major leaks and expensive repairs.

5. Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes are a nightmare. Winter can bring low temperatures, causing your pipes to freeze. A professional should handle this situation to prevent pipe bursts and cracks. This unfortunate event can be expensive to repair.

6. Inconsistent Water Pressure
Poor water pressure makes it difficult to take a shower, wash dishes or do anything that involves water. Inadequate water pressure could indicate air in the pipes, municipal water failure, broken pipe or a problem with the pressure regulator.

7. Dripping Faucets
A dripping faucet may not seem like a major problem until you receive your utility bill. Loose parts, corroded valve seat, worn out seals, and broken plumbing are all causes of a dripping faucet. Fixing this issue can save 10 percent or more on your utility bill.

8. Mold
Mold can be fatal, and needs to be found as quickly as possible. Mold is green or black, and sometimes has a furry or fuzzy texture. When mold appears on the ceiling and walls in a bathroom or kitchen, it suggests there is water running where it should not be, such as a leak.

In many situations, contacting a professional is best. You can save time and money on unnecessary repairs and products. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

6 Plumbing Hacks Every Mom Should Know

Plumbing issues strike when you least expect them. In addition to caring for your family, it is important to be able to care for your home as well. Knowing how to handle small plumbing issues can save you time, money and lots of stress.  To help you get started, here are 6 plumbing tips and tricks that every mom needs to know.

1. Stop creaky pipes with felt strips. Over time, hot water can make copper pipes expand and grind against joists and pipe hangers. You can silence the creaking by using self-adhesive felt strips. Start by buying adhesive-backed felt at your local hardware store and cutting it into strips. Remove each of the pipe’s hangers and wrap the pipe with felt before refastening the hangers.

2. Silence loud sinks. Loud sinks are another common household plumbing problem. You can use expanding foam to quiet the sink. The foam works by minimizing the vibrations that are causing the noise. While the foam can be used with the sink in place, experts recommend applying it prior to installing the sink. Either way, allow the foam to harden before trimming away excess foam with a knife.

3. Clogged drains. If a comb, toy or other large object becomes stuck in a drain, you may be able to use a wet/dry shop vacuum to clear the clog. The suction from the vacuum helps dislodge the object causing the obstruction.

4. Locating those hard-to-find pipes. When you need to locate a section of pipe that is located behind a wall or beneath the floor, a special type of magnet may be able to help you find it. Wrap the magnet (neodymium) in electrical tape and lower it into the drain. Use a compass to locate the magnet and it will also lead you to the location of the hidden pipe.

5. Flushing a toilet with no running water. Before you begin working on a large scale plumbing project, fill several 2-gallon buckets with water. Once the water supply has been turned off, you can flush the toilets by pouring the water into the toilet bowl.  Keep in mind that you will only get one flush per bucket, so plan accordingly.

6. Remodeling hack. When remodeling your home, remember to take a picture of the inside of your walls, floors and ceilings. This way, when it is time for the next remodeling project, you will know exactly where to find the plumbing and electrical lines.

Your family depends on you to keep the household running smoothly. With these 6 plumbing hacks, you will be well prepared to handle many small plumbing problems. If these tricks do not solve the issue, it may be time to call in an expert. Dallas plumbers like The Pink Plumber specialize in providing top-notch plumbing services while benefiting a notable cause - breast cancer research.  

Control the Spread of Disease With Property Restoration

If you are responsible for a healthcare facility, no matter how big or how small it might be, the risk of disease is ever present. When disaster strikes, it is up to you to work quickly to minimize the spread of harmful agents. You will want to enlist the services of a professional restoration specialist that has the proven experience of providing an infectious disease control service that is known to be effective.

Airborne Pathogens and infectious Disease

It is no secret that hospitals and various types of medical clinics are breeding ground for disease. In most situations, health care professionals are well qualified to deal with the control of such diseases and ensure that the facility remains unaffected. This is typically accomplished via regular cleaning and the filtering of air and other areas. When a natural disaster such as an earthquake strikes unexpectedly, however, it can become quite difficult to control the spread of airborne pathogens and certain types of infectious diseases.

Construction Makes All the Difference

First responders need to be trained in the effective removal of potentially hazardous material from a hospital site. There are new standards related to construction compliance that must be followed, in addition to procedures to safeguard the personal and patients in the facility at the time of the disaster. It is important to have a professional come in an evaluate your existing facility to ensure that it is up to host standards and that you minimize the risk of any spread of disease should an unforeseen event occur.

When a catastrophe strikes, it is also important to have a team located nearby that can arrive on the scene as quickly as possible. There will be many things that need to happen simultaneously in order to stabilize the scene and minimize any further damage. The disease can linger for quite some time, while airborne pathogens can escape into the surrounding area. This is an important task to consider and one that should not be taken lightly.

Thankfully, there are complete teams that are ready to assist in any way possible when disaster strikes. This could be due to damage caused by water, fire, and or any of a number of occurrences. Safeguard your facility as best you can and then call in a professional to assess the situation. This is the way to control the spread of disease and keep the surrounding area safe.

Heavy duty drawer slides from ovis

Are you looking for a replacement or just a drawer slider? I know where you can find such a great deal. Why don't you visit  heavy duty drawer slides from ovis they have varieties of styles and sizes, simply for our convenience that we might be able to find the one we are looking for.

Online browsing is what I have been up to this day, due to my hectic schedules. Not to include that major holidays are fast approaching and oh! Our 10 months old is pretty soon be turning one. I need to get things done, or at least crashed in my list so I won't be able to rush everything in the last minute.

Therefore, if you are just like in my situation right now? An online shopping is what's best to find all the things you need inside and outside the house. 

These plumbing tips could save you money

Although it’s true that home ownership has its benefits, there are also problems that can crop up that can leave a homeowner ready to pull their hair out.  Plumbing issues are the perfect example of that.  They can be costly, inconvenient and time-consuming to fix.  Even if you call in a professional plumber to fix the issue, you’ll still end up potentially paying a lot of money and having your family’s routine in upheaval while the repair is underway.  Because of that, the best strategy is to avoid plumbing issues wherever possible.  Although it’s not possible to avoid plumbing issues altogether, these tips will help lessen the chances that you’ll have to call in a plumber to fix a problem. 
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Make sure you buy a home with good plumbing “bones”
When you purchase a home, always be sure that you have the plumbing checked by a professional plumbing or home inspector to specifically ensure that the home’s plumbing system is in good repair.  In general, a standard home inspection will not be thorough enough to get a true picture of the home’s plumbing system.  Instead, call in a plumber such as Priority Plumbing to do an inspection specifically of the plumbing system to determine whether there are any red flags.  This is particularly important in older or heritage homes, but it is possible for any home to have plumbing problems luring beneath the surface.  By having the systems checked before you buy the home, you can either avoid buying a home with potentially serious plumbing issues, or require the seller to have the issues addressed before you agree to buy the house.

Get familiar with your plumbing system
The more you know about the plumbing in your house, the more power you have to fix minor issues yourself or at least to avoid doing things that could cause issues in the future.  For example, if you know where your plumbing pipes are located you can avoid digging into them when you do landscaping or other such tasks in your yard. 

Learn basic plumbing skills
The more plumbing skills you can acquire yourself, the less often you will have to call in a professional plumber to fix the problem for you.  Installing a new toilet, for example, is a job that most savvy DIYers can handle on their own.  It’s just a matter of learning what to do.  If you can tackle these small tasks yourself you can leave the bigger jobs to the plumber. 

Owning a home means taking care of things like plumbing repairs, which typically means calling in a plumber.  That can be pricey, but if you follow the above steps you can take care of your plumbing system and handle the small repairs yourself.  That means you won’t have to call in a plumber for every little thing that goes wrong.  For the bigger issues, however, it’s always best to call a professional plumber to ensure that the repair is done safely and effectively.

Improve Your Energy Usage With Simple Household Alterations

It's easy to cringe over your energy bills when winter's cold or summer's heat takes over. However, you don't have to spend a fortune on a brand new heating, cooling and air conditioning system just to save money on energy costs in the future. Use some of these basic household tricks to lower your energy usage without a huge price tag.

Install a New HVAC Control Panel
Most central air systems use a combination control panel for all operations. Replace your old panel with a modern model to see a difference in your energy use. These thermostats use your favorite set temperatures to eventually automate their processes. If you turn the thermostat up to 78 degrees Fahrenheit every summer weekday when leaving for work, these panels will learn this setting and change automatically in time.

Clean Your Interior and Exterior HVAC Units
Dirty HVAC units cannot operate efficiently, forcing them to use more energy for the same operations. Vacuum your interior unit to remove dust from any visible surface. Remove any debris piling up around or within the outdoor unit. Condensers and evaporators need to interact with the surrounding air. If they're clean, they operate with little stress with only a minimal energy amount to continue normal use.

Close the Blinds
Even if you haven't altered your HVAC units yet, simply shielding the home's interior from the hot sun reduces energy use. Older windows are especially notorious for allowing damaging ultraviolet radiation into the home. Carpets and walls fade from the sunlight, along with adding extra heat to the household. Keep the shades drawn and turn on some fans to cool the interior without turning on the air conditioning.

Cold Laundry Tips
It's not necessary to wash every laundry load with warm or hot water. In fact, detergent manufacturers are creating products that work perfectly with cold water. Use cold water with the proper detergent for almost all loads to see your energy bill drop significantly. If you run five to seven loads a week for a family of four, cold water washing will save a lot of money.

Your energy provider, such as Palmco, can always offer energy-saving suggestions through monthly newsletters or even social media. Stay close to your energy provider to benefit from their expertise to lower your monthly bills. Help your household save money while benefiting the environment with reduced fossil fuel use.

Common kitchen plumbing problems

The kitchen is the heart of many homes.  It’s where we gather, share meals, catch up on each other’s day and the place from where our families launch out into their respective days.  Because of that, the plumbing in most people’s kitchens has to work hard to keep pace with the demands of modern life.  Generally your kitchen’s plumbing will meet the challenge of keeping up with your family, but there are those inevitable times when something will go wrong.  Knowing the potential problems you could encounter in your kitchen plumbing could help you to be alerted to problems when they are still small.  That way, you can call in a qualified Richmond BC plumber to fix the issues.
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Clogged drain

A clogged sink drain is one of the most common problems that most families encounter when it comes to their kitchen plumbing.  Think of how many times you rinse off a plate that still has the remnants of your dinner on it.  Or the times when you pour the grease out of your frying pan and rinse it right down the drain.  Food particles and grease are two of the biggest sources of drain clogs.  Over time, these substances build up in your drain and cause blockages.  That can result in difficulty with drainage, but also in the development of bacteria and germs, which can emit a foul smell into your kitchen.

It can be tempting to deal with a clogged drain by simply calling into service a commercial drain cleaning product, but that’s not always the best course of action.  Drain cleaner can be a good first step, but if the problem isn’t resolve it is best to call a plumber.  They have industrial-grade drain cleaners and professional tools that can unclog even a very stubborn drain.

Leaky or dripping faucets

A leaky or dripping faucet can be very annoying, but it’s also one of those things many people learn to ignore rather than dealing with fixing the issue.  The trouble with that is, over time that small drip will add up to higher water bills.  Not only that, but a leaky faucet that starts out as a small drip can quickly progress into a bigger problem.  Fixing a leaky faucet can be done by a savvy homeowner, but if the underlying problem turns out to be something more complex, you may not have the know-how and tools to fix it adequately.  What seems like a simply leak can actually be a bigger problem, so it’s usually a good idea to call a plumber to address the issue.

Garbage disposal problems

Many homes have garbage disposals in their kitchens these days.  Although there is no denying the convenience that comes along with having a garbage disposal in the kitchen, these appliances also come with their own set of potential problems.  When blockages in the garbage disposal occur, the number-one thing to remember is that you should never, ever put your hand into the disposal to try to dislodge whatever it is that is causing the blockage.  Garbage disposals are complex pieces of machinery and problems should always be addressed by a professional plumber.

Greenwald's Carpet, Upholstery & Fabric Stain Remover Kit #Review

I was ecstatic to receive an approved email about reviewing the Greenwald's Carpet, Upholstery & Fabric Stain Remover. I can't wait what benefits it can give to us when it comes to removing stains. I look for some kind of stain remover not only for one certain thing, but rather work for everything, a versatile product would be awesome.
After watching the method on how to prepare the stain remover they provided in an email, which by the way is a very simple instruction. I become more eager to obtain the product in the mail so I could start it.

The product arrives in the mail through the USPS. It is wrapped in their company's box aside from the shipping box, itself. I don't see any signs of damage, so I was able to use the items right away and the stain remover kit is all complete.
photo is from the company
I got an information paper about what to do when accidents happen. Definitely that product needs to be kept away from children.

As I mentioned above, I would like to use a stain remover what would be doing its job. Something that would work deeper and stronger to eliminate the toughest stains from carpet, fabric and upholstery. The Greenwald will be tested today.

As I opened the kit and it appears to have 6 pack refills, one 32 Oz container and the manual. All you have to do, is to get one refill and put it in the container, fill it with warm water, wait for 1 minute, then shake the container and you are geared up to utilize the product.
I found a tinge spot in our carpet and it seems like a dark stain, I took a before and after picture to show if it really works. I sprayed on that portion where the stain is and waited for 1 minute so it will absorb the product and scrubbed it with a rug or a brush if you have one. I was surprised, and very impressive because it removes the stain right away.

Interested? You can purchase the product HERE. I'm happy that I was able to try the product and share my experience with you. Truly works for me.

This is NOT a sponsored post, I did not receive any financial amount. I received the products for free in exchange of my honesty review. The outlook I expressed is 100% exclusively mine.

Benefits of Keeping Valuables in Self Storage

If you are considering to move to your newly built home are simply going to change the rented home to some nearby area. In both the cases, you may have to move your valuables from the one place to the other one. Relocation involves a lot of handling and transportation activities wherein the fragile and costly items should be handled with great care so as to ensure fullest safety.
Here are few most important tips that may enable you to keep your belongings in safe and secure positions throughout the relocation activity. 
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Many of us may have an understanding that the bank safe deposit boxes are one of the most safe and secure place to protect the jewelry items and other valuables.  Yet, the items kept in such safe deposit boxes are seldom insured. Whereas, the items kept in the home are usually well covered through the home onwer’s insurance policy.
Besides, the cash kept in the safe deposit box may not be covered under the FDIC insurance. Typically, the FDIC insures cash amounts which are kept in the bank accounts. Thus the amount kept in the safe deposit boxes may not be taken as insured.
Similarly, it is not the right choice to keep the original set of documents in the safe deposit box, as you may not have quick access to your important documents in case of any emergency. 
Because of the aforementioned reasons, safe self storage Calgary would be the absolute choice.
Following are a few of the great benefits of keeping your valuables safe through safe self storage Calgary.

1.      You may keep your property’s documentation, including insurance policies, etc. in your safe self storage facility. This will allow you quick access to your important details in case of any emergency. 
2.      You can keep your passports, identity cards and birth certificates safely in your safe self storage and may keep them with you during travelling, if so desired.
3.      You can keep the list of your medications and contact information of your family physicians or doctors. You may have to look upon such details quite often. So, the safe self storage Calgary provides you quick access to all such details.
4.      You can keep the keys of your safe deposit boxes in your safe self storage Calgary.
5.      While availing some reliable and safe self storage Calgary, you can keep copies of the wills, especially the ones wherein you are named as the executor too. Keeping such vital documents in your own safe self storage Calgary, will allow you quick access to vital documents. Contrarily the safe deposit boxes are sealed by the banks upon notification on about the box owner’s death.

Five Signs You Need to Remodel Your Kitchen

The kitchen tends to be the hub of the house, a place where you meet with family to eat and bake and work on school projects. When you host guests, they tend to migrate there as well, to share cooking duties while swapping stories. As your family changes, you may find that your space isn’t conducive to the way you want to use it. If that sounds familiar, it may be time for a kitchen remodel. 

1.     Lack of Counter Space 
One of the top drawbacks to a functional kitchen is too little work space. It may look adequate, but once you start preparing a meal you find that there just isn’t anywhere to put things. A few dirty dishes take up one countertop, homework papers take up another, and the mixer and toaster take up yet another. That leaves little room for gathering ingredients, chopping vegetables, and rolling dough.

2.     Traffic is Not Flowing 
Offers to help prepare a meal can be welcome, but if you find yourself declining because there’s simply no room for two, it’s time to remodel. The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) suggests having at least 42 inches of working space for an individual cook and 48 inches for more than one.

3.     The Appliances Aren’t Helping 
Even if there is enough room in your kitchen, it may still have some issues efficiency issues that could be improved with a few small changes. How old is that refrigerator and stove? Dated appliances can be costing you on your energy bills. Dishwashers, for example, have received significant changes in the last 10 years, and models are now much more energy efficient, have water saving features, and actually clean your dishes better.

4.     It’s Unattractive 
Of course, there are the cosmetic issues that a remodel can perk up. Changing cabinets can completely alter the look and atmosphere of your kitchen. There are many different colors and styles available today, so you can choose from options like glass fronts, antiqued panels or contemporary doors. Along with the new appliances, you’ll have a completely new room without changing your layout.

5.     I Want More 
Kitchens are no longer just inside the house. Outdoor cooking spaces now include their own appliances and counter tops that are used for entertaining and everyday dining. If you plan to head outside for meals often, consider adding a door directly from the kitchen to the deck.

A kitchen remodel can mean redesigning the layout, but it can also mean making simple changes like adding new appliances and cabinetry.

Why Roofing Is Worth Investing In

Roofing is the unsung hero of the home. Kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms capture the renovator’s zeal, imagination, and financial resources as well as the admiration or scorn of visitors. Myriad magazine articles, newspaper stories, and television renovation contests focus their energy on creating the perfect new home from an old shell while almost completely ignoring the crucial feature that completes the picture.
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“That’s a Beautiful Roof”
These are four words you’ll rarely (if ever) hear from a celebrity renovator. Too few look seriously at the aesthetic values of the roof; it’s simply a practical element of the home, perched stoically atop the house protecting the valuable contents within from the elements. Occasionally, the roof is a feature in itself, though, most of the time, it is shyly understated. By investing in your roof, you can make a real visual statement that your neighbors may have not even considered.

Hidden Beauty

Whether distinctive or understated, a good roof is an object of hidden beauty and needs the same tender loving care as any other major feature of your treasured home. The roof sits right atop your home and is there for all to see, so why is its beauty hidden? Sitting above your normal line of sight can mean it’s out of mind, but this shouldn’t be the case. Your roof is more than a cover for your living areas; it’s a system that protects your home, comprising tiled or formed from metal sheeting, insulation, and a drainage network that can harness rain for your garden. It’s designed to be hardy, though – like all other parts of your home – it ages and needs investment to maintain its passive positive qualities.

How Do I Invest in a Roof?

Like any significant investment, deciding what needs to be done and how much to invest is not something to take lightly. You need to consider your budget and available finances. Perhaps create a savings plan and set a goal for a date to start the work. Or you might want to draw available funds from your home loan or perhaps refinance to release the funds. For help in estimating the scope of the work and investment required, consider consulting a reputable roofing company like Roofmasters. Experienced experts will assess your needs, inspect the condition of the roof and its drainage system, and help you to achieve a favorable outcome at an affordable price.

What Needs to Be Done?

What needs to be done will depend on various factors, which may include the age of your home, whether there is any structural damage to your roof and drains that causes leaks and/or draughts, and whether there is any asbestos insulation in your roof. Older homes built before the danger of asbestos became known may have it in the ceiling. Asbestos batts and the fluffy sprayed form are potentially deadly and must be removed safely by licenced asbestos removers.

So, to help protect your loved ones and possessions from the weather above, and preserve the value of your home for the long term, consider investing in the loyal guardian that sits atop your home. Share some ideas and experiences below about how investing in your roof has improved your home.
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