In the veg patch
- Plant out the spinach plants
- Plant out the Sunflower plants
- Plant out the pumpkin plants
- Plant out the Celeriac plants
- Clear the last of the old spinach from the raised bed and plant out Kale plants and Purple Sprouting Broccoli - make sure I net it from the birds!
- If I had any I would be thinning the carrots , as it is I have none so will be re sowing carrot seed - but I would be sowing more now even if I did have some carrots growing.
- Plant the leek plants into the prepared bed (done)
- Plant out more pea plants and pick pods regularly from the existing plants (ongoing)
- Plant out new salads (ongoing)
- Plant out the climbing french bean plants (done) Tie them up the poles as they grow!
- Earth up the potatos as needed (ongoing)
- Pinch out the tips on the Broad Beans to stop blackfly as soon as there are pods showing lower down (ongoing)
In the polytunnel - Keep planting more salad seeds, peas and spring onions (ongoing)
- Keep watering the floor to increase humidity (ongoing)
- Water tomatos regularly to avoid blossom end rot. (ongoing)
- Tie in tomato plants as needed and remove the side shoots from cordon varieties. (ongoing)
- Feed tomatoes several times a week (ongoing)
Garden - Watch for branch breaking on the fruit trees due to weight of fruit and prop if needed(ongoing)
- Thin apples if needed (ongoing)
- Tie up the tayberries
- Net the red and blackcurrent bushes
- Sow flower annuals
- Deadhead roses
- Weeding - everywhere!
And harvest and enjoy the crops you now have ready :-) I am soon to harvest outdoor early spuds, broad beans, mange tout, salads and courgettes. Pick peas when young and tender to encourage more to form!
With the weather we have had recently lets hope you have something to harvest! - I have no carrots and have only just started eating courgettes and new potatoes from the ones I grew inside the polytunnel. The only salads we have been eating here are, again, from those grown inside the polytunnel. It has been SUCH a poor growing season so far :-( but there is still time to re sow and re plant so if it all looks a bit bare in YOUR garden - don't despair, just sow some more seeds. Maybe try Freecycle for plants, or a local allotment or gardening group may have surplus plants? Or buy from a garden centre but be quick as they seem to have run out of lots of veg plants.
And don't forget to enjoy your garden well as work in it- stop, sit and admire the view sometimes.
Lets hope the rest of June is better for gardening