Sat 12th Oct was the start of h.Energy week -, a week long (12th - 20th October 2013) celebration of low impact lifestyles in beautiful Herefordshire
I was there doing my Master Composter and Gardener stuff, along with fellow Master Composter Martin.
I actually got to High Town at 8 30 am to set up the stall and spent all day there, manningthe Compost stall, doing a bit of shopping, looking at the other h. Energy stalls and also looking at the usual Sat market stalls
This is what it looks like to see the world through insect eyes :)
Same place without the bug eye glasses.
There were a variety of different events on during the day and it was really good to be involved. The hula hooping was excellent!
The h Energy event opened at 10 am and closed at 4 pm but I got there at 8 30 am and by the time I drove the car round to the square and packed up at the end, it was 5.30 pm so a very long day!
But, I spoke to over 70 people and had a really great time promoting composting, organic gardening and sustainable living. I was also given lots of tea and cake to sustain me during the day by the organisers :)
We are also hosting an Open House as part of h Energy so lots of tidying up is going in here!