On Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday I spent a considerable amount of time basking in the sunshine, in order to offer composting and gardening advice and seed planting at the Blossomtime event in my area:-)
Both the days were both very hot and sunny and I got sunburn!
I had a prime pitch for my composting stall, at the front of the Hall by the entrance,
on Sunday next to a lovely lady called Gilly, from the ONE network of Cider and Perry growers.
and on Monday next to a lovely lady called Sophie, (this is her, above) from Pixley Berries who grow huge quantities of Blackcurrants near us, and make delicious cordials from them.
I talked to lots of people about composting and gardening, sold lots of my plants , to raise funds for Garden Organic, did some seed planting with children and had a generally wonderful time at this local celebration of cider and perry making. Compostgirl was there with me on both days and she had a lovely time as well - mainly going around the event with a friend or tending to the animals Paul Hand had brought along :-)
We both enjoyed watching the Leominster Morris Men dance to greet the May
Some photos, in case the video doesn't work ;-)
I was too hot to join in, though !
Was a very tiring, but oh so worthwhile, two days of volunteering :-) Especially as I was part of the Compost Awareness Week activities across the UK and World.