From this...
And this...
And this...
plus a whole lot more produce grown in the garden...
To this - 20 portions of vegetable and red lentil soup and 7 jars of courgette, tomato and plum chutney. And a load of stuff blanched and frozen. The Dehydrator is also on.
As well as ...
Patio work today has been lots of stone deliveries, moving stone around, taking rubble away to fill in the hole-where-the-pond-once-was ( yes we have started on that as well !) Then lots of compacting down and getting the stone level along with putting replacement manhole covers down. The first slabs have been laid by the back door, and the cats have a temporary ramp to get up to the cat flap - they are not impressed AT ALL and are mostly hiding in various bedrooms in disgust.
It's all progressing very fast, our builders are great and work well with us and we just need a couple more days of good weather and it will be done.
Then I can get on with making the new flower borders.