Showing posts with label Authors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Authors. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America Party

Last night was the annual SFWA schmooze fest. Let me start by saying, Liz Gorinsky is a horrible influence. She’s made me stay out for more 3:00am breakfasts this month then I have in all the years since college. But besides the groggy wake up this morning, I had a great time.

Once again I got a few artists friends to bring in some work for a little mini display of sf/f art. This year we had Dave Palumbo, Tiffany Prothero, Bruce Jensen, Scott Altmann, John Jude Palencar, Eric Fortune, and David Grove. (Thanks again guys!)

You are spared the traditional food eating shot since I had forgotten my camera at that point. (Although the truth of the matter is, I only set up these exhibits/lectures/whatever for the excuse to have good meals with cool artists.) Here are some random photos of the evening:

Jozelle, F. Paul Wilson, Gordon Van Gelder, Anna Genoese, Richard Curtis, Ellen Asher, Michale Swanwick, Jim Frenkle.

Lots of Tor peeps. I think just about every department is represented here: Steven, Melissa, Kristin, Sara, Melanie, Cindy, and Liz.
• Tor authors David Keck and Kate Braillier.
• Liz Gorinski and Diana Fox.

• Jannie Shea and Andrea Senchy
-- the people that make the Chesleys and many, many convention art shows happen.


Some of the artists in attendance: Arkady Roytman, Tiffany Prothero, Dave Palumbo, Doug Beekman, Scott Altmann, Tony Palumbo.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

KGB Readings

Fantastic Fiction Readings at KGB Bar, 4th Street, NYC, hosted by Ellen Datlow and Gavin Grant. Every third Wednesday of the month.

Good Times. I really should go to more of these.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Free book!

Normally I don’t keep track of who’s releasing what and where, outside of the books I am responsible for, but I met Karl Schroeder at Boskone last winter and had great time talking to him — now I see that he has released a free electronic version of his first novel, Ventus. I can’t speak about his writing personally but I know that all the cool kids consider it to be the bees knees. So, go take advantage of him and snag a free book.

And just to keep things art-centric: 1)
For guy that writes for a living , Karl created a pretty cool piece of cover art for the e-version of Ventus, and 2) I can point you to this step-by-step of Stephan Martiniere’s cover for Karl’s upcoming Pirate Sun.