Showing posts with label Rick Berry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Berry. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2010

MicroVisions 5 auction now live!

MicroVisions 5 auction is now live on eBay.
Opening bids start at $50.00.
Auction ends Wednesday, May 26th.

Each year, Dan Dos Santos and I ask about a dozen artists to create a 5x7 painting of their choosing. These miniatures are exhibited at the Society of Illustrators and placed on auction with all proceeds going to the Society’ student scholarship fund.

This year’s contributors pulled out all the the stops and created an amazing exhibit. A huge thank you to the artists that have given so generously of the time and talent: Scott Altmann, Scott Bakal, Rick Berry, Bill Carman, Jon Foster, Donato Giancola, Michael Kaluta, Tim O’Brien, Omar Rayyan, Allen Williams, and Boris Vallejo.

The Society Scholarships are among the illustrations industry’s toughest awards. Less than two hundred students are chosen to be in the exhibit from nearly 6,000 entries—about half of them earn cash awards. Not only do these awards help subsidize students financially, they also go a long way to boost the confidence of young artists (and their nervous parents) by proving their voices stand out amongst thousands of others. It’s never long before you start seeing the winners on their way to becoming the field’s biggest names—John Jude Palencar, James Jean, Tomer Hanuka, Dan Dos Santos and hundreds of others since the Scholarship’s inception in 1981.

For those of you in New York, the exhibit is on display at the Society of Illustrators through May 22nd.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rick Berry’s MicrvoVisions

Rick Berry’s “Rainmaker” MicroVisions.

I was lucky enough to pick up one of Rick’s unreal portraits at this year’s Boskone. I love how his figures feel as though they are part of some primal shadow world, just on the cusp of corporeality.

Check out his newly updated website and his artbook, Sparrow.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

MicroVisions 5. Or, The Return of 5x7!

Think small.

Each year, Dan Dos Santos and I organize “MicroVisions”, an exhibit and auction to raise money for the Society of Illustrators’ student scholarship fund. Over the past four years it raised $20,000.00 which was given directly to students displaying exceptional promise in illustration.

I am proud to announce this year’s line-up of participating artists. I cannot thank these guys enough for dedicating their time and talent to this endeavour. To carve out time for anything beyond work and family is not a trivial thing to ask, so, applause to:

Scott Altmann
Scott Bakal
Rick Berry
Bill Carman
Jon Foster
Donato Giancola
Michael Kaluta
Tim O’Brien
Omar Rayyan
Jordu Schell
Allen Williams
Boris Vallejo

Bravo guys! Rest assured, the students really appreciate the support these scholarships represent.

The works will be on display at the Society beginning April 26th. Painting and auction updates as I get them.

RELATED: Past MicroVisions here.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


A quick shout-out to all the people that make Boskone one of the most pleasant conventions of the year. Thank you, NESFA! It’s always a smoothly run, just-the-right-size convention with a kickin’ art show.

Fuzzy iPhone or “borrowed” photos here.

Great to see John Picacio, Artist Guest of Honor. John is a unique voice in the field and dedicated to the vitality of the genre as a whole. [top image]

Michael Whelan had a 40 painting exhibit. An amazing retrospective that started with his college work and chronological built up to brand new paintings.

Omar Rayyan had a knock out out show. Man, that guy just keeps getting better.

Bob Eggleton and Marianne Plumridge where a delight to share dinner with...And made me think, why not have a Boskone panel meet at one of the nearby art museums?

The now-traditional Rick Berry Studio visit was, as tradition will have it, a mellow blast.

These photos, taken by John Picacio, made me laugh because it reminds that I didn’t leave that seat very much throughout the day...Or weekend, for that matter. Charlie Stross on the left and Michael Whelan on the right.

After the con I was able to convince now-Boston artist Scott Bakal to come out and play while the dead-dog party deaded around us.

....and it’s possible this Rick Berry painting followed me home.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Abbeys, Sargents, Jellies, and Apples


We had a perfect and artful New England weekend. On our way up to Robert Wiener's annual Apple Fest, we decided to take a day in Boston to visit Edwin Austin Abbey's “Grail Cycle” and John Singer Sargent's “Prophets” murals at the Boston Public Library. We had wandered into the Library on a whim a few years back and were blown away by these murals. This time we came prepared..and we were still blown away.

Here’s a shaky-cam 360 of the Abbey room.

And, of course, a quick stop at the aquarium. I love aquariums. And their jelly fish exhibit is, as all jelly fish exhibits are, a must-see.


The following day: Dave Seeley rounded us up, along with Jason Felix who was in for a Magic tournament. A quick stop to poke through Dave's studio. (A place no one with sensory overload issues should enter.) Then, over to pick-up Rick Berry. Rick had just finished packing up a crate of work to be shipped to the Lucca Festival where he'll be exhibiting and painting with Phil Hale. If you’re in Italy at the end of October, you should go so that we, who are far away, can be envious.

Finally, we were off to the main event: Robert Wiener's annual Apple Fest -- where we ran around Robert’s backyard picking, eating, and squeezing as many apples we could shake a strange, extra long, lacrosse-like stick at. Robert also has one of the most extraordinary collections of science fiction and fantasy art imaginable. It is overwhelming. After an hour or so you are left unable to absorb more and left realizing there are days, literary days, worth of viewing left. It was a fantastic time. A huge thanks to Robert! I wish it could be Apple Fest every weekend. 2010, we leave more time for the artwork and break out the apple cannon.

(Currently: Eating apples and peanut butter for dinner as I type....emmmmm.)

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Rick Berry Exhibit: Seeing in the Dark

Unfortunately I'll be a the World Con this upcoming week -- otherwise I'd loved to catch the opening for Rick Berry's solo exhibit. If you are in the New England area, this is where the cool kids will be:

Sharon Arts Exhibition Gallery
August 7-30
Opening reception: August 7 5:00-7:00pm
Artist Talk: August 22nd, 4:30-6:00
Peterborough, NH

He'll be exhibiting large paintings and charcoal drawings, including a series of drawings done while artist-in-residence at the Boston Opera. He spent a season behind the scenes attending rehearsal, tech, costuming for Shostokovich's "The Nose." The result is a great series of large, expressive, and often darkly comedic drawings.

I am sorry to miss this -- perhaps we can get Mr. Robert Wiener (publisher of Donald Grant Books) to take a few shots to share. (Robert!?) In meantime, you can take a peek into Rick's studio in this Flickr set.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Filling in the gaps.

If you are at Comic Con, there will be a series of three demos at the Spectrum booth #4503

Thursday 1 - 2:00

Friday 1:30-2:30

Saturday 1:30 - 2:30
Greg started the "Princess of Mars" painting above at the Illustration Master Class -- he'll be tackling the monster, so to speak, for this demo.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rick Berry in Soho

I had a lovely time meeting up with Rick Berry Thursday night (twice in one week!) at the opening of a group exhibit at the Arcadia gallery, along with his amazing wife, Shelia, and their daughters. A number of NY artists let themselves out of the studios for night, Donato Giancola, Kurt Huggins and Zelda Devon, Randy Gallegos and his wife Monica. Good art, good food, and good friends. Extra shout-out to Andy the gallery guy and fellow WNYC member.

September 18 - October 1, 2008

PHOTOS: Rick Berry and Donato Giancola. Zelda Devon, Randy Gallegos, and Rick. One of four of Rick's paintings in the exhibit.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rick Berry in SoHo NY Exhibit

Rick Berry has four paintings in Arcadia's annual small works exhibit. I had the pleasure of meeting up with Rick when he dropped them off and got to see a bit of a preview. Looks like a great show, with Rick's work being among the most visceral and expressive. (Who's surprised?)

I believe the opening reception is Thursday the 18th. (I'll update once confirmed.)
Exhibit runs September 18th through October 1st.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 & Spectrum Hearts Rick Berry, Jon Foster, Greg Manchess, and Stephan Martiniere and Spectrum are working together to host a series of painting demos at San Diego Comic Con. The details may tweak a bit between then and now, but I was itching to spread the word so, here's scoop:

Spectrum Booth #4503

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30

Jon Foster

Friday, 3:00 – 4:30

Rick Berry

Saturday, 3:00 – 4:30

Stephan Martiniere
(Creature development)

Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30

Greg Manchess

Monday, February 18, 2008

Boskone: Sunday

Boskone is always one of my favorites - it's one of the few conventions where I get to spend as much time talking to authors as artists...And they're not such a bad not, those authors.

I also love that the New England con runners tend to make an effort to give historical context to the artwork. The last Boston World Con had a large and wonderful show of sf/f art through the ages, last year's Boskone had a Hubert Rogers show, and this year there was a sampling of past Artists Guests of Honor painting. They had work from Vin di Fate, James Gurney, John Schoenherr, and others on display.

And speaking of Guests of Honor, it seems that I will be one of them next year, along with Jo Walton and someone named Dr. Seti. Any normal person would rest assured that they have three hundred and sixty-five days to think of something to say. I, however, am sure to worry about stage fright all year. Despite that, I am honored and very much looking forward to it.


First set:

Omar Rayyan showing off his wares. Charles Stross. Dave Seeley.

The rest:

Unquestionably, the highlight of Boskone each year is hanging out with Rick Berry at his studio -- some good company, a little music, great conversation, and whole lot of paint.

In the oh-so-wholesome group shot it's
Karl Schroeder, me, Toby Buckell, and Rick. (Sadly, Robert Wiener is missing from the shot.)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Boskone: Friday

I got to Boskone a little later than I expected, but I got here. I was too late to register or get to any panels so I mostly spent the evening lounging in bar. It's tough, I know. Rick Berry had an advanced copy of his Sparrow book -- very hot. (Sparrow is a series of wee art books produced by Ashley Wood.) I did get to the art reception but, as always, receptions are great places for schmoozing, not for seeing the show.

Perhaps I will have more to report after today....Or it will simply be a series of photos and shout-outs, more likely.


Rick Berry and Karl Schroeder

Toby Buckell, Rick's Sparrow, a bad shot of a great Jon Schoenherr painting, and Bob Eggleton

Somewhere between NYC and Boston. As much as I love spending this weekend with friend and colleagues each year, I should admit that I look forward to the train ride up to Boston almost as much as the convention. There aren't many times that I can do absolutely nothing but stare out the window. For hours.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rick Berry Exhibit

I really wish I could be in Boston area this Thursday.

Rick Berry's oil paintings of new abstract and figurative works will be shown at the Newton Free Library Gallery:
October 2nd - 30th, 2007.
Newton Free Library
330 Homer Street, Newton Centre
Opening reception, October 11, 6:30-8:30 pm.