Showing posts with label Pablo Defendini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pablo Defendini. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2008

The "Other" Site

After 15 hours straight of answering emails and pressing “refresh”, I have made it through day 1 of What this does to The Art Department, I’m not sure. I would like to keep both running without too many posts being a simple redirect, but in the beginning the balance will be a bit off.

So, playing catch up, here are a couple of part related posts over there:

A quick interview with Dice Tsutsumi on the Totoro Project:
"Our first goal for this project was, of course, to raise funds to help save the Sayama Forest, the birthplace of our beloved Totoro. However, this event has had huge symbolic meaning for us as well. It has been thrilling to see so many people come together, united by their admiration for Hayao Miyazaki's work, and to see how much art and artists can contribute to the material improvement of our shared world."

A quick post about a cool online vide game gallery: Into the Pixel

Adam Rex on Frankenstein Takes the Cake

Pablo Defendini promises a series of book cover design critiques.

Soon there will be Dan Dos Santos’ art and sketches for a new Tor cover.

Lastly, wallpapers galore! For one week we are reoffering all of the books and wallpapers given out during our pre-reg promo. If you missed any, you have until next Sunday to grab ‘em.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wallpaper: Dave McKean, Pablo Defendini, and Cory Doctorow

I swear, it was just by chance that these two wallpapers came up at the same time, but it's a happy-chance. Both are from Cory Doctorow books. The Dave McKean is the cover to Someone Comes to Town and Pablo Defendini's is the artwork from a silkscreen inspired by Little Brother.

After you grab the wallpaper on, check out the awesome book binding job that Abi Sutherland did from Pablo's missprints. I'm loving the trail of creativity that's coming off this book. (I've talked a few Tor-ites into a t-shirt printing party, inspired by seeing Cory's Instructables...I'll post pictures, assuming we all don't get fired for covering the conference room in ink.)