Showing posts with label Hel Hunter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hel Hunter. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Random Late Night Wall-Eizing

Wall-E is, in a word, freaking amazing. Might just be my favorite Pixar movie yet.

Among many other things, it reminded me of a series of Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction covers by Mel Hunter. Both portray a humorous attempt to understand humanity by the objects we surround ourselves with and the heartbreaking ways in which those objects fall short in describing who we are.

As usual with Pixar, I have a hard time deciding which I like better, the movie or the concept work. I'm glad I don't have to decide - I loved the movie so much I ran straight to the bookstore to pick up The Art of Wall-E.

Over on the Spectrum website, Arnie Fenner asks whether Wall-E's Axiom space craft was an homage to John Berkey. Looking at the concept drawings, (insert to the left) leaves little doubt.

[Thanks to for the Mel Hunter images.]