Showing posts with label Three Things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Things. Show all posts

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Three Kennedys. Or, Three Bernie Fuchs.

I've mentioned before that Mark Korsak is putting together a 50 year retrospective of the Society of Illustrators' annual. Seeing Phil's Tony Blair prompted me to ask Mark if he could send me a few of the John F. Kennedy portraits that are in strong consideration for the book, including these three by Bernie Fuchs. (Thanks, Mark. I'm dying to see the second one in color!) Fuchs, of course, belongs in the pantheon with the greatest American illustrators.

Check out David Apatoff's interesting post comparing Fuchs with Robert Motherwell, Robert Rauschenberg, and Franz Kline. "
Like Motherwell, Rauschenberg and Kline, Fuchs rejected the realistic painting of his predecessors (such as Norman Rockwell) and focused on broader qualities of abstract design and composition."

Stephen Kroninger's recently featured the third painting and other great presidential portraits by Fuchs and Robert Fawcett on his blog.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Three Deer

Si Scott Studios - Check out his website for jaw dropping typographic illustration.

Jack Unruh - One of my favorite animal painters. (Although he is equally known for stylized portraiture.) Anyone in New York - The Bronx Zoo's Congo Land singage features a series of gorilla paintings that I just adore.

Anita Kunz - I love lots of her work, but it's the human/animal hybrids that are always my favorites.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Three Rabbits

Three nice bunnies I've run across.

Shaun Tan:
From Shaun's picture book,
The Rabbits.This was the first image I saw Shaun's and I just fell in love with it. The book was shown to me many years ago by Jenna Felice, an editor at Tor who passed away tragically young. It was given to her, if memory serves, by writer Justine Larbalestier.

Cathie Bleck:
I believe this was a personal work in Cathie's wonderfully organic and sensuous book, Open Spaces. More on that

Bill Carman:
I first ran across his Bill's work on Concept His site is full of great work. It would be tough to narrow down but I think the top hatted crows in the drawing section are my favorites.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Three Wolves

Raquel Aparicio

Sam Weber

Jon Foster

Sorry - I should have explained this more.

A while ago I noticed these three wolf images and thought, “My, that’s a lot cool wolf imagery coming to my attention all at once.” It gave me the idea for the occasional lazy post of stumbling onto three interpretations of the same thing and posting them together.

So, these are not Tor covers. The first is, of course, a Little Red Riding Hood image but I’m not sure if it’s in print. The second looks like an editorial piece, but I didn’t go back and check. The third is for a Cherie Priest book, The Dreadful Skin. I’m not sure who published this one but I wish it was ours -- it’s one of my favorites from Jon.