Showing posts with label Mark Summers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Summers. Show all posts

Monday, January 19, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe's 200th Birthday

Whether you know it or not, you are familiar with Michael Deas' artwork...and have even licked it. Not only did he paint the Columbia Pictures logo, but he's done numerous portraits for the US Postal service -- James Dean, Cary Grant, Stephen Vincent Benete, and many others. And the odd Time cover, Tor cover!, and, and,...

Michael also happened to write the book on Edgar Allan Poe portraits, so I'm sure he was thrilled to be given the commission to paint Poe for today's big birthday. Congrats, Michael!

If you are ever in the same room with Michael, buy him a drink and ask him to tell you about the National Art's Club stolen Poe daguerreotype. It's a great story. The FBI was involved.

Other artsy Poe-ness:
Mark Summers on drawing Poe, and again. "He’s got one of those faces rich with distinct and fascinating features, but I’ve found that it all comes down to the eyes—the saddest, deepest eyes in literature."
Adam Rex making funny with the Poe and writer's block, here, here, and here.