Showing posts with label Francis Vallejo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Francis Vallejo. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Francis Vallejo and Adam Hughes interviews

I'm getting yelled at for relying on Twitter for too much of this so...

Sidebar Nation always runs a great series of podcasts. Recently:

Francis Vallejo: A new (as in last week) Ringling illustration grad. Francis is more articulate on illustration than most pros. A great view from a young person just entering into his career -- well worth a listen.

And, a two part interview with comic books artist, and one of the best damn drawers around, Adam Hughes. Great info mixed with a lot of laughs. Part one and two.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

MicroVisions 4, auction is live

Any, we're off! The fourth annual MicroVisions auction is up and running.

Check it out on eBay:
MicroVisions 4
And bid, bid, bid!

These are 5x7 paintings created by the field's leading illustrators and comic book artists. All proceeds go to the Society of Illustrators student scholarship fund. They are kept small so that the artist have fun doing them and to make them affordable by casual collectors.

A huge thanks to teh participating artists:

Welsey Allsbrook, Volkan Baga, Chris Buzelli, Justin Gerard, Greg Manchess, Paolo Rivera, Luis Royo, Greg Ruth, Francis Vallejo, Michael Whelan

As it happens, the Society's scholarship exhibit is having it's opening night gala Friday, May 8th. Every year I am blown away by the incredible talent this show pulls together. I'm very excited to be meeting this year's students -- it's never very long before you start seeing some of their names out in the professional world.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

MicroVisions: Michael Whelan, Wesley Allsbrook, and Francis Vallejo

The latest MiroVisions are here. Just a couple more and we'll get to work setting up the auction and the exhibit. In the meantime, enjoy....

The incomparable Mr. Michael Whelan. I have to admit, I was expecting him to knock himself out for this and "Wow!" was all I could say.

Wesley Allsbrook's amazing line drawings. We at Tor are huge Wesley fans. Go check out her comics, The Leviathan and Montmartre à trois.

And Francis Vallejo. I only have a few more weeks to say this so I will say it again: Holy Cow, I can't believe this kid is still in school. Francis is destined to be an illustration superstar.