April 30, 2014
Politician Opposes Money for Other Politicians
[From article]
Mike Paranzino, spokesman for restaurant industry group ROC Exposed, said that Ellison displayed a shocking “lack of self-awareness.”
“He’s soliciting donations for the group that already benefits from taxpayer dollars and it creates an echo chamber: ROC lobbies congress and then congress lobbies for ROC to receive grants and donations,” Paranzino said.
Keith Ellison Decries Money in Politics While Supporting Union Front Group
Minnesota Democrat has accepted hundreds of thousands from unions since 2008
April 28, 2014 11:45 am
Bill McMorris
Misguided Politicians,
Money and Politics
Two Students Stopped From Handing Out Copies of Constitution
[From article]
A week after the incident, another administrator allegedly told Burch and fellow student Anthony Vizzone that if they wanted to protest, the proper place would be in the university’s “free speech zone.” The administrator also allegedly said, “This isn’t really the ‘60s anymore” and “people can’t really protest like that anymore.”
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is assisting in this lawsuit as it did in the case of a California student who also was ordered to stop handing out copies of the Constitution, which occurred on Constitution Day. His lawsuit was settled in late February.
[. . .]
“The First Amendment is not optional at public colleges—it’s the law. Enforcing restrictive ‘free speech zone’ policies that prevent students from passing out copies of the Constitution is impossible to justify,” FIRE President Greg Lukianoff. said.
Second Student Ordered to Stop Handing Out Copies of Constitution Files Lawsuit
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
April 25, 2014 10:06 am
NY Gov. Spitzer's Wife Settles Divorce
[From article]
Other perks of the 56-year-old's deal include a new car 'no more than every five years', a housekeeper, accountant, unspecified 'entertainment and activities expenses', a $100,000-per-year charity donation and a part-time assistant.
Mr Spitzer will also take care of his former wife's medical insurance and health care.
Although the multimillionaire does not have to pay child support to Silda for their daughters - Elyssa, 24, Sarabeth, 21, and Jenna, 19 - he must take care of 100 per cent of their medical, dental and college expenses.
The former couple agreed to shared use of their $5million upstate New York farm. However the divorce agreement states that the 'choice of visitors' cannot cause their daughters any emotional distress or embarrassment.
The Spitzers divorce was finalized in February this year and it was agreed that Silda would receive the first $1million within 180 days.
Another $1million will follow on the service of their divorce judgement and then at least $500,000 ever year unless the former politician decides to pay his ex a lump sum.
The annual $240,000 maintenance payment will come to Silda after her former husband has paid the taxes. It will continue until she either remarries or dies.
[. . .]
Eliot Spitzer, who is worth an estimated $46million, comes from a real estate fortune built by his father Bernard Spitzer.
He had earnings of $4.2million for 2012 while Silda Wall Spitzer brought home $112,000 as an executive at NewWorld Capital Group, a private equity firm investing in new energy.
Eliot Spitzer's ex-wife Silda gets $7.5m in divorce deal along with $240,000-a-year for life and Fifth Avenue home
Eliot Spitzer, 54, and ex-wife Silda, 56, were married for 26 years and have 3 daughters
Her divorce deal includes shared use of the couple's $5m farmhouse in upstate New York along with a housekeeper and part-time assistant
She stood by the disgraced NY governor in 2008 when his habit of hiring prostitutes was revealed
Spitzer is now dating his 31-year-old former publicist Lis Smith
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 08:15 EST, 28 April 2014 | UPDATED: 11:49 EST, 28 April 2014
David Horowitz Explains Why He Writes Ten Volumes
[From article]
Five years into the Obama administration, most conservatives have little idea of the depth of its malignancy, or the fact that it is the product of decades of development that has transformed the Democratic party and created, as is rapidly becoming apparent, not only America’s nightmare but the world’s as well.
[. . .]
The nature of these conflicts as part of an ongoing war was, in my view, scarcely recognized by conservatives at the time, and has still not fully sunk in.
[. . .]
It is first of all a narrative map of the battles fought over the last 40 years and — it must be said – lost, almost every one. The Black Book contains a record as complete as any likely to be written of the struggle to resist a Communist-inspired Left that was not defeated in the Cold War but took advantage of the Soviet defeat to enter the American mainstream and conquer it, until today its members occupy the White House.
[. . .]
Communist Left marched off the streets and into the Democratic party, and over the next decades took commanding positions in the party’s congressional apparatus, and eventually its national leadership. As it acquired power, it gradually shifted its self-identification from “liberal” to the bolder “progressive,” a designation shared by most leaders of the Democratic party today.
[. . .]
the sabotage of the war on terror, the traducing of the civil-rights movement and its transformation into a mob led by the racial extortionists Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (the latter now the president’s chief adviser on race), the subversion of the modern research university and the conversion of its liberal-arts divisions into doctrinal institutes for training American youth in the radical party line known as political correctness, the rise of a campus fascism aligned with Islamic Jew haters and genocidal terrorists,
[. . .]
the movement now in motion to dismantle the American system, and bring this country to its knees, is no overnight phenomenon and is not the result of misguided idealisms or misunderstandings that can be easily repaired. The adversary cannot be dissuaded, because what drives him is a religious mission on which his identity and quest for a meaningful life depend. He can be stopped only by a political counterforce that is determined and organized, and — most importantly — that understands the gravity of the threat it faces.
[. . .]
What bothered me was how profoundly the senator misread Obama, how he failed to understand the malice behind either his mendacity or his systematic efforts to dismantle America’s constitutional system and disarm us before our enemies. “He has good intentions,” Coburn assured the exasperated Lamb.
[. . .]
Obama and Castro are socialist missionaries. For that very reason, the evil they do far exceeds anything achievable by tinhorn tyrants. They are advocates of a cause that turns a blind eye toward the millions of corpses and the wrecked continents of the recent past while attacking the democratic foundations of what remains of a free-market, free-world community of nations, beginning with Israel and the United States.
APRIL 28, 2014 4:00 AM
Who Are Our Adversaries?
Conservatives must wake up to the true nature of the people many still call “liberals.”
By David Horowitz
National Review
David Horowitz,
UK Politician Arrested For Reading Churchill Speech
[From article]
a candidate for Member of the European Parliament, was arrested Saturday, hauled off in a police van, and could face two years in prison. All for reading a passage from Winston Churchill’s book, The River War, regarding Islam:
[. . .]
Point out problematic aspects of Islam, and the British state's response is "F--- off, or I'll arrest you."
April 28, 2014
UK politician arrested for quoting Churchill, could face 2 years in prison
Thomas Lifson
Winston Churchill
U.S. High School Graduation Rates
[From article]
Iowa, Vermont, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Texas ranked at the top with rates at 88 percent or 89 percent. The bottom performers were Alaska, Georgia, New Mexico, Oregon and Nevada, which had rates at 70 percent or below.
U.S. high school graduation rate tops 80 per cent for the first time but blacks and Hispanics are still bottom of the class
For the first time in U.S. history, the national high school graduation rate surpassed 80 percent in 2012, according to a new report
If the rate of improvement over the past few years is maintained, the country would see a 90 percent rate by 2020
Whites have an 85 percent graduation rate, compared to 76 percent for Hispanics and 68 percent for blacks
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 10:19 EST, 28 April 2014 | UPDATED: 11:41 EST, 28 April 2014
NYPD Busts Gun Ring Georgia To NYC
NYPD, DA bust Georgia-to-NY weapons pipeline
By Leonard Greene
April 30, 2014 | 1:41pm
New York Post
Gun Control,
New York City,
Councilors Want Private Rooms, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
[From article]
MEMBERS MULL COUNCIL OFFICES: Some councilors are feeling a little cramped at Cambridge City Hall and are pushing for options for office space dedicated to councilors.
Councilor Denise Simmons’ policy order asked City Manager Richard Rossi to consult the proper channels to see what options exist for office space.
"There’s no space and someone comes into talk to me it’s difficult when they want to talk privately. I’m sitting on a bench with this person and she’s telling me private things. The conference rooms are in over-demand," Simmons said.
"The job of a councilor from the 1940s is very, very different from what it is today," Simmons said. "People want to come in and talk to you."
The council unanimously supported the policy order.
Councilor Simmons is correct that "The job of a councilor from the 1940s is very, very different from what it is today." Salary is one area. The City Archivist, reports
"The City Councilors’ salaries were as follows:
1940 – 1942
total appropriation $7,500; 15 City Councilors – each received $500 per year
1943 – 1949
total appropriation $37,000; 9 City Councilors – each received $4111.11 per year"$35,000 a year aides is another. Each aide receives a salary about the entire amount paid to all nine city councilors in 1945. Now they want private offices too? Are these part time congressmen? At least Cambridge taxpayers do not pay women councilors less than men as the President does. Has Councilor Simmons investigated use of the two city hall annex buildings for her constituent meetings? Or the seven libraries, the many school buildings or senior centers? Why not bill taxpayers for a suite of rooms with refreshments at Harvard University's Double Tree, or the Charles Hotel?
60 SECONDS: Cambridge City Council meeting highlights, April 28
By Marc Filippino
mfilippino (at) wickedlocal.com
Posted Apr. 30, 2014 @ 3:28 pm
Judge Pirro Reveals Harry Reid's Interest in Nevada Grazing Lands
[From article]
As WND reported, bloggers also made a connection between the Bureau of Land Management’s raid on Bundy’s land and a solar-energy project in southern Nevada financed by the communist Chinese energy firm ENN. It was to be the largest solar farm in the U.S.
Reid had lobbied heavily for the company’s business, even traveling to China. Reid’s son, Rory Reid, formerly a Clark County commissioner, became a lobbyist for ENN while Sen. Reid’s former senior adviser, Neil Kornze, now leads the BLM.
The project died last year, but the BLM’s library of renewable energy projects revealed it was only one of more than 50 solar, wind and geothermal projects planned for Nevada, California, Arizona and other Western states.
[. . .]
In March 2012, the Washington Examiner reported First Solar, an Arizona-based manufacturer of solar panels, received in 2010 a $16.3 million subsidy to expand its factory in Ohio. The grant came after a $455.7 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee awarded by the Export-Import Bank to subsidize the sale of solar panels to two solar firms in Canada.
One of the Canadian firms, St. Clair Solar, was a wholly owned subsidiary of First Solar, so when First Solar was shipping its solar panels from Ohio to a solar farm it owned in Canada, the U.S. taxpayers were subsidizing the “export,” the Examiner said.
Suggests BLM's land grab from Bundy would provide big return in dollars
April 29, 2014
Italian Judge Explains Why He Voted For Re-Trial Of Amanda Knox
[From article]
If the high court accepts Nencini’s verdicts, the two will be required to serve their prison sentences in Italy. Knox has vowed she will not return to Europe, but Sollecito, unless he escapes, won’t be as lucky.
[. . .]
The court also scoffed at certain rulings laid out by the first appellate court, saying that the court’s reasoning that it would have been easy for “a young athlete” like Rudy Guede to scale the wall and enter the apartment, was borderline racist.
[. . .]
If she is definitively convicted, she will likely face an extradition order to come back to Italy to serve out her sentence. There are very few legal loopholes that would allow an American citizen to escape a court decision by a country, like Italy, that shares extradition treaties with the U.S.
Italian Judge Explains Why Amanda Knox Did It
The judge who upheld a lower court’s conviction of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the murder of Meredith Kercher explains why he thinks Foxy Knoxy committed the crime.
Barbie Latza Nadeau
Amanda Knox,
Appeals Court,
Murder Trial
Cambridge Politicians Gave Away Potential Windfall
Whoever negotiated this deal was negligent. (Erin Baldassari, "Cambridge to receive $100K annually if Wynn Casino approved," Apr. 30, 2014, CAMBRIDGE Chronicle) A percentage of the casino's winnings from their video poker machines would bring in many more dollars. Seventy five percent of casino profits are now derived from video poker machines. See MIT's Prof. Natasha Dow Schull's wonderful book about video gambling, Addiction By Design. The negative effects of casinos can not be measured. Short sighted misguided politicians arranged this pittance.
Cambridge to receive $100K annually if Wynn Casino approved
By Erin Baldassari
Posted Apr. 30, 2014 @ 10:46 am
Feds Want Jurisdiction Over Sex Assaults On Campus
Posted April 29, 2014 8:31 PM ET; Last Updated April 30, 2014 9:15 PM ET
* * *
Is this the same Civil Rights Office which refuses to enforce civil rights laws in a race neutral manner? See J. Christian Adams' book, Injustice; and John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky's book, Who's Counting? Will this investigation enforce the Title IX provisions favoring women students?
Is sexual assault a federal crime? If state, local police and campus police are unable to protect students from sexual assaults, is the FBI, who allowed crime boss, James Bulger to administer capital punishment without due process in Massachusetts to about 60 victims, better equipped? These are Department of Education bureaucrats who want jurisdiction over campus sexual assault. Is this an example of the Idiocracy taking control of the country?
Civil Rights Office Opens Investigation of College’s Handling of Sexual Assault Cases
From article]
"the campus policy stated that intoxication creates an inability to consent." That makes it easy to establish a violation--except that in many cases the accuser has violated the letter of the policy as much as the accused has. "If both are intoxicated, they both did the same thing to each other," Sokolow writes. "Why should only the male be charged if both students behave in ways defined as prohibited by the policy?"
The Other Side of Title IX
A warning to higher-education administrators.
April 28, 2014
"the campus policy stated that intoxication creates an inability to consent." That makes it easy to establish a violation--except that in many cases the accuser has violated the letter of the policy as much as the accused has. "If both are intoxicated, they both did the same thing to each other," Sokolow writes. "Why should only the male be charged if both students behave in ways defined as prohibited by the policy?"
The Other Side of Title IX
A warning to higher-education administrators.
April 28, 2014
Wal Street Journal
* * *
From sexual violence to data collection. Is sexual assault a federal crime? Are universities law enforcement agencies? "Karvonides emphasized that educators need to understand the anti-discriminatory act[.]" Harvard University administrators do not know where their property line ends, or the jurisdiction of their campus police. Expect them to comprehend the concept of discrimination? 2012 HGSE grad Argetsinger, hotline counselor for a rape crisis center, said "People who are survivors are really aware that peers who have spoken out in the past have received no justice[.]” Is that unique to rape victims? What does "justice" mean? Do U.S. DOE bureaucrats have jurisdiction over crimes prosecuted in state courts. U.S. DOE gives taxpayer funds to implement policy desires of lobbyists. Noam Chomsky: "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." Why no scrutiny of state courts in Massachusetts? Are too many judges and lawyers HLS grads?
At Ed School, University Title IX Coordinator, Panelists Discuss Sexual Violence Awareness
* * *
From sexual violence to data collection. Is sexual assault a federal crime? Are universities law enforcement agencies? "Karvonides emphasized that educators need to understand the anti-discriminatory act[.]" Harvard University administrators do not know where their property line ends, or the jurisdiction of their campus police. Expect them to comprehend the concept of discrimination? 2012 HGSE grad Argetsinger, hotline counselor for a rape crisis center, said "People who are survivors are really aware that peers who have spoken out in the past have received no justice[.]” Is that unique to rape victims? What does "justice" mean? Do U.S. DOE bureaucrats have jurisdiction over crimes prosecuted in state courts. U.S. DOE gives taxpayer funds to implement policy desires of lobbyists. Noam Chomsky: "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." Why no scrutiny of state courts in Massachusetts? Are too many judges and lawyers HLS grads?
At Ed School, University Title IX Coordinator, Panelists Discuss Sexual Violence Awareness
April 30, 2014
April 30, 2014
* * *
Is this the same Civil Rights Office which refuses to enforce civil rights laws in a race neutral manner? See J. Christian Adams' book, Injustice; and John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky's book, Who's Counting? Will this investigation enforce the Title IX provisions favoring women students?
Is sexual assault a federal crime? If state, local police and campus police are unable to protect students from sexual assaults, is the FBI, who allowed crime boss, James Bulger to administer capital punishment without due process in Massachusetts to about 60 victims, better equipped? These are Department of Education bureaucrats who want jurisdiction over campus sexual assault. Is this an example of the Idiocracy taking control of the country?
Civil Rights Office Opens Investigation of College’s Handling of Sexual Assault Cases
April 29, 2014
* * *
[From article]
the Justice Department will help develop training programs in trauma care for school officers and assess different models for schools to use to adjudicate such cases, since some sexual assault survivors are wary of a legal process that can open them up to potentially painful or embarrassing questions by students or staff.
[. . .]
A new website, notalone.gov, will post enforcement actions and offer information to victims about how to seek local help and information about filing a complaint,
[. . .]
including ideas a school could consider when defining what is or isn’t sexual consent.
[. . .]
a 90-day review that included dozens of in-person and online meetings with victims, advocates and higher education representatives. It was made up of Obama’s cabinet members, including Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder.
[. . .]
many campuses have been working to make improvements, but the issue is complex and some college administrators have sought answers from the federal government about how to interpret federal law.
[. . .]
A key tool the government has against campus sexual assault is Title IX, which prohibits gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funds. The 1972 law is better known for guaranteeing girls equal access to sports, but it also regulates institutions’ handling of sexual violence and is increasingly being used by victims who say their school failed to protect them. Fifty-one campuses currently have such an ongoing investigation involving sexual violence, the Education Department said.
[. . .]
Another law that campus sexual assault cases fall under is the Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to annually report crime statistics on or near their campuses, to develop prevention policies and ensure victims their basic rights.
Do men accused of sexual assault enjoy equal protection of the laws? Why then are women getting the primary attention of the U.S. government and the college administrations? Why does the federal government deliberate the meaning of sex assault laws. Is rape a federal crime? More of the confusion of laws and jurisdiction by this racist administration which works hard to destroy the United States as a functioning society. American jurisprudence requires mens rea for a person to be convicted of a crime. Under the standards proposed by the Department of Education under Title IX being imposed on colleges there is no mens rea requirement. Only the accusation. Has the Idiocracy taken over the federal government?
White House releases guidelines to stop sexual assaults at colleges
By Associated Press
April 29, 2014 | 6:00am
April 29, 2014
* * *
[From article]
the Justice Department will help develop training programs in trauma care for school officers and assess different models for schools to use to adjudicate such cases, since some sexual assault survivors are wary of a legal process that can open them up to potentially painful or embarrassing questions by students or staff.
[. . .]
A new website, notalone.gov, will post enforcement actions and offer information to victims about how to seek local help and information about filing a complaint,
[. . .]
including ideas a school could consider when defining what is or isn’t sexual consent.
[. . .]
a 90-day review that included dozens of in-person and online meetings with victims, advocates and higher education representatives. It was made up of Obama’s cabinet members, including Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder.
[. . .]
many campuses have been working to make improvements, but the issue is complex and some college administrators have sought answers from the federal government about how to interpret federal law.
[. . .]
A key tool the government has against campus sexual assault is Title IX, which prohibits gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funds. The 1972 law is better known for guaranteeing girls equal access to sports, but it also regulates institutions’ handling of sexual violence and is increasingly being used by victims who say their school failed to protect them. Fifty-one campuses currently have such an ongoing investigation involving sexual violence, the Education Department said.
[. . .]
Another law that campus sexual assault cases fall under is the Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to annually report crime statistics on or near their campuses, to develop prevention policies and ensure victims their basic rights.
Do men accused of sexual assault enjoy equal protection of the laws? Why then are women getting the primary attention of the U.S. government and the college administrations? Why does the federal government deliberate the meaning of sex assault laws. Is rape a federal crime? More of the confusion of laws and jurisdiction by this racist administration which works hard to destroy the United States as a functioning society. American jurisprudence requires mens rea for a person to be convicted of a crime. Under the standards proposed by the Department of Education under Title IX being imposed on colleges there is no mens rea requirement. Only the accusation. Has the Idiocracy taken over the federal government?
White House releases guidelines to stop sexual assaults at colleges
By Associated Press
April 29, 2014 | 6:00am
New York Post
Sex Offenses,
State Police,
US Dept. of Education
April 29, 2014
104 Year-old British Man Celebrated For Saving 600 Children From Holocaust
[From article]
In 1938, London stockbroker Nicholas Winton decided to use his two weeks vacation to get to work.
As violence began escalating against Jewish people in Europe, the 29-year-old traveled to Prague and ended up saving the lives of 669 children, mostly Jews, from almost certain death.
Winton - now 104 - has spoken to CBS' 60 Minutes about his incredible story, which included theft, forging documents and even blackmailing officials to get his way.
'It worked, that's the man thing,' he said, grinning.
Some of the children saved by Winton have also come forward to reveal they did not know that this humble man was responsible for rescuing them until five decades after.
The astonishing story of how a humble London stockbroker saved 669 children - most of them Jews - from Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II
Nicholas Winton, then 29, spent his 2 weeks vacation in 1938 traveling to Prague to see how he could help save people
He left with lists of hundreds of children and forged headed paper claiming he worked for the British Committee for Refugees
After finding homes for the children in England, it was taking too long to finalize their documents so he forged many and bribed officials
He saved 669 kids - many of whose parents died in concentration camps
He kept his story quiet for nearly 50 years before featuring on a British TV show and even the children did not know he had saved them
A book about his story - written by his daughter - is released next month
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 13:24 EST, 28 April 2014 | UPDATED: 14:02 EST, 28 April 2014
Holocaust Survivor,
Saving Lives
Doctors Begin to React To Health Care Law Abuses
[From article]
As a group, the nearly 880,000 licensed physicians in the U.S. are, for the most part, well-intentioned. We strive to do our best even while we sometimes contend with unrealistic expectations. The demands are great, and many of our families pay a huge price for our not being around. We do the things we do because it is right and our patients expect us to.
So when do we say damn the mandates and requirements from bureaucrats who are not in the healing profession? When do we stand up and say we are not going to take it any more?
[. . .]
Across the country, doctors waste precious time filling in unnecessary electronic-record fields just to satisfy a regulatory measure. I personally spend two hours a day dictating and documenting electronic health records just so I can be paid and not face a government audit. Is that the best use of time for a highly trained surgical specialist?
[. . .]
Don't doctors have control over what they charge for their services? For the most part, no. Our medical documentation is pored over and insurers and government then determine the appropriate level of reimbursement.
[. . .]
Now is the time for physicians to say enough is enough.
A Doctor's Declaration of Independence
It's time to defy health-care mandates issued by bureaucrats not in the healing profession.
Updated April 28, 2014 7:34 p.m. ET
Misguided U.S. Senator Wants To Censor Critical Speech
[From article]
The bill does not define which actions by broadcasters would be considered to have encouraged violence, seemingly leaving that open to interpretation.
[. . .]
The Boston Herald took issue with the bill, calling it “frankly chilling” that Markey is seeking to “empower an obscure federal agency to begin scouring the Internet, TV and radio for speech it finds threatening.”
Markey, the former ice cream truck driver, wants to silence speech he does not like, joined by a colleague from New York. The category of disability was ignored. Some groups are more equal than others. Victimhood elevates one's position on the protection ladder. Since persons with disabilities cannot climb a ladder they are not protected. And mental patients have no need for protection. Psychiatrists protect them with drugs. Ahem! Does the silence of Holder, Obama and Markey about the national obscenity of black youth attacking vulnerable, innocent white people a violation of this proposed law? Is the failure of Holder and Obama to enforce civil rights laws in a race neutral manner a violation of law? Is it a hate crime to permit black violence against white people?
'Perhaps he could crack a briefing book on the crisis in Ukraine'
April 28, 2014
Aaron Kleim
* * *
[From article]
Michael Lieberman of the Anti-Defamation League said he backs the bill, which is similar to a Markey-backed 1993 study that found hate crimes linked to media “scattered and largely anecdotal”
Experts: Markey proposal may threaten free speech
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
By: Erin Smith
Boston Herald
'Perhaps he could crack a briefing book on the crisis in Ukraine'
April 28, 2014
Aaron Kleim
* * *
[From article]
Michael Lieberman of the Anti-Defamation League said he backs the bill, which is similar to a Markey-backed 1993 study that found hate crimes linked to media “scattered and largely anecdotal”
Experts: Markey proposal may threaten free speech
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
By: Erin Smith
Boston Herald
Nader: Obama Should Be Impeached, Book Review
[From article]
"Libya was the most egregious violation of the Constitution by President Obama," Nader told ABC News-Yahoo News. "He attacked Libya with European nations without a declaration of war, he didn't ask Congress for an authorization of funds. He didn't get an appropriation of funds from Congress. He found a billion and a half dollars somewhere in the Pentagon budget. That is an impeachable offense flat out."
"The reason why Congress doesn't want to do it is because it abdicated its own responsibility under the Constitution."
April 29, 2014, 11:41 am
Nader: Libya mission was 'impeachable offense'
By Mario Trujillo
* * *
[From article]
That’s the premise of the new book “Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State” by longtime political activist and five-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who contends that such a left-right alliance is not just the stuff of imagination but is actually emerging.
“On Capitol Hill, I'm seeing more and more in Congress, left and right,” Nader told “The Fine Print.” “It was a vote in the House over a year ago over the NSA snooping, it almost broke through … so we're beginning to see formulations that once they click together, they're unstoppable.”
Nader was referring to a vote in July 2013 over a measure known as the Amash Amendment that would have curtailed the National Security Agency’s ability to collect bulk phone call data. The measure narrowly failed by 12 votes, in part due to a concerted White House lobbying effort on Capitol Hill.
[. . .]
When it comes to the current president, Nader said that Obama has violated the Constitution on several occasions and should be impeached.
"The reason why Congress doesn't want to do it is because it abdicated its own responsibility under the Constitution."
April 29, 2014, 11:41 am
Nader: Libya mission was 'impeachable offense'
By Mario Trujillo
* * *
[From article]
That’s the premise of the new book “Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State” by longtime political activist and five-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who contends that such a left-right alliance is not just the stuff of imagination but is actually emerging.
“On Capitol Hill, I'm seeing more and more in Congress, left and right,” Nader told “The Fine Print.” “It was a vote in the House over a year ago over the NSA snooping, it almost broke through … so we're beginning to see formulations that once they click together, they're unstoppable.”
Nader was referring to a vote in July 2013 over a measure known as the Amash Amendment that would have curtailed the National Security Agency’s ability to collect bulk phone call data. The measure narrowly failed by 12 votes, in part due to a concerted White House lobbying effort on Capitol Hill.
[. . .]
When it comes to the current president, Nader said that Obama has violated the Constitution on several occasions and should be impeached.
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!
By Jeff Zeleny, Jordyn Phelps, and Alexandra Dukakis
April 29, 2014
* * *
[From article]
Anyone who now considers Benghazi a “fake scandal” is a either a complete liar or a moron. This new release of emails thanks to Judicial Watch is literally a call to arms. We will now see if there is even a figment of honesty in our mainstream media and if our elected representatives are to be trusted in any way.
It is our duty as citizens to put as pressure on those representatives as possible to carry through this investigation to its natural conclusion — impeachment
New Benghazi Emails Mean Obama Impeachment Trial Must Be Launched
April 29th, 2014 - 11:39 am
Roger L. Simon
Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!
By Jeff Zeleny, Jordyn Phelps, and Alexandra Dukakis
April 29, 2014
* * *
[From article]
Anyone who now considers Benghazi a “fake scandal” is a either a complete liar or a moron. This new release of emails thanks to Judicial Watch is literally a call to arms. We will now see if there is even a figment of honesty in our mainstream media and if our elected representatives are to be trusted in any way.
It is our duty as citizens to put as pressure on those representatives as possible to carry through this investigation to its natural conclusion — impeachment
New Benghazi Emails Mean Obama Impeachment Trial Must Be Launched
April 29th, 2014 - 11:39 am
Roger L. Simon
Book Review,
Ralph Nader,
US Congress,
US Military,
US President,
War Powers Act
April 28, 2014
(Open?) Meeting About Cambridge Middle School Teacher Charged With Possession of Child Pornography
Posted April 24, 2014 3:37 PM ET; Last updated April 28, 2014 5:05 PM ET
[Please note that this report was written from memory. None of the few notes I took before leaving the auditorium were used in this report. That is in case the unusual order of the School Superintendent, Dr. Jeffery Young was a valid constitutional order.]
Graham and Parks School
For those who enjoy spread sheets and statistics, here is a link to the Massachusetts Department of Education report card for the Graham and Parks School for 2013.
In Massachusetts the state government is dominated by Harvard University which boasts a $32 billion endowment. Cambridge City officials ignore city ordinances and state laws in order to better serve the wealthiest university in the nation. Enter into this milieu a young middle school teacher who enjoys viewing child pornography. He's arrested with no help from local police or state police, whose mission lately is providing protection to marathon runners.
Each day hundreds of illegal immigrants from Mexico and China swarm across open borders in violation of U.S. laws, which are intentionally not enforced. Drug laws are sporadically enforced. But in Cambridge, MA two days after the Boston marathon with saturation police troops protecting runners from terrorism, the Cambridge middle school held a meeting to sooth the anxieties of the parents and staff of the school.
Dr. Jeffrey Young,
Cambridge School Superintendent
What was on the minds of city officials, voters and taxpayers? I arrived early and sat in front so I could see the faces of the speakers and hear what they said. It was Wednesday April 23, 2014 at the Graham and Parks Alternative School at 44 Linnaean Street. The meeting was chaired by the Cambridge School Superintendent. It is not known who ordered the meeting. Six school committee members, two city councilors, the Police Commissioner, the Assistant City Manager for Health and Human Services, and some employees of the U.S. Attorney's office were present. The City Manager arrived later. The meeting began at 6:02 PM. Before Dr. Jeffrey Young, Superintendent, went to the podium, a parent came to me and said, "I don't recognize you. Are you a parent?" I said "No." She said "This is not a public meeting. It is only for parents and staff."
The conformity of Cambridge residents is appalling. It is very apparent at MIT, Harvard University, and among city officials and voters. The desire to conform and obedience to authority is extremely strong among youth, students, faculty and administrators, at the universities and among public officials.
This was evident at the public/not a public meeting at the Graham and Parks School to discuss the arrest of the teacher for possession of child pornography. There I was under attack by the superintendent of schools, the principal of the school (who has a PhD. from Harvard University), and a parent trying to get me to leave the meeting. And there was silence from the 100 or so people in the auditorium. Not one person said "We want to have this issue discussed by as many people as we can. It is a shameful fact and it needs the attention of everyone whether they are parents, staff, residents of the city or not." But not one person, none of the highly taxpayer funded, who take a sworn oath to uphold the constitution and laws of the state and the United States, spoke out. Job security kicked in to over ride their oaths. Even for parents who took no oath.
The concerned censor parent was making it up. The police commissioner is not school staff. Nor are City Councilors, School Committee members, the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, or the U.S. Attorney's employees. I said "I think it is a public meeting." She urged me to leave. I declined. Then Dr. Young came over to me and repeated her request to leave saying "This is not a public meeting." He promoted his standard for a public meeting saying, "There is no notice posted at city hall that makes it a public meeting."
I told him, "I disagree with you. That is not the definition of an open meeting." I again declined his invitation to leave. I told Dr. Young, "If the Police commissioner asks me to leave I will leave. Otherwise you will have to carry me out." I was not going to fight with the police, even if he was wrong. But especially if I was wrong.
Citizen's Guide To Public Comment
[From the Cambridge School Committee web site on public comment]
The School Committee meetings operate under rules which were adopted to improve information to the public, make it easier for parents, guardians and the public to both follow and comment on issues before the Committee, and make meetings more accessible to the public.
No one questions why it took the U.S. Attorney to bring charges of pornography possession, or illegal videotaping. Police arrest citizens who exercise First Amendment rights to videotape the police acting in their official capacity. That is an abuse of power contrary to law. Why wasn't Massachusetts state police and local police watching this teacher? Are public school teachers immune from surveillance? If the teacher was being watched he would have been caught earlier, maybe before he was hired by the Cambridge schools.
The FBI blames the Russians for not telling them everything the Russians knew about the terrorist brothers from Dagestan and Cambridge, who placed two bombs at the Boston marathon. A government task force determined it was the Russian's fault for not telling the FBI everything they knew. Hello? After Russian security forces told the FBI of their concern about the brothers, the FBI found they were no threat. But the FBI and police keep me under surveillance, harassing me, ridiculing, humiliating, threatening and insulting me. They tamper with my home computer, disturb my sleep and my communications. Public safety priorities in Massachusetts.
Sarah Fiarman, Principal
Ad for Graham and Parks School Principal
Salary: $105,339 - $115,736
Work Year: 210 Days
Health Insurance (82% employer paid)
Dental Insurance (100% employer paid)
Life Insurance
Sick Leave
Personal leave
403(B) Annuity Plan Option
Dependent Care and Medical Care Flexible
Spending Accounts (FSA) MTRS Retirement Plan
The school principal, Sarah Fiarman, PhD. Harvard University Graduate School of Education, came over to me and asked me to leave. I just sat there. I was beginning to think maybe they are going to reveal where the missing Malaysian plane was hiding. I suggested to Sarah Fiarman that she speak with the police commissioner, repeating that "If he asks me to leave I will. Otherwise I am staying." There were four members of the Cambridge School Committee sitting next to one another. Pat Nolan, Alfred Fantini, Mervan Osborne, and Kathleen Kelly. The Mayor is the chairman of the School Committee. Mayor David Maher was in the auditorium. Also nearby was Richard Harding another school committee member. There were six members of the school committee that I could see. How could I know if they were or were not deliberating? If the meeting was only for staff and parents, why were the politicians there?
Pre-meeting negotiations ended and the actual meeting began. Dr. Young gave his summary of the previous meeting held on Saturday April 19, 2014. He said there are parents here today who were not present on Saturday. He added there are representatives from the U.S. Attorney's office present. He did not say if they were attorneys. More likely they were PR flacks. He gave out the web site for the U.S. Attorney for anyone who wanted more information. He said that the U.S. Attorney's office will not answer any questions. Usually they say, "It is an ongoing investigation."
So here was a meeting allegedly for the parents and staff of a public school attended by school committee members, city councilors, the police commissioner, assistant city manager, the City Manager, the U.S. Attorney's office and they are trying to keep it a secret private meeting. Was this part of the cover-up of the tragedy of Benghazi? Dr. Young said, "We are not trying to keep this a secret meeting." No? The underlying cause of the meeting was an arrest of a teacher at the school who is charged with possessing child pornography. He taught previously at a Somerville, MA school. Is this an issue of public importance? One parent excused the school because he had no CORI record. CORI records are accurate? One more misguided blind belief in computer files.
It is curious that Cambridge parents reportedly (in an article in the Cambridge Chronicle) excuse the schools for hiring this young man who allegedly loves child pornography. They say that he had no CORI record. This is problematic on two counts. One is that government computer data files are notoriously flawed. One estimate was that the NCIS federal data base has 40 percent wrong warrant entries. CORI is a state file.
The second problem is that CORI files are being relied on for making hiring decisions for teachers in a middle school. Hello? Anyone home? Do they no longer do formal face to face interviews? Are there no background checks besides looking for CORI records? Is that why so many high ranking academics have no degrees because the hiring institutions seldom check to see if they have a degree, or worked where they said they did at the job they claimed?
CORI should be a part of it, but with some skepticism. It is all too easy to alter files and to use them for purposes other than for what they were created. I've seen police enter a name that they made up in order to ensure that there was no record of an event. Hackers can enter Defense Department computers. They've been doing it for many years, even when the Cold War was still on. It is a simple matter to alter CORI files, without employing a person who maintains the files. I cannot believe that so many parents who live in Cambridge MA remain clueless about the security gaps in computer systems. It is the same group which believes what politicians say.
Too many people who live in Cambridge believe that if something does not appear in The New York Times it did not happen. It leads to situations like this event, where the government controls what information gets out to the public.
The Superintendent told me "The Cambridge Chronicle is not present." I said "I don't know that." I did not ask "Why not?" Then while speaking to the assembly he announced that a Boston Globe reporter agreed to leave on Saturday while the U.S. Attorney's office representatives discussed their investigation in private with the parents. He asked if there are any members of the media present. I did not raise my hand. U.S. Courts ruled that all citizens have the same First Amendment Rights as professional journalists. But I did not tell the Superintendent. Then he said, "We have an unofficial member of the media here, a blogger."
He called me a "blogger." How dare he? He showed no respect for me as a person. "A blogger?" What does that mean? That is when he told the audience about the spineless Boston Globe reporter at the Saturday meeting, who left when asked. It was getting more ridiculous by the second. He was joined by the school principal, Sarah Fiarman, talking about my presence, wasting time, trying to shame me into leaving. He repeated his personal opinion of what makes a meeting answerable to the open meetings law. I again said, "I disagree with you. That is not what state law says."
One way to end the standoff was to get elected officials out of the room. Then I had a weakened case. So, on behalf of the Superintendent, I said, "I'll make you a deal. If all of the elected officials leave the room I will leave."
School Committee Member Richard Harding yelled out ,"OK, Roy, lets go." They all got up and walked out of the auditorium. I joined them for some conversation at the auditorium entrance. One school committee member said "We were not deliberating."
I said, "That doesn't matter."
James Maloney,
Cambridge Public Schools’ Chief Operating Officer
When Mr. James Maloney, Chief Operating Officer of the Cambridge Schools, gave out copies of the agenda, he did not give me one. I did not want to beg, and did not ask for one. While the elected officials and I waited for the U.S. Attorney's office to finish its presentation, Mr. Maloney took the elected officials aside to speak with them in private.The Open Meetings Law describes that as an illegal means to thwart the Open Meetings Law. Speaking to one elected official at a time is no different from talking to them all at once. What did Mr. Maloney reveal to the elected officials that he did not share with me? Was he deliberating with them one at a time?
Here is a pattern of the U.S. government imitated in Cambridge. Governments are run for the benefit of government employees, no longer for taxpayers and voters. The staff and political appointees wanted to explain to parents, who experienced trauma, what was happening and why government was not to blame. Barring independent minds with no interest in the proceeding makes it possible to control the dialogue, to ensure that discussion was limited to areas which showed the bona fides of the government and allowed the bureaucrats to escape accountability for negligence or misguided policies. I waited to hear Dr. Young blame George Bush for the trauma of the parents and staff.
Waiting for the end of the U.S. Attorney's private briefing, I discussed the issue of bullying noting it was only of concern when it was students doing the bullying. I asked one elected official, "What's the difference if it is a policeman, a teacher, or a psychiatrist, doing the bullying?" He added "Or a school committee member doing the bullying." He agreed with me. I do not know if he was patronizing me. Wait a minute. Wasn't what Dr. Young did to me an example of bullying? The Superintendent of schools demanded that a citizen, who he called a "blogger," leave a meeting in a public school, about the arrest of a teacher for possession of child pornography. And the school principal too. Wasn't that the kind of bullying which they say they abhor in their schools? And what about the parent who demanded I leave. Is she a bully too? Shame.
A school committee member asked me "Where are you from?" Barnyism alive and well in Cambridge. If you are not a native you have no right to attend public meetings or to tell us how to run our meetings. I mean who do you think you are? Do you think your constitutional rights travel with you wherever you go? You need to ask permission from us. We do not know you. Why should we trust you to enjoy constitutional rights and freedom. You might do or think or say something that we or our highly paid psychiatrists do not like. If you were born in Cambridge even if you do not live in Cambridge, you get benefits from city taxpayers because you are from Cambridge.
School Committee Member salary is $32,000 per year, according to Pat Nolan.
After a short while someone announced the U.S. Attorney's office, whoever it was, finished their presentation. They said it was OK to return to the meeting. I said "This is a better story."
In constitutional terms, the doctrine of prior restraint holds that the First Amendment forbids the Federal Government to impose any system of prior restraint, with certain limited exceptions, in any area of expression that is within the boundaries of that Amendment. By incorporating the First Amendment in the Fourteenth Amendment, the same limitations are applicable to the states.
[. . .]
Blackstone summarized the law in a famous passage:
The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publications, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published. Every free man has an undoubted right to lay what sentiments he pleases before the public; to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press;
[. . .]
But the doctrine that no previous restraint of publication could stand against the First Amendment was never challenged. Thus, the concept was elevated to the status of constitutional principle.
The Doctrine of Prior Restraint
Thomas I. Emerson
Yale Law School
In 2014, two days after a massive police presence was stationed along the Boston marathon route to protect free expression and association of marathon runners, the Cambridge public schools superintendent tried to eject me from a meeting about a matter of great public importance, the arrest of a middle school teacher for possession of child pornography. The superintendent, the principal, and a parent, tried to force me to leave. But Dr. Young also said that I must agree not to share my notes with anyone else. That is called prior restraint in the law courts. How delicious. Not even The New York Times respected the U.S. government demand not to publish the Pentagon Papers when Richard Nixon was President. But Dr. Superintendent wanted me to agree not to share my notes before even taking them, about a meeting about the arrest of a public school teacher charged with possession of child pornography.
More evidence of how abusive public officials are and how they express their contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the state. Selective enforcement of local, state and U.S. laws is accepted by these control freaks. This was an attempt to thwart gathering and distribution of information to citizens based on a misguided interpretation of the Open Meetings Law. Under the Obama-Holder doctrine laws may be ignored if they do not have a beneficial effect on friends of Holder-Obama. In Cambridge laws are optional. Harvard University and public officials have exemptions from all state, local and U.S. laws. I decided to make a stand. The police commissioner did not direct me to leave, indicating I was right. I was not going to argue with the police commissioner, even if he was wrong. One school committee member said "They will give you a standing ovation when you go back in." I said "This is a better story."
Here's what attracted my attention to this meeting. I wondered what the standards are for public safety priorities. At the pre-meeting negotiations, the school principal, Sarah Fiarman, and the Superintendent, Dr. Young, pleaded with me to respect the feelings of the parents and their trauma. Trauma? A teacher was arrested for possession of child porn. He took time from his busy schedule to place a camera in a school in Somerville, where he taught before coming to Cambridge. On his own initiative he made time to collect pornographic images from the internet. No child in Cambridge is alleged to have been impacted by the images he collected, or the video taping. If they were, the child would maybe have experienced a traumatic event. But the parents? The staff? Trauma? More like outrage.
Does the Open Meetings Law say anything about feelings, respect or trauma? Those are terms of the human services industrial complex (MA State Rep. Marie Parente's term). This is how the psychiatric industry tries to implement the therapeutic state. Everything becomes a mental illness in need of treatment by, alas, psychiatrists who are omniscient, and morally superior to ordinary humans. Always thinking about increasing the client base. Are these psychiatrists also MBAs from business schools? Unlike Nazi doctors, and Stalin's psychiatrists, American psychiatrists (are believed to) have had their genes cleansed of mendacity, greed and sadism. They are 100 percent altruistic. Except they do get paid with taxpayer funds in this case. Many of them work for non profit corporations or the government. They are paid good taxpayer funded salaries.
The fact that city officials repeatedly showed disrespect to me over the past 20 years remained out of the discussion. I did not explain that police keep me under 24/7 surveillance and harassment for 43 years. Why wasn't anyone watching this teacher while he was collecting child pornography on his computer? He admitted placing a camera in the Somerville public schools capturing images of the children. Why wasn't anyone watching him? Why am I being watched and harassed for 43 years?
[Please note that this report was written from memory. None of the few notes I took before leaving the auditorium were used in this report. That is in case the unusual order of the School Superintendent, Dr. Jeffery Young was a valid constitutional order.]
Graham and Parks School
For those who enjoy spread sheets and statistics, here is a link to the Massachusetts Department of Education report card for the Graham and Parks School for 2013.
In Massachusetts the state government is dominated by Harvard University which boasts a $32 billion endowment. Cambridge City officials ignore city ordinances and state laws in order to better serve the wealthiest university in the nation. Enter into this milieu a young middle school teacher who enjoys viewing child pornography. He's arrested with no help from local police or state police, whose mission lately is providing protection to marathon runners.
Each day hundreds of illegal immigrants from Mexico and China swarm across open borders in violation of U.S. laws, which are intentionally not enforced. Drug laws are sporadically enforced. But in Cambridge, MA two days after the Boston marathon with saturation police troops protecting runners from terrorism, the Cambridge middle school held a meeting to sooth the anxieties of the parents and staff of the school.
Dr. Jeffrey Young,
Cambridge School Superintendent
What was on the minds of city officials, voters and taxpayers? I arrived early and sat in front so I could see the faces of the speakers and hear what they said. It was Wednesday April 23, 2014 at the Graham and Parks Alternative School at 44 Linnaean Street. The meeting was chaired by the Cambridge School Superintendent. It is not known who ordered the meeting. Six school committee members, two city councilors, the Police Commissioner, the Assistant City Manager for Health and Human Services, and some employees of the U.S. Attorney's office were present. The City Manager arrived later. The meeting began at 6:02 PM. Before Dr. Jeffrey Young, Superintendent, went to the podium, a parent came to me and said, "I don't recognize you. Are you a parent?" I said "No." She said "This is not a public meeting. It is only for parents and staff."
The conformity of Cambridge residents is appalling. It is very apparent at MIT, Harvard University, and among city officials and voters. The desire to conform and obedience to authority is extremely strong among youth, students, faculty and administrators, at the universities and among public officials.
This was evident at the public/not a public meeting at the Graham and Parks School to discuss the arrest of the teacher for possession of child pornography. There I was under attack by the superintendent of schools, the principal of the school (who has a PhD. from Harvard University), and a parent trying to get me to leave the meeting. And there was silence from the 100 or so people in the auditorium. Not one person said "We want to have this issue discussed by as many people as we can. It is a shameful fact and it needs the attention of everyone whether they are parents, staff, residents of the city or not." But not one person, none of the highly taxpayer funded, who take a sworn oath to uphold the constitution and laws of the state and the United States, spoke out. Job security kicked in to over ride their oaths. Even for parents who took no oath.
The concerned censor parent was making it up. The police commissioner is not school staff. Nor are City Councilors, School Committee members, the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, or the U.S. Attorney's employees. I said "I think it is a public meeting." She urged me to leave. I declined. Then Dr. Young came over to me and repeated her request to leave saying "This is not a public meeting." He promoted his standard for a public meeting saying, "There is no notice posted at city hall that makes it a public meeting."
I told him, "I disagree with you. That is not the definition of an open meeting." I again declined his invitation to leave. I told Dr. Young, "If the Police commissioner asks me to leave I will leave. Otherwise you will have to carry me out." I was not going to fight with the police, even if he was wrong. But especially if I was wrong.
Citizen's Guide To Public Comment
[From the Cambridge School Committee web site on public comment]
The School Committee meetings operate under rules which were adopted to improve information to the public, make it easier for parents, guardians and the public to both follow and comment on issues before the Committee, and make meetings more accessible to the public.
No one questions why it took the U.S. Attorney to bring charges of pornography possession, or illegal videotaping. Police arrest citizens who exercise First Amendment rights to videotape the police acting in their official capacity. That is an abuse of power contrary to law. Why wasn't Massachusetts state police and local police watching this teacher? Are public school teachers immune from surveillance? If the teacher was being watched he would have been caught earlier, maybe before he was hired by the Cambridge schools.
The FBI blames the Russians for not telling them everything the Russians knew about the terrorist brothers from Dagestan and Cambridge, who placed two bombs at the Boston marathon. A government task force determined it was the Russian's fault for not telling the FBI everything they knew. Hello? After Russian security forces told the FBI of their concern about the brothers, the FBI found they were no threat. But the FBI and police keep me under surveillance, harassing me, ridiculing, humiliating, threatening and insulting me. They tamper with my home computer, disturb my sleep and my communications. Public safety priorities in Massachusetts.
Sarah Fiarman, Principal
Ad for Graham and Parks School Principal
Salary: $105,339 - $115,736
Work Year: 210 Days
Health Insurance (82% employer paid)
Dental Insurance (100% employer paid)
Life Insurance
Sick Leave
Personal leave
403(B) Annuity Plan Option
Dependent Care and Medical Care Flexible
Spending Accounts (FSA) MTRS Retirement Plan
The school principal, Sarah Fiarman, PhD. Harvard University Graduate School of Education, came over to me and asked me to leave. I just sat there. I was beginning to think maybe they are going to reveal where the missing Malaysian plane was hiding. I suggested to Sarah Fiarman that she speak with the police commissioner, repeating that "If he asks me to leave I will. Otherwise I am staying." There were four members of the Cambridge School Committee sitting next to one another. Pat Nolan, Alfred Fantini, Mervan Osborne, and Kathleen Kelly. The Mayor is the chairman of the School Committee. Mayor David Maher was in the auditorium. Also nearby was Richard Harding another school committee member. There were six members of the school committee that I could see. How could I know if they were or were not deliberating? If the meeting was only for staff and parents, why were the politicians there?
Pre-meeting negotiations ended and the actual meeting began. Dr. Young gave his summary of the previous meeting held on Saturday April 19, 2014. He said there are parents here today who were not present on Saturday. He added there are representatives from the U.S. Attorney's office present. He did not say if they were attorneys. More likely they were PR flacks. He gave out the web site for the U.S. Attorney for anyone who wanted more information. He said that the U.S. Attorney's office will not answer any questions. Usually they say, "It is an ongoing investigation."
So here was a meeting allegedly for the parents and staff of a public school attended by school committee members, city councilors, the police commissioner, assistant city manager, the City Manager, the U.S. Attorney's office and they are trying to keep it a secret private meeting. Was this part of the cover-up of the tragedy of Benghazi? Dr. Young said, "We are not trying to keep this a secret meeting." No? The underlying cause of the meeting was an arrest of a teacher at the school who is charged with possessing child pornography. He taught previously at a Somerville, MA school. Is this an issue of public importance? One parent excused the school because he had no CORI record. CORI records are accurate? One more misguided blind belief in computer files.
It is curious that Cambridge parents reportedly (in an article in the Cambridge Chronicle) excuse the schools for hiring this young man who allegedly loves child pornography. They say that he had no CORI record. This is problematic on two counts. One is that government computer data files are notoriously flawed. One estimate was that the NCIS federal data base has 40 percent wrong warrant entries. CORI is a state file.
The second problem is that CORI files are being relied on for making hiring decisions for teachers in a middle school. Hello? Anyone home? Do they no longer do formal face to face interviews? Are there no background checks besides looking for CORI records? Is that why so many high ranking academics have no degrees because the hiring institutions seldom check to see if they have a degree, or worked where they said they did at the job they claimed?
CORI should be a part of it, but with some skepticism. It is all too easy to alter files and to use them for purposes other than for what they were created. I've seen police enter a name that they made up in order to ensure that there was no record of an event. Hackers can enter Defense Department computers. They've been doing it for many years, even when the Cold War was still on. It is a simple matter to alter CORI files, without employing a person who maintains the files. I cannot believe that so many parents who live in Cambridge MA remain clueless about the security gaps in computer systems. It is the same group which believes what politicians say.
Too many people who live in Cambridge believe that if something does not appear in The New York Times it did not happen. It leads to situations like this event, where the government controls what information gets out to the public.
The Superintendent told me "The Cambridge Chronicle is not present." I said "I don't know that." I did not ask "Why not?" Then while speaking to the assembly he announced that a Boston Globe reporter agreed to leave on Saturday while the U.S. Attorney's office representatives discussed their investigation in private with the parents. He asked if there are any members of the media present. I did not raise my hand. U.S. Courts ruled that all citizens have the same First Amendment Rights as professional journalists. But I did not tell the Superintendent. Then he said, "We have an unofficial member of the media here, a blogger."
He called me a "blogger." How dare he? He showed no respect for me as a person. "A blogger?" What does that mean? That is when he told the audience about the spineless Boston Globe reporter at the Saturday meeting, who left when asked. It was getting more ridiculous by the second. He was joined by the school principal, Sarah Fiarman, talking about my presence, wasting time, trying to shame me into leaving. He repeated his personal opinion of what makes a meeting answerable to the open meetings law. I again said, "I disagree with you. That is not what state law says."
One way to end the standoff was to get elected officials out of the room. Then I had a weakened case. So, on behalf of the Superintendent, I said, "I'll make you a deal. If all of the elected officials leave the room I will leave."
School Committee Member Richard Harding yelled out ,"OK, Roy, lets go." They all got up and walked out of the auditorium. I joined them for some conversation at the auditorium entrance. One school committee member said "We were not deliberating."
I said, "That doesn't matter."
James Maloney,
Cambridge Public Schools’ Chief Operating Officer
When Mr. James Maloney, Chief Operating Officer of the Cambridge Schools, gave out copies of the agenda, he did not give me one. I did not want to beg, and did not ask for one. While the elected officials and I waited for the U.S. Attorney's office to finish its presentation, Mr. Maloney took the elected officials aside to speak with them in private.The Open Meetings Law describes that as an illegal means to thwart the Open Meetings Law. Speaking to one elected official at a time is no different from talking to them all at once. What did Mr. Maloney reveal to the elected officials that he did not share with me? Was he deliberating with them one at a time?
Here is a pattern of the U.S. government imitated in Cambridge. Governments are run for the benefit of government employees, no longer for taxpayers and voters. The staff and political appointees wanted to explain to parents, who experienced trauma, what was happening and why government was not to blame. Barring independent minds with no interest in the proceeding makes it possible to control the dialogue, to ensure that discussion was limited to areas which showed the bona fides of the government and allowed the bureaucrats to escape accountability for negligence or misguided policies. I waited to hear Dr. Young blame George Bush for the trauma of the parents and staff.
Waiting for the end of the U.S. Attorney's private briefing, I discussed the issue of bullying noting it was only of concern when it was students doing the bullying. I asked one elected official, "What's the difference if it is a policeman, a teacher, or a psychiatrist, doing the bullying?" He added "Or a school committee member doing the bullying." He agreed with me. I do not know if he was patronizing me. Wait a minute. Wasn't what Dr. Young did to me an example of bullying? The Superintendent of schools demanded that a citizen, who he called a "blogger," leave a meeting in a public school, about the arrest of a teacher for possession of child pornography. And the school principal too. Wasn't that the kind of bullying which they say they abhor in their schools? And what about the parent who demanded I leave. Is she a bully too? Shame.
A school committee member asked me "Where are you from?" Barnyism alive and well in Cambridge. If you are not a native you have no right to attend public meetings or to tell us how to run our meetings. I mean who do you think you are? Do you think your constitutional rights travel with you wherever you go? You need to ask permission from us. We do not know you. Why should we trust you to enjoy constitutional rights and freedom. You might do or think or say something that we or our highly paid psychiatrists do not like. If you were born in Cambridge even if you do not live in Cambridge, you get benefits from city taxpayers because you are from Cambridge.
School Committee Member salary is $32,000 per year, according to Pat Nolan.
After a short while someone announced the U.S. Attorney's office, whoever it was, finished their presentation. They said it was OK to return to the meeting. I said "This is a better story."
In constitutional terms, the doctrine of prior restraint holds that the First Amendment forbids the Federal Government to impose any system of prior restraint, with certain limited exceptions, in any area of expression that is within the boundaries of that Amendment. By incorporating the First Amendment in the Fourteenth Amendment, the same limitations are applicable to the states.
[. . .]
Blackstone summarized the law in a famous passage:
The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publications, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published. Every free man has an undoubted right to lay what sentiments he pleases before the public; to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press;
[. . .]
But the doctrine that no previous restraint of publication could stand against the First Amendment was never challenged. Thus, the concept was elevated to the status of constitutional principle.
The Doctrine of Prior Restraint
Thomas I. Emerson
Yale Law School
In 2014, two days after a massive police presence was stationed along the Boston marathon route to protect free expression and association of marathon runners, the Cambridge public schools superintendent tried to eject me from a meeting about a matter of great public importance, the arrest of a middle school teacher for possession of child pornography. The superintendent, the principal, and a parent, tried to force me to leave. But Dr. Young also said that I must agree not to share my notes with anyone else. That is called prior restraint in the law courts. How delicious. Not even The New York Times respected the U.S. government demand not to publish the Pentagon Papers when Richard Nixon was President. But Dr. Superintendent wanted me to agree not to share my notes before even taking them, about a meeting about the arrest of a public school teacher charged with possession of child pornography.
More evidence of how abusive public officials are and how they express their contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the state. Selective enforcement of local, state and U.S. laws is accepted by these control freaks. This was an attempt to thwart gathering and distribution of information to citizens based on a misguided interpretation of the Open Meetings Law. Under the Obama-Holder doctrine laws may be ignored if they do not have a beneficial effect on friends of Holder-Obama. In Cambridge laws are optional. Harvard University and public officials have exemptions from all state, local and U.S. laws. I decided to make a stand. The police commissioner did not direct me to leave, indicating I was right. I was not going to argue with the police commissioner, even if he was wrong. One school committee member said "They will give you a standing ovation when you go back in." I said "This is a better story."
Here's what attracted my attention to this meeting. I wondered what the standards are for public safety priorities. At the pre-meeting negotiations, the school principal, Sarah Fiarman, and the Superintendent, Dr. Young, pleaded with me to respect the feelings of the parents and their trauma. Trauma? A teacher was arrested for possession of child porn. He took time from his busy schedule to place a camera in a school in Somerville, where he taught before coming to Cambridge. On his own initiative he made time to collect pornographic images from the internet. No child in Cambridge is alleged to have been impacted by the images he collected, or the video taping. If they were, the child would maybe have experienced a traumatic event. But the parents? The staff? Trauma? More like outrage.
Does the Open Meetings Law say anything about feelings, respect or trauma? Those are terms of the human services industrial complex (MA State Rep. Marie Parente's term). This is how the psychiatric industry tries to implement the therapeutic state. Everything becomes a mental illness in need of treatment by, alas, psychiatrists who are omniscient, and morally superior to ordinary humans. Always thinking about increasing the client base. Are these psychiatrists also MBAs from business schools? Unlike Nazi doctors, and Stalin's psychiatrists, American psychiatrists (are believed to) have had their genes cleansed of mendacity, greed and sadism. They are 100 percent altruistic. Except they do get paid with taxpayer funds in this case. Many of them work for non profit corporations or the government. They are paid good taxpayer funded salaries.
The fact that city officials repeatedly showed disrespect to me over the past 20 years remained out of the discussion. I did not explain that police keep me under 24/7 surveillance and harassment for 43 years. Why wasn't anyone watching this teacher while he was collecting child pornography on his computer? He admitted placing a camera in the Somerville public schools capturing images of the children. Why wasn't anyone watching him? Why am I being watched and harassed for 43 years?
April 27, 2014
Journalists, Academics Ignore Facts on Family Breakdown
In the past four years, our two academic professional organizations—the American Political Science Association and the American Educational Research Association—have each dedicated annual meetings to inequality, with numerous papers and speeches denouncing free markets, the decline of unions, and "neoliberalism" generally as exacerbating economic inequality. Yet our searches of the groups' conference websites fail to turn up a single paper or panel addressing the effects of family change on inequality.
Why isn't this matter at the center of policy discussions? There are at least three reasons. First, much of politics is less about what you are for than who you are against, as Jonathan Haidt, a New York University psychology professor, noted in his popular 2012 book "The Righteous Mind." And intellectual and cultural elites lean to the left. So, quite simply, very few professors or journalists, and fewer still who want foundation grants, want to be seen as siding with social conservatives, even if the evidence leads that way.
Why isn't this matter at the center of policy discussions? There are at least three reasons. First, much of politics is less about what you are for than who you are against, as Jonathan Haidt, a New York University psychology professor, noted in his popular 2012 book "The Righteous Mind." And intellectual and cultural elites lean to the left. So, quite simply, very few professors or journalists, and fewer still who want foundation grants, want to be seen as siding with social conservatives, even if the evidence leads that way.
Ignoring an Inequality Culprit: Single-Parent Families
Intellectuals fretting about income disparity are oddly silent regarding the decline of the two-parent family.
April 20, 2014 5:38 p.m. ET
Politically Correctness,
Poverty Levels,
Single Parents
Acolytes and Useful Idiots
After 43 years of relentless surveillance, harassment, provocations, and testing by police, lawyers, psychologists, psychiatrists and assorted psychopaths, a new group of useful idiots began another round of testing, provocations, harassment and character assassination near the end of April 2014. This was shortly after I attended a meeting allegedly for keeping the public informed about an arrest of a Cambridge middle school teacher for possession of child pornography and for videotaping his students.
Dr. Jeffrey M. Young, Cambridge MA School Superintendent,
Reassuring a Parent. Notice his fingers spread wide, indicating transparency, and eliminating any hint of impropriety.
The Cambridge school superintendent, who earns $254,000 this year plus an attractive benefits package openly demonstrated his ignorance of basic local laws at the meeting. He is no different than the multitude of dumbed down Americans who are ignorant of facts they should know, which is not a problem. Ignorance can be fixed by education. That is the man's business. But he like so many misguided young and old alike in and around Cambridge, MA host city of Harvard University and MIT, think they know what they do not. That is what causes many problems in human interaction--not knowing what they do not know. "It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you think you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain
The Cambridge, MA area is where I lived for the past 25 years. Not under the radar but with 24/7 surveillance, harassment, character assassination, insults, threats and egregious criminal abuses by public officials and crime families working together. There seems to be no dividing line between crime families and public officials in Massachusetts. But these mindless bureaucrats who run the local and state government act as if I were an extra terrestrial being, just arrived on the planet from Alpha Centauri. The superintendent called me a "blogger," while chairing his meeting. Does he think because he earns so much money and is the superintendent of schools that his money and title bring wisdom? Obama thinks credentials are evidence of wisdom, common sense, and integrity. Ahem!
Employees of the Massachusetts state government unleashed another round of testing, provocations, insults, harassment and surveillance in the last week of April 2014. That was after about a week of Communists from New York rejoining their 40-year-old campaign of harassment, character assassination, insults, provocations, theft of funds, and personal journals, and a thoughtful behavior conditioning campaign to try to make me into a homosexual. They wanted to remind me that the FBI stole money and my personal journals. These were sold to local police and to crime families who used them to ridicule and to humiliate me for 43 years in three states.
This is taxpayer funded cruel and unusual punishment meted out by government thugs. I was not convicted of any crime. This is punishment without conviction. I did not know there were so many depraved humans in the entire world. One group gets finished and another appears immediately. I am constantly amazed at how many young psychopaths there are in this country who overtly conduct a brutal criminal campaign without any conscience or shame. The participation of between five and nine crime families is understandable. The FBI alleges that crime families are only concerned with killing. But that is misleading if not complete fabrication. Crime families remain focused on making money. Government, especially the FBI, has an image of helping people. That belief is as misguided as believing that rain falls up.
They did not need to remind me. It is as if they are telling themselves what they just discovered. I learned about it 35 years ago. Do they also know that the FBI used me to fight organized crime for 15 years and did not pay me? That was after government psychiatrists drugged me, see below. Then the FBI coordinated a 22-year campaign to allow the crime families to retaliate? Thoughtful FBI agents employed a woman I dated for three months when I was a student in law school. I learned years later she is a lesbian, works for Obama, and is now married to a black racist homosexual who works for the FBI. He is one of several black homosexual FBI thugs who kept me under surveillance when I was a student in New York. This charming couple was well paid by the FBI to pretend to be my friends for 34 years. When I complained to Massachusetts state agencies about this abuse from a woman I formerly dated and her husband, they demanded of me, "Can you prove you are not mentally ill?" How awfully well trained they are.
The FBI was busy stirring up racial animosity and police scrutiny because, "He's crazy." "He's a retired drug dealer." "He's a racist." and for man-hating women, "He's a rapist." which feminists say about all men. That is all men who have not been conditioned into becoming feminists. It was just more over kill. This was after sensitive, caring, government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days using hallucinogens in 1973 because they thought I was a spy.
This couple was coming to my rescue. That is a pattern developed by cross dressing, FBI founder, J. Edgar Hoover, who was called the arsonist and the fire chief. He'd create difficulties for civilians he targeted, and then force them to petition the FBI for help. I knew better after trying to get them to stop their informants and employees. I spoke with local chiefs of police telling them, the FBI was lying. Fat chance they believed me.
FBI Founder J. Edgar Hoover
And along comes a new group of Communists. These from Massachusetts doing the same things. First is an intense campaign of harassment, sleep disturbances, insults, and computer tampering trying to provoke violence. When that fails they use young women as bait trying to provoke violence. They always use man-hating women, feminists, and lesbians, often recent immigrants (illegal and legal) from Central America who are well versed in the discrimination laws of the U.S. This team was led by a Chinese American employed by the MA state police, working with a Central American woman with garishly painted nails. Let's see for the past 20 years I complained repeatedly to various and numerous taxpayer funded human protection agencies about criminal abuses. They consistently ignored my complaints. Now new state employees arrive to test me to see if I am dangerous? Is this the idiocracy in action or what?
Here is taxpayer funded "Blame the victim." not just once but for 25 years. Never mind that I first came to Cambridge 43 years ago to go to law school. That is forgotten and omitted from their files. They began with, "He's crazy." "He's a retired drug dealer." "He's a homosexual." "He's a racist." "He is 70, and white. Must be a racist, a rapist, and a hater." Nothing works like stereotyping. And when all that fails, they add, "He's homeless and a high school dropout." That is how these useful idiots think.
But what is most laughable is that they say, "They don't trust you." After 43 years of relentless, intense, surveillance, testing by psychologists, psychiatrists and lawyers employed by crime families, the FBI, the CIA, local police, Harvard University campus police and criminal faculty members, "they don't trust me." That says more about them than it does about me. They attribute some of the most depraved acts to me which I would never even think of, but are omnipresent in their minds.
The omniscient Cambridge school superintendent and his elite staff of acolytes failed to notice that one of their middle school teachers liked child pornography. But these misguided legends in their own minds, deranged public officials continue an abusive criminal operation targeting me after 43 years of abuses of power first by the CIA, then the FBI, then the Communists, then local police and then crime families. The bottom feeders I thought were the Harvard University campus police. But clearly the bottom-ist of the bottom feeders are the educators of the state who are more clueless than even the Harvard University campus cops. Can they be properly called the beneath-the-bottom feeders?
That was before the abominable abuses of the Boston FBI were exposed in 1995. A frame-up of four white men for a murder the FBI knew they did not commit, and about 60 homicides by a team of FBI informants over 30 years. The four men were sentenced to death. After the death penalty was repealed in Massachusetts two of the men died in prison. Two were released after 30 years. A U.S. court awarded the men and their families, $101 million plus attorneys fees. Taxpayers were charged for the criminal abuses of the FBI. None of the agents were penalized. What a delightful crew abusing power for many years. And today that office remains unchanged, still polluted. Never cleaned, never investigated. Just business as usual. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
And along comes a new group of Communists. These from Massachusetts doing the same things. First is an intense campaign of harassment, sleep disturbances, insults, and computer tampering trying to provoke violence. When that fails they use young women as bait trying to provoke violence. They always use man-hating women, feminists, and lesbians, often recent immigrants (illegal and legal) from Central America who are well versed in the discrimination laws of the U.S. This team was led by a Chinese American employed by the MA state police, working with a Central American woman with garishly painted nails. Let's see for the past 20 years I complained repeatedly to various and numerous taxpayer funded human protection agencies about criminal abuses. They consistently ignored my complaints. Now new state employees arrive to test me to see if I am dangerous? Is this the idiocracy in action or what?
Here is taxpayer funded "Blame the victim." not just once but for 25 years. Never mind that I first came to Cambridge 43 years ago to go to law school. That is forgotten and omitted from their files. They began with, "He's crazy." "He's a retired drug dealer." "He's a homosexual." "He's a racist." "He is 70, and white. Must be a racist, a rapist, and a hater." Nothing works like stereotyping. And when all that fails, they add, "He's homeless and a high school dropout." That is how these useful idiots think.
But what is most laughable is that they say, "They don't trust you." After 43 years of relentless, intense, surveillance, testing by psychologists, psychiatrists and lawyers employed by crime families, the FBI, the CIA, local police, Harvard University campus police and criminal faculty members, "they don't trust me." That says more about them than it does about me. They attribute some of the most depraved acts to me which I would never even think of, but are omnipresent in their minds.
One that I find most appalling is, the homosexuals who run the Massachusetts state government used toddlers as bait. Toddlers. It shows how depraved the homosexuals in this state really are. It shows how misguided they are. They were unable to identify two openly American-hating brothers from Dagestan and Cambridge who placed two bombs at the finish line of the Boston marathon. That was after Russian security forces alerted the FBI about the brothers. But they repeatedly test me. For 43 years.
The omniscient Cambridge school superintendent and his elite staff of acolytes failed to notice that one of their middle school teachers liked child pornography. But these misguided legends in their own minds, deranged public officials continue an abusive criminal operation targeting me after 43 years of abuses of power first by the CIA, then the FBI, then the Communists, then local police and then crime families. The bottom feeders I thought were the Harvard University campus police. But clearly the bottom-ist of the bottom feeders are the educators of the state who are more clueless than even the Harvard University campus cops. Can they be properly called the beneath-the-bottom feeders?
Harvard University Campus Police Displaying Their Vehicles
[Immediately after posting this essay, the Massachusetts Communist left his surveillance perch. He was quickly replaced by the charming and always delightful young lady graduate student in psychology from Harvard University Medical School who works for, . . . well she works for whoever is paying her that day. On this day it was the Kennedy Cult, that efficient political organization that adopted me then abused me for 43 years in three states. Other times it is the Midwestern Outfit, the California Syndicate, or any of the remaining crime families operating in Cambridge on property owned and operated by The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Whoever and whatever is her pleasure.]
April 25, 2014
Elder Abuse Under New Health Care Law
Here's one more example of abuse of vulnerable persons under the new health care law. Not only will you not be abel to keep your doctor, and insurance and save money, you will also no longer be able to get necessary services for ordinary life activities.
23 Apr 2014
NBC, Meet The Press Host Under Fire
[From article]
I’ve always thought entrenched left-wing journalists in Washington needed their heads examined. Much to my satisfaction, it appears the corporate media bosses of at least one Beltway anchor now agree.
[. . .]
I could have saved the honchos at NBC News a lot of time and trouble. The first answer is: David Gregory is a phony. The second answer is: He’s a jerk.
[. . .]
That means: If it’s Sunday, it’s “Meet the Jerk.”
Why people hate NBC’s David Gregory
By Michelle Malkin
April 23, 2014 | 9:39pm
New York Post
Needless Deaths At Phoenix VA Hospital
[From article]
At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.
The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources.
[. . .]
top management at the VA hospital in Arizona knew about the practice and even defended it.
[. . .]
There's an "official" list that's shared with officials in Washington and shows the VA has been providing timely appointments, which Foote calls a sham list. And then there's the real list that's hidden from outsiders, where wait times can last more than a year
[. . .]
the elaborate scheme in Phoenix involved shredding evidence to hide the long list of veterans waiting for appointments and care.
[. . .]
"So the only record that you have ever been there requesting care was on that secret list," he said. "And they wouldn't take you off that secret list until you had an appointment time that was less than 14 days so it would give the appearance that they were improving greatly the waiting times, when in fact they were not."
[. . .]
Foote adds that when veterans waiting on the secret list die, they are simply removed.
"They could just remove you from that list, and there's no record that you ever came to the VA and presented for care. ... It's pretty sad."
A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin
CNN Investigations
updated 9:15 AM EDT, Thu April 24, 2014
updated 9:15 AM EDT, Thu April 24, 2014
Phoenix AZ,
Tragic Deaths,
VA Hospital,
Infantile President
[From article]
Adolescents also try to truncate arguments by saying that nothing remains of any arguments against their arguments. Regarding the ACA, Obama said the debate is “settled” and “over.” Progressives also say the debate about catastrophic consequences of man-made climate change is “over,” so everyone should pipe down. And they say the debates about the efficacy of universal preschool, and the cost-benefit balance of a minimum-wage increase, are over. Declaring an argument over is so much more restful than engaging with evidence.
Barack Obama, the adolescent president
By George F. Will
Published: April 23, 2014
Washington Post
Public Discourse,
US President
Do Liars Exhibit Tells?
[From article]
People lie all the time. According to the psychologist Robert Feldman, who has spent more than four decades studying the phenomenon, we lie, on average, three times during a routine ten-minute conversation with a stranger or casual acquaintance. Hardly anyone refrains from lying altogether, and some people report lying up to twelve times within that time span.
[. . .]
Their success rate at identifying honesty has been approximately fifty-five per cent. The nature of the lie—or truth—doesn’t even matter.
APRIL 23, 2014
New Yorker
Connecticut Demands Power to Decide Who Your Daughter Dates
Connecticut leads the way in activist government intruding into private lives obliterating freedom. Not only will government dictate the size of your soft drink, but if and where you can smoke, who can use guns for self defense, now the state also wants to decide who your daughter should be allowed to date.
Connecticut school seeks to break senior's prom date with 21-year-old beau
Published April 24, 2014
Abuse of Power,
High School Students
Alan Dershowitz Begins New Career
[From article]
According to the biographical statement on his website, he has litigated 38 homicide cases and authored 30 fiction and non-fiction works. He has won over 100 court cases and lectured to over a million people across the globe.
Fifty Years of Alan Dershowitz
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
Alan Dershowitz,
Harvard Law School
Central Park Five Sues New York City
[From article]
Liberals are opposed to rape in the abstract, but when it comes to actual rapists, they’re all for them.
[. . .]
Two of the defendants, Santana and Richardson, independently brought investigators to the precise location of the attack on the jogger, something only the perpetrators could have done.
The evidence against Richardson also included his vivid description of the attack — given on videotape, in the presence of his father — and a deep scratch wound on his cheek that he admitted was from the jogger. Oh, also — the crotch of the underwear from the night of the attack was stained with semen, grass, dirt and debris.
Contrary to media reports, there was hair, blood or semen on all five of the defendants.
In the opposite of a rush to judgment, two multi-ethnic juries deliberated for 10 days and 11 days, respectively, before convicting the five defendants of rape or sexual abuse — as well as the other assaults that night, mysteriously vacated by Justice Tejada — and acquitting all but one on the most serious charge, attempted murder.
But now de Blasio wants to hold down our legs while the “Central Park Five” rape us, again.
By: Ann Coulter
4/23/2014 06:32 PM
Human Events
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