Friday, December 31, 2010

The Brilliance of Katie Couric: 'Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show'

Nothing warms my heart more than to cast the spotlight on idiot moonbats in our American society and especially when those libtards are occupying positions of authority. Katie Couric, the self-appointed slayer of Sarah Palin, has now come out with one of the most ridiculous statements heard from a national news anchor in recorded history.

See it here from NewsBusters:

When comedian Mo Rocca said he went to "really fancy schools" and "I cannot tell you five things about Islam," Couric shot back "Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show." She continued:

I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don't understand -- like you, Mo.

As if that wasn't enough for the Queen of Dumb to utter, she went on with some other real pearls about how Americans are treating muslims:

I also think sort of the chasm, between, or the bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course, a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque, down near the World Trade Center, but I think there wasn't enough sort of careful analysis and evaluation of where this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and how this seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims, which I think is so misdirected, and so wrong -- and so disappointing.

But as I read this article on the buffoon Couric, I sauntered down to look at any comments on the article and I found the diamond in the rough. I found a comment worthy of Wall of Fame designation at Holger Awakens. Confronted with this statement from Couric that we might just need a muslim version of The Cosby Show on television, the commenter, SickofLibs, left this:

" Why don't you play the abused wife who's not allowed to leave the house? "

OMG. I'm still laughing my ass off. SickofLibs, we salute you. Katie, consider your stature as the dumbest national newscaster in the history of America safe and secure for all time.

Katie Couric: 'Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of The Cosby Show'

In her @katiecouric Web show analyzing the trends of 2010, the CBS Evening News anchor made a serious speech (in her serious, deep-thinker glasses) against the deep "seething hatred" against Muslims in America:

I also think sort of the chasm, between, or the bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course, a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque, down near the World Trade Center, but I think there wasn't enough sort of careful analysis and evaluation of where this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and how this seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims, which I think is so misdirected, and so wrong -- and so disappointing.

She really winced on that last word. When comedian Mo Rocca said he went to "really fancy schools" and "I cannot tell you five things about Islam," Couric shot back "Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show." She continued:

I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don't understand -- like you, Mo.

Rocca said "I think religion should be taught as an academic subject in public schools." Couric said "I totally agree with you." But left unsaid is this: how well do network news people do in explaining the tenets of Islam or any other world religion? If there's great ignorance of Islam in America, Katie Couric has done nearly nothing to solve it -- and nominating Hollywood to solve the problem with a lovable family comedy isn't really taking responsibility.

No one on the set wondered if Couric was being reckless in taking the idea that many Americans had -- that a mega-mosque two blocks from the hole of Ground Zero was insensitive and should merely be located somewhere farther away -- and wildly extrapolating that with "seething hatred" of "1.5 billion Muslims worldwide."

This is not new for Couric. In a quote that made our Best Notable Quotables of 2010, Couric devoted a "Couric & Co." commentary to denouncing the Islamophobes:

It might be Islamophobia, Obamaphobia, or both, but when loud speakers are blaring ‘Born in the USA’ and signs say ‘No Clubhouse for Terrorists,’ it’s clear we aren’t just talking about a mosque anymore. There is a debate to be had about the sensitivity of building this center so close to Ground Zero. But we can not let fear and rage tear down the towers of our core American values.

Earlier in the show, Couric did talk about other things CBS failed to accomplish on the air:

What about the Nashville floods? Larinda Sue [sp] on Twitter asks if the Nashville floods will make our list, and it made all of us think, as w're preparing for the show...what other stories were underreported? The Nashville floods were really underreported. Anything else come to mind that we should have been paying attention to that we didn't? I would say we're probably not paying enough attention to Iraq. Does anyone else agree with that?

Martin agreed and said "We're in danger in the media, but also as a people, of becoming inured to war, sort of a permanent war," and "because there's no draft, a lot of us don't have skin in the game, as they say."

The Day "American Exceptionalism" Became a Nasty Slur

One of the truly unique aspects of the Obama presidency has been the concerted effort by our leader to pummel the exceptionalism of this country. Not only have we seen Barack Hussein Obama blast America in speeches across the globe, but we have also seen him implement a strategy to subvert the intellectual, technological and spiritual superiority of this country.

And believe me, there is a real horde of Leftists who have been willing to jump on that bandwagon - they have been waiting for decades to feast on the bloodied, injured body of a capitalistic Uncle Sam.

This article from Family Security Matters speaks about the truth behind "American Exceptionalism" - just why America has dominated the world for so long. I love the fact that the author is willing to point out how so many in our midst feel the need to cowtow to the Chinese, Turks and those of India with undue lauding of advancements and progress when the fact of the matter is very simple - America has kicked ass for over one hundred years on this planet and most people in this world right now, sitting in comfort and freedom owe it to the United States of America.

From the article:

He compares the intellectual curiosity of the West with the notable but static achievements of the three other great societies of the 17th century: China, India, and the Ottoman Turks. It turned out to be no contest.

For a scientific revolution to happen as it did in the west, you would need continent-wide scholars who communicated and shared findings; the printing press and its spread of literacy; a school system that taught the new sciences; and a legal system that protected property and was the basis for economic expansion. None of these institutions thrived in imperial China, Moghul India, or Ottoman Turkey. Chinese schools were hidebound Mandarin, resistant to any changes. The Muslim madrassas taught (and still teach) memorization of the Koran, shunning other subjects. By the 20th century, all three great empires were backwaters.

Let me get to the point I want to make. America loves a winner. America IS a winner. We are competitive and proud people. We are a people that is driven to succeed and improve life. We put up with a lot of shit from people across this world but in the end we will do things OUR way. But all of that is in jeopardy because of the misfit in the White House at the moment. Let's call a spade a spade. Barack Hussein Obama has issues. Psychological issues. This is a man raised in home after home of venomous hate of America, the country. This is a man raised in an atmosphere of worshiping mediocrity - for excellence was "unfair" to some people so all should be held down so no one's feelings are hurt. Quite frankly, Barack Hussein Obama was raised to be a loser. And he didn't disappoint his perverted mother, his drive by father, his whack job grandparents and his muslim fill in daddio.

You can say all you want about conservatives and patriots in America rising up against high taxes and loss of liberties and an oppressive central government but what it boils down to is the American people rising up and telling this President and his gang of surrenderists that WE ARE THE BEST - we always have been and always will be and Barack Hussein Obama better get out of the way of our exceptionalism or he's gonna be steamrolled.

What Is 'American Exceptionalism?'

Most Americans believe in “American Exceptionalism,” even when they have never heard the term. This means that the history of the United States is unlike that of most of the world; we have neither hereditary nobility, king or dictator, nor a state-supported ethnic or religious identity.

One becomes American by birth or by choice (immigrants)—with identical rights. Our constitution is very much alive—changing as conditions in our world change, providing an adaptability very rare in the world. These factors, including two oceans to separate us from the old worlds of Europe and Asia, have kept us unusually safe. We also had a vast continent to settle and a homestead program that provided land ownership to those willing to work for it.

But of late, the term “American Exceptionalism” has been questioned by some who believe that America is not exceptional at all—and that those who think it is are right-wing political bigots. They remind us that our history included slavery, imperialism, the dreadful mistreatment of our Native Americans, and ask how that jibes with “exceptionalism.”

Even President Obama, when asked if he believes in American exceptionalism said yes, just as the French and British believe in their own exceptionalism. And this remark raised the hackles of those who believe that with all our flaws, we have managed to be exceptional in almost every way—including the constant effort to admit and correct our shortcomings.

A fascinating book has just come out that jumps into this fray: Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution, by professor Toby E. Huff. This book answers the most basic question: why has the West (Western Europe and its American and Australian offspring) dominated the world for the past four centuries while the other great civilizations declined?

Jared Diamond, in Guns, Germs, and Steel, was asked that question by a New Guinea native who wanted to know why White Men have “cargo” but his people do not. He wanted to know if there was something that White people had that made them superior. Diamond thought a lot about this—and in his book, he showed that geography matters, and those lucky enough to come from places with temperate climate; an east-west axis of travel, trade, and diseases (developing immunities); and the right plants and animals to be domesticated; have more “cargo” (success and wealth).

Now Toby Huff adds to this explanation that the geography, history, legal practices, and religions of Western Civilization from Ancient Greece through the 17th century all provided the basis for the scientific revolution that made the West the great power it has been for the past four centuries.

He compares the intellectual curiosity of the West with the notable but static achievements of the three other great societies of the 17th century: China, India, and the Ottoman Turks. It turned out to be no contest.

Although there were brilliant Chinese, Indian, and Arab scholars, including inventors, their findings never made it into their school systems, which resisted the new knowledge, nor gained the support of their absolute monarchs. Even when the telescope found its way to China and India, it was gladly used—but neither improved nor spawned further inventions.

For a scientific revolution to happen as it did in the west, you would need continent-wide scholars who communicated and shared findings; the printing press and its spread of literacy; a school system that taught the new sciences; and a legal system that protected property and was the basis for economic expansion. None of these institutions thrived in imperial China, Moghul India, or Ottoman Turkey. Chinese schools were hidebound Mandarin, resistant to any changes. The Muslim madrassas taught (and still teach) memorization of the Koran, shunning other subjects. By the 20th century, all three great empires were backwaters.

Europe’s exceptionalism and scientific revolution spread to the United States, where it has gone even further. Huff shows us that this was no fluke, but was the consequence of good institutions and a civilization that supported intellectual curiosity.

Video: One Israeli Supporter vs. Hundreds of Dutch Muslims

Video: In The 'Stan....Rammstein Style

It's Confirmed: Taliban and al Qaeda Have Created Female Suicide Bomber Cells In Afghanistan, Pakistan

I guess it was only a matter of time before the Taliban misfits imported the female suicide bomber tactic from their minion brothers of al Qaeda in Iraq but it has now been confirmed that there are female suicide bomber cells along the Afghan/Pakistani borders - inside of both countries.

From the article at The Long War Journal:

The Taliban and al Qaeda have established female suicide bombing cells in remote areas of northwestern Pakistan and northeastern Afghanistan. The female suicide bombers have struck in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The existence of the cells, which appeared evident after female suicide bombers attacked twice over the past five months in Afghanistan and Pakistan, was confirmed by a 12-year-old Pakistani girl named Meena Gul.

Gul, who said she was trained to be a "human bomb," was detained by Pakistani police in the Munda area in Pakistan's northwestern district of Dir, according to the Times of India.

"Gul said that women suicide bombers were trained for their deadly task in small cells on both sides of the porous border and were dispatched to their missions with a sermon, 'God will reward you with a place in heaven.'"

Gul said her cell was led by Zainab, her sister-in-law, who dressed as a man and fought alongside the Taliban against Pakistani troops.

Now, it's not like the female suicide bombers in Iraq turned the tide there for al Qaeda but they certainly did some damage but it is hoped that American and NATO troops certainly have a huge head's up on this tactic.

At the same time, this continues to show how influential al Qaeda has become among the Taliban - about the only way I can explain this is if your kid was a teenager and had a friend who encouraged him to try smoking, if another acquaintance of your kid at the time was more like al Qaeda, he'd be encouraging him to try mainlining heroin.

Unfortunately, if the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan follows the path of Iraq, al Qaeda will eventually lead to child suicide bombers as well as using the mentally impaired. Like I have said before, this isn't some sort of war with enemy combatants from another country - this is like warring against those that have just emerged through the Gates of Hell.

Al Qaeda, Taliban create female suicide cells in Pakistan and Afghanistan

The Taliban and al Qaeda have established female suicide bombing cells in remote areas of northwestern Pakistan and northeastern Afghanistan. The female suicide bombers have struck in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The existence of the cells, which appeared evident after female suicide bombers attacked twice over the past five months in Afghanistan and Pakistan, was confirmed by a 12-year-old Pakistani girl named Meena Gul.

Gul, who said she was trained to be a "human bomb," was detained by Pakistani police in the Munda area in Pakistan's northwestern district of Dir, according to the Times of India.

"Gul said that women suicide bombers were trained for their deadly task in small cells on both sides of the porous border and were dispatched to their missions with a sermon, 'God will reward you with a place in heaven.'"

Gul said her cell was led by Zainab, her sister-in-law, who dressed as a man and fought alongside the Taliban against Pakistani troops.

Prior to the two attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan this year, there have been no recorded instances of female suicide bombers carrying out attacks in either country.

A female suicide bomber struck for the first time in Afghanistan in Kunar province on June 21, 2010. Two US soldiers were killed and two Afghan children were wounded in the attack. Gul claimed her younger sister carried out that attack.

The next female suicide attack took place on Dec. 24, 2010, in Pakistan's tribal agency of Bajaur. The suicide bomber killed 42 Pakistani civilians in an attack at a World Food Program ration distribution point.

The Taliban and al Qaeda cells are under the command of Qari Zia Rahman, the dual-hatted Taliban and al Qaeda commander who operates on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border. Qari Zia claimed credit for the June 2010 suicide attack in Kunar.

Qari Zia is the Taliban's top regional commander as well as a member of al Qaeda. He operates in Kunar and in neighboring Nuristan province in Afghanistan, and he also operates across the border in Pakistan's tribal agency of Bajaur. Earlier this year, the Pakistani government claimed they killed Qari Zia in an airstrike, but he later spoke to the media and mocked Pakistan's interior minister for wrongly reporting his death.

Qari Zia is closely allied with Faqir Mohammed, the Taliban's leader in Bajaur, as well as with Osama bin Laden. Qari Zia's fighters are from Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and various Arab nations. He commands a brigade in al Qaeda's paramilitary Shadow Army, or the Lashkar al Zil, US intelligence officials have told The Long War Journal.

Background on the hunt for Qari Zia Rahman and al Qaeda in Kunar

The US has targeted Qari Zia in multiple raids in Kunar over the summer and fall of 2010, but has failed to kill or capture him. In late July and early August, ISAF announced that it was hunting Qari Zia Rahman. The US has targeted Qari Zai in three raids over the past summer. On June 29, the US launched a battalion-sized operation in Kunar's Marawara district, which directly borders Pakistan. More than 150 Taliban fighters were reported killed in the operation. On July 20, US and Afghan forces launched another battalion-sized operation in Marawara to flush out Qari Zia. And on Aug. 2, combined forces conducted a raid, again in Marawara, that targeted the al Qaeda leader.

The top al Qaeda commander in Kunar province is Abu Ikhlas al Masri, an Egyptian who has spent years in Afghanistan and has intermarried with the local tribes. Abu Ikhlas is al Qaeda's operations chief for Kunar province, having assumed command after Abu Ubaidah al Masri was promoted to take over al Qaeda's external operations branch (Abu Ubaidah died in early 2008 of a disease).

The US military has killed three senior al Qaeda leaders in Kunar this fall. On Sept. 25, a US airstrike killed a senior al Qaeda leader named Abdallah Umar al Qurayshi and an "explosives expert" named Abu Atta al Kuwaiti, along with "several Arabic foreign fighters." Sa'ad Mohammad al Shahri, a longtime jihadist and the son of a retired Saudi colonel, is also thought to have been killed in the same strike.

Kunar province is a known sanctuary for al Qaeda and allied terror groups. The presence of al Qaeda cells has been detected in the districts of Pech, Shaikal Shate, Sarkani, Dangam, Asmar, Asadabad, Shigal, and Marawana; or eight of Kunar's 15 districts, according to an investigation by The Long War Journal.

Triumph For The Global Warming Crowd! GM Sells 250 Chevy Volts In December!

I swear, I am literally on the floor, rolling and laughing at loud at this little story that was put up at Breitbart. The sales in December have been posted for electric cars from GM and Nissan and well....see for yourself:

This was the year General Motors Co. and Nissan made good on their promise to bring mass-produced electric cars to the market. But don't count on seeing one in traffic anytime soon. Sales so far have been microscopic and they're likely to stay that way for some time.

GM sold between 250 and 350 Chevy Volts this month and Nissan's sales totaled less than 10 Leaf sedans in the past two weeks. Production for both is slowly ramping up, and supplies are limited.

Can you imagine? Government Motors makes the economic decision to commit the capital, space and workforce to producing the electric Volt and is averaging sales of 10 cars per day. I think I know a used car salesman in Ames, Iowa that sells 10 cars in one day.

And don't let all of this bullshit about "slowly ramping up" or "production is slow" fool ya...the reason they aren't producing any of these misfit vehicles is a) there's no bloody orders for them from dealers and b) they are finding all kinds of "bugs" in 'em.

So, everyone, let's gather around the statues of Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama in the city square and give it up for them, three times: "Hail to Going Green! Hail to Going Green! Hail to Going Green!"

Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf post small December sales

DETROIT (AP) - This was the year General Motors Co. and Nissan made good on their promise to bring mass-produced electric cars to the market. But don't count on seeing one in traffic anytime soon. Sales so far have been microscopic and they're likely to stay that way for some time.

GM sold between 250 and 350 Chevy Volts this month and Nissan's sales totaled less than 10 Leaf sedans in the past two weeks. Production for both is slowly ramping up, and supplies are limited.

It will be well into 2012 before both the Volt and Leaf are available nationwide. And if you're not one of the 50,000 people already on waiting lists, it could take six months before you will be able to walk in and haggle with a salesman over the price of one of them on the lot.

Video: Oh Hey, the Cool Way To Get Anyone To Convert To Islam!

Video: 2/4 Marines in Ramadi - the Beginning of the Owning

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Now the Indiana Grandmother Turned Islamic Jihadi Says She's NOT a Terrorist...Straps the Constitution On As Her Protection

Don't you just love a chickenshit, yellow bellied coward? Oh, and throw in liar, too. As I posted just yesterday about the Indian grandmother who converted to Islam to please her Muslim husband and was then later being investigated by authorities for her links to islamic terror overseas in Germany...well, now she's denying all this stuff about her being a terrorist and in fact, she's invoking the U.S. Constitution as a protection of her free speech.

Let me remind you of one statement from Jihad Kathie from yesterday's posting:

In the video he was expressing his love and gratitude to his friends, who have died fighting for freedom. Just like any other American or European citizen who displays pictures of soldiers who have died on their videos. There is no difference in gratitude and love. It is just that your government has deemed these noble men as 'terrorists' because they are not on the same side.

The "friends" and "soldiers" she is talking about are Taliban mujahideen - some friends, huh? So she's hanging out with enemies of the United States but now she's denying she has terror links.

Let's look at what she is saying now according to WISHTV/Indiana:

That woman is 46-year-old Muslim convert Kathie Smith. Smith, who is married to a 28-year-old German she met online, says the allegation is “nonsense.” She became the focus of much scrutiny after the couple posted a video online: It shows them holding each other, guns and interspersed with pictures of suspected terrorists. She says she’s not a threat, but she’s also not afraid to speak her mind.

“To most Muslims, the regime of American freedom is oppression,” said Smith from her Indianapolis home.

She said the threats have poured in since the report was first posted.

“They want to kill me, they want to kill me,” said Smith. “But Allah will protect me.”

“I’m not a threat,” she said. “I speak my mind. It’s my first Constitutional right — freedom of speech.”

Isn't that absolutely hilarious?! We have a female jihadi for Islam who is complaining about death threats! hahahaha This woman is full of shit and it's pretty obvious why she converted to Islam ....because she's a bloody idiot.

She's got plenty of excuses but the more she talks, the more she reveals her feelings about America, about America's government, and about the remedies her "friends" have a right to perform. Lock her up.

(Hat Tip: Michael S.)

Indy's Jihad Kathie denies terror ties

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) - “Terror Grandma in Indiana Under Investigation” said the headline on

That woman is 46-year-old Muslim convert Kathie Smith. Smith, who is married to a 28-year-old German she met online, says the allegation is “nonsense.” She became the focus of much scrutiny after the couple posted a video online: It shows them holding each other, guns and interspersed with pictures of suspected terrorists. She says she’s not a threat, but she’s also not afraid to speak her mind.

“To most Muslims, the regime of American freedom is oppression,” said Smith from her Indianapolis home.

She said the threats have poured in since the report was first posted.

“They want to kill me, they want to kill me,” said Smith. “But Allah will protect me.”

Six years ago, Smith said she discovered Islam while studying the Bible. She met her husband online and married him in Germany, where she’s visited multiple times. The traveling has become progressively worse, as Smith said she believes she may be on a watch list.

“When I came back this last time … six customs agents were waiting for me,” she said. “She put her hands in my private areas … to me it was a form of rape.”

Smith says what some people think are terrorists, she views as soldiers. She’s also not convinced that Muslim extremists are responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. Smith maintains she isn’t a threat.

The gun that appears in the YouTube video that has received so much attention was a paintball gun. Smith also points out she’s seen many photos of Sarah Palin with guns.

“I’m not a threat,” she said. “I speak my mind. It’s my first Constitutional right — freedom of speech.”

Video: Have You Even HEARD of Jamaat al-Fuqra?

A Retired Marine Makes the Case Against Civil Trials For Gitmo Detainees...Hold On To Your Hat!

Finally! Someone in America has the balls to put in print what many of us have been thinking all along about trials for Gitmo jihadi inmates.

This article from Family Security Matters, written by retired First Sergeant John Bernard, captures exactly WHO we are dealing with concerning those occupying those cells in the Gitmo facility in Cuba.

Hold on to your hat, America, you are about to read the truth.

Still Arguing for Civil Trials for the Uncivilized!

Every once in a while, I am questioned about my stand on one element of this ongoing debate or another and the question is almost always couched in such a way as to bring discredit to this particular viewpoint. I find that interesting in general because I am not thin skinned and because this argument is not difficult to follow. Because it is not difficult to follow, it forces people to consider their true nature and their true allegiances.

I have always maintained that my sole concern is for our Warriors. This is not some misguided plea to protect Warriors from the dangers of warfare, it is in fact an attempt to protect them from the negligence and agenda of those in our own government. So when I receive the occasional hand wringing diatribe that so often allies the hand wringer with the enemies of this nation and our Warriors, I feel compelled to 'chew butt'.

What follows is an answer I gave to one such person who is morally conflicted about the handling of prisoners at Gitmo. Of course she has no particular moral conflict with the way our Warriors are treated by their own government, foreign prosecutors, the national media, the lies perpetrated by dirt bags hiding behind the doctrine of Taqiyya and left wing nut cases that are looking for any opportunity to help dismantle this country.

As Follows:

First of all; there has never been any actual evidence of 'abuses' of the dirt bags being held at Gitmo. The only thing there has ever been is unfounded accusations generally levied by someone on the left trying to push their agenda or someone with an ax to grind.

Second, and most importantly; we are talking about 'people' content to cut the heads from their 'enemies' and in general anyone who doesn't agree with them or take a knee to their demon god, Allah. These people are not covered by our Constitution because they are not Americans. They are not covered by the Geneva Conventions because they do not represent any nation or its people and they do not wear a uniform. The 'non-uniformed' clause in the Geneva Conventions is generally accepted to mean protection for civilians. By definition, civilians do not involve themselves in armed conflict and certainly not by siding with unrepentant murderers.

The only people still arguing for the 'entitlement of respect' of these dirt bags, are those arguing from the safety and sanctity of their well protected American homes - protected by the very Warriors they so easily cast to the wolves while denigrating this country and its foundational underpinning.

These 'people' cross borders and do harm to any and all as they and their religious ideology see fit. As such and with the support of my prior two points; they should expect no quarter from any sovereign nation or it's government or their armed forces.

The whole bloody argument over Military Tribunals versus Civilian Court is a straw argument based on a faulty definition of who these dirt bags are and how they 'should' be covered by our Constitution. This argument is generally levied by those in our society lacking intestinal fortitude and who believe in one big happy world - without borders.

So for those who may be reading this who think that way, listen up; this is a world of sovereign nations, with flags, unique systems of jurisprudence, a well identified citizenry and borders. Any person(s) who desires to do harm to the citizens of this nation - of their own accord or in accordance with the doctrines of their demon god should beware...governments do not 'bear the sword in vain' (Romans 13). If you/they want to test the sanctity of this nation and this government, you/they deserve to be treated as no better than a piece of rotting meat! The elected 'leaders' of this country should get their confused thoughts in alignment with this as well.

This should always have been done in a Military Tribunal and EVERY piece of evidence garnered - by whatever means it was gathered, should be admissible. These 'people' deserve nothing, should expect nothing and their 'supporters' need to consider who and what they are; citizens of this nation or allies with unrepentant, ideologically motivated murderers.

Semper Fidelis

John Bernard

Taliban Try To Win the Hearts of Afghan People, Set Off IED That Kills 14 Afghan Men, Women and Children

Up until this point, the Afghan people have been resistant to strike out against the Taliban in their midst - much more so than in Pakistan where lashkars have been formed to fight the islamic menace, but after attacks like today, where the Taliban set off an IED at a busy intersection in Helmand province which killed 14 civilians, you'd think the tide of support or compliance would shift.

From the report at Breitbart:

A roadside bomb blew up next to a minibus at a crowded intersection on a major highway in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, killing at least 14 civilians, officials said.
The blast struck the minibus in the Lashkar Gah-Sangin district in Helmand province on the main road running from the city of Kandahar to Herat, said Daoud Ahmadi, a spokesman for the Helmand governor's office. He said four others were wounded in the blast and that the dead included women and children.

The bus was transporting people to a local bazaar, said Ghulam Haidar, who arrived at the scene after learning that two of his brothers had been killed. "There was a huge blast ... body parts were scattered far away" from the bus, he said.

Haidar said he took his cousin and a child who was on the bus to a local hospital. He learned that the child later died.

President Hamid Karzai condemned the bombing as a "blood thirsty" attack, saying in a statement that the explosive was "planted by the enemy of the Afghan people."

Helmand is one of the Taliban's strongholds in southern Afghanistan. It has been the scene of some of the fiercest fighting in the war and an area where NATO has poured in troops in a bid to quell the insurgency.
After following this war in Afghanistan now for years, I have come to one conclusion regarding the Taliban. They have a biological and psychological need to kill. They are like an addict who simply has to have a substance - in this case, the Taliban need a fix of bloodshed. When things are quiet among the Taliban, when they have gone days and days without an opportunity to ambush or kill NATO troops, they seem to go off on one of these binges of killing civilians. There really is no other way to explain it.

At the same time, the Afghan people have lived for so long under the tyranny of the Taliban oppressors that they seem incapable of forming a revolt against them - perhaps it is that embedded knowledge of what life is like under the Taliban's control that puts the fear in them but each day that I report these's like reporting more and more that sheep have been slaughtered, not humans.

Blast kills at least 14 civilians in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - A roadside bomb blew up next to a minibus at a crowded intersection on a major highway in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, killing at least 14 civilians, officials said.
The blast struck the minibus in the Lashkar Gah-Sangin district in Helmand province on the main road running from the city of Kandahar to Herat, said Daoud Ahmadi, a spokesman for the Helmand governor's office. He said four others were wounded in the blast and that the dead included women and children.

The bus was transporting people to a local bazaar, said Ghulam Haidar, who arrived at the scene after learning that two of his brothers had been killed. "There was a huge blast ... body parts were scattered far away" from the bus, he said.

Haidar said he took his cousin and a child who was on the bus to a local hospital. He learned that the child later died.

President Hamid Karzai condemned the bombing as a "blood thirsty" attack, saying in a statement that the explosive was "planted by the enemy of the Afghan people."

Helmand is one of the Taliban's strongholds in southern Afghanistan. It has been the scene of some of the fiercest fighting in the war and an area where NATO has poured in troops in a bid to quell the insurgency.

Last week, the Helmand governor's office said five civilians were killed during a firefight between militants and NATO forces in the province's Sangin district. Seven insurgents were killed in that battle.

While NATO's push in the south has put pressure on the Taliban there, the international coalition has also been forced to contend with an increase in insurgent attacks elsewhere in the country, where an uptick in violence has raised questions about NATO's claims of major progress in the war.

In an attack on one of the few calm provinces, the Taliban fired two rockets into Bagram Air Field, the main U.S. base in Afghanistan. Master Sgt. Jason Haag, a NATO spokesman in Kabul, said "two rounds of indirect fire" hit Bagram.

Sher Mohammed Maldani, police chief for Parwan province where the base is located, said there were no reported casualties. He said the insurgents fired and fled the scene, describing them as being like "thieves in the night."

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said by telephone that the insurgents shot two rockets into the base, about 35 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of Kabul. He claimed coalition forces sustained injuries, but offered no evidence to back up that statement.

Attacks on Bagram are infrequent. But on May 19, dozens of Taliban fighters launched a fierce ground assault that led to an American contractor being killed in a more than eight-hour firefight. A month later, the base came under rocket attack but there were no injuries.

East of Kabul, NATO said it killed two Taliban leaders in an airstrike targeting militants in Nangarhar province's Pachir wa Agam district along the Pakistan border.

The insurgents, identified as Sayid Rahman and Zehrie Gul, were involved in planning and conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, according to NATO. The coalition said the group was believed to be coordinating suicide bombings in the area and may have been planning an attack on an Afghan border checkpoint. A number of other insurgents were also killed in Wednesday's strike, NATO said.

Video: The Marines of "Crusher One" in Afghanistan

Video: Hey Look at Me! I'm Above the Law!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Al Qaeda In Iraq Finally Gets The Police Leader In Mosul They've Tried To Kill Five Times, Three Other Police Killed In Suicide Bomb Attack

Al Qaeda in Iraq sent a suicide attack squad into police headquarters in Mosul, Iraq this morning to try and finally take out the Iraqi police leader who has been successfully targeting and killing al Qaeda leaders....this, their sixth attempt on the life of Lieutenant Colonel Shamel Ahmed Ugla, they were successful. Ugla and three other Mosul police officers are dead inside of the police headquarters building as suicide bomb belts went off and leveled the building.

From the article at The Long War Journal:

A team of al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers stormed a police headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul today and killed a senior police officer who has targeted al Qaeda's top leaders.

Lieutenant Colonel Shamel Ahmed Ugla, the commander of the 1st Emergency Battalion in Mosul, and three other policemen were killed in the early morning attack after three members of a four-man suicide assault team penetrated security by slipping through a gap in the wall of the battalion's headquarters in Bab Sinjar in western Mosul. Police killed a fourth member of the suicide team before he could enter the police headquarters and detonate his vest.

One or more of the al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers, who were dressed in black and armed with assault rifles, detonated their vests after entering Ahmed's office. The blast leveled much of the building, trapping other policemen in the rubble.

In a statement issued on its website, the Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda's front group, claimed credit for the attack and said it had targeted Ugla five previous times.

"This day was the decisive one," the terror group said.

Ugla was targeted for his aggressive raids against al Qaeda's network in Mosul. Ugla was behind the Dec. 21 raid that killed Munadel Salem, al Qaeda's top leader in the northern city.

Since Salem was killed, Iraqi security forces have captured two top al Qaeda leaders in the area. Yesterday, police captured Dawoud Hassan Abdullah al Farhat, the leader of the Mohammed Rasul-Allah Brigades, an al Qaeda unit in Mosul. Farhat had previous held the rank of brigadier in the Iraqi police and commanded the police in the western city of Tal Afar.

You know, this is a wretching blow to the efforts against al Qaeda in Iraq and it's pretty obvious why the scumbags were so intent on killing Ugla - but these types of leaders in that fledgling country are like a needle in a haystack right now and this is the kind of guy that may never be replaced.

These are the small victories that we simply cannot afford to see al Qaeda in Iraq begin achieving again - at this point in time, al Qaeda in Iraq is coming off an ass whooping at the hands of U.S. soldiers and Marines. They have been humiliated in the eyes of Muslims throughout the Middle East and Asia. They are going to be busy trying to build back up their internal confidence and the confidence of jihadi wannabes all over the world and it's small successes like this operation that bring them up a notch. It's too bad for Commander Ugla but even worse for the effort to keep al Qaeda down.

Suicide assault team kills Mosul emergency police chief

A team of al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers stormed a police headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul today and killed a senior police officer who has targeted al Qaeda's top leaders.

Lieutenant Colonel Shamel Ahmed Ugla, the commander of the 1st Emergency Battalion in Mosul, and three other policemen were killed in the early morning attack after three members of a four-man suicide assault team penetrated security by slipping through a gap in the wall of the battalion's headquarters in Bab Sinjar in western Mosul. Police killed a fourth member of the suicide team before he could enter the police headquarters and detonate his vest.

One or more of the al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers, who were dressed in black and armed with assault rifles, detonated their vests after entering Ahmed's office. The blast leveled much of the building, trapping other policemen in the rubble.

In a statement issued on its website, the Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda's front group, claimed credit for the attack and said it had targeted Ugla five previous times.

"This day was the decisive one," the terror group said.

Ugla was targeted for his aggressive raids against al Qaeda's network in Mosul. Ugla was behind the Dec. 21 raid that killed Munadel Salem, al Qaeda's top leader in the northern city.

Since Salem was killed, Iraqi security forces have captured two top al Qaeda leaders in the area. Yesterday, police captured Dawoud Hassan Abdullah al Farhat, the leader of the Mohammed Rasul-Allah Brigades, an al Qaeda unit in Mosul. Farhat had previous held the rank of brigadier in the Iraqi police and commanded the police in the western city of Tal Afar.

On Dec. 27, police arrested Abdul Wahid Mustapha Ahmed Saed, al Qaeda's top "administrative official in western Ninewa province." Saed aided in suicide attacks in the region and provided false identities to al Qaeda operatives.

Today's attack in Mosul takes place just two days after al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers carried out a deadly attack outside the provincial headquarters in Ramadi in Anbar province. The first suicide bomber detonated a bus packed with explosives, while the second suicide bomber, dressed as a policeman, detonated his vest shortly afterward. The attack killed 17 people.

Background on the state of al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda in Iraq has suffered significant blows to its leadership at the hands of the Iraqi security forces this year [see LWJ report, Al Qaeda in Iraq is 'broken,' cut off from leaders in Pakistan, says top US general, for a list of senior leaders killed and captured up until June 2010]. But while unable to hold territory, the terror group has been able to reorganize and launch high-profile terror attacks against the Iraqi security forces and government institutions. The attacks have been less frequent over the past two years, however, and have failed to threaten the Iraqi state.

The recent attacks are being directed by Nasser al Din Allah Abu Suleiman, al Qaeda's new 'war minister' for Iraq. Suleiman was appointed in May after his predecessor, Abu Ayyub al Masri, was killed in a US raid along with Abu Omar al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq. Also in May, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi al Hussieni al Qurshi was named the new emir of the Islamic State of Iraq, and Abu Abdullah al Hussieni al Qurshi, was named the deputy emir. [For more information on the identities of al Qaeda's top two leaders, see LWJ report, Al Qaeda in Iraq's security minister captured in Anbar.]

Al Qaeda in Iraq is supported primarily through its networks in eastern Syria. The al Qaeda ratlines, which move foreign fighters, money, and weapons, pass from eastern Syria through the northwestern Iraqi cities of Sinjar and Rabiah into Mosul.

Last year, al Qaeda's central leadership based in Pakistan reportedly sent a senior ideologue to Syria to partner with a dangerous operative who ran the network that funnels foreign fighters, cash, and weapons into western Iraq. Sheikh Issa al Masri is thought to have left Pakistan's tribal agency of North Waziristan and entered Syria in June 2009, where he paired up with Abu Khalaf, a senior al Qaeda operative who had been instrumental in reviving al Qaeda in Iraq's network in eastern Syria and directing terror operations in Iraq, a US intelligence official told The Long War Journal.

Although the US killed Abu Khalaf during a Jan. 22 raid in the northern city of Mosul, Sheikh Issa is alive and is believed to be based in Damascus and is protected by the Mukhabarat, Syria's secret intelligence service.

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Indiana Grandmother Who Converted To Islam Being Investiaged For Link To Terror

Home grown terror is alive and well in America, folks and the latest case of an American woman who converted to Islam and is now being linked to terroristic behavior shows just how widespread this phenomena is becoming.

From the story at Fox News:

A 46-year-old Indiana grandmother is under investigation for her possible ties to suspected and convicted international terrorists, has learned.

Muslim-convert Kathie Smith, 46, a U.S. citizen living in Indianapolis who has blogged about her granddaughter, last year married a suspected German jihadist, and has been flying back and forth between the U.S. and Germany as recently as two weeks ago.

A pro-jihadist video featuring Smith and her husband – alongside photos of members of the Islamic Jihad Union charged with plotting failed terror attacks against U.S. targets in Germany -- is being investigated by the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center. The center is a counterterror intelligence clearinghouse staffed by law enforcement officers from local and federal agencies, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

If you remember, back in March of this year, "Jihad Jane" was an American woman convert to Islam who was arrested on charges of terrorist threats against a man in Sweden. Again, we see your normal run-of-the-mill American woman who converts to Islam and within a very short time they are in the middle of terror activity.

Now, don't think this woman, Kathie Smith, is some fallgal for our terror officials, read what this piece of shit had to tell Fox News about all of this:

In lengthy e-mail exchanges with, Smith alternatively defended her online postings, denied being anti-American, called the Sept. 11 attacks an inside job, the U.S. a terrorist organization and praised the American-born radical Muslim cleric Anwar al Awlaki -- architect, trainer and inspiration for many of the recent terrorist attacks attempted or committed against the U.S. President Obama last April approved Awlaki's inclusion on the CIA's targeted killing list.

In one e-mail to, Smith wrote:

“If your neighbor was being attacked by a perpetrator, would you just stand there and say, 'Oh I will let someone come who has a gun to help them'? No, you would rush to their defense. And use any type of "weapon" to help that person... this is what I am doing. I am defending the defenseless. I am defending my home and family and their right to safety. No matter who it is at my door. These are the rights the Constitution gives me. The very right this Communistic government is trying to take away from me and the rest of the Americans.”

Now, I don't know how long this scumbag has been married to this Muslim terrorist, her husband but don't you find it fascinating that in such a short time after a conversion she is willing to sacrifice her American brothers and sisters to defend a bunch of Muslims over in Germany?

The fact of the matter is this - these Muslim terrorists are using these female American converts in their terror strategies - do I think this fool's husband married her because she was the woman of his dreams? Hell No! He married her because she would be a useful tool of jihad.

And if we don't see the epidemic proportions of these conversions soon and be alert to what is being done, we are going to find it nearly impossible to get a handle on any of this home grown terror.

(Hat Tip: bluesky)

Indiana Grandmother, a Muslim Convert, Being Investigated for Possible Terror Link

A 46-year-old Indiana grandmother is under investigation for her possible ties to suspected and convicted international terrorists, has learned.

Muslim-convert Kathie Smith, 46, a U.S. citizen living in Indianapolis who has blogged about her granddaughter, last year married a suspected German jihadist, and has been flying back and forth between the U.S. and Germany as recently as two weeks ago.

A pro-jihadist video featuring Smith and her husband – alongside photos of members of the Islamic Jihad Union charged with plotting failed terror attacks against U.S. targets in Germany -- is being investigated by the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center. The center is a counterterror intelligence clearinghouse staffed by law enforcement officers from local and federal agencies, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

“Certainly, it’s being looked at and evaluated by Indiana State Police, which runs Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center, ” Indiana Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Emily Norcross told, adding that the video would be passed along to appropriate law enforcement for further investigation.

FBI spokeswoman Jenny Shearer said: “As you’re aware, FBI and DOJ policy precludes us from confirming or denying the existence of an investigation.”

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Washington office did not respond to a request for comment.

Interpol, which helps government law enforcement agencies track crime suspects around the world, declined to comment, citing policy.

The FBI also did not respond to an e-mail from asking why Smith is not on the federal government’s no-fly list. Smith, meanwhile, said she believes her name is on some kind of government “watch list.”

In lengthy e-mail exchanges with, Smith claimed that she has been repeatedly subjected to hours-long interrogations by Homeland Security every time she travels. She said her luggage has been subjected to bomb residue tests, and that officials asked her numerous detailed questions about her husband. She also claims DHS officials on more than one occasion escorted her onto a departing airplane.

DHS did not respond to’s request for comment on Smith’s allegations.

Smith — who now calls herself Zubaida — added that she and her husband were met and interrogated by German police while in a taxi in October 2009.

German police, however, said they were not currently investigating an American woman, but declined to say whether they were aware of Smith.

In lengthy e-mail exchanges with, Smith alternatively defended her online postings, denied being anti-American, called the Sept. 11 attacks an inside job, the U.S. a terrorist organization and praised the American-born radical Muslim cleric Anwar al Awlaki -- architect, trainer and inspiration for many of the recent terrorist attacks attempted or committed against the U.S. President Obama last April approved Awlaki's inclusion on the CIA's targeted killing list.

In one e-mail to, Smith wrote:

“If your neighbor was being attacked by a perpetrator, would you just stand there and say, 'Oh I will let someone come who has a gun to help them'? No, you would rush to their defense. And use any type of "weapon" to help that person... this is what I am doing. I am defending the defenseless. I am defending my home and family and their right to safety. No matter who it is at my door. These are the rights the Constitution gives me. The very right this Communistic government is trying to take away from me and the rest of the Americans.”

In the nearly six-minute video under investigation, Smith and her husband, known online as Salahudin Ibn Ja'far, 28, appear posing and hugging and holding weapons interspersed with photos of known and suspected terrorists and assorted jihadist propaganda, like an Awlaki sermon album cover.

There also are photos of German Taliban Mujahideen -- German nationals who have formed their own splinter group within the Taliban -- and mug shots of members of the Saarland cell of Islamic Jihad Union charged with plotting failed terror attacks against U.S. targets in Germany, including a 2007 plot to bomb the U.S. Air Force base at Ramstein.

Smith said of the Ramstein plotters featured in her video:

“The so-called 'jihadists' you have mentioned are actually personal friends of my husband from childhood. In the video he was expressing his love and gratitude to his friends, who have died fighting for freedom. Just like any other American or European citizen who displays pictures of soldiers who have died on their videos. There is no difference in gratitude and love. It is just that your government has deemed these noble men as 'terrorists' because they are not on the same side. Least us not forget the Mujahideen who fought the Russians for the U.S. They were deemed 'heroes' and lead by Osama Bin Laden at that time, and now because the government says so... they are "terrorists.””

(In a no-longer-active Facebook profile, Smith's husband, Salahudin, listed his current city as Saarbrucken, the capital of the state of Saarland in Germany.)

In addition to being close childhood friends of convicted terrorists, Salahudin has posted content from the German Taliban’s media outfit and the Islamic Jihad Union on forums and social networking sites. He's also written in support of his “noble leaders” -- bin Laden, Awlaki, the Sept. 11 hijackers and other terrorist leaders.

Salahudin appeared to maintain forums devoted to hosting Awlaki’s sermons. Earlier this month he uploaded videos to his since-deleted YouTube account that included German muhajideen training at jihadist camps in Pakistan, and another featuring the widow of a German Taliban jihadist directing the wives of jihadists to fulfill their obligations while their husbands are off fighting.

In other English-language posts, he suggests he himself has trained in these same jihadist camps.

On Facebook, he is "friends" with the notorious Al Qaeda English-language online magazine Inspire, thought to be principally authored by American-turned-Muslim radical Samir Khan. Salahudin also has used his online posts to call for the deaths of U.S. citizens, military and government leaders, and recently joined in on another user’s thinly veiled threats against Condoleezza Rice, according to postings discovered by and screen shots provided by the Jawa Report, a watchdog blog that has been following the online activities of Smith and her husband.

His Facebook "friends" make up a who’s who of terror groups, many of which his wife is also associated with online. He and Smith have been kicked off of Facebook repeatedly over the past month, but both continue to open up new accounts and remain on the social networking site today.

On Facebook, Smith "likes" Awlaki, has belonged to a Facebook group called “Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb to answer your questions,” referring to the North African branch of Al Qaeda. Smith also is Facebook "friends" with pages claiming to be the terrorist groups Al Shabaab and Ansar al Jundullah, in addition to "friends" Sheikh Faisal and Youself al-Khatb, the reported spiritual leader and co-founder of Revolution Muslim, respectively. Her “Likes” and “Groups” are visible to the public; a friend request from this reporter to Smith was not accepted.

A Facebook Page provided by Jawa Report shows that Smith warned her husband via Facebook post not to accept’s friend request either.

On her MySpace page, currently available for viewing via Google cache, Smith wrote: “As salamu alaikum akhi.. it is time for Jihad and it is now Fard ayn for ALL Muslims whether their in the United Snakes or else where...Insha'Allah!!!!”

Smith has lauded Awlaki, celebrated the deaths of U.S. soldiers -- who she called “terrorists” -- at the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and applauded another user’s posting of a rendering of the two planes hitting the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001.

And while she has repeatedly called for jihad against the West, Smith told “I am exercising my right, as an American citizen to freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bare arms. I have the right in America to say what ever I want. That is what makes America so great, right?”

But a paid government consultant aware of Smith’s movements said there’s concern that Smith could follow the path of Colleen LaRose, a suburban Philadelphian dubbed “Jihad Jane,” who pleaded not guilty in March to conspiracy charges involving a plot to kill a Swedish artist and providing material support to terrorists.

“As we saw in the case earlier this year with the arrests of "Jihad Janes" Colleen LaRose and [co-conspirator] Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, Kathie Smith has been exhibiting classic signs of extremism possibly transitioning into violence," the consultant told, asking not to be identified due to the sensitive nature of his work. "Her online postings on Facebook have been increasingly promoted acts of terrorism and statements by terrorist leaders, such as Anwar Al-Aulaqi,” the contractor said.

“When her husband released the video earlier this month of the two of them holding weapons and included standard jihad imagery, such as pictures of German jihadists that have left to join terrorist groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan or have been arrested for plotting terror attacks, we were concerned that they might be escalating to an attack themselves,” the consultant said.

To that concern, Smith replied by e-mail to

“I live a simple life, a life where I fear Allah first and try hard to do what is right for mankind. I am not some "horribly misguided, or brainwashed" individual. I have lived a long life and have seen many things. And I will always stand up for what is right, no matter who is trying to say the contrary.”

Pakistani Military Sends Helicopter Gunships Into Kurram Agency, 7 Taliban Killed In Raid

A very brief report here from DAWN on this but the Pakistani military conducted a suprise raid on some Taliban hideouts in the NW agency of Kurram today. They sent in helicopter gunships who struck at those hideouts with the end result of 7 Taliban killed plus a number of wounded.

From the story:

At least seven insurgents were killed when security forces attacked militant hideouts in Pakistan’s northwestern Kurram tribal region, DawnNews reported.

Several insurgents were also reportedly injured when forces targeted their hideouts using gunship helicopters in central Kurram.

Part of the reason I am putting this up today is that the Pakistani military, recently, has been pretty darn quiet in their operations against the Taliban. And this is an example of an offensive move, not just some reaction to an ambush or a threat to an outpost.

I've been a bit concerned about the Pakistani initiative against the Taliban as they have appeared to back down on a planned offensive on the Taliban in North Waziristan so this small operation is a very good sign.

At least seven militants killed in Kurram

PESHAWAR: At least seven insurgents were killed when security forces attacked militant hideouts in Pakistan’s northwestern Kurram tribal region, DawnNews reported.

Several insurgents were also reportedly injured when forces targeted their hideouts using gunship helicopters in central Kurram.

Two militant hideouts were also destroyed in the action. — DawnNews

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Poll: 78% of Democrats Want Obama Renominated For 2012 Election

Excuse me a moment while I go hurl my Christmas cookies and lefse.

The worst President in the history of the United States of America is seeing an upsurge of support for a second term in 2012 - I find it amazing that this many Americans truly want to commit suicide.

2012 - the year America decides to live on or die an agonizing death.

The article is from The Hill.

Poll shows growing Dem support for second Obama term

Seventy-eight percent of Democrats want President Obama renominated for a second term, the highest his support has been this year, according to a new poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research survey shows Democratic backing for a second Obama term jumped 5 percent from late October, just before his midterm "shellacking," when it was at 73 percent.

The numbers look good compared to the last Democratic president. Only 57 percent of Democrats wanted Bill Clinton renominated in the days after the 1994 Republican Revolution. Clinton went on to defeat Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) in the 1996 presidential elections.

The level of support suggests a primary challenge against the 44th president is likely to fail.

Political observers have speculated that Obama could receive a primary opponent due to dissatisfaction on the left, which went into an uproar over Obama's decision to cut a deal with Senate Republicans that extended the Bush tax cuts for two years. The left was also disappointed that the administration did not push more strongly for a public insurance option in the new healthcare law.

But so far, no potential candidate has taken the bait. One possible challenger, self-described democratic-socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), bowed out last week, saying, "Ain't gonna do it."

Opinion Research also asked Republicans to rate whom they are most likely to support among Obama's possible GOP challengers.

Out of four GOP candidates, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee received the most support, with 67 percent saying they are either very likely or somewhat likely to support him if he decides to run.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in second with 59 percent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) received 54 percent support and 49 percent said they were likely to support former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Fifty-one percent said they were not very likely or not likely at all to back her.

None of the potential candidates have officially announced they are entering the race.

Opinion Research polled 470 Democrats and 470 Republicans, with each sample having a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

India Issues Nationwide Terror Alert For New Year's, Braces For Lashkar-i-Taiba Attack

Well, leave it to the radical islamists of the world to bring in the New Year of 2011 with a bang - the islamic terror group, Lashkar-i-Taiba, is apparently planning a New Year's attack on the nation of India and the Indian government is taking it so seriously that they have issued a nationwide increase security alert.

From the article at DAWN:

India increased security in major cities across the country Tuesday after receiving information that banned militant group Lashkar-i-Taiba was planning an attack over New Year’s weekend.

More police were deployed to city streets, including in India’s financial capital, Mumbai, which was attacked in 2008. Airports and railway stations and the popular beach resort state of Goa all tightened security following intelligence reports that Lashkar-i-Taiba was planning to target these places, an official with the Home Ministry said. He spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to the media.

India has taken even minor terror threats seriously since a three-day terrorist siege killed 166 people in Mumbai, though there has been no major attack there since.

Police have been searching since Friday for four men who authorities believe entered Mumbai to carry out a terrorist attack. Computer-aided photographs of the four suspects were released.

On Tuesday, police made house-to-house searches in some parts of Mumbai, and tightened security checks at bus and train stations, churches and markets.
You can see from the article that with four terrorists confirmed having landed in the country, this is a dire situation for the Indians and it certainly looks pretty iffy that they will find these guys before an attack takes place. At the same time, with the possibility of another Mumbai-style attack, it's almost impossible to guard against that tactic.

I'm not sure if any of you noticed yesterday but it was announced that India had established a Sharia-compliant indexing of their stock exchange - just another overture by the government of appeasement to the islamists in India and how are such jestures treated? Well, more terror attacks are planned, that's the response you get when you cowtow to Islam and the terrorists.

Europe appears to have escaped the Christmas holidays without the realization of the threat of attacks by al Qaeda ... we can only hope that India is just as lucky come the end of this week.

India issues nationwide terror alert

NEW DELHI: India increased security in major cities across the country Tuesday after receiving information that banned militant group Lashkar-i-Taiba was planning an attack over New Year’s weekend.

More police were deployed to city streets, including in India’s financial capital, Mumbai, which was attacked in 2008. Airports and railway stations and the popular beach resort state of Goa all tightened security following intelligence reports that Lashkar-i-Taiba was planning to target these places, an official with the Home Ministry said. He spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to the media.

India has taken even minor terror threats seriously since a three-day terrorist siege killed 166 people in Mumbai, though there has been no major attack there since.

Police have been searching since Friday for four men who authorities believe entered Mumbai to carry out a terrorist attack. Computer-aided photographs of the four suspects were released.

On Tuesday, police made house-to-house searches in some parts of Mumbai, and tightened security checks at bus and train stations, churches and markets.

In the 2008 attack, 10 armed terrorists fanned out across Mumbai attacking two luxury hotels, a Jewish centre and a railway station.

In March, Mumbai police said they prevented a major terrorist strike after they arrested two Indian men, who, police said, were preparing to hit several targets in the city.

Then in September, police issued a terror alert for the city during a popular Hindu festival. Police said they had information that two militants were planning a terror strike and that the men were acting on directions from handlers allegedly residing in Pakistan.

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Imam From Ghana Predicts World Disasters in 2011, Insists That Building Pyramids On the Equator and Reciting Qur'an Will Save Us

Once again, the world just has to be in awe of the superior intellect of Muslim imams across the know, kind of like the awe that President Barack Hussein Obama has for the scientific contributions of islamists since the beginning of time.

Well, one imam, from Ghana, is making some ominous predictions for disasters across the world next year but luckily he has determined a way out for us lowly humans.

From the article at GhanaWeb:

The Spiritual Leader of the Salawatia Muslim Mission of Ghana, Sheihu Imam Rashid Hussein Salawat Qutubu Az-zamaan, has revealed that natural disasters such as landslides, earthquakes, storms, thunders, volcanic eruptions and floods would occur in the country and entire world in 2011.

According to Salawat Qutubu Az-zamaan, the disasters are expected to occur “as a result of the unbalanced nature of the world where there is too much weight to one side.”

Now, I know that sounds pretty depressing and frightening as an outlook for the new year but as I stated above, Imam Az-zamaan, has come to the rescue with a recipe to save the poor world from certain catastrophe:

He averred that the situation can only be prevented if huge pyramids are constructed along the equator. He stressed that Ghana could escape the world disaster if President Mills allows Muslim leaders to recite the Holy Quran 220 times, slaughter 7 white and 6 brown cows to feed the poor and provide $490,000 as alms to the needy in society.

Quoting the Holy Quran chapter 45 verse 14 to buttress his prophecy, he said it is important stringent measures are put in place to prevent the calamities.

In view of his divine verse, Sheihu Rashid Qutubu Az-zamaan urged the Muslim Ummah, who believes in the Days of Allah, to forgive those who lack knowledge of the divine revelations. He again called on Muslim leaders and scholars, especially in Africa, to collaborate with world scientists to unearth useful technologies to make life much more comfortable.

Now I don't know about you but I suspect that some of these predictions were a blatant case of plagiarism - I see an alarming similarity to the predictions made earlier which I refer to as the HankJohnsonian Theory. If you recall, earlier in 2010, Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia, a Democrat, suggested that the island of Guam would "tip over" if too many U.S. Marines were stationed on the island. Well, now we have this imam stating that the world is "unbalanced" and that it has too much weight on one see?!!!

At the same time, a payment of $490,000 seems pretty cheap to save the whole Earth, doesn't it? As for the killing of 13 cows - well, that's a normal slaughter for any Obama affair going on that features Kobe beef and finally, the recitings of the Qur'an - well, we could probably just plant a microphone into some of the national security meetings at the White House and get the majority of those recitings.

It truly is reassuring that the the people of the world have an Imam like this looking out for all of us.

Imam predicts doom in 2011

The Spiritual Leader of the Salawatia Muslim Mission of Ghana, Sheihu Imam Rashid Hussein Salawat Qutubu Az-zamaan, has revealed that natural disasters such as landslides, earthquakes, storms, thunders, volcanic eruptions and floods would occur in the country and entire world in 2011.

According to Salawat Qutubu Az-zamaan, the disasters are expected to occur “as a result of the unbalanced nature of the world where there is too much weight to one side.” He averred that the situation can only be prevented if huge pyramids are constructed along the equator. He stressed that Ghana could escape the world disaster if President Mills allows Muslim leaders to recite the Holy Quran 220 times, slaughter 7 white and 6 brown cows to feed the poor and provide $490,000 as alms to the needy in society.

The renowned Islamic scholar made the prophecy at the Rashiddiya Mosque in Tamale last Sunday when addressing this year’s Ayaam U1-Lah. “The 2011 year will also be a year of prosperity and blessings where there will be plenty of agricultural produce around the world. Businesses will flourish in some countries, while some will overcome their economic difficulties and other challenges,” Imam Rashid Hussein told the congregation.

The spiritual leader’s predictions about the future of the world have over the years come to reality. In 2009, for instance, he revealed that 2010 will experience a lot of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, wind fires, air crashes, volcanoes, epidemics severe weather conditions and many deaths among the youth. Continuing, he intoned that prominent politicians and chiefs would pass away in 2011, if principles of “Unfolding the Scriptures” are not properly adhered to. The Islamic concept of Unfolding the Scriptures is an old Islamic ritual or tradition, where every year scriptures from the Holy Quran are revealed to depict the future.

Revelations of such nature are referred to as “Ayaam U1-lah” to wit “Days of Allah.” The ritual, which coincides with the fire festival in the Islamic calendar and comes at the end of the every year, usually brings together thousands of Islamic believers to a chosen destination.

He stated that one of the most outstanding blessings of the Almighty Allah is that he has in his infinite mercy bestowed knowledge of Ayaam U1-lah upon mankind. The renowned spiritual leader stressed that in the case of Unfolding the Scriptures in particular, the ignorant are exempted and those who disbelieve the days of Allah are punished.

Quoting the Holy Quran chapter 45 verse 14 to buttress his prophecy, he said it is important stringent measures are put in place to prevent the calamities.

In view of his divine verse, Sheihu Rashid Qutubu Az-zamaan urged the Muslim Ummah, who believes in the Days of Allah, to forgive those who lack knowledge of the divine revelations. He again called on Muslim leaders and scholars, especially in Africa, to collaborate with world scientists to unearth useful technologies to make life much more comfortable.

Video: "Jihad Bells, Jihad Bells, Jihad All the Way"

Second Day In a Row For Predator Drone Strikes In North Waziristan, 15 Taliban To Get "2010" On Their Tombstones

U.S. predator drones struck an area of North Waziristan today with two separate hellfire strikes - in the first strike, 5 Taliban were killed when their compound was hit and in the second strike, a grouping of Taliban vehicles were targeted and 10 Taliban were killed.

From the report at The Long War Journal:

US Predators struck again today in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, launching two airstrikes in an area right along the border with Afghanistan.

Both strikes took place in the Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan. In the first strike, the unmanned Predators or the more deadly Reapers launched missiles at two compounds in the village of Ghulam Khan, killing five people.

The second strike targeted vehicles in the nearby village of Nawab. The Predators made two passes at a group of vehicles. Ten Taliban fighters were reported killed.

"First a US drone fired missiles at a double-cabin pick-up truck and about 15 minutes later two more cars were struck," a Pakistani intelligence official told Geo News.

No senior al Qaeda or Taliban leaders have been reported killed in either strike.

The Ghulam Khan area is in the sphere of influence of both Hafiz Gul Bahhadar and the Haqqani Network. The area is used as a staging area for Taliban and other terrorist groups to attack Coalition and Afghan forces across the border in Afghanistan.
Bahadar is the overall Taliban commander for North Waziristan. Bahadar provides shelter to top al Qaeda leaders as well as terrorists from numerous Pakistani and Central Asian terror groups.

Predator drone strikes on a Tuesday is unusual but very welcomed. Also, these strikes show that the CIA is not done with its harassment of the Haqqani Network - these Taliban-aligned jihadis have been doing some of the most damage inside of Afghanistan and its apparent the CIA is trying to take them out as they sit back in their home base area of Pakistan's North Waziristan agency.

US Predators strike again in North Waziristan

US Predators struck again today in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, launching two airstrikes in an area right along the border with Afghanistan.

Both strikes took place in the Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan. In the first strike, the unmanned Predators or the more deadly Reapers launched missiles at two compounds in the village of Ghulam Khan, killing five people.

The second strike targeted vehicles in the nearby village of Nawab. The Predators made two passes at a group of vehicles. Ten Taliban fighters were reported killed.

"First a US drone fired missiles at a double-cabin pick-up truck and about 15 minutes later two more cars were struck," a Pakistani intelligence official told Geo News.

No senior al Qaeda or Taliban leaders have been reported killed in either strike.

The Ghulam Khan area is in the sphere of influence of both Hafiz Gul Bahhadar and the Haqqani Network. The area is used as a staging area for Taliban and other terrorist groups to attack Coalition and Afghan forces across the border in Afghanistan.

Bahadar is the overall Taliban commander for North Waziristan. Bahadar provides shelter to top al Qaeda leaders as well as terrorists from numerous Pakistani and Central Asian terror groups.

The Haqqani Network is a Taliban group led by mujahedeen commander Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Siraj. The Haqqanis are closely allied to al Qaeda and to the Taliban, led by Mullah Omar. Siraj Haqqani is the leader of the Miramshah Regional Military Shura, one of the Afghan Taliban's top four commands; he sits on the Taliban's Quetta Shura; and he is also is a member of al Qaeda's Shura Majlis. The Haqqanis are based on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border.

The US has targeted Siraj and other top-level Haqqani Network commanders since 2008. On Feb. 18 of this year, the US killed Mohammed Haqqani, another of the 12 sons of Jalaluddin Haqqani, in an airstrike in Danda Darpa Khel just outside Miramshah. Mohammed served as a military commander for the Haqqani Network. Siraj is believed to be sheltering in the neighboring tribal agency of Kurram to avoid the Predators.

The Haqqani Network operates on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border. The US military has heavily targeted the Haqqani Network's leadership in raids and airstrikes in the Afghan provinces of Khost, Paktia, and Paktika.

The Predator strikes, by the numbers

After a 10-day lull in strikes, the US has launched four Predator attacks in North Waziristan in the past two days. Yesterday the US killed 25 Taliban fighters in a pair of strikes in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The US has carried now conducted 11 airstrikes in Pakistan's tribal agencies since the beginning of December.

The pace of the strikes from the beginning of September has been unprecedented since the US began the air campaign in Pakistan in 2004. September's record number of 21 strikes was followed by 16 strikes in October and 14 more in November. The previous monthly high was 11 strikes in January 2010, after the Taliban and al Qaeda executed a successful suicide attack at Combat Outpost Chapman that targeted CIA personnel who were active in gathering intelligence for the Predator campaign in Pakistan. The suicide bombing at COP Chapman killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer.

The US has carried out 116 attacks inside Pakistan in 2010, more than doubling the number of strikes in 2009. In late August 2010, the US exceeded 2009's strike total of 53 with a strike in Kurram. In 2008, the US carried out a total of 36 strikes inside Pakistan. [For up-to-date charts on the US air campaign in Pakistan, see LWJ Special Report, Charting the data for US airstrikes in Pakistan, 2004 - 2010.]

In 2010 the strikes have been confined almost exclusively to North Waziristan, where the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, the Haqqani Network, al Qaeda, and a host of Pakistani and Central and South Asian terror groups are based. All but 13 of this year's 116 strikes have taken place North Waziristan. Of the 13 strikes that have occurred outside of North Waziristan, seven took place in South Waziristan, five occurred in Khyber, and one took place in Kurram.

Since Sept. 1, 2010, the US has conducted 62 strikes in Pakistan's tribal agencies. The bulk of those attacks took place against the terror groups in North Waziristan, with 56 strikes in the tribal agency. Many of the strikes targeted cells run by the Islamic Jihad Group, which have been plotting to conduct Mumbai-styled terror assaults in Europe. A Sept. 8 strike killed an IJU commander known as Qureshi, who specialized in training Germans to conduct attacks in their home country.

The US campaign in northwestern Pakistan has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters who threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states as well as support al Qaeda's external operations. [For a list of al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed in the US air campaign in Pakistan, see LWJ Special Report, Senior al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed in US airstrikes in Pakistan, 2004 - 2010.]