Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Iraq....."Christians are finished here"

The purge continues....and as fewer and fewer countries across the world will allow Christians to live in them let alone worship there, the U.S. continues to allow in more and more of the fucking bastards who deny Christians their god-given rights across the world.  End Islamic immigration to America.  No new mosques in America.  No Muslim lawsuits allowed for any Muslim under 5 years of citizenship.

The story comes from The Telegraph.

Iraq's battle to save its Christian souls: 'Christians are finished here'

As the last remaining Christian priest in the Baghdad suburb of Doura, Archdeacon Temathius Esha no longer just puts his trust in God's all-seeing eye. Built into the wall of his vestry, amid pictures of Catholic saints, is a 16-screen CCTV monitor, keeping watch on every corner of his church in case of possible attack.

Along with the armed guard outside and concrete anti-blast walls, it makes St Shmoni's feel more like a fortress than a house of worship. And after a decade in which Doura's Iraqi Christian community has been robbed, kidnapped and murdered by Islamist extremists, it finds itself offering sanctuary to an ever-dwindling flock.

"Doura was once one of the biggest Christian communities in Iraq, with 30,000 families," said Mr Esha, as he prepared for an afternoon congregation that barely filled two of the 22 rows of pews. "Now there are only 2,000 left. They feel they are strangers in their own land, and that makes them want to leave. The bleeding from migration is continuous."

Today, St Shmoni is one of just two of Doura's original seven churches still open, casualties of a period in which the area become one of the most notorious al-Qaeda strongholds in Baghdad. In the years that followed the US-led invasion of 2003, two churches were car bombed, while the others closed due to lack of numbers and the kidnapping for ransom of four of Mr Esha's fellow priests, which has left just him and a local monk remaining.

Over the years, his own church has had an improvised explosive device and two car bombs planted outside it. All were fortunately discovered before they were detonated.

The picture in Doura is repeated across Iraq, and indeed the wider Middle East, where the onset of the Arab Spring has ended the protected status that the region's secular strongmen gave to religious minorities. In Iraq, a Christian community that numbered more than a million in Saddam Hussein's time is now thought to have shrunk to as few as 200,000.

Those unable to join Iraqi diasporas in Europe and America often fled to sister communities in neighbouring Syria, only to find themselves in similar peril thanks to al-Qaeda's presence in the war against President Bashar al-Assad. In post-Mubarak Egypt, the Christians fear a similar reckoning, and only last month Pope Francis warned that the entire Church was in peril across the region, adding: "We will not resign ourselves to imagining a Middle East without Christians."

Yet with al-Qaeda once again on the rise in Iraq - more than 6,000 people have been killed in 2013, the most in five years - Christian communities such as Doura are already contemplating that very scenario.

Now, though, a last-ditch effort to end the exodus is under way, courtesy of the diminutive form of Louis Sako, appointed as the new Patriarch of Baghdad earlier this year. Before moving to the Iraqi capital he had served in the northern city of Kirkuk, where he had mediated in many kidnapping cases.

At first glance, the 64-year-old cleric is living proof of the Christian adage "blessed are the meek". He speaks with a soft voice, and, at only 5ft 5in, is dwarfed by the armed bodyguards who these days accompany him at all times.

But in his first public address in March, delivered at St Joseph's church in central Baghdad, he broke with the Church's long-standing convention that speaking out about the problems would only make them worse.

Instead, he gave his congregation a blunt but powerful message, rich in historical resonance.

Iraq was their country as much as anyone's and if they left a 2,000-year-old culture would die for ever. "I know your fears," he said. "But you have been here for 2,000 years and are at the origin of this country, together with the Muslims. Why is the little flock still afraid? Do not emigrate, whatever the pressures."

Earlier this month, the Patriarch returned to St Joseph's to ordain six new deacons for Baghdad, the first since the 2003 invasion. As a packed congregation sang a song entitled Peace for Iraq, the white-robed figures knelt before Mr Sako as he cut a lock of hair from each of them into a silver bowl, a traditional symbol of devotion.

The real symbolism of the ceremony, though, was to show that in recruiting new blood to its senior ranks, the Church was digging in for the long term.

The Christian flock that Mr Sako has dedicated himself to saving is mainly Chaldean, an Eastern-rite Catholic faith that is independent of Rome but recognises the Pope's authority. For most of their time in Iraq, they and other Christian sects have co-existed peacefully with their Muslim neighbours. In Saddam's time they specialised as medics, teachers and academics – professions that earned them the trust and respect of the Muslim people.

As such, the invasion of 2003 – portrayed by some as a "Crusade" by fellow Christians – led to little in the way of direct reprisals.

However, in the lawless years that followed, their prosperity made them targets for kidnappers and criminals, who sometimes felt less guilty preying on non-Muslims. Almost uniquely in Iraq, Christians have no tribal structure, depriving them of the blood ties under which other Iraqis bind together in times of trouble.

As such, they have never formed self-defence militias, despite the fact that post-war Iraq offers little reward to those who turn the other cheek.

"Christianity in the Middle East has always encouraged its people to rely on the protection of the law, not the tribe," said Mr Sako in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph. "Right now, the law here in Iraq is very weak."

As al-Qaeda's presence in Iraq has grown, Christians have been targeted deliberately, with sporadic bombings of churches and killings of priests.

In 2010, al-Qaeda gunmen attacked an evening Mass at Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad, taking more than 100 hostages. By the time the security forces stormed the building two hours later, 58 were dead.

The atrocity was condemned by senior Muslim clerics, but saw yet another huge spike in Christians leaving Iraq.

"A gunman poked his AK47 through the door and started shooting," said Bassam George, 24, who survived the attack by hiding along with others in the church's sacristy. "I spent the time just thinking, 'How can I face the God?' For a year afterwards, I had nightmares, and would drink a bottle of whisky every night just to sleep."

Mr George has no plans to leave Iraq. He points out that all Iraqis have suffered religious violence: while about 1,000 Christians have died since 2003, at least 30,000 Muslims died in the sectarian civil war of 2006-07 alone.

None the less, the minority status of Christians has left them feeling acutely vulnerable – nowhere more so than in Doura, which sits on a palm-lined stretch of the Tigris as it winds south of Baghdad.

Christians first settled here in the 1960s to work at the nearby oil refinery, with a cluster of churches, monasteries and seminaries giving the area the nickname "The Vatican of Iraq".

But during Saddam's reign, Doura also became populated with Salafists – Sunni hardliners put there to defend the city's southern flank in the event of an uprising in Iraq's Shia-dominated south. Post-war, the Salafists declared the area to be a mini al-Qaeda caliphate, threatening Christian women for not wearing headscarves and extorting tithes for non-existent "protection" services.

"In Saddam's time, Christians could worship freely, and as long as you avoided politics you could survive," said Mr Esha. "But since the war we have been attacked, robbed, raped and forced out of both Doura and the country.

"Often just psychological pressure has been enough; people will drive past here and fire guns in the air, or leave bullets and threatening messages outside Christian homes. Sometimes Islamic extremism is used as an excuse, sometimes it's just blackmail for criminal purposes."

For most of the past five years, the situation seemed to be on the mend. In 2008, after the US troop "surge" that drove most al-Qaeda fighters out of Baghdad, hundreds of Christian families who had fled Doura began coming back. At St John's Church – shut for months that year because of al-Qaeda threats – Muslims and Christians sang songs together that Christmas.

Now, violence is on the rise again. Only two weeks ago, eight corpses were dumped in Doura. The bodies are as yet unidentified, but the fact that they were blindfolded suggests that the sectarian death squads who took Iraq into its darkest days five years ago are back at work.

With that in mind, many of those gathered at Mr Esha's church last week would make this Christmas their last in Iraq if they could.

"I will leave whenever I can," said Isaac Napoleon, who has lost a brother and a son to terrorism. "Christians are finished here in Iraq."

Monday, November 4, 2013

Christianity Under Attack in America

 The World's Muslims want Christianity destroyed and so do the Marxists here in America.

From Family Security Matters.

Christianity Under Attack in America

According to information released at a May 9, 2013 press conference by the families of Navy SEALs killed in an August 2011 helicopter shoot-down in Afghanistan, "military brass prohibited any mention of a Judeo-Christian G-d" and "invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team VI heroes who disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah."

The accusations arose over a "ramp ceremony" held at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan as flag-draped caskets of the dead soldiers were loaded onto a plane for transport back to the United States. The shocking words of the Muslim cleric, revealed in later translations, were spoken at a memorial service meant to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. They were yet another example of the abject disrespect of Christians and Christianity endemic to the Muslim world.

Here at home, Christianity and Christian religious practices are also under attack, but in more subtle ways and under a misinterpretation of the principle of freedom of religion. In the United States, that legal doctrine is cited to marginalize Christian prayer and traditions, while, at the same time, dramatically accommodating and even expanding Muslim religious practices. Myriad examples exist.

During the recent government shutdown, Catholic priests were warned that they could be arrested for celebrating Mass, even if performed on a voluntary basis. Under Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel's direction and determination was that priests do not "contribute to the morale" and "well-being" of military personnel." Thus, offering of the sacraments was prohibited and the Eucharist placed under lock and key. Curiously, no mention was made of curtailing religious freedom for Muslim service members or furloughing imams.

This prohibition against Christian religious practice is not limited to the military. Police throughout the land also frequently come down hard against Christians. In 2010, a group of students from the Arizona-based Wickenburg Christian Academy were ordered by a police officer to cease their quiet prayers on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. The officer cited a statute that prohibits demonstrations on the steps, but no official policy bars prayer at that location.

In June of 2010, David Wood and two other Christian missionaries were arrested by Dearborn, Michigan, police at the annual Arab festival for discussing Christianity on a public sidewalk outside the event. The men, who have since been acquitted, were charged with disturbing the peace and spent the night in jail.

Contrast these incidents with a massive public display of praying Muslims during the annual Muslim Day Parade in New York City. Muslims, who are protected each year during the event by Muslim NYPD officers, are free to engage in mass prayer, even prostrating themselves on the streets of midtown Manhattan. Vehicular traffic halts and participants freely harass non-Muslims who attempt to pass through the area on foot.

Meanwhile, the ACLU has been at the forefront of an extensive effort to ban Christian prayer from public schools under the "separation of church and state" provision of the First Amendment. This is a signature issue for the "civil rights" organization. However, for Muslim prayers, the organization reverses its interpretation and fights for student rights to engage in prayer.

For example, when Carver Elementary School in San Diego instituted a 15-minute prayer period during class time for Muslim students in 2004, the ACLU endorsed the practice. ACLU spokesman Kevin Keenan said the group supported Muslim prayer under the First Amendment's prohibition against impeding religion. In this way, the ACLU was "honoring constitutional standards for freedom of religion."

Again in 2010, the ACLU mustered only mild to nonexistent concern when 6th-graders from a Wellesley, Massachusetts's middle school took a field trip to a local mosque at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and engaged in prayer. Parents were told that students would learn about the architecture of the building and observe a midday prayer service. But once at the mosque -- which is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, known supporters of Islamic terrorism -- students were told by a mosque official that "Allah is the only G-d" and taught how to recite the midday prayer. After being encouraged to join the Muslim men, some of the boys prostrated themselves to Allah.

Meanwhile, in Michigan, Dearborn public schools have a policy of accommodating Muslim prayers at school during school hours, as well as ignoring unexcused absences for Muslims to leave school early for Friday prayers. Yet, in 2009, after a Muslim organization complained about permission slips given to Christian students to attend off-site afterschool Bible study, issuance of the slips was discontinued.

In addition to police, the ACLU, and schools, U.S. courts have also sided with the Islamic religion and against Christianity. In 2001, the Byron Union School District in Byron, California instituted a three-week unit on Islam for 7th-graders. Students took Muslim names, recited Islamic prayers, and celebrated Ramadan. When parents sued the school on the grounds that the course was "officially endorsing a religion," the U.S. Supreme Court rejected their appeal, leaving intact an earlier ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that deemed that the unit did not violate the Constitution and had an "instructional purpose."

In 2009, the same court of appeals upheld a ban by Henry Jackson High School officials in Everett, Washington against an instrumental performance of Ave Maria at a 2006 commencement ceremony. A student futilely challenged the school's determination that the song was "an obvious religious piece" at a graduation that should be "strictly secular."

Government entities also bear down on the Christian religion. After allowing baptisms in Sinking Creek in the Ozarks for an almost uninterrupted 50-year span, the National Park Service in August notified Gladden Baptist Church in Salem, Missouri that permits would now be required in advance of baptism ceremonies in the waterway. The requirement was later rescinded in response to the intervention of local Congressman Jason Smith.

And this month, in Ovid, Colorado, the director of a city-owned cemetery initially refused to inscribe the Ichthus or "Jesus fish" on the tombstone of a local preacher's wife on the grounds that some people might be offended. Despite the fact that the cemetery is filled with headstones inscribed with religious symbols and Biblical verses, city officials refused to come to the family's aid. The cemetery director defended his position with a logic-defying hypothetical: "What if someone wanted to put a swastika?" -- thereby disrespectfully equating a representation of Christ with a symbol associated with Nazi Germany. The city reversed itself only after public outcry and media attention.

The instances listed above make it readily apparent that the First Amendment is often conveniently misinterpreted to buttress the assault on the Christian religion and its expression, practice, and traditions. In this way, Christianity is being insidiously expunged from public life using false legal pretenses. The legitimate interpretation of the provisions of the First Amendment, which include prohibitions against government interference in public religious expression and the establishment of a national religion, has been twisted to prohibit Christian prayer in public places and schools. This is a false reading of "separation of church and state."

et, as the instances listed above and many others illustrate, this interpretation doesn't apply to "mosque and state." Freedom of religion has come to mean no freedom for the practice of Christianity but ample freedom to practice Islam. If the war on Christianity in America isn't halted soon, Barack Obama's statement that "[w]hatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation," will certainly become a reality.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Celebrated By 2.1 Billion People Across the World...Isn't An "Important " Thing To Obama

You know, it's gotten to the point where Barack Hussein Obama and his administration don't even TRY to hide their disdain for Christianity. A number of months ago I saw some liberal journalists on a news show completely aghast how ANY Americans could think that Obama is a Muslim ...well, when the spokesman for the President laughs off the whole idea of Easter and what it means to the Christians in this country and literally doesn't know if a statement on the holiday was issued or not...well, I'd say that might fuel the fire for someone thinking Obama is a Muslim. After all, we Americans have only been exposed to two types of people that scoff at Christianity like this and they are atheists and Muslims.

Here's the video of Obama's press secretary yucking it up over the silliness of putting importance on the sacrifice of the Son of G_d:

I don't get it. Why was that question so funny? Why isn't that a valid question? We've seen Barack Obama go out of his way to send a message out for Muslim holidays that no one in this country even knows about, yet the most important holiday of the Christian faith is treated by this press secretary putz like it's back page story. If Obama's got the time to hop skip and jump around the White House lawn helping some little girl roll her "spring sphere" then why doesn't he have 10 minutes to record a message of devotion to his Savior?

This President of ours no longer wears a mask, people. He no longer fears any repercussions in this country. He simply feels he is encased in teflon. And he's in the process of laughing in all of our faces. One might say he's almost....daring us.

P.s. watch the video quickly because Real Clear Politics is trying to remove it everywhere - at the link at Fox, the video has been removed according to my efforts to play it there.

Here's the story from Fox:

White House Laughs Off Obama Not Giving Easter Proclamation

President Obama failed to release a statement or a proclamation recognizing the national observance of Easter Sunday, Christianity's most sacred holiday.
By comparison, the White House has released statements recognizing the observance of major Muslim holidays and released statements in 2010 on Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.

The White House also failed to release a statement marking Good Friday. However, they did release an eight-paragraph statement heralding Earth Day. Likewise, the president's weekend address mentioned neither Good Friday or Easter.

WH Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked about this today and laughed ... "Haha, you know, the President went to church yesterday, it was well covered, I'm not sure if we put out a statement or not ... "

A surprised reporter noted that Easter was the holiest of Christian holidays and asked Carney "You don't KNOW if you put out a statement?" Carney snickered again, bowed his head and retorted, "I'm glad you're asking me these important question guys."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let's Put Islam Under the Magnifying Glass, Shall We?

I have said for a long time that Islam, the ideology, needs to be put under scrutiny - the inconsistencies of this "religion" need to be exposed, the fallacies need to be broadcast across the globe and this article from Family Security Matters is a helluva start to all of that. The author pulls few punches as he details what he finds behind the fake religion.

One of my favorite passages from the article:

Once in Medina, Muhammad hit on a most powerful formula for success. He justified everything, on the spot, by saying that Allah wants it this way. And Allah was nothing to trifle with. He held the key to the most magnificent paradise as well as to the dreadful hell. The duty of a good Muslim became unquestioning obedience to everything that Muhammad said and wished. Muhammad became Allah’s gatekeeper to paradise and hell.

Muhammad’s formula worked magic with the Bedouins of Arabia who thrived on robberies and killings. His religion spread like a pandemic disease in no time at all. And here we are in the 21st century, at Christmas time, praying for peace and goodwill to men, while Muhammad’s men are working overtime to make sure that men see neither peace nor goodwill.

What I like about this article is the fact that the REASONS behind the violence and envy and "humaness" of Islam come out - it is explained falls on the shoulders of a man named Mohammed. We see who and what Mohammed was and when you start to wrap your arms around who he was, you see how Islam acts even to this day.

I'd suggest we all take this time during Christmas and Hanukkah to realize what our Holidays really mean and then look at Islam and understand just what it means and how absolutely diametrically opposite they are. You'll hear muslims say , "well, Islam and Christianity are nearly the same! We even have the same prophets!" - well, don't buy it. That's medieval propaganda and by the way, if you're a Christian and think that Jesus was a "prophet" like the Muslims believe, you might need a refresher.

Let's all spread good will and good cheer this time of year and say a prayer of thanks we aren't Muslim. Yet.

Christmas Spirit and Islam

This is the time of the year that the air is filled with everything Christmas. There is something for everyone: gifts for family and friends, prayers at churches, and Christmas music everywhere. It puts me in a contemplative mood, particularly when I hear the delightful Christian refrain, peace on earth, goodwill to men. This is the gift I want. This is my Christmas. When there is peace on earth and all people dispense and receive good will.

Yet, I am saddened to see the world as it is, particularly with what Islam is doing to it, which is the exact opposite of working for peace and extending goodwill to all people.

My contemplation takes me to the genesis of Islam. Something I have come to view as a scourge of humanity, and here are a few of my random thoughts about the founder of Islam: the person who launched a religion that has denied peace to mankind right from the start, the person who advanced a religion that began with war, continues with war, and aims to carry on with bloodletting to the end of time. All this makes me think and shake my head in bewilderment.

Starting with the premise that an all-knowing powerful God is the creator of this awe-inspiring universe where we humans are an infinitesimally insignificant part of his creation humbles me. Muslims call this creator Allah—a recast of one of 360 idols in the pre-Islamic Idolatry of Mecca—and attribute numerous superhuman qualities to him. It is awe-inspiring to realize that a being of that description may indeed exist.

That leads me to some questions: Why would such an indescribably exalted creator, with his ascribed boundless wisdom and resources, pick an illiterate Bedouin to become his prophet for then and forever? The man himself, Muhammad, admitted in the Quran to his own illiteracy. Yet, Allah persisted in choosing this man? Was Allah bored with the rest of his universe and playing a joke on us helpless mortals? Or was it a case of Allah not being able to get any reasonably literate man to take the job?

I don’t have an answer to this or a bevy of other questions, and the answers I have seen so far from Muslims are far from satisfactory. I am forced to mark this as one of the enigmas of life and move on to further look into Muhammad, his claims, his life and the way all might come together with Allah’s choreography of our life of drama.

Muslims claim that Muhammad was the most perfect man, the kind of saintly man that each and every one of us should adulate and aspire to follow. On the top of their list is the desire to lead their lives in such a way that would please Allah, if they can.

Muhammad has done that, Muslims claim. And apparently Allah, in his infinite kindness, does not require the rest of us mortals to do things that we are incapable of doing. And Muhammad has brought us the perfect life manual, the Quran, to help us in our quest, we are told.

Besides, a great inducement for me to check Islam out is the promise of eternal life in an indescribably lush sensual paradise of Allah if I make the grade. If I fail, I am told, my forever destination is the dreadful inferno of hell.

I have also checked out those schools of thought that say life starts here and ends here. End of discussion. Well, buying into the idea that I am going to end up as fertilizer in some desolate cemetery is not something I would like to contemplate. So, I kept looking into this Islam thing since I was born and raised in it. After all 1.5 billion people have bought into it. They can’t all be misguided, can they?

This quest led me to examine the teachings and life of Muhammad closely. And here are a few of my findings that have thrown me for a loop. Hence, I am sharing my findings with the readers in the hope that someone would supply me with explanations that would relieve me of my perplexities.

I have, in my quest, read, re-read, and read again the Quran—purportedly the literal word-for-word of Allah transmitted to Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel over the course of some 20 years.

Right away I am troubled. Is Allah the same creator who has created the entire universe by a single word of his mouth—kon va yakoon—be and became, as Islam claims? Then why did it take this magnificent all-knowing lightning-fast-Allah 20 years to get across a dime-novel-size hodgepodge of contradictory and nonsensical verse called the Quran, to us poor creatures?

Was it because Muhammad was illiterate and he couldn’t write them down? But that can’t be. He didn’t write down anything himself. He dictated to anyone who could write and was around at the time to do it. Therefore, in the course of some 20 years what is claimed to be the word-for-word dictates of Allah went through a number of intermediaries and materialized in several versions.

First the Archangel Gabriel whispered it to Muhammad, then Muhammad found some Arab who could write—not an easy find among the masses of the most backward illiterates of Arabia—and who happened to have a pen of some sort and a parchment to jot down what Muhammad still managed to recall.

Perhaps this does explain the several versions of the Quran that popped up after Muhammad’s death and the Caliph Othman’s choice of one as the genuine and burning of the others. The practice of burning books Muslims don’t like to talk about, goes all the way back to their venerated second Caliph, Othman.

Now, how could a fallible politician like Othman be the judge of Allah’s genuine utterances? Was there another Archangel that helped him out, or he just simply liked that particular version best? One thing you can say about Othman. He was an astute enough politician to realize that you can’t have one Islam with several versions of the word-for-word revelation of Allah.

Here is another problem. Even the chosen version of the Quran, if you can make any sense of it at all, reads like two different books. The early part is known as the Mecca Quran. This part is much about meekness, tolerance, kindness and so forth. This was the time that Muhammad’s wife Khadija—a monotheist Hanif, in contrast to polytheist idolater Muhammad—introduced her young troubled husband to her Christian uncle and exposed him to the teachings of Christianity that influenced his “revelation.”

During this early phase of his ministry, Muhammad spoke respectfully about the “people of the book,”—Christians and Jews, the people from whose book he liberally plagiarized to launch his monotheistic faith with the invaluable encouragements of his wife Khadija.

It was Khadija who convinced the young man that he was indeed chosen by Allah to be his spokesperson; that the jinn and angels communicated with him were parts of Allah’s plan for him.

Muhammad, during his Mecca years, was ridiculed for his confused sayings by his own tribe of Quraish. He was called shaeron majnoon—crazed poet. At this early stage he went by his birth name of Abulqasem. It was later that he took on the new name of Muhammad—Praiseworthy-One—to go better with his ministry.

Muhammad, having been judged as a hallucinating insane poet, was tormented by the Meccans in many ways. It got so bad, that after his wife’s death he left for Medina where a significant Jewish community provided a safer place for him to gather followers, build a powerbase, reveal his Medina Quran of intolerance and vilification, and launch his religion in full force and by brute force.

Once in Medina, Muhammad hit on a most powerful formula for success. He justified everything, on the spot, by saying that Allah wants it this way. And Allah was nothing to trifle with. He held the key to the most magnificent paradise as well as to the dreadful hell. The duty of a good Muslim became unquestioning obedience to everything that Muhammad said and wished. Muhammad became Allah’s gatekeeper to paradise and hell.

Muhammad’s formula worked magic with the Bedouins of Arabia who thrived on robberies and killings. His religion spread like a pandemic disease in no time at all. And here we are in the 21st century, at Christmas time, praying for peace and goodwill to men, while Muhammad’s men are working overtime to make sure that men see neither peace nor goodwill.

I would like to join the chorus of peace on earth and goodwill to men. Yet, deep in my soul, I find it my solemn duty to keep on sounding the alarm about the fire of Islam even at this poignant moment of Christmas.

Peace on earth and goodwill to men is a perennial prayer. It can be only when enough men and women of goodwill, with iron resolve arise and disempower the Islamist people of war and ill-will.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pakistani Muslims Defy Court Order, Continue To Build Mosque On Christian Cemetery, Graves Desecrated

It appears that the muslims seek to build a mosque nowadays anywhere they can find a way to humiliate, anger or defile Christians. We all know about the "in your face" desires of the islamists to defile the Ground Zero site in New York City but in Pakistan, there's a hard line group of radical islamists who decided that the very best spot for them to build a mosque was directly on top of a Christian cemetery and that the graves in the way just simply needed to be dug up.

Being the peaceful, law abiding types that the people on the Left in America portray them, these muslims in Pakistan decided to stop the desecration after a local governance decided it was wrong....but then they just said the hell with it and started the construction again. I'm sure the human rights activists in America would see no problem with any of this.

The story is from Compass Direct News:

Muslims Resume Building on Christian Graveyard in Pakistan

SARGODHA, Pakistan, September 1 (CDN) — Muslims led by a hard-line cleric on Friday (Aug. 27) resumed building on a Christian cemetery in Mandi Bhawaldin, desecrating more graves in spite of a local government order to halt construction, according to the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA).

Radical Muslim cleric Mirza Abdul Ghani had built a mosque on the Christian graveyard off New Rasool Road in Mandi Bhawaldin after allegedly occupying the land 16 years ago, when area Christians were too intimidated to object, said Salamat Zia of APMA.

“No one could object to the construction of the mosque, as it is in the constitution of Pakistan that no religious worship place could be demolished,” said Zia. “Therefore all the Christians remained silent then.”

The cleric’s alleged desecration of more of the graveyard land around the Masjid Ahle-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat mosque began three months ago, Zia said.

“This Christian graveyard was earmarked before the Indo-Pakistan partition on Aug. 14, 1947,” Zia added, “and their forefathers were buried there.”

Zia, a local journalist and resident of the Muhalla Ghorra area in Mandi Bhawaldin, said it initially appeared that Ghani’s workers were building an addition to the mosque, as only pillars had been erected. Now Ghani’s builders have completed a basement as well as possibly some shops, with cement plaster now being applied to the new units.

On Aug. 6 Zia led a seven-member Christian delegation intending to meet with District Coordination Officer (DCO) Muhammad Amin Chaudhary, another district officer named Syed Shahbaz Hussain Naqvi and District Police Officer Dar Ali Khatak of Mandi Bhawaldin about the encroachments on the Christian graveyard and to discuss how the graves of their loved ones were being demolished and desecrated.

As DCO Chaudhary was on leave, Acting DCO Shahid Rana took their application and forwarded it to the District Officer of Revenue and Tehsil Officer of Regulations with directives to visit the site and demolish all encroachments except the Masjid Ahle-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat mosque, Zia said.

After inspecting the site, the administrative officers issued directives to stop the illegal encroachments, and for a few days the construction was halted, he said.

“But despite the stay orders of stopping construction, the Muslim men restarted construction over the Christian graves on Aug. 27,” Zia said.

Khalid Gill, chief organizer of APMA in Punjab Province, said that Muslim leaders threatened Christians who objected to the construction.

“They threatened that in case Christians protested against the resumption of construction they would also carry out a protest rally against Christians, and Muslim clerics said Christians would be responsible for the consequences,” Gill said.

APMA has demanded that the government allocate land for a Christian graveyard equivalent to the area allegedly occupied by the Muslims.

Local Urdu-language dailies in Mandi Bhawaldin have publicized the alleged encroachment on the Christian graveyard.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mosab Hassan Yousef Video: Yousef's Conversion from Islam to Christianity

by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

Mosab Hassan Yousef is a Palestinian man living in San Diego, seeking political asylum. His father is a founder of Hamas, and today is in an Israeli prison. Mosab became an undercover agent for Israel’s Shin-Bet. He is credited with saving many Israeli lives, included thwarting an assassination of Shimon Peres.
Mosab Hassan Yousef

The Department of Homeland Security believes Mosab is a national security threat. He faces a San Diego Homeland Security Immigration judge on June 30th and faces deportation. Sending Mosab to the Middle East will mean certain death. Learn more about Mosab Yousef’s story at Save Mosab Yousef.
In the video below, Mosab explains how a chance meeting with a tourist in Jerusalem started him on a long journey of study, and eventual conversion.

This video is quite a story. For those of us who believe we understand the grace of Jesus Christ, it is difficult to contemplate what this very young man went through.

Visit Dark Skies Blog for the entire 6 videos. The following video is No. 5.

Mosab Yousef on His Conversion from Islam to Christianity (video)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

14 Yr Old Pakistani Christian Girl Raped and Kidnapped By Muslim Men

The onslaught in every muslim country against all infidel women and girls continues - the latest report concerns a Christian girl in Pakistan who was abducted, raped and held captive for months by three muslim men. Do not miss the point of all of this - this act of violence and intimidation was due to this girl's religion, her Christianity and that is all. We all know the fire drill of the islamists - convert and submit to islam or you will be killed or maimed (physically and/or emotionally) for the rest of your life on this earth.

The disgusting story is from Assist News.

Pakistani Christian teenage girl allegedly raped in captivity

Sidra Sarwar, a fourteen-year-old Christian girl, has been allegedly raped by three Muslim men and held in captivity for about three months, ANS has learned.

According to Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan (SLMP), Muhammad Khalid, a Muslim man used indecent language against her when she was walking through the local fields in August 2009.
The organization then alleged that Khalid and two accomplices kidnapped Sidra at gun point on August 28, 2009 at 5 pm.
The ministry said that each of the three kidnappers allegedly raped Sidra for a month. The SLMP said that Muhammad Khalid married Sidra after she became pregnant to avoid being prosecuted.
SLMP said Sidra managed to escape from captivity and reached her family on December 20, 2009.
“The poor family tried best to get a case registered against Khalid and his fellows but failed. After a month some Christian elders helped Sidra and pressurized local police and finally the Police First Information Report was registered against the culprits on January 20, 2010”, said Sohail Johnson, Chief Coordinator of SLMP.
Johnson told ANS that when police officers conducted a raid to arrest culprits they (the police) discovered that they had secured a pre-arrest bail.
The Christian rights activist told ANS that the culprits got away with rape and kidnapping after Muhammad Khalid produced wedding certificate in the court.
The SLMP said the police declared culprits innocent on May 13, 2010.
Mr. Johnson told ANS that Sidra is 8 months pregnant. He added, “The girl and her family are allegedly receiving threats from the culprits to stop them from pursuing justice”.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Islamist Murderers of Epytian Christian Acquitted of All Charges

I guess it will come as no surprise to most that the accused islamic killers of an Egyptian Christian were acquitted and set free by an Egpytian judge but the brutality of the murder and the aftermath almost begged for some sign of retribution to be paid.

Look at the depravity of this murder and subsequent abuse of the body:

“In broad daylight and in full view of witnesses, the killers fired 31 bullets to his head before beheading him, in the busy village market place of Attaleen, near Dairout, 313 kilometers south of Cairo,” said, The dead body was then dragged in the street, accompanied by shouts of victory.
“The judge presiding over the court on February 22, said that he was not satisfied that the testimony of the witnesses established that the imprisoned men were the killers. After the acquittal of Mohamad, Ashraf, Osama and Ahmad Hassouna, there was jubilation in the court room, with shouts of 'Allah is Great' and congratulations from all Muslims, including members of the state security forces who were present.”
The story is here at Assist News Service - the fact that this dead Eyptian Christian's body was dragged through the public streets by his killers and then, after hearing testimony of the identity of those who did it...the evidence is set aside is insane.

I guess it's one plus that the Egyptian judge didn't rule for acquittal and then add that the Christian deserved it.

Egyptian Court Acquits Muslims Who Beheaded a Christian

An Egyptian court in the southern city of Assuit acquitted this week four Muslims accused of killing 61-year-old Farouk Attallah on October 19, 2009.

This has been reported by Mary Abdelmassih in a story for the Assyrian International News Agency ( who said, “In broad daylight and in full view of witnesses, the killers fired 31 bullets to his head before beheading him, in the busy village market place of Attaleen, near Dairout, 313 kilometers south of Cairo,” said, The dead body was then dragged in the street, accompanied by shouts of victory.
“The judge presiding over the court on February 22, said that he was not satisfied that the testimony of the witnesses established that the imprisoned men were the killers. After the acquittal of Mohamad, Ashraf, Osama and Ahmad Hassouna, there was jubilation in the court room, with shouts of 'Allah is Great' and congratulations from all Muslims, including members of the state security forces who were present.”
She said that Christians were enraged over the acquittal, since similar cases would result in life imprisonment or execution for a Copt if the victim was a Muslim and came as another wake-up call to many Copts in Egypt.
According to Peter Sarwar, the plaintiff's attorney who told Mariam Ragy of Katiba Tibia Coptic site, “It sends a clear message that Coptic blood is extremely cheap. This acquittal will make permanent the present culture of impunity enjoyed by Muslim aggressors against Copts.”
Sarwat said the ruling was inadequate, as it acquitted the accused but did not say who the perpetrators are. “If these men did not kill, so who killed? The ruling should have referred the case to the general prosecution to present the perpetrators.”
Abdelmassih said that the Court based its ruling on quasi non existent proof, as well as the absence of “positive evidence” testimony versus the presence of “negative evidence” testimony.
“The judge refused to take into consideration the testimonies of the dead man's daughter who said she only saw one killer and not four, as well as the testimony of the Muslim man who was wounded in the shootings,” said Sarwat.
According to media reports, most people who witnessed the shootings in the market place refused to come forward for fear of vengeance from the assailants' family. There were false witnesses who confirmed that the killers were present at work.
“It is not enough to get a conviction based only on police reports which are full of legal loopholes and weak prosecution investigations,” said Sarwat. Legal observers have always claimed that the police purposely deliver to prosecution reports full of inadequacies and loopholes, thereby getting from the courts acquittals for Muslims.
What prompted the killing of Farouk Attallah was an alleged illicit sexual relationship between his son Romany and a local Muslim girl, Hagger Hassouna. A rumor that intimate photos of Hagger together with her lover Romany were circulating on cell phones in Dairout lead four members of the Hassona family to kill Romany's father, after failing to locate his son, who had fled.
Abdelmassih stated that besides the killing of Farouk Attallah, the arrest of the Hassouna perpetrators sparked on October 24, 2009, Muslim riots and collective punishment against all Copts in Dairout. Christian-owned shops, pharmacies, and homes were looted and burned.
“Although several hundreds Muslims participated in those riots, the police only detained 19, and these were acquitted on December 13, 2009 because of the lack of eyewitnesses and conflicting statements between the accused and the victims,” she said.
“The majority of Copts believe the reason for the acquittal of Muslims is that although Egypt claims to be a secular state, in reality it applies the Sharia law which dictates that a Muslim who kills a non-Muslim must not be killed, because it is not reasonable to equate a Muslim with a ‘polytheist’ (a Christian).”
Commenting on the acquittal, Dr. Naguib Gobraeel, President of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights, asked: “What is the solution? The same happened with regards to Al-Kosheh Massacre [21 Copts were slaughtered in 2000 and not one Muslim was indicted], the attack on the Copts in Alexandria were blamed on a mentally unstable person; even the assailant who beheaded Abdo Goerge Younan in Menoufiah is now in a mental hospital. Heavenly Justice is our last resourt.” He stated that he will appeal this week's verdict.
The victim's family was greatly shocked and saddened by the acquittal. “In spite of the blood of their slain family head filling the street, the Muslim killers got away literally with murder,” Sarwat said “It just shows how cheap Coptic blood can be.”
Sarwat asserted that he will appeal the ruling. “We cannot remain silent over this verdict as it has very serious implications for all Copts in Egypt.” He added: “It is not safe for Copts now, as any Muslims who wants to get rid of a Copt, would kill him, knowing well that in the end he will be acquitted.”

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in Bethlehem Destroyed by Israel?

by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook

I guess I haven't been paying attention the past few years. I didn't know that Israel has destroyed life for Christians in the town of Bethlehem to the point that Christians have left in a "massive flight."

Bethlehem - Manger Square

WorldNetDaily has this story, and I found it via AmerIsrael. According to WND's Aaron Klein, Reuters, the GuardianUK and others, are in the habit of reporting, each year at this time, the terrible treatment of Christians by Jews in Bethlehem. If you do not have time to read the portions below, or time to go directly to WND to read the entire piece, read the three paragraphs in bold text below, and you will get the idea.
TEL AVIV – Like clockwork, every year at this time reporters file misleading and, in some cases, outright false reports about the state of Christmas in Bethlehem [blaming Israel for the demise of the Christian population]. 

They claim Israeli policies have wreaked havoc on the city's economy and that Israel is responsible for the massive flight of Christians from Bethlehem. Yet the news media completely ignore Muslim intimidation and get their facts wrong on documented history and the true state of affairs in this ancient town.

A widely circulated Reuters article, for example, laments "Christmas cheer hasn't spread to all of Bethlehem's residents," squarely blaming "an Israeli wall" for the town's misfortunes. Britains' Press and Journal also paints a dismal picture of Bethlehem, claiming the city is "divided by a huge wall" and that the "26ft-high security wall completes the isolation of Bethlehem and prevents it from ever expanding." The piece also wrongly states that about 2 percent of Bethlehem's population is Christian.

An opinion piece by Austen Ivereigh in the London Guardian, meanwhile, also claims Bethlehem is "shuttered and depressed" by an "Israeli separation wall."

"I don't just mean the structure itself – 30 feet high, bristling with watchtowers and formed of grey concrete slabs – but where it is built, deep into the town itself, far into the West Bank, severing Bethlehem from Jerusalem and ensuring the relentless expansion eastwards of Jewish-only settlements built on land seized from Palestinian farmers," the Guardian piece claims. Regarding the "wall" that "surrounds" Bethlehem: Israel built a fence in 2002 in the area where northern Bethlehem interfaces with Jerusalem. A tiny segment of the barrier, facing a major Israeli roadway, is a concrete wall that Israel says is meant to prevent gunmen from shooting at Israeli motorists....

Amazingly, Ivereigh's piece in the Guardian falsely claimed: "Bethlehem is shuttered and depressed not because of Koran-wielding thugs but because the wall has smashed its economy. The town has become a ghetto, severed from lands to the north and west by the wall, and to the south and east by settler-only roads and a forest of checkpoints, leaving it barely able to trade."
Simple demographic facts disprove this contention entirely. Israel built the barrier seven years ago. But Bethlehem's Christian population started to drastically decline in 1995, the very year Arafat's Palestinian Authority took over the holy Christian city in line with the U.S.-backed Oslo Accords.
Bethlehem was more than 80 percent Christian when Israel was founded in 1948. But after Arafat took control, the city's Christian population plummeted to its current 23 percent. And that statistic is considered generous since it includes the satellite towns of Beit Sahour and Beit Jala. Some estimates place Bethlehem's actual Christian population as low as 12 percent, with hundreds of Christians emigrating each year.
As soon as he took over Bethlehem, Arafat unilaterally fired the city's Christian politicians and replaced them with Muslim cronies. He appointed a Muslim governor, Muhammed Rashad A-Jabar, and deposed of Bethlehem's city council, which had nine Christians and two Muslims, reducing the number of Christians councilors to a 50-50 split.
Arafat then converted a Greek Orthodox monastery next to the Church of Nativity, the believed birthplace of Jesus, into his official Bethlehem residence.
Suddenly, after the Palestinians gained the territory, reports of Christian intimidation by Muslims began to surface.

Christian leaders and residents told this reporter they face an atmosphere of regular hostility. They said Palestinian armed groups stir tension by holding militant demonstrations and marches in the streets. They spokes of instances in which Christian shopkeepers' stores were ransacked and Christian homes attacked. 

They said in the past, Palestinian gunmen fired at Israelis from Christian hilltop communities, drawing Israeli anti-terror raids to their towns.

In 2002, dozens of terrorists holed up inside the Church of the Nativity for 39 days while fleeing a massive Israeli anti-terror operation. Israel surrounded the church area but refused to storm the structure....

Some Christian leaders said one of the most significant problems facing Christians in Bethlehem is the rampant confiscation of land by Muslim gangs.

One religious novelty store owner recently told WND that Muslim gangs regularly deface Christian property.

"We are harassed, but you wouldn't know the truth. No one says anything publicly about the Muslims. This is why Christians are running away."
 The City of the birth of Christ, the birth of King David, and the tomb of Rachel is under Palestinian governance, and has a Muslim majority population.

In 2007 the city had approximately 25,000 residents with Christians making up 20% of the citizenry. With life made difficult for Christians, and the fact that Christians propagate at a much slower rate than Muslims, the Christian presence in Bethlehem is dwindling.

Read about Christmas observances by Christians in Bethlehem here and about the Church of the Nativity and the birthplace of Christ here.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Banned at the White House...before it wasn't

by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook

White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers told a group of her predecessors that the White House "did not intend to put the manger scene on display. This happened earlier in the year, but is just now breaking news. Rogers' comments indicating that the White House Christmas was banned...was before the White House reversed their decision and Christmas wasn't banned after all. See a video below.

White House Creche (between draperies) - previous administrations

Ms. Rogers, this participant said, replied that the Obamas did not intend to put the manger scene on display — a remark that drew an audible gasp from the tight-knit social secretary sisterhood. (A White House official confirmed that there had been internal discussions about making Christmas more inclusive and whether to display the crèche.)
I would like to know how the former social secretaries kept this secret. 

The report says "in the end, tradition won out...and the creche is in its usual East Room spot. What a sad, sad commentary for our country. Would you ever have believed that such a discussion would be possible in the house where the President of the United States lives?

White House Christmas Tree, Manger (Creche)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

One Allegation Of A Qur'an Defiled And Pakistani Muslims Slaughter Their Christian Brothers

Yep. One rumor leaks out that a Qur'an was "defiled" in eastern Pakistan and the islamists are on the rampage with another six Christian Pakistanis murdered because of it. Let's face it, it can't be a picnic to be a Christian in Pakistan to begin with but throw in some islamist, hellbent on venting some of his hatred, who decides to stir things up and now the Christians are being hunted like dogs. From the story at Breitbart, the "religion of peace" spreads its "love and compassion":

6 Pakistani Christians die in riots with Muslims

ISLAMABAD (AP) - Days of rioting between Christians and Muslims in eastern Pakistan following allegations that a Quran was defiled escalated Saturday, leaving six Christians dead, including a child, authorities said.
Members of a banned Muslim organization began torching Christian homes in the Punjabi city of Gora on Thursday after accusing them of desecrating pages from Islam's holy book, Federal Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti said.

"There is no truth in the allegation," he told The Associated Press, adding that he had himself visited Gojra on Friday and asked police to provide protection to Christians who were facing threats.
He accused the police of ignoring his instructions and said hundreds of radical Muslims on Saturday burned more Christians homes and killed six, including four women and a child.
Television footage from the scene showed houses burning and streets strewn with debris and blackened furniture as mobs ran at each other. Local media also reported gunfights had broken out between Christian and Muslim communities and that rioters had blocked the local railway line.
Pakistan is predominantly a Sunni Muslim state where Christians are a tiny minority. Although the two sides generally live peacefully, since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the U.S., pro-Taliban militants have periodically targeted churches and Christians, suspecting them of sympathizing with Washington.
Bhatti said the attackers belonged to the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba group, which is accused of launching attacks against the security forces and carrying out bombs attacks at public places in the country in recent years.
Punjab law minister Rana Sanaullah said authorities had investigated the allegation of a Quran being defaced "and our initial reports say that there has not been any incident of desecration."
Sanaullah said that although the situation had calmed down by Friday, "some miscreants and extremists entered the city today and pushed people toward armed clashes."
Another minister, Dost Mohammad Khosa, said the issue of the alleged desecration had been settled.
"Today, somebody opened fire at a peaceful rally that was passing by a Christian neighborhood. That made things worse. We are sure some miscreant elements have tried to exploit the situation," he said.
Faislabad Commissioner Tahir Hussain told local television that representatives of the two communities were to meet later Saturday in an effort to calm the situation.
"Let's hope for the best. The emotions of the Muslims are very high," he said. "And the Christians again they have faced the wrath and they have faced the casualties, and their emotions are also very high."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama: ' we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation '

Okay, I'm not going to go on and on about how infuriated the Christians of America are going to be over the President's announcement in Turkey that America isn't a Christian nation...or a Jewish nation...or a Muslim nation....but I did want to point out that in America, dear leader MaObama, there are approximately 280 million Christians in America - that's 280 million sir. Okay, how many people actually voted for Barack Obama in the Presidential election? Okay, now compare that to 280 million Christians. This will not go unnoticed. Anyway, here's the quote that I had to pull from a blog called AmericanFreeThought:

“Although…we have a large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”

Okay, what I want to point out to all of my readers isn't the lunacy of this statement nor the constant degradation of faith in America by Barack the way, remember the little church a block away from the White House that Barack and Michelle Obama stopped at on the way to the inauguration? Wanna guess how many times the Obama's have attended church SINCE he took office? Go ahead, make a wild guess.

What I want to point out to everyone is how the Main Stream Media has absolutely shunned themselves from this quote by Obama. SHUNNED themselves. They wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.

I got home, went to link to this story and could not find it at any of the regular sources or feeds. So I Googled it. I encourage you to go to Google right now. Type in "Obama America is not a christian country" and then go down the list of entries there and I defy you to find ONE national news network or reporting service - no AP, no Reuters, no ABC, no CBS, no NBC, no Fox, no nothing. Do it! Look for yourself.

And what this means is simple - this is going to piss off a huge number of people but as has been the case with Obama since the presidential campaign, the MSM is shielding us from any mistakes this goofball makes. Ridiculous.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

'Religon of Peace' Attacks Christian Church In Pakistan, 1 Killed and 28 injured

Those "peaceful" muslims, you the ones in Palestine that the world is now comforting and loading up with billions of dollars, are at it again folks. This time, members of the "religion of peace" have attacked a Christian church in Pakistan and in that attack killed one woman, injured 28 others, destroyed Holy Bibles and to make their message even more clear...removed the cross from the top of the church. Here's some of the details from Asia News:

One woman has died and 28 people have been injured in an attack on the Presbyterian Christian community in the village of Songo, in the district of Gujranwala, province of Punjab. The attack took place on the evening of March 2: at 8 p.m., a group of Muslim inhabitants opened fire on the faithful who had gathered in the church for prayer. The woman, named Shakeela, died on the spot, while other members of the faithful suffered injuries of various kinds while they were seeking to flee from the bullets or to protect the pastor. The attackers broke the windows of the church, destroyed the Bibles and the other prayer books, and removed the cross from the roof of the building.
The victims of the attacks say that this was a premeditated action, and recount that in the previous weeks they had received a number of threats from the attackers. The authors of the attack have been identified, and a report against them has been filed at the local police station. The Pakistan Christian Post says that for now, the security forces have turned down the request for investigations on the attackers. For this reason, the burial of the woman's body has been delayed, to permit an autopsy in evidence of the attack.
I see that the local police have decided to look the other way on this one...well, obviously it was just some filthy unbelieving infidel Christians that were attacked...that isn't worth following up on, right?

At what point across this world, will the majority just simply wake up? When will this facade about "moderate" muslims being the vast majority and 99% of world attacks being carried out by a tiny group of radical islamists finally give way to the truth. The truth is islam is the problem. No single radical jihadist told this gang of thugs to attack this church...hell no. The bloody Qur'an told them to do this - that is their justification.

That same islam commands these local police to ignore the death and terror. I've been asking these quetions for years now and I've yet to see the world wake up - there are days I don't think we ever will.

Muslims attack Christian community in Punjab

The victims of the attacks say that this was a premeditated action, and recount that in the previous weeks they had received a number of threats from the attackers. The authors of the attack have been identified, and a report against them has been filed at the local police station. The Pakistan Christian Post says that for now, the security forces have turned down the request for investigations on the attackers. For this reason, the burial of the woman's body has been delayed, to permit an autopsy in evidence of the attack.
The attack in Songo is added to a long list of violent events that are now being seen more or less everywhere in Punjab and in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP). The attacks are carried out by the Taliban, but also by ordinary people, and they are not coming to an end in the Swat Valley, where a fragile ceasefire has been attained by the government, thanks to the concession of introducing sharia in that district and in the district of Malakand.
During the night of March 5, the Taliban blew up 16 CD and DVD stores in Takhtbhai, in the district of Mardan northeast of Peshawar, the capital of the NWFP. It is one of the many places in the province that in recent months have come under the grip of the Taliban. In February, it was the theater of attacks against girls' schools, carried out by Islamic fundamentalists, and in spite of the fact that the agreement between the Taliban and the government provides for the reopening of schools to girls, many are afraid of fresh violence.
Since the beginning of the year, people have been abandoning the Swat Valley by the thousands. These include many families and a number of teachers, who have formally stated that they are going on vacation. One mother who left the district recounts: "All the best teachers from my children's schools have left. I do not think they will go back. According to my relatives there, many children have gone back to school, but there are now too few teachers."

Monday, October 20, 2008

Taliban Kill Christian Aid Worker In Kabul Because She Was Teaching Christianity

If you had any doubts about the true intent of the Taliban in Afghanistan, this story should set you right. A Christian aid worker, a woman of British and South African dual nationality was gunned down today in cold blood in Kabul. She was walking to work. Her work was helping handicapped Afghan civilians. And just WHY did she die? Look at the reason from the article at Breitbart:

A spokesman for the militants said the Taliban ordered her killed because she was accused of proselytizing.
"This woman came to Afghanistan to teach Christianity to the people of Afghanistan," Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press. "Our (leaders) issued a decree to kill this woman."

She was killed because she was Christian and being Christian doesn't fit the violent ideology of islam. And perhaps a few of you, maybe more, maybe a dozen, will start to agree with me that islam is NOT A RELIGION. This is a blood thirsty political ideology that gets its way via terror, murder and violence.

Here's more details from the article:

Taliban assailants on a motorbike gunned down a Christian aid worker in Kabul on Monday and the militants said she was killed for spreading her religion—a rare targeted killing of a Westerner in the nation's capital.
Gayle Williams, a 34-year-old dual British-South African national who helped handicapped Afghans, was shot to death as she was walking to work about 8 a.m., said Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary.

Britain's secretary of state for international development called the killing a "callous and cowardly act" and said Williams was in Afghanistan to help ease poverty.
"To present her killing as a religious act is as despicable as it is absurd—it was cold blooded murder," Douglas Alexander said in a statement.

To put it mildly, I am outraged over this. And quite frankly, I can't seem to type anything more than just kill every last single one of these Taliban bastards. Wipe them off the face of the earth.

Taliban gunmen kill Christian aid worker in Kabul

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Taliban assailants on a motorbike gunned down a Christian aid worker in Kabul on Monday and the militants said she was killed for spreading her religion—a rare targeted killing of a Westerner in the nation's capital.
Gayle Williams, a 34-year-old dual British-South African national who helped handicapped Afghans, was shot to death as she was walking to work about 8 a.m., said Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary.
A spokesman for the militants said the Taliban ordered her killed because she was accused of proselytizing.
"This woman came to Afghanistan to teach Christianity to the people of Afghanistan," Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press. "Our (leaders) issued a decree to kill this woman."
Britain's secretary of state for international development called the killing a "callous and cowardly act" and said Williams was in Afghanistan to help ease poverty.
"To present her killing as a religious act is as despicable as it is absurd—it was cold blooded murder," Douglas Alexander said in a statement.
A spokeswoman for the aid group, SERVE—Serving Emergency Relief and Vocational Enterprises—said it is a Christian organization but denied it was involved in proselytizing.
"It's not the case that they preach, not at all," said the spokeswoman, Rina van der Ende. "They are here to do NGO (aid) work."
Afghanistan is a conservative Islamic nation. Proselytizing is prohibited by law, and other Christian missionaries or charities have faced severe hostility. Last year, 23 South Korean aid workers from a church group were taken hostage in southern Afghanistan. Two were killed and the rest were eventually released.
According to its Web site, SERVE is a Christian charity registered in Britain and has been working with Afghan refugees since 1980 in Pakistan.
"SERVE Afghanistan's purpose is to express God's love and bring hope by serving the people of Afghanistan, especially the needy, as we seek to address personal, social and environmental needs," the site says.
A member of Afghanistan's highest religious council said Monday that rumors have spread over the last two years that Westerners have been preaching Christianity to Afghans.
"We have heard rumors that houses have been rented to preach Christianity in Kabul and some provinces, but we have no evidence that this is taking place," said council member Jebra Ali. The council previously has made a formal complaint to President Hamid Karzai that Westerners are trying to spread Christianity in Afghanistan.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Egyptian Cleric Calls Old and New Testaments 'Forgeries'

Just so I have this straight...this Egyptian geologist and cleric, Dr. Zaghloul Ragheb Al-Naggar, has determined that the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible are forgeries but yet his Qur'an is the world of the Almighty? He's saying that Mohammed, sitting drunk on a rock in the middle of the desert, the morning after he banged his nine year old wife, wrote the true holy words into a book? Oh wait, I forgot - the Qur'an is the actual words of allah in print. :smirk:

Look at the bullshit this asshat is spewing over at MEMRI:

"Allah, who sent down the writings of Abraham, the Torah, the Book of Psalms, the Gospel, and the Koran, did not send down a book called the Old Testament or the New Testament. These are man-made books about the old revelation, but they do not constitute the revelation itself. It has been historically proven that the Torah of Moses was completely lost. The first five books of the Old Testament, which people today refer to as the Torah, were written more than eight centuries after the time of Moses.
"I say to the People of the Book [i.e. Christians and Jews]: The books you have today are forgeries. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the original revelation. Seek the original revelation in order to be guided to the right path. This is the best advice I can give them, because faith is not a trivial thing in the life of a human being. This faith determines the life of eternity in the world to come - whether eternal life in Paradise or in Hell. This is not trivial."

Interviewer: "It sounds as if you are accusing the other of heresy."
Zaghloul Al-Naggar: "I'm not. All I'm saying is that these religions have turned into idolatry and heresy, as has been the case throughout human history.
"If you examine human history from Adam through the Prophet Muhammad, to this day, and until Judgment Day, what you will always find is monotheism followed by polytheism, belief followed by heresy. This has been the case throughout human history.

"The things the Old Testament says about the creation of Man are completely wrong."
Interviewer: "For example?"
Zaghloul Al-Naggar: "It says there that Allah said: 'Let us create Man in our image.' This has corrupted people's concept of God. No creature can be in the image of its Creator."
It seems like about every six months we get one of these islamist clerics who stands up and rips apart the foundation of Christianity and/or Judaism and smugly attests that they are corrupt and inferior relgions. And they just saunter off after doing so. Yet, when ANYONE in this world criticizes Islam, we have riots across the world, fatwas issued on cartoon writers, and the bombing of thousands of people in the name of the "true religion."

These clerics are simply the most demented of the bunch. It's my view that the longer a person stays in the grasp of the ideology of Islam, the more demonic they become. These clerics spend 24/7 reading the evil Qur'an and the demonic powers of that ideology take them over, slowly but surely. This is just another attempt by a minion of Satan to spew hatred across this earth. Judgement Day will be a busy time, I certain.

Internationally Recognized Egyptian Geologist/Cleric Zaghloul Al-Naggar on Al-Jazeera: Old, New Testaments Are Forgeries

"In the epistles of the New Testament, one of the apostles wrote a letter to his friend: 'My friend Theopolis, I went to Jerusalem, I bought two kilos of oranges, I had lunch with so-and-so, I had dinner with so-and-so, I met so-and-so, who sends his regards. What's up? Give my best to your aunt, your niece, and your sister.' Can this be called divine revelation?! This is folklore, not divine revelation. Divine revelation consists of divine injunctions and prohibitions, and does not include such things.
"The things the Old Testament says about the creation of Man are completely wrong."
Interviewer: "For example?"
Zaghloul Al-Naggar: "It says there that Allah said: 'Let us create Man in our image.' This has corrupted people's concept of God. No creature can be in the image of its Creator."
Response on Al-Hayat TV:
Al-Jazeera "Has Double Standards... When Islam Was Criticized on a Live Show, [It] Apologized To Its Muslim Viewers"
Presenter: "I call upon all Christians to join the protest against Al-Jazeera TV, which has double standards with regard to religions. When Islam was criticized on a live show, Al-Jazeera issued an apology to its Muslim viewers. This apology was public, even though the criticism was on a live show. At the same time, on a recorded program, they show - with full intent - a man maligning the Holy Book. Why? Because the Christians do not lift a finger."
"Sheikh Samuel": "Dr. Zaghloul, please tell us from where you quoted what we heard on Al-Jazeera. In all 66 parts of the Holy Book, there is not a single word of what you said. Please write or go back on Al-Jazeera, and tell us where in the Holy Book there is a letter that says that they went to Jerusalem, bought a kilo of oranges, and visited your aunts, and so on. What you said is shameful." [...]
"If a Christian Said Similar Things [About Islam], The Next Day He Would Be Led to the Slaughterhouse"
"Brother Wahid": "In Egypt, there is a law with regard to equality between people, so why isn't Dr. Zaghloul placed on trial[?]..."
Interviewer: "There is the law that forbids maligning religions."
"Brother Wahid": "It is part of the penal code, so why isn't he punished? If a Christian said similar things [about Islam], the next day he would be led to the slaughterhouse."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chinese Confiscate 300 Bibles From American Christian Group

Does China actually believe they can stop Christianity at its borders? Good luck with that guys. Here's part of the report here from Breitbart detailing how a small group of Americans tried to bring over 300 Chinese languarge Bibles into China for distribution and had all of those Bibles confiscated:

Chinese customs officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles on Sunday from four American Christians who arrived in a southwestern city with plans to distribute them, the group's leader said.
The Bibles were taken from the group's checked luggage after they landed at the airport in the city of Kunming, said Pat Klein, head of Vision Beyond Borders. The group, based in Sheridan, Wyoming, distributes Bibles and Christian teaching materials around the world to "strengthen the persecuted church," according to its Web site.

One of the Americans sounds a bit naive to how the Chinese work:

"I heard that there's freedom of religion in China, so why is there a problem for us to bring Bibles?" Klein said. "We had over 300 copies and customs took all of them from us."

And now, the hilarious part...look at what one of the Chinese officials said about the incident:

The officer, who would only give her last name, Xiao, denied confiscating the Bibles. She said authorities were just "taking care" of them and provided no further details.

It wasn't all that long ago that a LOT of things weren't allowed into China but how things have changed. China tried to keep the West out of China and it failed miserably and although the Chinese government tried to "regulate" religion in its land, that simply is impossible. It's been proven since the beginning of time that there is nothing to keep a people from their faith or from longing for the Word.

China confiscates Bibles from American Christians

BEIJING (AP) - Chinese customs officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles on Sunday from four American Christians who arrived in a southwestern city with plans to distribute them, the group's leader said.
The Bibles were taken from the group's checked luggage after they landed at the airport in the city of Kunming, said Pat Klein, head of Vision Beyond Borders. The group, based in Sheridan, Wyoming, distributes Bibles and Christian teaching materials around the world to "strengthen the persecuted church," according to its Web site.
The group arrived in China on Sunday and had intended to distribute the Bibles to people in the city, Klein told the AP in a telephone interview while still at the airport.
"I heard that there's freedom of religion in China, so why is there a problem for us to bring Bibles?" Klein said. "We had over 300 copies and customs took all of them from us."
The move comes as China hosts the Olympics in Beijing, where false media reports last year claimed Bibles would be banned from the games. The state-run China Daily reported last month that 10,000 bilingual copies of the Bible would be distributed in the Olympic Village, which houses athletes and media.
Bibles are printed under the supervision of the Communist government. The officially atheistic country only allows them to be used in government-sanctioned churches and in some big hotels catering to foreigners.
A woman who was on duty at Kunming airport's customs office confirmed over the telephone that 315 Bibles were found in the passengers' checked baggage.
The officer, who would only give her last name, Xiao, denied confiscating the Bibles. She said authorities were just "taking care" of them and provided no further details. She later said she was not authorized to speak to the media and referred questions to the national customs headquarters in Beijing, which did not answer phones on Sunday.
"We're not selling them; we give them free to the people," Klein said. "We didn't come to cause trouble, we just came to bring Bibles to help out the Chinese Christians."
The Bibles were printed in Chinese, he said.
Klein said the customs officers had told him that they could each have one Bible for personal use and not more than that. He said the officers had videotaped them and were insisting that they leave the airport.
"We don't want to go without taking those books. It cost us a lot of money to bring them here," Klein said. "They're saying that it's illegal to bring the Bibles in and that if we wanted to, we had to apply ahead of time for permission."
China faces routine criticism for its human rights violations and its repression of religious freedom. Religious practice is heavily regulated by the Communist Party, with worship allowed only in party-controlled churches, temples and mosques, while those gathering outside face harassment, arrest and terms in labor camps or prison.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Jewish Leader Says Evangelical Leaders Live In 'la la land" By Signing Agreement With Muslims

I couldn't agree with this Jewish leader more. Look at what a coalition of Evangelicals in the U.S. have signed up for from the story at One News Now:

At the conclusion of a recent four-day conference at Yale University, more than 150 Christian and Muslim leaders from around the globe announced the first step of the "Common Word" exchange drafted last November.

A statement released at the conclusion of the conference explains that "the intention behind the Common Word is not to foist the theology of one religions upon another or to attempt conversion."

Markell admits she is very skeptical about a pledge made by members of both faiths to spend one week per year sharing the "positive aspects" of the other's faith. "The mosques would talk about Christianity in a positive light. Christian churches would talk about Islam in a positive light," explains Markell. "...I don't believe there's a mosque in America that's going to say positive things about non-Muslims. And very sadly, I think they're will be evangelical pulpits that once a year will get up and say now here are some positive things about Islam," she laments.
And there you have it in a nutshell. The islamists have once again scored a coup against Christians in America. These Evangelical leaders, or fools as I would call them, actually expect muslims in America to sit in their mosques and praise Christianity? For pete's sakes, people, pick up a Qur'an and read the bloody thing! Christians are infidels and our only place in islam is to either convert to it or submit to it.

Jan Markell has it spot on and I give her credit for saying it. I'm disappointed in the first place with these Evangelicals in that they even shared a religious stage with the islamist charlatains. Not a one of them had the balls to stand up and question whether or not islam is actually a religion. This is further evidence of the dhimmification of America - something we have seen happen in Europe and now, our leaders are falling for the same "bridging" tactic the Europeans fell for. These Christian leaders think they are taking the high road here and reaching out while in essence, they are making their first pledge to bow to islam.

Evangelicals in 'la-la land' over Muslim agreement

The founder of a messianic Jewish ministry says evangelical leaders must be living in "la-la land" if they think Islamic imams will ever say positive things about Christianity, despite the release of a "cooperative statement."

At the conclusion of a recent four-day conference at Yale University, more than 150 Christian and Muslim leaders from around the globe announced the first step of the "Common Word" exchange drafted last November. The Christian representatives included the heads of both the National Association of Evangelicals (Leith Anderson) and the World Evangelical Alliance (Geoff Tunnicliffe). A statement released at the conclusion of the conference explains that "the intention behind the Common Word is not to foist the theology of one religions upon another or to attempt conversion."

According to a Reuters report, participants of the Yale gathering affirmed their support for freedom of religion and mutual respect. But Jan Markell, director of Olive Tree Ministries in Minnesota, has reservations about one particular aspect of the inter-faith agreement. Markell admits she is very skeptical about a pledge made by members of both faiths to spend one week per year sharing the "positive aspects" of the other's faith. "The mosques would talk about Christianity in a positive light. Christian churches would talk about Islam in a positive light," explains Markell. "...I don't believe there's a mosque in America that's going to say positive things about non-Muslims. And very sadly, I think they're will be evangelical pulpits that once a year will get up and say now here are some positive things about Islam," she laments.

Markell says the idea is "unrealistic, to put it mildly." She comments that these "evangelical" leaders apparently do not know that many American mosques are the breeding ground for radicals who are calling for the destruction of America and its takeover by Islam.