We all heard it years ago...Democrat after Democrat standing up on the House or Senate floor to villify President George W. Bush for the civil liberty "horror" of the Patriot Act. They shook they fists, they had spittle coming out of their mouth, their faces were red....they held up the U.S. Constitution and decried Bush for violating it. And yesterday, those same Democrats, those same two-faced hypocritical Leftists, voted to extend the Patriot Act and sent it to be signed by Barack Hussein Obama.
Here's some of the story from Reuters:
You know, if a guy put together a list of "failed policies" of George W. Bush and then compared those to the ones that the Democrats, now in power, have decided to keep in tact it would be amazing. Leftists in America simply are liars. Pathological liars. When the rubber meets the road, these clowns have amazing powers of amnesia. They continue to this day to villify the conduct of Conservatives who were in power and then proceed to act in the same manner...time after time. How in the sam hell does the Democrat party hold on to their base throughout this?
Well, the answer to that last question is easy. Leftists really don't care about policy or rights or issues - they have no real stance on the technicalities of governing...all they care about is power and oppression. In other words, as long as the Left can wield the power of the majority, anything goes.
Oh, and let me try to explain Bush vs. Obama on the Patriot Act and just why Barack Hussein Obama WANTS the Patriot Act extended. George W. Bush sincerely saw the Patriot Act as a way to curtail terrorist activity inside of America by radical islamic terrorists. Conversely, Barack Hussein Obama sees the Patriot Act as a valuable tool to be used against American patriots who, at some point in time, may find it necessary to challenge the legitimacy of Obama's Marxist takeover of America. That's the difference. And a big difference, no?
Here's some of the story from Reuters:
On vote of 315-97, the House of Representatives approved the bill, a day after it cleared the Senate. It now heads to President Barack Obama to sign into law.Let's just take a look at what the Democrats in Congress were saying about the same Patriot Act back in 2003, from The Boston Globe:
The Obama administration wanted to extend the measure because of provisions it says are important in tracking suspected terrorists, including roving wiretaps to track multiple communications devices. But some lawmakers wanted additional privacy measures to protect against abuses.
With the Patriot Act provisions set to expire on Sunday, lawmakers agreed to extend them for a year, and effectively put off a showdown on efforts to bolster safeguards.
Ten House Democrats, voicing concern that the government strike the right balance between individual rights and collective security, have asked for sweeping congressional hearings on how the Justice Department has made use of the Patriot Act and other antiterrorism powers.
"Critics representing a wide range of ideological perspectives have raised serious questions about how the Justice Department has used its legal tools, including the Patriot Act, to investigate individuals with no apparent link to terrorism," the lawmakers write. "At a time when the department is seeking additional powers in the name of fighting terrorism, we think the committee should review the impact of existing investigative authority and tactics on
innocent individuals and important political freedoms, including the rights to privacy and free speech."
You know, if a guy put together a list of "failed policies" of George W. Bush and then compared those to the ones that the Democrats, now in power, have decided to keep in tact it would be amazing. Leftists in America simply are liars. Pathological liars. When the rubber meets the road, these clowns have amazing powers of amnesia. They continue to this day to villify the conduct of Conservatives who were in power and then proceed to act in the same manner...time after time. How in the sam hell does the Democrat party hold on to their base throughout this?
Well, the answer to that last question is easy. Leftists really don't care about policy or rights or issues - they have no real stance on the technicalities of governing...all they care about is power and oppression. In other words, as long as the Left can wield the power of the majority, anything goes.
Oh, and let me try to explain Bush vs. Obama on the Patriot Act and just why Barack Hussein Obama WANTS the Patriot Act extended. George W. Bush sincerely saw the Patriot Act as a way to curtail terrorist activity inside of America by radical islamic terrorists. Conversely, Barack Hussein Obama sees the Patriot Act as a valuable tool to be used against American patriots who, at some point in time, may find it necessary to challenge the legitimacy of Obama's Marxist takeover of America. That's the difference. And a big difference, no?
Congress extends Patriot Act, no new protections
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to extend expiring provisions of the anti-terror USA Patriot Act won final congressional approval on Thursday, with Democrats unable to add additional civil liberties protections.
On vote of 315-97, the House of Representatives approved the bill, a day after it cleared the Senate. It now heads to President Barack Obama to sign into law.
The Obama administration wanted to extend the measure because of provisions it says are important in tracking suspected terrorists, including roving wiretaps to track multiple communications devices. But some lawmakers wanted additional privacy measures to protect against abuses.
With the Patriot Act provisions set to expire on Sunday, lawmakers agreed to extend them for a year, and effectively put off a showdown on efforts to bolster safeguards.
Democrats had sought changes to protect law-abiding U.S. citizens, but Republicans managed to tie up their efforts, arguing that changes would undermine the tracking of suspected enemies of the United States.
Democratic Representative Jane Harman opposed the extension, citing abuses of the law during the administration of President George W. Bush.
"While I strongly support using the most robust tools possible to go after terrorists, Congress must revise and narrow -- not extend -- Bush era policies," Harman said.
The Patriot Act was quickly passed by Congress after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
The extended provisions include: authority for "roving wiretaps" to track an individual's use of multiple communications devices; gaining access to certain personal and business records; and tracking so-called "lone wolf" suspects who are not members of an organized enemy group.
The provisions have been cited as necessary by lawmakers in the aftermath of the failed attempt by a Nigerian man to blow up a U.S. commercial passenger jet and the shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Texas by a military psychiatrist who had been communicating with an anti-American cleric in Yemen.