Showing posts with label Kosovo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kosovo. Show all posts

Monday, February 18, 2008

Liberal Leader Dion: Canada Must Recognize Kosovo

Okay, I have been torn about the Kosovo independence and thus I haven't written about it. I certainly am more than a bit squeamish about an islamic state in Europe but I have had more than the usual disdain for the actions of the Serbs over the years. It's a tough call - I am against any islamic country (yes, that includes Turkey as well) but to throw my support behind Russia is not my choice either.
But with that all being said, if Canada's Liberal flaming leftist leader Stephane Dion is for the Canadian government supporting an independent Kosovo, then I have to be against it. I have NEVER agreed with a single thing that has ever, ever come out of the mouth of Dion. He is a yellow belly, appeasing, jihadist-enabling coward. So, there you have my current position. Thanks for turning the tide for me, Stephane.

Here's the full story from Yahoo.

Canada must recognize Kosovo as a nation, Liberal Leader Dion says

QUEBEC - Canada should recognize Kosovo as a country in the same way that many other countries already have done, federal Liberal Leader Stephane Dion said Monday.
The United States, Britain, France and Germany are among the countries that have recognized Kosovo's declaration of independence on Sunday.
Dion said in Quebec City that the best way for Canada to deal with the issue is to follow the lead of the other countries.
He dismissed the arguments of Quebec sovereigntists who draw parallels between the Kosovo declaration and their own drive for independence.
"International recognition is difficult to get," Dion said.
"You have here a population requesting its independence unanimously," he added, referring to the Kosovars. "Nobody will contradict that. They have been victims of very, very serious negative attacks from the former state, Serbia."