Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Why Children Should Not Play In Traffic!

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

This story has traveled around the world a few times already. At first it seems to be another let's make Israelis look worse than Jack the Ripper. But when the video hit, the story is different.
Two Arab children from the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem were injured after they were hit by a car driven by Elad director David Be’eri. Be’eri, head of a group that advocates for Jewish families to live in the predominantly Arab neighborhood, claimed that the youths were throwing rocks at his car and he hit them accidentally in an attempt to flee from the area.

“His car was surrounded with tens of people with rocks,” Elad spokesman Udi Ragones told the Jerusalem Post. “When they started throwing them, and he hit them when he tried to flee from the area. It seems that they were lying in wait and the ambush was planned with rocks, it may have even been a lynch situation. He felt his life was in danger.”

Elad director David Be'eri, claiming he was ambushed by Arabs, injures two kids with car; "He felt his life was in danger,” Elad spokesman says.

Two Arab children from the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem were injured after they were hit by a car driven by Elad director David Be’eri. Be’eri, head of a group that advocates for Jewish families to live in the predominantly Arab neighborhood, claimed that the youths were throwing rocks at his car and he hit them accidentally in an attempt to flee from the area.

“His car was surrounded with tens of people with rocks,” Elad spokesman Udi Ragones told the Jerusalem Post. “When they started throwing them, and he hit them when he tried to flee from the area. It seems that they were lying in wait and the ambush was planned with rocks, it may have even been a lynch situation. He felt his life was in danger.”

An Al-Jazeera video clip and AFP photos from the incident show just four youths with rocks surrounding Be’eri’s car, and then two youths getting hit. One was lightly injured, and one was in moderate condition. Both were evacuated to Moqassed Hospital in the area.

Be’eri lives in the area and was on his way home with his son at the time of the incident, Ragones said. Be’eri was taken by the police for an investigation, and later released on bail. An investigation is ongoing, lead by an examiner with the police’s traffic division. Police are using photos from the incident in their investigation.

Ragones said the incident took place less than 100 meters from where a private Israeli guard for the Jewish residents shot and killed Samr Sirkhan, an Arab resident who was throwing stones, about three weeks ago. The shooting prompted widespread riots in east Jerusalem, which injured ten people. Over 50 Arab residents arrested in the week that followed for violent incidents.

Elad, a Hebrew acronym which means ‘To the City of David,’ is a right-wing group that has operated in Silwan since 1991. They support 62 Jewish families living in the area, and are not connected to the controversial Beit Yontaton building, home to an additional eight Jewish families. Elad also runs the City of David archeological park, which hosts more than 400,000 visitors per year.

Be’eri, 57, established the City of David foundation in 1986 to explore ruins from the Second Temple period. Since then, the archeological dig has angered Silwan’s Arab residents, who accuse the organization of making a land grab.
The Arab Press claims that the boys were just playing with their rocks when they were hit by the Israeli Car Lunatic Israeli Settler on purpose. Guess which version of the truth the MSM and State Department is going with. Even after viewing this video:

Palestinian parents send their children out to throw stones at cars, at Israeli soldiers, at Israeli civilians. When they do the so-called media are there with their cameras ready to "document" the atrocity that the Israelis are performing upon the "innocent" Palestinian children. Thus if all you saw was the photo on the top of this post, you would believe the worst. Yet by viewing this video we see that the children were being directed instructed by an adult on the etiquette of rock throwing.

We also see the child running towards the car, throw a rock then get hit by the car. One can then deduce that the whole purpose of this child's action was to throw a rock at the car regardless of the consequences of his action. He is very lucky. For if that car had been going faster he would have ended up with either major injuries or death (In accordance with Muslim beliefs he is unlucky. For if he had been killed he would have been declared a Shahid and received his 72 virgins.). As it is, this child didn't even want to go to the hospital. In fact was trying to do everything not to get into the car (As seen in the video). Plus if he had been very badly hurt, he would have been bleeding very heavily and an ambulance would have been called.

So for the MSM it was just another incident to blame Israel, Israels and Jews for Nazi-like behavior. To those of us who have viewed the video and saw the truth for ourselves it just reaffirms the truth:

Children Should Not Throw Stones OR Play In the Street!!