Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2009

PDX: Upcoming Wonderful Things!

Of course I'm going to this:

September 19, 2009
Visit Vegfest 2009 Website
October 3rd, 2009 = Fakin' Fest! A potluck style celebration of vegan bacon and bacon flavored delights! Awards for Favorite Dish, Most Creative Fakin' Dish, and best Pop Culture Pig costume! There's talk of a tempeh bacon speed eating contest!
Donations will go to Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary, which I visited last year.

Maeve and I decided to put this together on a whim after hearing about Baconfest, ewww - Come join the vegan fun! Tempeh Bacon! Coconut Bacon! Seitan! Tofu! Eggplant!!!

The somewhat official site is here: Fakin' Fest 2009
The Facebook Event is here.

Tempeh Bacon is the best, Am I Right?

October 16, 2009 = The Next Apron Activist Dinner, hosted by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. I've dined and volunteered at these in past, and they're always fantabulous. And for a cause! This time, it's for Monkeys.
Check out the menu and more information about the Chimp Sanctuary Northwest Dinner here.

The delicious tempeh dinner from a past benefit

Hello! - look at how much fun Katie Jayne & I had!

I'm sure something SUPER FUN was coming out of our mouths at this moment, or some extreme praise about the dinner...

Speaking of fancy dinners, later this month, I'll also be going to an exclusively vegan, multi-course, family style dinner at the newly vegan-friendly, esteemed Belly Timber in SE Portland. I'll report back, for sure! My first meal there was lovely.

Red Cabbage Gazpacho from Belly Timber

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

PDX: Oregon Jewish Museum Festival with Veggie Food Carts - First Thursday!

I must confess, I don't think I've ever gone to First Thursday on purpose before. I've wandered into it, and been tempted by events at Backspace, but until this week, I don't recall ever writing down in my planner GO TO FIRST THURSDAY. So this week marks a change - my friend Caitlin is interning at the Oregon Jewish Museum and passed on information about their Mirror Image First Thursday Street Party. Besides a friend's involvement, there will be music, dancing, it's free! and there will be six veggie food carts! If that's not a call for a vegan cart groupie, I don't know what is.

Check our their flier:
The veggie carts include New Leaf Salad, Fat Kitty Falafel, Spud Locker, Staccato Gelato & Voodoo Donuts. Leah from OJM let me know that the vegan sauces are back at Fat Kitty, too! Personally, I'm stoked to finally try New Leaf! Salad is good.

Oh hey, Voodoo Donuts.. Confession #2: I think I prefer their cake donuts.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Long week?

First off, let me remind anyone in or around the Portland area that VegFest is this weekend, actually starting tonight. I'll be volunteering tommorow morning myself, and then staying to check out demos, talks and booths - featuting Julie Hasson, Bryanna Clark Grogan, Herbivore, Field Roast, Amy's Kitchen, Food Fight! and TONS more. Here's a coupon, as well:

And, as usual, here are some recent meals from my kitchen:

Veganomican test kitchen Whole wheat fettucine with eggplant, breadcrumbs and a fresh tomato sauce. Topped with tofu basil ricotta.

Spicy peanut soba noodles with sauteed tofu, carrots, caulifower and bok choy.

Pizza night! Roasted garlic marinara, tofu basil ricotta, roasted asparagus, black olives, chopped mushroom, tomato and pineapple. My boyfriend was on a liquid diet for the day and then saw this...

Cookies for a ppk cookie swap! Veganomican chewy chocolate chocolate hazelnut chip and my peanut butter biscotti.

Silly blogger disabling my comments....