Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Monday, December 01, 2008

comforty gluten-free vegan mac and cheeze.

Gluten Free Mac and Cheeze with Broccoli

Despite a fondness for vegetables and garlic, I had a embarrassingly bland appetite growing up. I sidestepped the constant Italian meals of my childhood with a hatred of marinara sauce and ate a ton of noodles with butter and cheese. I know that American children aren't known for their palates, but I was somehow even wary of traditional and boxed macaroni and cheese! Let's blame the orange color and the presence of fancier cheeses in my house.

The infamous blue box wasn't a part of my diet until college. Once I learned the wonder of mac and cheese, I became a devotee, and remain so as a vegan. I'll even publicly mention my love for the (still bland) convenient 123s and Chreese of my later college years, that I still pick up from time to time. On Thanksgiving, I made for the second time a gluten free version of the lower fat adaptation of the acclaimed New Farm Mac and Cheeze I posted last year here.

I went to a small and predominately gluten-free dinner at a friend's house for Tday and was worried the dish might seem boring, but it went over well and I thought it looked beautiful - you know, for mac and cheeze.


I've been sick of wheat pasta for a while now, and really dig how ridged rice pasta can stand up in this baked dish. I legitimately find myself preferring it with rice pasta. I never saw that day coming over a year ago. It was a really easy dish to make gluten free - it doesn't quite warrant a new post with that simplicity, but for clicking's sake, I'll post it here:

In other vegan comforty news, Vitasoy Peppermint Chocolate Soymilk has competition. Or a friend - on store shelves.

I tried the new Westsoy version at my friend's house on Thanksgiving and knew I'd have to get some for myself soon - thank you People's Coop for having it for $1.99!
It's even sweeter and peppermint-y than the Vitasoy I stashed all summer. It's at least temporaily my new favorite.

Does anyone else enjoy saying "glutey free"?

Monday, November 24, 2008

More Damn Vegan Pecan Pie

Yo! I've moved to a new domain:

It has pages of information, in addition to normal posts! Oh my gosh!
Please update your bookmarks.


jess sconed.

Vegan Pecan Pie - adapted via Todd x on the PPK/Millenium Cookbook (thanks for the update!)

Oops, I did it again? I made another one of Toddx's vegan pecan pies. And quoted a bad song.

This time with a chocolate graham cracker crust with a chocolate maple ganache on top. I brought it to a Vegan Thanksgiving themed potluck with some Roasted Garlic mashed potatoes and went home empty handed and incredibly full.

The slightly adapted recipe for the pie is available here on the Try Vegan PDX website for download. I opted for some chocolate-ness because I was leaving the optional booze out.

Smovely Inspiration.

Okay, back to being anti-holiday girl. Pie good.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm taking Thanksgiving off!

With Thanksgiving a week away, I'll openly admit that I don't have any desire to cook a vegan feast this year.  Every year I'm less enthused - I'm not into holidays as it is, I live alone, and I'm going to my dear friend Michelle's of The Spice Must Flow for a vegan Thanksgiving style potluck soon anyway. 
Blah, Blah.

And I helped teach Try Vegan PDX's Cooking Vegan for the Holidays class last weekend, which was a blast and gave me a chance to break out my obligatory Sweet Potato Pie Casserole and associated jokes for the year.  Chelsea of Flavorvegan was magnificent and I appreciate all her help in talking me through it!  

But as for me on Tday, I'm likely going to settle in with take out and my cats and not cook!  Take that, America.  

But if you're relentlessly curious to see what I have cooked in the past - check out my posts from the past two Tdays, featuring squirrel shaped biscuits, apple cranberry crumb pie, apple cider soaked tofurkey (never again) and more: 

For more inspiration, check out Strawberryrock to read about Maeve's holiday ideas and Bryanna Clark Grogan's Canadian feast blogpost here.

Here are some shots by Chris (here's his flickr for more) of Try Vegan PDX from the cooking class.....Thanks for the shots!

General prep table

I'm pouring brown rice syrup for the pecan pie...  
(tip - lightly oil your measuring cups before measuring something sticky)

Pecan overload!  Group prep stations.

Chelsea's Flavorful Gluten Roast 

originally from the Post Punk Kitchen forums

Does my handwriting irk you?
"and Jess" is cut off...

Monday, November 10, 2008

I say "Peecan" Pie.

And my friends laugh at me.  I'm from New York, sorry!
Again, this post is mostly relevant to those in the Portland area - there is a new sign up page for the Cooking Vegan for the Holidays Class this Sunday.  
Please register or email if interested~

Secondly, the tator-tot-licious Hungry Tiger Too has unveiled a newly updated vegan menu.  Go check it out and let Stumptown Vegans know what you think!  I'll be going very soon myself.

And for everyone - Todd X's Pecan Pie is a great vegan achievement, though I hear Sweetpea's unveiled a new pecan pie that is also the shit.  I also keep hearing about their new sticky buns and have yet to investigate, huh?

This weekend I made it again in preparation for Sunday's class for some lucky hungry friends:

Vegan! Pecan! Pie! Bourbon!  

I also served some impromptu roasted potatoes.

Roasted Yukon Gold, German Butterball and Yam with sea salt, 
Spice Depot Hot & Spicy seasoning and canola oil.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Attention Portlanders!

Hey Portland area readers!  I know there's a few of you out there....  

If you're addicted to learning about the vegan culinary arts like me, or simply want some vegan holiday meal inspiration, come to the Cooking Vegan for the Holidays Cooking Class on November 16, 2008.  

It's being presented by Try Vegan PDX and is being taught by Chelsea of Flavorvegan and myself.  Oh, my.  Come watch me forget how to speak but still mash some sweet potatoes with pizazz.

What: Cooking Vegan for the Holidays, a Thanksgiving Cooking Class.

When: November 16, 2008 at 3pm.

Where: Cleveland High School at SE 28th and SE Powell.  Map.  

The Food: We'll be making Thanksgiving Gluten Roast, Sweet Potato Pie Casserole and Pecan Pie.  There will be tastings of more holiday food at the end!

Materials Fee: $10 in advance, $15 at the door.

Register and reserve a space at Try Vegan PDX or call 503-772-7983. (SITE UPDATED!)

 Sweet Potato Pie Casserole

Let me know if you have any questions!  If you guys don't fly out from around the continental United States for this I'm going to be very upset.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

T-day prep..

T-day prep begins...the simple pastry crust from Veganomicon is in the fridge as I type, waiting to become mini pies.
I had no real prep that I *had* to do the night before, for our simple meal.
Well, the meal won't be simple, but I'm really thinking of it as perhaps, an extensive weekend meal, eaten early, just cooking for two. Since the Sweet Potato pie has already been made and eaten at this past weekend's potluck, I have no more emotional attachment to this holiday besides calling my brother, sister and grandparents (if any of them answer the phone..)

Check out the BIG earth balance containers. I picked up another one yesterday at the coop, because honestly the container on the right has one pat left. But still! Tons of earth balance in this house. I like buying the larger ones (cost $8.99, plus coop discount), so I don't have a ton of empty small ones kicking around. Time to finish the Hazelnut Liquour & Soymilked coffee Thomas just put in front of me..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mmmm, brown sugar

Full sized Sweet Potato Pie Casserole, pre-baked.
You can see my extra sprinkle of brown sugar on top. I also added at least another cup's worth of pecans on top, and some cinnamon to the mash.

November 017

I had worried that I was bringing too much sweet potato pie casserole to my friend's vegan Thanksgiving potluck this evening, even though she thought 20ish people were coming - who wants to lug a dish across town and then home again?
Fortunately, I came home with a serving or two left, just the right amount for leftovers. After making such a giant amount of these, from giant yams, no less, I've decided that I'm set for the holiday season. Perhaps I'll make it again for xmas, but I'm good for Thursday.

November 018

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vegan Contests! & Thanksgiving Plans

Hi guys, I didn't want to rush a VeganMoFo post today, so I thought I'd share these two contests that Amy over at Vegcooking and GoVeg told me about....

from her email:

1. Win Vegan Twinkies!

The Brooklyn based bakery, Vegan Honey, has donated one $40 gift certificate to their online shop. There you can find all kinds of vegan baked goods, even a Fauxstess Line that includes vegan Twinkies! It’s too cute. All you have to do to win is leave a comment about your favorite vegan dessert on the VegCooking blog, and the best comment wins.

2. Win Veggie Turkey in Time for Thanksgiving

We are giving away four Garden Protein Veggie Turkey breasts, that are stuffed with wild rice and cranberries, to one lucky winner. It’s simply enter to win, and the winner will receive their “turkey” in time for Thanksgiving


Speaking of Thanksgiving, this will be my 5th Vegan Thanksgiving, and here's my tentative menu for 2:

  • VWAV biscuits and gravy
  • Roasted garlic mashed yukon gold potatoes
  • Steamed string beans
  • Stuffed mushrooms -or- tempeh meatloaf (Thomas wants the mushrooms, I want to try the meatloaf)
  • My mom's Sweet Potato pie casserole
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Mini apple pie
  • Mini pumpkin pie
If you're in the mood for some vegan thanksgiving food porn, check out my post from last year here, featuring the Tofurkey I will not opt for again.. What are your Thanksgiving plans? As you can see, I am adoring the idea of cutesy individual pies.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

thanksgiving, schmanksgiving!

Slice of Apple Cranberry Crumb Pie, spritz of Soyatoo

Compassionate Cooks recipes for Pumpkin Pie - made with my CSA sugar pumpkin.

Apple Cranberry Crumb Pie (I am so very proud).

Vegan with a Vengeance oval biscuits, poppy and sesame squirrels

I picked up a tofurkey on sale at People's Coop in SE Portland. I had tried it last year, and enjoyed it - it wasn't horrible, but I don't think our experience will warrant another purchase AT ALL.

Ours marinaded (ala Webly) for 2 days in sparkling apple cider, braggs, garlic, thyme and olive oil.

Pre-roasting, with chopped shallots and red kuri squash, topped with freshly ground peppercorns.


Sliced, showing you it's damn bland stuffing.

Thomas made Bryanna Clark Grogan's maple cranberry sauce - my absolute favorite dish of our feast..

Roasted Garlic and more garlic yukon gold potatoes.

More biscuits! Crescent rolls and squirrel shaped.

Balsamic Glazed Cremini Mushrooms (these were huge)

Steamed fresh green beans with sea salt.

Yup - another Sweet Potato Pie Casserole, topped with a cinnamon stick. I tried to slightly differ the design on this one.

Feasting plate.

This toasted ciabatta- baby spinach - cranberry sauce, stufing and tofurkey sandwich was both the day after's leftover dinner and this morning's breakfast. There are still two big ole tofurkey slices (chunks) left, and we're not fighting over them..

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

bbq bbq bbq bbq

All of the barbeque sauce you will notice in this post is a test recipe for next fall's new PPK book.

Indeed, I may never buy bottled sauce again.
Collard rolls filled with bbq sauce, black eyed peas, cremini mushrooms and more chopped collard greens - another test recipe. I accompanied it with breaded and fried tofu (breadcrumbs, sesame seeds, nutritional yeast, sea salt, pepper, spike & sweet paprika), hot sauce and maple mustard roasted red kuri squash, yukon gold potato and turnip.

BBQ seitan ribs, steamed kale with squash seeds and sea salt, corn and raw carrots. The rib recipe is from, available here.
I've made it a bunch, and guarantee how easy it is!
Baked BBQ tofu squares, short grain brown rice and grilled yellow bell pepper and green beans. The veggies were tossed in olive oil and lemon juice before grilling (all grilling in my apartment takes place on my small George Foreman grill, by the way).
  • The tofu was marinaded in braggs and a little bit of maple syrup and chopped garlic, baked at 400F for 15 minutes on each side, and then baked for 10 more minutes on each side after being brushed with a lot of sauce.

Pre-vegan, I had a big thing Gouda. So much so that I've eaten gouda, in Gouda, when I studied in the Netherlands.
So, I made some Smoked Gouda from the Uncheese Cookbook. It doesn't really taste like gouda, it's more of a savoury spread, but it has that smoked-quality and it did the trick for wine snacking.

Baked tempeh bacon, field greens, brandywine sliced tomato (no it hasn't gone bad!), some smushed avocado and Vegenaise on fantastic artisan rye bread from New Seasons - organic, to boot!

Roasted Garlic Tomato Rice soup - Tommy's new favorite soup? This is also from the Post Punk Test Kitchen. I see us making it A LOT this winter.
Wheat-free chocolate chip cookies from The Real Food Daily Cookbook. The were a little too oaty for my tastes, but were good enough when heated. There's a half a plate just sitting on our kitchen table, though..
I currently have this book out from the library and have 2 more recipes in mind..

Now, as you can see, my blog is primarily a vegan food porn blog, however, I couldn't find my battery charger last Sunday and made something I'd like to tell all of you lovely people about because I was really proud - I'd never worked with filo or dried mushrooms before.
It was a varaiation of a recipe from the Real Food Daily book, which in turn is a variation on spanakopita . They were stuffed triangles of organic fillo dough, filled with roasted garlic tofu ricotta (vwav - though there is another recipe in RFD), sauteed spinach, wild mushrooms and bell pepper with garlic and oregano. I also made some with ricotto and sauteed eggplant, and a few with 'gouda' and black beans. To dip, I had homemade sundried tomato sauce and a spinach/basil pesto. And that's that.. onto t-day meal ideas
- next weekend I'm going to a vegan potluck and the Vegan Holiday Festival here in Portland.