To my delight, I was contacted by Purely Decadent recently for the sole purpose of eating coconut ice cream and dishing about it here.
Not being entirely selfish, I decided to invite several PPKers over after a lunch meet up and share the decadence.
To start, the package of their coconut ice creams was fed-exed with dry ice to my office:
Cookie Dough, Chocolate, Coconut, Vanilla Bean and Mint Chocolate Chip
Note to the world - do not touch dry ice!
I set up the ice cream station with dark chocolate sprinkles, organic chocolate syrup, water and a fresh Peach Cobbler.
Overall, I enjoyed how these weren't as heavy as Coconut Bliss, for better or worse (aka eating half a pint for dinner). The Vanilla Bean was my personal favorite, and even the Mint Chocolate Chip escaped being victim to too much coconut.
The winner of the day seemed to be the Cookie Dough and Chocolate.
The Vanilla Bean ontop of a small piece of warm chocolate cake or brownie would probably blow my mind.
As for the cobbler, I made it with local peaches I picked on my birthday weekend. It is the recipe from Vegan with a Vengeance, and somehow I'd never made it before.
The Veganshizzle enjoying her dish:
I am back from Seattle and had fantastic time. I'll try to post about it before leaving for Monterey Bay, CA for work this weekend - let me know if you have any tips for there or San Jose - and don't forgot about VeganMoFo starting October 1st!