Showing posts with label A Crafty Natter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Crafty Natter. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Pink exchange

All the way from Australia, here is the pink exchange piece I received from a member of A Crafty Natter forum. Took me a little while to work it out but it is a person holding fabric and needle. It reads, 'Have you caught the cross-stitch bug?'


and here is the back:


The piece I sent to a different member in Australia is actually the needlekeep I posted a tutorial for lol.

IMAG1817 IMAG1819

Sunday 25 December 2011

It's Today!!! It's Today!!!

25th December!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

merry christmas

Here is my last Advent Exchange present from my exchange partner and I love it!!! I was so eager to open it that I forgot to take a picture of it wrapped...

25 basket


25 pin cushion

A gorgeous sewing basket with pin cushion, scissors and scissor fob, under the lid is a felt patch with some heart pins too.

So here are all the advent pressies I've received over the past 25 days...

advent exchange


And to all the other exchangers who also received some gorgeous pressies, aren't we a lucky bunch of ladies!

Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 10

Another Advent Exchange update and we are at Day 10! Almost half way there! Today I have some gorgeous black ribbon with gold stars...

IMAG1535 IMAG1536

Friday 9 December 2011

Day 9

Another day and here's a gorgeous felt flower brooch, I love it!

IMAG1523 IMAG1526

Thursday 8 December 2011

Day 8

Day 8 of the Advent Exchange and here is what I received today! Can't wait to find a cool project to use them on.

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Wednesday 16 November 2011

WOW it's been a while

I am sorry to say I have neglected my blog.

I have been so busy creating things that I have forgotten to post you all updates!

Firstly - Joey and I went to Derby with my mum to see all our lovely friends from A Crafty Natter which was a blast! Mum and I raided the charity box again, of which the money raised goes towards fabrics for making quilts for charity. Also took Joey to the Space Centre too which he loved!

Secondly - I've sold my cute little panda phone charm! He was just so adorable, however whilst in Derby I made 2 more in CHUNKY wool so they are a little bigger.

Thirdly - I finished my Advent Exchange and finally got it in the Post after some shuffling around with parcel weights.

I've had an ornament exchange to stitch for on A Crafty Natter and a Secret Santa piece for a group on Facebook.

Hopefully I can start posting pictures soon.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Just realised I have a lot of updating to do.

Firstly I need to post my TUSAL update for September.

Tell you all I have new items in my Etsy store and I've relisted those that I hadn't realised had expired.

Show you the prep pages for my Sketchbook for the Sketchbook Tour.

And After tonight let you all know what is happening with Craft Club as we meet for the first time today.

I'm sure I've missed some things out. I really want to show you the things I've been making for my partner in the Advent Exchange at A Crafty Natter but they won't be received till Christmas.

I have been making so much and creating new Etsy store items, I'm so excited about the new items for my store I hope you like them too!!!

Tuesday 16 August 2011


I joined 2 postcard swaps before my holiday. The first being a swap on ACN stitching forum. Here are the postcards I received from the swap including one from Norway and one from Canada. 9 members in total sent a card from their local area to all the members. I myself sent a second card to each participant whilst on my holiday in Mallorca too.

ACN postcard exchange

The second swap was 'Liberate your Art' of which 5 art postcards were sent to Kat in America and in return you received 5 postcards from other people in the swap. Here are the 5 cards I received...

Liberate your Art Postcard swap

As I was on holiday, I don't know the order that they arrived so this is pretty random.

#1 received from Ann

#2 received from Terrie

#3 received from Peggy Richards - Unfortunately I have no blog address for Peggy.

#4 received from Chelsea

#5 received from Marji

Thankyou for a lovely swap ladies!

Sunday 17 July 2011

Craft Day and a UFO update

Today I took my car to Melton Mowbray with my mum and Joey, to have a craft day with some of my stitchy friends from A Crafty Natter and here is what I managed to get done...

Here's a pink panda I crocheted after borrowing a crochet hook from Colly, I added the eyes when I got home:
IMAG1034 IMAG1033

Tribal butterfly had a little stitching done too:

I also finished a secret piece and stitched on my Star Wars UFO:

Overall it was a lovely day and the kids behaved so well, the beauty of modern technology and portable games consoles.

See Rachael over at Stitchabilities for some pictures of the day including one of me :)

Sunday 10 July 2011

Samurai UFO

More stitching on Samurai this week and I've almost got to the end of this red section, it'll start turning purple the further down I get... before and after:

IMAG0932 Samurai update

ACN Birthday Exchange

This week marked the group A Crafty Natter's 4th birthday so we arranged a fabric and thread exchange and here is what I received from Wendy in America:

Polstitches hand dyed fabric Daybreak, Dinky Dyes Hand dyed silk thread, DMC threads 3805, 3817, B5200.

Here is what I sent to Rachael, (I borrowed Rachael's picture as I forgot to take one myself):

Birthday exchange
Sparklies hand dyed fabric, Slighty Nutty, 2 x Blanc DMC, 2 x 310 DMC

Sunday 3 July 2011

UFO update

This week I have stitched on my Star Wars piece again as I haven't been home most of the week and forgot to pick up Samurai. So here is another update:

Star Wars UFO update

Believe it or not I've stitched 4 colours in that bottom bit and it all looks the same.

Sunday 26 June 2011

UFO update

This week's update is on the StarWars piece. I've not been able to do very much although have filled in a little on the inside so that's good:

star wars ufo update

Tuesday 21 June 2011

A happy happy day!!!

Firstly big thing today was my driving test and ... I passed!!!!!


Secondly I finished this cute little cat for a charity quilt on A Crafty Natter.

cat square for charity quilt

Thirdly I made a big cake yesterday and Joey enjoyed licking the spatula but didn't actually help!

IMAG0938 IMAG0937

In a good mood big time!!!

Sunday 19 June 2011

UFO update

This weeks UFO was Samurai Warrior again so here is my update for the week.

Before and after:

Samurai Warrior IMAG0932

Sunday 12 June 2011

UFO Night

It's Sunday and the last day to post pictures of our UFO for the week. Last week I worked on my auntie's Samurai Warrior and this week I've gone back to my StarWars piece. Thought it would be best to alternate between the two as one is on black and the other white, as well as the Samurai being all blended threads so one strand of one colour stitched with one strand of another. Anyway here is StarWars for this week! Unfortunately it is a poor photo.

Star Wars UFO update

Saturday 4 June 2011

UFO Night

But this week my first post is of a different UFO. This one acquired from my auntie whom started it before my son was born, he is 6 1/2 years old now. It is a Samurai Warrior for my uncle and she is hoping it to be done by christmas.

What it will eventually look like:

Samurai Warrior UFO

What my auntie had stitched:

Samurai Warrior

And what I have stitched:

Samurai Warrior

I might be able to squeeze in some StarWars stitches tomorrow, we shall see!

Friday 20 May 2011

UFO Night again

Here's another update on my Star Wars UFO. It seems as though I don't stitch on anything else anymore, so have dug out some of my crazy 15 projects to get some more progress on them too. I currently have 'Share a Smile' which I shared an update of a little while ago and the other is 'Sunny Day'.

Ufo update

Saturday 14 May 2011


UFO update for this week.


Monday 9 May 2011

UFO again

Here is my UFO update for last weeks UFO Night: (Picture can be clicked for enlarged view)

Star wars ufo update
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