Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Going GAGA

I've seen some of the students using the blending tools on Photoshop recently and thought I would give them a go as I haven't really used them before. As I have a postcard from to send to a GAGA fan I figured it might be nice to make a GAGA postcard using photoshop and here is what I came up with:

GAGA montage

Picture is clickable for bigger size.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Spring has sprung!

On my way home Tuesday I just had to take some pictures of these gorgeous daffodils!

Daffodil IMAG0551


I'm thinking of putting the main picture into photoshop and seeing what I come up with.

Thanks for looking.

Saturday 19 February 2011


Yesterday was Teacher Training at work so here is what I got up to... Apart from clearing out all the old year 11 work which hasn't been collected, we also had a play on Photoshop to get to grips with the new version.

filigree blk & wht

filigree blk

filigree hollow

seaside box

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Some Uni work...

Had a presentation yesterday where I had to present my concept and ideas for my final collection and as it went kind of well I thought I would share the work that I showed my tutors. All my stitching friends will be very intrigued as to how it will all work. The last is a colour board. If you are having trouble seeing them clearly I have linked them to appear larger also.








Thanks for looking.


Friday 19 December 2008

Last day!!!!!

Well today was my last day of Uni and to finish it off I drew up an illustration of the dress I have to make over christmas. Not sure what colour to do it so just picked a nice colour for my work. I drew the picture and scanned it into the computer at University before filling in colours and smudging them in photoshop to create the effect I have for the fabric to represent a blend.

I hope you like it.


Thanks for looking.


Friday 7 November 2008

Learned something new...

I use a programme called photoshop at university to do illustrations and things. Anyway I learned a new trick today. It's a sort of filling in/repairing tool. I used a picture of the purple fabric manipulation I did last week and repeated it using this tool so that it looks as though it is all one piece of fabric.

Here is what I came up with.


I also changed the filters a couple of times to get different effects. Here they are.

Coloured pencil and plastic wrap.

Photobucket Photobucket

Thanks for looking.

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