Showing posts with label Joey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joey. Show all posts

Monday 31 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Mothering Sunday started with a rush... not only had the clocks gone forward and so losing me an hour's sleep, but as I attended a silver clay course on the Saturday evening, I had to pick up my little monster from my parents before heading to his karate grading.

Having been asked to make a tiara to show off some prom dresses, here is the first in my series.
Using freshwater pearls, mother of pearl hearts, AB coated glass rondelles and a fair bit of wire. I completed this whilst my little Joey was at his karate grading for his first full belt.

My monster completed his grading with a big smile on his face and his new karate license too.

We then went out for dinner at an all you can eat chinese and tried several different dishes which was heaven! Joey even spotted a little doggy at our table too! Amazing shadows from the tablecloth!

I also received a lovely bunch of tulips, a box of celebrations and some Lady Gaga perfume too, one lucky mummy!

Monday 25 November 2013

My little monster is now 9!!!

Today Joey celebrated his 9th birthday, my how time flies by so far now.

Receiving the new Disney Infinity game and characters he couldn't wait to play it and we immediately started editing his toybox and completing missions on the Monsters Inc level.

Here he is with his birthday cake, made by my sister. I think it's safe to say we Love Minions!!!!!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Look what I did!

Have been meaning to get this done for a while now, think I've had the frame for at least 6 months maybe and finally dug out enough photos to fill it. I have only one gap left to fill...


Saturday 3 December 2011

Movie Director? and a garden visitor

Forgot to post these pictures of Joey at Currys back in September. He decided he wanted to try all the video cameras out so here are a couple of snaps of the new up and coming director!



Here are a couple of dragonfly pictures also from September, the washing was out on the line and this quite large dragonfly decided to purch on a white bedsheet. It stayed completely still and I was able to get these really nice close up images.



Monday 28 November 2011

Joey's new scooter

One of his big presents for his birthday, came from our newly acquired cousins and he absolutely loves it! Thankyou so much for his massive smile.


Sunday 27 November 2011

Joey's Birthday Party

This year Joey has had his first ever birthday party.

Joey with his cake and friends at PartyManWorld


The cakes I made the morning of the party


I should really take some more pictures of everything he got for his birthday.

His main present was the new Skylanders game from myself and then characters from my sister, friend and various other people, he even spent some of his birthday money on them too.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Space Centre

My mum and I took Joey to the International Space Centre in Leicester after visiting A Crafty Natter meetup in Chaddesdon, Derby. He was running around the centre from one space thing to another and really enjoyed the 'We are astronomers' film.

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We also found this little chap in the light cage for the spaceman.


Sunday 23 October 2011

Little Frankie

Last weekend my auntie, uncle and cousin came over for dinner with little baby Frankie. Isn't he adorable, he just loved Joey! We took them to IZUMI which is a chinese buffet, pretty much in the middle of nowhere next to a ski slope.

little cousin Frankie and Joey

little cousin Frankie and Joey

Saturday 3 September 2011


My son that is...

Went to a bootsale to sell and I give him £2 to buy himself something...

5 minutes after he walks down the row a few cars, he comes walking back with something for me instead.

To my surprise he bought this...


And his reason behind his purchase??? Because we both like golden retrievers. He's actually really cute but he has a flower pot and I live in a flat, with no garden...

I have lavender growing at home but it needs sunlight all the time so it's on my windowsill and puppy won't fit on the windowsill. Sooo what to do with him, well he's by my front door to greet people when they arrive but still with an empty pot.

Sunday 10 July 2011


We went to Currys yesterday and Joey decided he wanted to watch Megamind on one of the 3D teles and I just had to take a picture of him wearing the glasses as he just looked so funny.

Joey in 3D glasses

Saturday 9 July 2011

New Shoes

This time for Joey and don't they look great! He had to wear them out of the shop too...

Joey's new shoes

Monday 27 June 2011

Joey's lost something

Can you tell what it is???

1st tooth

Tuesday 21 June 2011

A happy happy day!!!

Firstly big thing today was my driving test and ... I passed!!!!!


Secondly I finished this cute little cat for a charity quilt on A Crafty Natter.

cat square for charity quilt

Thirdly I made a big cake yesterday and Joey enjoyed licking the spatula but didn't actually help!

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In a good mood big time!!!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Joey's mask

Joey attended a group called Campaigners with his friends on the 9th June and I've just realised I haven't posted a picture of his mask he made which to be honest is actually quite scary.

What do you think?

Look how scary!!!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Puppy and a picture

Joey has now had his new friend for a week and he spends most nights in his bed with him which is really sweet.

Joey and his new puppy buster

Also Joey made this picture at school and yesterday afternoon they had an open day thing with an art exhibition in the main hall. Isn't my little boy so clever!!!

Joeys picture from his school art exhibition

Thursday 31 March 2011

New arrival

After going to the doctors on Wednesday I took Joey to the local gorge as they have a visitors shop. Here is what he picked out. I do love the bunny!

Goodies from local gorge

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Hats, hats, hats

I am in the process of taking pictures of my christmas presents I received although, many have been put away already etc. These are the hats my sister bought for myself and Joey. We believe Joey's is a shark of some kind as it has a pointy nose and the eyes are wide. Mine we think is a kangaroo but aren't too sure, what do you think?

Hats my sister bought us for xmas

And here is Joey wearing my one.

Joey wearing my hat

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Pretty flowers

Look what Joey did to my hair today after playing on the school field after school he found plenty of daisies to decorate my ponytail.

Look what joey did to my hair

Joey's Lush experience

Joey had a mud mask done at Lush the other day courtesy of a friend of mine and came home with a bag full of goodies. Here is the first item in his goody bag, a bubble bar that you crumble under the tap.

Joeys bubble bar Bubble bar

As you can see it produced quite a few bubbles.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Geocache #3

Today we found Joey's first geocache box. Despite the rain it was a good walk and part climb but got there in the end. He left a Pingu phone and took the blue magnet he is holding.

Joeys geocache #3

Thanks for looking.
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