Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts

Monday 11 November 2013

Trees, Trees, Trees...

Finally got around to taking pictures of the gemstone trees I currently have potted. They all create a little forest in the shop, Craft Candy, so had to borrow them back... I am currently uploading them to Etsy, now that I have a way of posting them.

Can't believe I've now made 15! There are only 8 here. I have another demo tree in the shops still, have given away 2 as presents last year and sold one to my SlimmingWorld Consultant. I also have 2 that currently haven't been potted as yet. I absolutely love making them!

This is my favourite so far...

 Millefiori chips and silver plated wire.

Saturday 12 October 2013


It's taken a month but I've finally finished my biggest jewellery piece yet.

Pink Agate slabs and silver plated copper wire strung on brown organza and pink satin ribbon. Also now listed on my Etsy store.

I was inspired by Abby Hook, an amazing wire work artist, after reading her masterclass book. I started with wire-wrapping an ammonite and then a blue Agate slab (below) before attempting this biggy. I wear the Ammonite pretty much every day.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Spring Exchange

Here is the cushion I made for the Spring Exchange on Etsy team British Sellers on Etsy. I actually finished and sent this back in March but for some reason, again I missed sharing it. So here it is.



I made the multi-coloured panels by stitching some scrap fabrics from my TUSAL jar onto a white cotton square, then layering some off-cut threads from the same jar, a piece of lace (not from the jar) and pleating a rainbow organza on top before using some fancy stitches on my sewing machine to compact it all. Then machine stitching flowers on top and sewing on buttons. The centre of the cushion is the trimmed edge from the fabric I made.

It's a technique I had been looking to try since starting the TUSAL jar over a year ago and this gave me the perfect opportunity to do so. I see many more being made in this way as I have a new jar for this year too...


I have sold the Vintage orb lamp I put on Etsy. Thank god it is staying in England. I now have to try and package it so nothing breaks and get it to the Post office asap. With the Bank holiday weekend and my dad taking Joey and I to see Marvel Avengers Assemble on Tuesday after school, I won't get it to the post office until Thursday unless I send it with my mum to work, but that's a long way to carry a heavy box (Strand, London).

Anyway I hope it's new owner loves it as much as we have and it has pride of place in their new home.

Friday 13 April 2012

Vintage lamp

I have just listed this gorgeous vintage lamp on Etsy as my parents no longer have anywhere for it and I am unable to house it in my flat with a 7yr old running around.

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Sunday 8 April 2012

Look at this loveliness!

I just fell in love when I saw the original of this business card holder from Morethancolors on After speaking to it's maker Michelle, we found the perfect colour combination of glass to create one that will show off my black and white business card holders. I absolutely love it and it will look amazing on any stand I hold at any craft fair :)



Saturday 25 February 2012

So excited!

When I was told my BSoE (British Sellers on Etsy) exchange piece was on it's way to me I couldn't wait, but was also nervous as my piece still isn't ready to send, struggling with making something 'spring' related has really got me in a knot. Anyway here is the parcel I received from the North of England which immediately went up in my window.



Monday 13 February 2012

New items

Have just uploaded these earrings to my Etsy store. Some of you may remember them from when I was in my last year of University working on my last Learning Contract.

Made from plastic canvas, velvet fabric, sewing thread, a metal eyelet and silver plated earring hooks. I finished the backs with some felt to cover the plastic canvas. I think they've come out OK. What do you think?

cross stitch peacock feather printed velvet earrings

I am also in the process of uploading a matching necklace and a button necklace to make the button bracelet I have in the same fabric.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Recent sale

This will be making it's way to The Netherlands this afternoon to it's new owner. I hope they like it.


Tuesday 24 January 2012

Geocaching again

Finally managed to get to a geocache site again and found this little thing not far from home.

Geocache #4

Also the hat Joey is wearing came in the post today from America. Etsy seller: Ann Knobeloch and Etsy store: Anniekscreations. He does love the Angry Birds games!

Thursday 22 December 2011

A little something extra

When I had a request for 2 'I Love Edward' and 2 'I Love Jacob' bracelets I was ecstatic! And then realised I didn't have enough of Bella's truck charm to complete a fourth bracelet. Well I finally received some more and finished up the last bracelet, however there was a delay in my sending it due to needing the extra charm and so made these earrings as an extra for my buyer. I hope she likes them.


Tuesday 6 December 2011

Another sale!

I've sold some Twilight inspired bracelets! YAY! I only had one of each listed however was asked to produce two of each which is great that someone has asked for more than the amount listed!!!

I love Jacob twilight charm bracelet

I love Edward twilight charm bracelet

Saturday 3 December 2011

One of my most resent sales

I've been selling a lot of notebooks recently, particularly the guitar notebooks I have, but I've also sold some jewellery pieces recently including these flower tangle earrings:


Friday 2 December 2011

Dark Phoenix

On Etsy there is a team called Doodlers Doing Doodles and the leader Cindy aka TheSlumberingHerd has begun posting themes every few weeks to get our inspiration flowing.

This weeks is Rise of the Phoenix so here is my take on the theme using my favourite medium of black pen on white paper...


Wednesday 16 November 2011

WOW it's been a while

I am sorry to say I have neglected my blog.

I have been so busy creating things that I have forgotten to post you all updates!

Firstly - Joey and I went to Derby with my mum to see all our lovely friends from A Crafty Natter which was a blast! Mum and I raided the charity box again, of which the money raised goes towards fabrics for making quilts for charity. Also took Joey to the Space Centre too which he loved!

Secondly - I've sold my cute little panda phone charm! He was just so adorable, however whilst in Derby I made 2 more in CHUNKY wool so they are a little bigger.

Thirdly - I finished my Advent Exchange and finally got it in the Post after some shuffling around with parcel weights.

I've had an ornament exchange to stitch for on A Crafty Natter and a Secret Santa piece for a group on Facebook.

Hopefully I can start posting pictures soon.

Friday 28 October 2011

2 more happy customers

I have also had two Etsy items arrive with their new owners who are thrilled with them, both purchased as gifts which is just wonderful!

Firstly my one-of-a-kind flower bookmark.

And secondly one of the Marc Bolan guitar books.

I'm so happy! I just hope my new items are popular too.

Abstract Attraction Treasury #9

I had to create this treasury after seeing all the gorgeous work today. They aren't in the same format or media but the colours are as vibrant and they give off the same movement as Kerry's pieces. I hope they can do it some justice...

Tuesday 25 October 2011

New Etsy items

Snowy white bracelet with ice blue beads.

Twilight inspired jewellery.

Doodle books previously mentioned below.

Hope you like the new items.

It all started with a Big Bang Treasury List #8

As I absolutely love the show I thought I would make a collection of items to represent it so for all you Big Bang Theory fans out there, ENJOY!

Dreaming of a Fairytale ending Treasury List #7

I'm still waiting for my fairytale ending so here is a list to get you dreaming of yours.
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