Showing posts with label craft club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft club. Show all posts

Thursday 24 May 2012

Craft Club

One of the girls in Craft Club today made a bag and it is totally usable, so I thought I would share it with you. From start to finish she has designed the panels and drawn them up with fabric pens and sewn all the outside of the bag together herself. We were short on time so I put in the lining for her and attached the handles but it's come out lovely. She also made a cushion too.

IMAG2100  IMAG2101

Thursday 22 September 2011

Craft Club - picture heavy

Today I've made up a logo for a craft club I am hoping to run very soon at the Secondary School I work in. It has also become my next piece for my sketchbook challenge. The idea of the logo has 'UNFURLED' throughout these stages to the finished product... Might even have to get some t-shirts made now.

Step 1 - in my sketchbook:

Step 2 - traced onto A5:

Step 3 - traced on A4:

Step 4 - traced in pen and coloured with promarkers:

Step 5 - traced and altered:

Step 6 - a bit of erasing on Photoshop:

Step 7 - corrected a little and a different idea:
step7 step7-2

Step 8 - Final correction and tidying up:
step8 step8-2

Step 9 - Colour!!!
craft club3

So what do you think???
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