Showing posts with label geocaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geocaching. Show all posts

Sunday 29 January 2012

Geocaching again

And 2 in one day! Firstly 'Woodview' where daffodils are popping up:

Geocache #5 IMAG1718

And secondly 'Danger High Voltage' atop a cliff of all places!

Geocache #6



Those of you who live local to me will know roughly where this is.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Geocaching again

Finally managed to get to a geocache site again and found this little thing not far from home.

Geocache #4

Also the hat Joey is wearing came in the post today from America. Etsy seller: Ann Knobeloch and Etsy store: Anniekscreations. He does love the Angry Birds games!

Sunday 27 February 2011

Geocache #3

Today we found Joey's first geocache box. Despite the rain it was a good walk and part climb but got there in the end. He left a Pingu phone and took the blue magnet he is holding.

Joeys geocache #3

Thanks for looking.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Geocache #2

The walk was very muddy but Joey had his welly boots on and loved every minute of it! He left a toy car and took Match Attax cards.

Joeys 2nd geocache

Thanks for looking.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


For those of you who don't know what that is, don't worry I only found out on Monday. People hide boxes with log books and sometimes items which you can trade with your own, they then post the coordinates online at and people set out to find them and log that they've found it.

Joey and I had originally gone to find a micro one on Monday after school however we didn't have any compass type equipment to help us find it. Today, Joey's dad came with us and having an iphone quickly found a compass app to help us. So we trekked up to the woods and set about finding this hidden 'cache'. Joey loved looking through all the leaves and when we finally found it he had a big grin on his face and couldn't wait to open it.

Here he is holding the box, unfortunately we can never get a proper smile from him as he squints his eyes, but this is quite funny:

Joeys first geocache box

Now that I have found a compass for my HTC we will see if we can find the micro one we were unable to find on Monday.
If you fancy having a go in your local area then sign up to and join in the exploring. It beats just going for a walk to the middle of nowhere for no reason.

Thanks for looking.
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