Showing posts with label Happy Dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Dance. Show all posts

Saturday 12 October 2013


It's taken a month but I've finally finished my biggest jewellery piece yet.

Pink Agate slabs and silver plated copper wire strung on brown organza and pink satin ribbon. Also now listed on my Etsy store.

I was inspired by Abby Hook, an amazing wire work artist, after reading her masterclass book. I started with wire-wrapping an ammonite and then a blue Agate slab (below) before attempting this biggy. I wear the Ammonite pretty much every day.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Tatty Teddy Finish

I finally finished this Tatty Teddy from Cross Stitch Crazy, it was one of two SAL's on Facebook group Cross Stitch friends in the UK which ran from February to April.

Started February 24th:
Tatty teddy start

Continued again from April 26th:

And finished today, April 30th:

Was a quick stitch actually if I had continued with it when I first started it lol.

Friday 22 April 2011

Happy Dancing!!!!

I did it! I did it!

Mademoiselle is complete!!! I can rest at last lol.

Mademoiselle ufo finished!

Not my cup of tea as I've said but it doesn't look too bad.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Double Happy Dance!

I have completed two projects today, one being a new piece having picked up the chart at the Stitch & Craft Show, I had to order the fabric (I ran out of cash) and start as soon as it arrived! It's a gorgeous opalescent in greens and yellows, but the picture really doesn't do it justice. Both chart and fabric are by Sparklies.

gecko finished

Next is Day 4s project from the Crazy 2011 challenge, Lavender Hill. I switched the white thread on the sheep to the whispers thread used in 'The Gathering room' also by LHN. You may remember I finished it as a cushion for Rachael in an exchange on ExchangeHeaven, and this will also become a cushion.

lavender hill finished

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Doing the Happy Dance!!!

My second Happy Dance for the 2011 Challenge!!! Day 1's project is now finished and I have a matching set of bookmarks. Pictures are clickable for larger views.

1. Tiger bookmark finished!

Lion and Tiger bookmarks

They are both meant to have a green stitched border, but I think they look nice as they are. Thanks for looking.

Sunday 30 January 2011


This is from an old christmas card my grandmother sent Joey and I in 2009. Unfortunately it had chocolate milkshake spilt on it and I had to take it out of the card, however I have saved it by washing it and turning it into an ornament for my tree this year. I even added my grandmother's initials and the year, it came out a little smaller than i thought but it should look great on my tree with all my other handmade ornaments.

christmas ornament

Thanks for looking.

Thursday 20 January 2011

5. Bollocks & a Happy Dance

Continued with my Urban Cross Stitch piece 'Bollocks' and finished it so this is my first crazy finish of the year although my second happy dance of the month lol.

5. Bollocks - finished

Thanks for looking.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Happy Dancing!!!

Following my post for the UK cross stitch friends UK SAL I have finished the bookmark I was working on. The last stitch went in last night as I was watching Mamma Mia in bed :). So a total of 3 nights stitching overrall as the before picture was only one night's stitching lol.

Anyway here is the finished piece!

Thanks for looking.

Friday 29 October 2010

The Usual Suspects

Started this stitching on Wednesday whilst on the trains and buses etc so here is the first pic after day one:

After day two I only had two sets of eyes left to finish so I got those done this morning:

So that's another small finish for 2010!

I must say the amount of thread in each kit is not enough for a beginner to complete it. I have been stitching many many years now and can optimize my thread consumption for a project yet I only had a little of each colour left over except for white and dark blue. My optimising meant using one strand and folding it in half to create 2 using the loop start method.

Anyway kit is available from Urban Cross Stitch.

Friday 3 September 2010

Happy Dance...

I finished my hedgehog!!!!! I know it was only small but I just had to do something to keep me busy for a little while. Finished on the 27th August and I have just remembered I haven't posted the pic so here it is!


Thanks for looking.


Tuesday 25 May 2010

HUGS to all my friends!

My mum finally gave me the finished HUG piece for me to make up into a cushion so during the week I washed it, and ironed it, then on Friday I trimmed it and made it into a cushion. Shame it's not for me but it will be well received.


The fabric I used for the back is pink gingham. Thanks for looking.


Wednesday 31 March 2010

Doing the happy dance!

I have finished my travelling cross stitch this morning. Ended up with Sudoku for my journey home but I have found another freebie kit to stitch on my travels lol.

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

Thanks for looking.


Sunday 4 October 2009

A happy dance!

I have finished my Mackintosh UFO!


mackintosh 10 close up

Thanks for looking.


Thursday 2 July 2009

UFO Happy Dance!!!!!

I finally got the threads from HobbyCraft on Monday. HobbyCraft unfortunately doesn’t sell Madeira threads and I couldn’t find a nice green one online that wasn’t on a spool, I decided to go with 2 strands of Gutermann machine thread Col.400 to outline the green stars, but stuck with the DMC metallic red E815 for the red stars, the same as the Wizard.

Here is my witch finished at last.

Here is a close up:

Hopefully I can now find a matching frame to go with my wizard.

Thanks for looking.


Saturday 2 May 2009

Looney Tunes everywhere!

My RR has now been stitched on by all stitchers and has arrived back today! I absolutely love it! A great piece! I can't wait to stitch in the centre. I may even create some suqares to fit the corners with more characters. So many ideas!

Thankyou to all the lovely ladies at A Crafty Natter that stitched on it.


Thanks for looking.


Thursday 23 April 2009

Colour Exchange...

This is the piece I made for the colour exchange on Exchange Heaven.

My partner was Susan and her colour choices were Red, Green / Blue. I had a quick look at her blog and chose to stitch this flowery design, #692 from my ‘Repertoire des Frises book’ and make it into a biscornu, adapting the pattern to create the bottom panel.

biscornu front

biscornu back

I am so pleased with how it turned out. I have loved stitching it and can’t wait for the next one. So glad you like it Susan!

I managed to take pictures step-by-step for another tutorial although I pretty much made it in the same way as the others.

Thanks for looking.


Wednesday 8 April 2009


As Elisa has received my exchange piece for the food & drink exchange on Exchange Heaven, I can now show you what it is that I sent.

These gorgeous cupcakes came from the Cross Stitch Gold and were absolutely lovely to stitch. I finished them off with beads that I got from the Stitch & Craft Show. Here's a close up:

I also sent along these goodies I found.
Some extra goodies - a pen, badge, stitckers and a postcard

And wrapped it all up in matching paper:
All wrapped up ready to go

I'm so glad you like it Elisa! I had so much fun stitching them that in part I didn't want to let them go lol. No matter I will stitch more! I also made up a finishing class for this piece too so check out the finishing blog!

Thanks for looking.


Tuesday 7 April 2009

Another finish!

I finally made up the Baby feet stitching into a wall hanging yesterday.


Thanks for looking.


Monday 6 April 2009

Some froggies...

I started this on Thursday 26th March at a cross-stitch event and after 3 hours this is what he looked like:
after 3 hours

After another 4 hours he looked like this:
after another 4 hours

And finally here he is finished along with his friends:
my square on rach's RR Rach's RR finished

I put him in the post today so he should be hopping through your front door shortly Rach! I hope you like them!

Thanks for looking.


Sunday 8 March 2009

Been so busy!

Oh my it's been over a week since I posted! I have ben so busy I just haven't had the time to come on and update. So here is a small update. I have been furiously stitching this week, managing to fit in lots and lots of stitching amongst everything else I have been doing.

  • A Crafty Natter RR,
  • ExchangeHeaven piece for Food and Drink,
  • Scissorkeep exchange on A Crafty Natter,
  • and not forgetting UFO Night.

Unfortunately I only have pictures for the RR I stitched on as I haven't been able to upload the UFO Night pics and the other pieces can't be shown untill the end of the month so you will all have to hold your breath lol.

Here are my pictures, the RR belongs to Tammy and the subject is Herbs.

My square:
My square on Tammy's RR - Sage herb

And the whole thing:
Tammy's RR

I also managed to get the flowers stitched on Crystal's square too:
Crystal's square on Tammy's RR

Thanks for looking.

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