Showing posts with label SlimmingWorld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SlimmingWorld. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 February 2014

My Slimming Story so far...

You may have noticed I have a little list to the right of the blog with my weight losses over the past few years. I joined SlimmingWorld when I was at University and then had a break whilst I was learning to drive after losing a stone and my boyfriend leaving (after 7 months), because he doesn't do relationships.

Anyway, I returned back to SlimmingWorld in January of 2012 after seeing myself in the following pictures from a New Years party 2011, I guess I didn't see how bad it had got after a year and a half of being on my own and comfort eating from it, ending up as a size 18/20 in clothes and gaining over 2 stone:

In November 2012 with a 1 stone loss, I took the pictures of me in the Penguin top, feeling much better with myself, it may have taken me almost a year but with ups and downs I got there in the end.

Here I am enjoying my friend's birthday New Years Eve December 2012. I can really see the difference here now and I'm in size 16 trousers!!!

Another year gone and another stone with it. Again I've taken pictures in the Penguin top to show the difference. It now gathers around my waist where it is too big and doesn't feel tight at all. I also reached my Club10 in June of 2013, spurring me on even more.

I still have another 2 stone to lose but I'm almost at 2.5 stone after this weeks weigh in and looking forward to buying new clothes shortly as I've found all of my trousers are now too big once again, many of which I can now take off without having to undo anything, whoops!

It's been such a learning experience these last few months too as I've learned how to cook chicken in the oven without it drying up, and I'm enjoying it... I've also found I like cooking and have been stuffing my face with bacon too, yummy! Maybe I will post some pictures of meals that are super quick to make, or start a new blog specifically for it??? Thoughts on a postcard... I hope I have inspired people, that it isn't difficult and in all honesty, I feel great from joining Slimmingworld!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Oh YEAH!!!

1st week down and a 5lb loss! Go me! getting a bit fed up of bananas but then I've always got grapes too. Felt very ill yesterday so we will see how the next week goes.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

So I did it!

I joined SlimmingWorld again! It's changed a bit but to be honest it is now what I was doing before and mixing up my days of red and green. Anywho I will get on the wagon - 1st week here I come!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Week 18: Slimmingworld

What a result! I lost 4lbs! And was Slimmer of the Week! I'm thinking my gymming and new job are helping lol. More work!


Tuesday 27 October 2009

Week 17: Slimmingworld

YAY! I've stayed the same this week! Time to get back on track properly! I can do this! I can do this!


Tuesday 20 October 2009

Week 16: Slimmingworld

Derby this weekend hasn't proved to help either it would seem lol. Another +2.5lbs. Get back on track next week!


Tuesday 13 October 2009

Week 15: Slimmingworld

Oh dear, Bournemouth didn't seem to be helpful to my slimming lol. +2lbs! Oh dear, what will Derby have in store for me this weekend then? lol


Tuesday 6 October 2009

Week 14: Slimmingworld

A loss this week, however it is only 1.5lbs. Still a loss though! Off to Bournmouth this weekend so we'll see if anything changes.


Tuesday 29 September 2009

Week 13: Slimmingworld

OK so eating chocolate over the weekend and about 3 slices of cheesecake obviously didn't help me any way at all. +1lbs this week, like a little roller coaster, up and down all the time lol. Anyway as I know what did it I can control it lol. Fingers crossed for next week!


Tuesday 22 September 2009

Week 12: Slimmingworld

Not exactly the result I was looking for but can't complain, it's still a loss! -1.5lbs to be exact! Anyway if I lose the same next week then I've reached my Club10 award lol. Another sticker for me!!!!!


Tuesday 15 September 2009

Week 11: Slimmingworld

OK so 0.5lbs loss this week isn't great but it's better than a gain like I'd expected lol. Can't say I've really been sticking to it completely! Snacking here and there lol. Next week should be better.


Tuesday 8 September 2009

Week 10: SlimmingWorld

RESULT! -2lbs! And I've passed my 1stone loss. Now that I'm back on track let's hope next week there is even more! Not far till my target 10 now.


Tuesday 1 September 2009

Week 9: SlimmingWorld

OK so this week wasn't the best week I;ve had. +1.5lbs, it's not necessarily a great amount but a set back nonetheless. Only myself to blame as I haven't been optimising 100%. Time to get back on the wagon and get re-energised! Fingers crossed.


Tuesday 25 August 2009

Week 8: SlimmingWorld

This week we didn't have our room for the weekly stay and chat but my weigh in was -0.5lbs. Which means I've reached my 1 stone loss! As we didn't have the use of the room they didn't have any stickers and such so hopefully will sort all that out next week lol. Lets hope for a bigger loss next week!


Tuesday 18 August 2009

Week 7: SlimmingWorld

As I wasn't allowed out last week I had to take a holiday day. Went in for my weigh in and I've lost another 6.5lbs!!!!! I know that's over 2 weeks but it's still great! I am now 0.5lbs from my 1st stone award and I will make it next week, I will!!!!


Tuesday 4 August 2009

Week 5: SlimmingWorld

This week I've been on penecillin and as I'm not very good with tablets as it is, I've been struggling to keep the diet at the same time. So as you can guess I had a gain this week, but it's OK as it is only small and can easily come back off, which it will! Anyway I have my operation on friday so I'm not allowed out next week, my next weigh in will therefore be 18/08/09. See you then for an update!


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Week 4: SlimmingWorld

Yep finally made it to a month and I have stayed the same this week. Quite surprised as I haven't exactly been good lol. Have to admit I did kind of pig out at the weekend at my parents! I managed to eat almost a whole tub of Ben & Jerry's Frozen Yoghurt Chocolate Fudge Brownie which btw is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! lol. My family had to keep pestering me about not sharing to even get an offer of some lol. Anywho lets hope I get back to losing next week.


Tuesday 21 July 2009

Week 3: SlimmingWorld

Slimmer of the Week!!!!! Can't believe it!

slimmer of the week

I've lost 5lb this week and even got my half a stone award too! Which is too stickers for my book. Aren't they great?!

half stone award

Thanks for looking.


Tuesday 14 July 2009

Week 2: SlimmingWorld

Ok so my week didn't really go as well as planned but nonetheless I still managed another 1.5lb so I'm going at a steady pace lol. Roll on a better week this week!


Tuesday 7 July 2009

Week 1: SlimmingWorld

Well despite having quite a bad first week in my opinion I have had a loss of 1.5lb which I guess is a good start! Must try harder this week as they've decided to give us a secrets week so they won't tell us our loss' or gains untill everyone is sat down in the image therapy class. Again wish me luck!

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