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Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2016

Ondeh Ondeh Swiss Roll Christmas Log Cake 班兰椰香蛋糕卷

My friends said this cake is seriously good, and requested me to take order. I told them i have no time to make, let me share the recipe here then they can try out. But they still want me to make, Lolz ^_^ The fresh grated coconut decorated on this swiss roll, look like snow on a Christmas log cake, nice!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fraisier Eclairs (Eclairs with Pistachio White Chocolate Ganache and Strawberry) 闪电泡芙

An éclair is an oblong French's pastry made with choux dough filled with cream.The word comes from French éclair 'flash of lightning', that's why Chinese also named as 闪电泡芙. And a traditional Fraisier is crème mousseline (pastry cream with extra butter) and strawberries sandwiched between two sheets of heavily imbibed sponge (genoise) cake, you can read more here. When Fraisier and Éclair combine together, it became an awesome pastry !!
When I read this post talking about Christophe Adam (a French patissier who specialises in eclairs) creation of Fraisier Eclairs, I immediately decided to create this pastry at home.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Florentine Cookies 佛罗伦萨饼干

The other day my friend mentioned to me that she is going to make Florentine cookies for the coming CNY. I have never heard of this cookie before, after googled then I only know Florentine biscuit is an Italian pastry made from setting nuts and candied cherries into a caramel disc, which is then often coated on the bottom with chocolate. Other types of candied fruit are used as well.
Since I still have some leftover nuts and dried cranberries, so I quickly use it to make this cookie.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Christmas dinner, and A Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese frosting

Yesterday my sister-in-law Annie invited us and another SIL Doreen to her house for a Christmas dinner. I brought my favourite carrot cake with cream cheese frosting (now becomes Annie 's favourite too, hehehe),  macarons for her daughter who loves macarons and Nama chocolate to her house.

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