Showing posts with label bechukotai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bechukotai. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Posts so far for parshat Bechukosay

1. Bechukosai sources

2. YUTorah on parashas Behar / Bechukosai; and for 2013 as well.


  1. B'chukosay sources -- further expanded. For example, many more meforshei Rashi.
  2. The fear of war -- What is so terrible about a right of passage?
  3. Does the Zohar have mishpatai instead of mitzvotai in the first pasuk of BechukotaiMaybe it is a careless error. That would be my guess. But there are other resolutions.
  4. YU Torah on parashat Bechukotai.

  1. Bechukosai sources -- revamped, with over 100 meforshim on the parasha and haftorah.
  2. No sword shall pass -- a derasha from Torsa Kohanim, cited by Rashi, and made / applied by King Yoshiyahu, to ill effect.
  3. The promise of erect posture -- Considering a Rashi, and midrash, about one of the rewards in parashat Bechukotai. Why Rashi would be "inconsistent" in interpreting an extraneous phrase here vs. in sefer Bereishit, and my guess as to some of the driving force of the local midrash.
  1. Altering, changing, good for bad, bad for good, and how they bind -- this has to do with some unusual trup on the pasuk, the parsing of the pasuk, they meaning of לֹא יַחֲלִיפֶנּוּ vs. , וְלֹא-יָמִיר אֹתוֹ, how Shadal resolves it, and my grappling to understand Shadal.
  2. Do the physical rewards in Bechukosai imply a lack of Olam Haba? And how a Karaite, who maintains a literal reading of pesukim, still maintains a belief in the world to come.
  3. In the days of mashiach, will we all be 200-foot tall hermaphrodites? And whether Rabbi Yonasan Eibeshitz intended this literally or figuratively.
  4. And a followup, with two-faced humans, as found in the Zohar.
  1. What is the meaning of "Keri"? Rashi brings down some opinions, of Chazal, Menachem ben Saruk, and Onkelos. Shadal also brings down various contemporary positions and explains why he rejects them, eventually deciding in favor of Onkelos, that it denotes hardness.
  2. When the pasuk says vihirtzat, Rashi explains "to the King her Sabbaticals." This is difficult, and Mizrachi explains a bit. But why "to the King?" Shadal explains that this is a taut sofer, and has a manuscript with a girsa which makes more sense. Later, he explains how the word conveys the meaning it does.
to be continued...

Thursday, May 02, 2013

YUTorah on Behar / Bechukosai

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Audio Shiurim on Behar-Bechukotai
Articles on Behar-Bechukotai
Parsha Sheets on Behar-Bechukotai
Haftorah shiurim on Behar-Bechukotai
Rabbi Jeremy WiederLaining for Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
New This Week

Friday, May 18, 2012

Posts so far for parshat Bechukosay

1. Bechukosai sources

2. YUTorah on parashas Behar / Bechukosai


  1. B'chukosay sources -- further expanded. For example, many more meforshei Rashi.
  2. The fear of war -- What is so terrible about a right of passage?
  3. Does the Zohar have mishpatai instead of mitzvotai in the first pasuk of BechukotaiMaybe it is a careless error. That would be my guess. But there are other resolutions.
  4. YU Torah on parashat Bechukotai.

  1. Bechukosai sources -- revamped, with over 100 meforshim on the parasha and haftorah.
  2. No sword shall pass -- a derasha from Torsa Kohanim, cited by Rashi, and made / applied by King Yoshiyahu, to ill effect.
  3. The promise of erect posture -- Considering a Rashi, and midrash, about one of the rewards in parashat Bechukotai. Why Rashi would be "inconsistent" in interpreting an extraneous phrase here vs. in sefer Bereishit, and my guess as to some of the driving force of the local midrash.
  1. Altering, changing, good for bad, bad for good, and how they bind -- this has to do with some unusual trup on the pasuk, the parsing of the pasuk, they meaning of לֹא יַחֲלִיפֶנּוּ vs. , וְלֹא-יָמִיר אֹתוֹ, how Shadal resolves it, and my grappling to understand Shadal.
  2. Do the physical rewards in Bechukosai imply a lack of Olam Haba? And how a Karaite, who maintains a literal reading of pesukim, still maintains a belief in the world to come.
  3. In the days of mashiach, will we all be 200-foot tall hermaphrodites? And whether Rabbi Yonasan Eibeshitz intended this literally or figuratively.
  4. And a followup, with two-faced humans, as found in the Zohar.
  1. What is the meaning of "Keri"? Rashi brings down some opinions, of Chazal, Menachem ben Saruk, and Onkelos. Shadal also brings down various contemporary positions and explains why he rejects them, eventually deciding in favor of Onkelos, that it denotes hardness.
  2. When the pasuk says vihirtzat, Rashi explains "to the King her Sabbaticals." This is difficult, and Mizrachi explains a bit. But why "to the King?" Shadal explains that this is a taut sofer, and has a manuscript with a girsa which makes more sense. Later, he explains how the word conveys the meaning it does.
to be continued...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bechukosai sources -- 2012 edition

by aliyah
rishon (Vayikra 26:3)
(missing that pasuk, but starts at 26:4)
sheni (26:6)
shelishi (26:10)
revii (27:1)
chamishi (27:16), shishi (27:22)
shevii (27:29)
maftir (27:32)
haftara (Yirmeyahu 16)

by perek

Judaica Press Rashi in English   and Hebrew (France, 1040 - 1105) -- ואני לא באתי אלא לפשוטו של מקרא ולאגדה המיישבת דברי המקרא, דבר דבור על אופניו
Chizkuni (France, 13th century) -- see Wikipedia
Shadal (1800-1865) -- see Wikipedia entry:
  1. In plain text  here  , though not encoding some of the trup and nikkud, and omitting certain references to non-Jewish scholars.
  2. In Google book form  here , but with all that was omitted above. Also, with Shadal's Italian translation of the Chumash text.
  3. Mishtadel, an earlier and shorter commentary
  4. In determining the correct girsa of Targum Onkelos,  Ohev Ger
Daat -- with Rashi, Ramban, Seforno, Ibn Ezra, Rashbam, Rabbenu Bachya, Midrash Rabba, Tanchuma+, Gilyonot
Gilyonot Nechama Leibovitz ( Hebrew  -- see Wikipedia

Rav Yonasan Eibeshitz (1690-1764) -- see Wikipedia entry:
  1. Tiferes Yehonasan
  2. Chasdei Yehonasan -- not until Behaalosecha  -- chiddushim and pilpulim on midrashim, Toras Kohanim, Sifrei, and Rashi al haTorah. With supercommentary of R' Yaakov Goldshlag.
  3. Toldos Yitzchak Acharon, repeated from Rav Yonasan Eibeshitz -- not until Bechukosai
  4. Divrei Yehonasan -- not until Naso -- discussing halacha and aggada together, interpreting difficult midrashim
  5. Nefesh Yehonasan -- not until Bamidbar  -- commentary on midrashim and pilpulim + Tanchuma, and suygot in Shas connected to each parsha.
  6. Midrash Yehonasan -- on difficult midrashim

YUTorah on parashat Behar / Bechukosai

Audio Shiurim on Behar-Bechukotai
Rabbi Nisson Lippa Alpert: The Bank Account of Zechus Avos
Rabbi Dovid Asher: Treat Your Brother Well 
Rabbi Simon Benzaquen: Shemita: The Moral and Ethical Value of the Economy
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: To Learn Torah or Maintain the World?
Rabbi Avishai David: The Berachos of Bechukosai
Rabbi Ally Ehrman: Shetihiyu Ameilim BaTorah
Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: The Importance of Learning Gemara B'Iyun 
Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum: If We Keep The Mitzvos 
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Redemption of Lost Souls 
Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: A Study of Yiftach’s Vow to Hashem 
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: The Time Value of Money and Value of Time
Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt: Lessons of Shemittah 
Rabbi Ephraim Greene: Bitachon: Letting Hashem Run the Show 
Dr. Naomi Grunhaus: Yirmiyahu’s Redemption of Hanamel’s Field: Haftarah of Parshat Behar
Rabbi Shalom Hammer: Shabbat: Preservation of Nation
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: The Earth's Inner Reality
Rabbi Jesse Horn: How we see ourselves and how the world sees us 
Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky: Torah as a part of our daily lives 
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: When is Price Fraud Considered Ona'ah? 
Rabbi Akiva Koenigsberg: The substitution of Kodashim animals
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: True Freedom 
Rabbi Dovid Miller: Everything Has a Pidyon
Mrs Ilana Saks: Free to be Free 
Rabbi Avi Schneider: It's up to You
Rabbi Ezra Schwartz: Shabbat Haaretz: Good Shabbos Land 
Rabbi Baruch Simon: Being Satisfied with Less 
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Consequences of Complacency 
Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik: Understanding Reward and Punishment for Mitzvos 
Rabbi Reuven Spolter: Unlucky Number Seven 
Rabbi Moshe Taragin: The Source Code of Jewish History 
Rabbi Michael Taubes: How much must one eat for Birchat Hamazon 
Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler: Body and Soul are One 
Rabbi Yaacov Thaler: Torah the Antidote 
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: Does Hashem Keep His Torah?
Rabbi Andi Yudin: Strengthening Our Bitachon
Rabbi Ari Zahtz: Analyzing the Laws of Geulas Haaretz 
Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler: The Shofar, Yom Kippur and Yovel 

Articles on Behar-Bechukotai
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: The Judgement of Shavuot
Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg: Serve Hashem Everywhere
Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: Material and Spiritual Prosperity
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: The Secret of Redemption
Rabbi Maury Grebenau: Fringe Benefits
Rabbi Josh Hoffman: Look in the Mirror
Rabbi David Horwitz: Why No Mention of Olam Ha-Ba in the Tochachah?
Rabbis Stanley Wagner and Israel Drazin: The Targumic Style of Avoiding Redundancies
Rabbi Josh Joseph: Are We Jewish Harry Potters?
Rabbi Ami Merzel: The Lesson of Shemitta
Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: The Value of Time, The Value of a Human Being
Rabbi Eli Ozarowski: Mesirut Nefesh pays off!
Rabbi Yehuda Septimus: Unexamined Piety 
Rabbi Zvi Shiloni: Walking with Torah

Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
For Israel:
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Bechukotai
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Bechukotai
New This Week

Thursday, May 19, 2011

YU Torah on parashat Bechukosai

Audio Shiurim on Bechukotai
Rabbi Nisson Lippa Alpert: The Bank Account of Zechus Avos 
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: To Learn Torah or Maintain the World?
Rabbi Avishai David: The Berachos of Bechukosai 
Rabbi Ally Ehrman: Helping Others For Yourself 
Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: The Importance of Learning Gemara B'Iyun 

Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum: If We Keep The Mitzvos 

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: The Earth's Inner Reality
Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky: Torah as a part of our daily lives 
Mrs. Shira SmilesConsequences of Complacency 
Rabbi Aaron SoloveichikUnderstanding Reward and Punishment for Mitzvos 
Rabbi Moshe TaraginHistory Has Changed 
Rabbi Michael TaubesHow much must one eat for Birchat Hamazon 
Rabbi Yaacov ThalerTorah is the Antidote 
Rabbi Andi YudinWho's The Boss 

Articles on Bechukotai
Rabbi Meir GoldwichtThe Judgement of Shavuot
Rabbi Avraham GordimerMaterial and Spiritual Prosperity
Rabbi Dovid GottliebThe Secret of Redemption
Rabbi Maury GrebenauFringe Benefits
Rabbi Josh HoffmanLook in the Mirror
Rabbi David HorwitzWhy No Mention of Olam Ha-Ba in the Tochachah?
Rabbis Stanley M Wagner and Israel DrazinThe Targumic Style of Avoiding Redundancies
Rabbi Avigdor NebenzahlMan Is Priceless 
Rabbi Zvi ShiloniWalking with Torah

Rabbi Jeremy WiederLaining for Parshat Bechukotai
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Bechukotai

 New this week










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