Showing posts with label Aberdeen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aberdeen. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Best Meals At Woodbanks And Mary's Kitchen, Aberdeen

TWO HEAVY MEALS... in one day! 

Aaron and I wanted to give a Steak Treat to the Mohs initially but they ended up giving us the Steaks instead!  Homemade ones some more!  It is a hard task inviting the Mohs out, the only place they really love to go is Woodbanks.  LOL.... And somehow we managed to get them out for lunch.  But knowing Mary, she always order the lightest meal there.... and healthy one too!
This is Mary's lunch... that is all she eats, I tell you....
A very light eater, now I know who eats lesser than me!
This is mine for starters...
I want to follow her footsteps to healthier living!
Followed by my main meal... Fish n Chips..
Somehow I managed to "cheat" Mary into eating half of my share!
Aaron's Club Sandwich!  Enormous spread too....
And Steven's Scampi... another light eater...
Just the four of us at Woodbanks!
And later in the evening, Mary served us Steaks!!
Just look at that.....
Each of us one big piece....
I thought I wouldn't be able to finish those...
But it was so so good that I finished up the steak without any sharing!
So juicy and succulent!
No wonder she doesn't allow us to treat her in the restaurants..
She can make hers much better anytime!!
And the dinner ended with her homemade sticky toffee pudding with a scoop of vanilla....
Isn't she amazing!!
All smiles... before the meal....
Thank you Mary and Steven once again!
We are truly blessed indeed!
For those who wish to taste her "foodie-ness",
do drop by at Mary's Kitchen, Aberdeen!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Scrumptious Dinner At Marine Hotel, Stonehaven


Through his colleagues' recommendation, Aaron told us that we must go and try the food here at the restaurant at the Marine Hotel in Stonehaven.  And so we did one evening... it was just a half hour drive anyway and we reached the place around 6.30pm.  The bar and cafe, 6DN  (6 degrees north, so it is called) was already crowded, mostly locals, I guess, they were having their rest and relaxation with cheers and fun.  The tables were all occupied.... and we were ushered to the first floor.... One look at the dining area, we fell in love with the ambiance....
We had the place all to ourselves during that hour...
Not as noisy and crowded at the ground floor...
We sat by the window overlooking the sea bay...
Still bright though it was already 7pm...
We were served bread and butter as starters...
Must try their famous soup... Cullen Skint Soup...
My sister ordered some fresh fish.... 
My BIL and I had the Haddock Fillet made from beer batter.... 
I had to share my meal... this is really Too Big for me!
Aaron had this... some pork meat which is kind of special...
Both the men had beer to cool down.... 
And of course, I wanted desserts!
And a Lemonade cake.... 
We had the whole cafe to ourselves!!
All of us agreed to come here again .... some day..... 

Monday, June 3, 2019

From Crathes Castle To Duthie Park And Mary's Kitchen, Aberdeen


Mary took us to the winter gardens at Duthie Park.  I have been here once last year with the Gohs and of course, with Mary as well, she is the perfect hostess in Aberdeen.  She makes everyone warm towards her, her friendliness, pleasantness, sweetness and gentle hospitality makes us feel at home away from home.  LOL... 

Winter Gardens is covered and filled with greens and beautiful flowers.... Some parts are covered and warm especially in the tropical area where we felt so much back in Malaysia.  LOL... After the park walk, we went home... and Mary invited us over for dinner in her cafe.  Within a couple of hours, we had our tummies filled with her goodness of food!
Starting point at the Crathes Castle...
The trail into the woods...
At the entrance to the castle and on the right, entrance to Duthie Park...
Inside Duthie Park....
Parking near Mary's Cafe....
The Yummy food cooked by Mary...
Desserts are on the house too!!
And the Happy Lot inside and outside of Mary's Guesthouse....
Thank you to the Mohs once again

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Hiking At Crathes Castle, Banchory

HIKING...  We went to Crathes Castle once again, this time Mary took us for the hour drive to that place.  Despite her busyness in her guesthouse, she took her precious time off to take us to the castle again.  This time we did not enter the castle, instead we took an hour plus hike in the vicinity of the castle.  The castle grounds is opened to public, there are a few routes to choose from, half an hour to a couple of hours.  There is a trail and signs to lead us through.... and throughout the hike, we need to imagine how it feels like to be in the castle grounds....
From the starting grounds... 
And the trail starts here... 
Through the woods...
Can imagine the horses galloping through those days...
Passed by meadows...
And creeks...
The hike lasted for 1 hours 20 minutes or so.... 
We were not tired actually...
The cooling weather helps...
Back in the cafe.... where we had our tea...
Lentil soup...
Our tea to replenish our energy!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...